Sunday, August 25, 2019

Are America And China

Trading Friends Or Enemies?


R.E. Prindle


We’ve got a new flap concerning old grievances.  The Sunday (7/25/19) New York Times, our arbiter on which news is fit to print and which isn’t, has published a front page article condemning Pres. Trump’s recent tweet encouraging US companies to move back to the US.  The Times is outraged that anyone would consider China an enemy, that is pursuing purely Chinese goals at everyone else’s expense.  In some circles such self-centeredness would be considered aggression but not the NYT.

For decades now Americans have been complaining about the lack of transparency in governmental decisions.  Heck, Obama even ran as a transparent candidate but then reneged immediately on election.  We have it now.  Pres. Trump is so transparent that he tweets his goals and objectives on a daily basis in the what the NYT derogatively designates as ‘tweet storms.’

I guess there’s transparency and then there’s transparency.  There’s a good transparency and a bad transparency.  We’ve never seen the former and now that we have the latter we’ll have to accept that as a step forward.

At any rate, what is clear to everyone not a Liberal is that China has been taking advantage of America’s good will for decades and the Pres. wants to stop it.  Hence, he has ‘ordered’ US companies to begin laying the foundations for a return to America’s ‘welcoming shores.’

The NYT disagrees with this affirmative action as it is so wedded to the China First policies of the last seventy years.  It would be too costly and impossible for such a return to take place, they say.  They point out the Chinese plants would have to be abandoned and that would be an outrageous financial burden. (It would also be the first time they considered the welfare of businesses.)  One tires of pointing out the contradictions of Liberal thought but one must ask why abandoning vast US factories to establish themselves in China was not an intolerable financial burden on companies?  Why are these millions of vacated acres and rusting plants in the US not a symbol of something?  One also has to ask what dog does the NYT have in this matter?  We all know that Mexican money is propping up the NYT propaganda factory; how much are they getting from China?

The Pres. does have the authority, if for nothing else, to encourage the companies to re-establish  in the US.  In any event building the infra structure would take some time, longer or shorter depending on the industry, reestablishing pipelines etc.

But that fabulous propaganda machine, the NYT, that can’t do advocate, says it can’t be done.  Transferring businesses only works from West to East but the earth’s rotation, apparently, precludes East to West.

One is reminded of that old saw of Louis XIV or Jack Kennedy, take your choice, about planting the tree that takes a hundred years to mature.  To  overrule the gardener, one the other or both are said to have excitedly ejaculated:  My goodness, get it in the ground right away we have no time to lose.

Same situation here.  Get moving.

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