Thursday, August 22, 2019

The End Of Democracy

The End Of Democracy


R.E. Prindle


The September/October issue of Foreign Affairs, the mouthpiece of the Council On Foreign Relations arrived in the mail.  The cover told me the whole story of the contents.  The cover displays two slogans: the first is ‘Autocracy Now’ and the second is ‘How A Global Trading System Dies.’

For this piece let us tackle the slogan: ‘Autocracy Now.’  The CFR notes the multiplying of autocrats.  Xi, Putin, Duterte, Ergonon etc.  It pictures five while omitting the head of the EU, an autocrat if there ever was one, and the Presidency of the US.  Note I do not specify Trump.  The autocracy of the United States began with Bush Sr. continuing through Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama and now President Trump.  Democracy is dead and has been since at least 9/11/01.

The majority of the US is opposed to everything that is being foisted on it by a Liberal minority opposed to the majority. A Liberal minority rules the majority regardless what the majority wants or, indeed, votes for.  A compliant judiciary declares all majority votes unconstitutional.  That’s autocracy friends.  The majority is impotent, the minority rules.  Any dissenting head is smashed down.

Currently in Hong Kong, Xi has ordered that any employee of the airport who participated in the revolution is to be fired.  The White administrator has complied.  Nor is this complacency limited toward the Chinese autocrat.  In the US anyone, for decades now, of prominence refusing to tow the Liberal line has been fired on trumped up charges amounting to nothing.  No on can get or keep a job unless he’s a simpering idiot like Anderson Cooper.  It took a few decades to assimilate Faux News but it has been done just recently.

We are, in fact experiencing a sea change not only in Western Civilization but in global civilization.  The apparent democracy established by the French Revolution has passed.  It is no more.  Democracy has died, the passing was signaled by 9/11/01 and HomeLand Security.  Autonomy has reemerged as the governing force.  The Russian Czars were just a few centuries ahead of their time.

The time of crisis is now hitting the US.  President Trump aborted the establishment of the Liberal autocracy by unbelievably defeating its candidate, Hillary Clinton, who defrauded the Democratic popular candidate Bernie Sanders.  She’s CFR, is it clear?

The exact point of the crisis in the US then, is the election of 2020.  If the Left wins in the US, as it most assuredly will, the US will be placed under the iron heel of an incompetent Leftist boob, whoever that Democratic candidate may be.  It therefore behooves President Trump to establish an official autocracy of the Right, suspend the election, or at least count the ballots as the Dems have been doing for decades to get the desired result.  The results of the election can be announced beforehand to relieve the ‘suspense.’

Now, Xi is clearly is taking actions to destroy personal initiative in Chinese territories that are steadily expanding.  Obama was doing the same in the US.  It is to be believed then that all the autocrats save possibly Trump will act to suppress any freedom of thought or expression thus ensuring the collapse of civilization.

The time has come to steel ourselves to act in our own self-interest.  If any fragment of civilization is to survive, let it be us.  Act now or wear the yoke forever.

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