Friday, August 28, 2020

Reviewing 9/11 by R.E. Prindle I just bought a book entitled The Engineering Book by Marshall Brain, if you can believe the author’s name. It is a little compendium of engineering feats. On p.54 Mr. Brain has an entry about Building Implosions, the process beginning 1773. I quote from the entry in full: Quote: There is a funny thing about building implosions. On the one hand we have a group of architects and engineers who originally designed a building to stay standing, even in the case of catastrophic events like hurricanes, fires, and earthquakes (hence modern innovations such as earthquake-safe buildings.) With a building implosion, another set of engineers must defeat all of that hard work and bring the structure down as efficiently and safely as possible. The goal is for the building to fall straight down and land in a pile roughly the size of the building’s foundation. So how do they do it? Initial efforts were crude—massive explosions leveled the building, as in the 1773 destruction of Holy Trinity Cathedral in Waterford Island. Today, this simplistic approach is frowned on because large explosions cause collateral damage to other nearby buildings. In a modern building implosion, some of the exterior of the original building will be removed manually because it has value. Remaining exterior walls may be perforated or removed entirely. Interior structural beams that keep the building standing will be exposed. And this is where the real engineering comes in. The easiest thing would be to simply cut all the beams and let the building fall. However, this approach is unsafe and would probably, because of the timing, cause the building to fall over rather than collapse in a pile. Instead, engineers carefully analyze the structure and the loads to understand how the building needs to collapse. Some of the beams are partially cut to weaken them. Then explosives are attached to the columns at carefully calibrated positions. The explosives are called “shaped charges”, which focus the explosive force in specific directions. The effect is to cut the steel support beams precisely where required. The shaped charges also reduce the total amount of explosives needed. This is important to demolition engineers because large explosions can damage adjacent buildings, and infrastructure, for example by breaking windows. Once all the charges are set, they are wired back to a controller. The explosions throughout the building are carefully ordered and timed so that they occur in the correct sequence. Gravity does the rest and the building collapses. Unquote. Mr. Brain has succinctly described the only way that engineers have to bring a tall building down into its foundation as each of the twin towers did. Two separate building fell directly into their foundations. Let’s look at how the Towers themselves were engineered. These are enormous projects involving years of planning and construction. At the end of the above page Mr. Brain refers us to the Twin Towers page. The Towers were astonishing triumphs of engineering ingenuity. Note how Mr. Brain places the engineering for bringing a building down, such as the Towers, on page 54 and a description of the Twin Towers on page 330. Quote: World Trade Center, architect Minoru Yamasaki (1912-1996) The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City became two of the most famous buildings of the world because of what happened to them in 2001. But prior to their destruction they were two of the most famous buildings in the world because of their engineering and their iconic architecture. They truly were a work of art. The lead architect on the project was Minoru Yamasaki assisted by other architects and a structural engineering firm. The structural engineering of the towers was impressive for several reasons. The buildings had a dense core to hold the primary steel support structure along with all utilities and services. Four dozen steel box columns ran from the floor to the roof in this core, which measured 135 feet (41 meters) by 85 feet (20meters) from the core to the outer wall without any interior columns. The trusses supported poured reinforced concrete floors. The elegance of the design came in the beautiful repeatability. In addition, the floor space between the core and the outer wall was completely open—no supporting columns on the interior at all. Each floor was almost a perfect acre in size, with three -quarters of an acre open, usable, and infinitely configurable space on every floor. The design also meant that the building was quite light for its volume—perhaps one-quarter the weight per volume of an older building like the Empire State Building. This lower weight meant lower cost. Most skyscrapers have a number of setbacks on the rise. This happened because of zoning ordinances designed to avoid a canyon-like effect in New York City. The setbacks kept skyscrapers from blocking too much wind and sunlight from neighboring areas. The Twin Towers were able to rise without setbacks because there was so much open space around them—another truly unique feature. Unquote. So there we have what was built and what was destroyed. As is evident it was a marvelous structure, built to withstand all conceivable disasters including planes flying into it. It was impossible for the concussion of the planes to bring the towers down. They were cosmetic effect to draw attention from the destructive engineering. And yet the towers came down. Now let us look at the background for the attack. We were and have been led to believe that the attack on the Towers was solely an act of Moslem aggression, almost entirely performed by Saudi Arabians. But how could the Moslems have been in the US where they formed a Fifth Column? Moslem immigration, because of its history of animosity to the West was forbidden in the US until 1965 when the McCarren Act was repealed and unlimited immigration was encouraged from the entire world. Why was this insanity so? Was the plan from the beginning to undermine the United States which has been the result. The US had virtually been at war with the Moslem States since the end of World War II. Tensions had been high for decades when the gates were suddenly thrown open to people who must have been groomed to hate the United States. They came flooding in and tensions immediately escalated on US soil. The Moslems marched, demonstrated and terrorized until getting bolder, in 1993 they bombed the Twin Towers. A mere 28 years after gaining admission. A large fertilizer bomb in a truck was parked beneath the Tower and detonated causing minimal damage while not bringing the Tower down. But that sent brains spinning while eight years later it produced 2001. Now, 9/11/2001 was not a few bumblers setting off a fertilizer load without forethought. 9/11 was a professional affair requiring engineering specialists, access to the building and complicity between the US and Saudi governments. Unless I mistake the attack was well beyond the competence of the Arabs requiring an intimate knowledge of the construction of the Towers. The planning took several years, it was not a spur of the moment thing. The execution was so loose that it is impossible that it could not have escaped detection either of one or all: the Mossad, Interpol, national intelligences or the FBI and the CIA. Remember out close ally the Saudis were behind it. The Jewish Mossad with its excellent penetration of Moslem States must surely have known of what was stirring. The actual Arab agents had been sent to the US years before as ‘immigrants’. They had enrolled in flying schools for small aircraft long before the event. These guys were not professionals and must have blabbed in pride of why they were in the US. The US’ own intelligence services must have known. Good god, any suspect organization is immediately filled with agents. British and German intelligence must have known. Tensions were so high evidence of something about to happen was so apparent that even I guessed that something must have been in the planning because it was apparent that the Arabs were not going to give up and the US government was not taking the situation seriously. The Moslems said they were going to do something. The US on the other hand invited more and more Moslems to settle in the US. Even immediately after the bombing the Bush administration allowed huge numbers of Moslem into the country. Even that might be taken as complicity. Remember the attack was a very large plan; the two WTC towers, the Pentagon and the White House were to be destroyed. Those were the top four symbols of US power. Four hi-jacked airliners. The planes could create havoc by crashing into the tower but they could not bring it down, and yet after an hour without further molestation the Towers sank into its foundations. Refer back to the first article from Mr. Brain’s (is anyone named Brain) engineering book and you have a step by step description of the destruction process. The planes flying into the buildings were merely a decoy, an explanation that people without technical knowledge would accept. The effect of the crashes was visually stunning, close to a volcanic eruption. The affected floors burst into more than flames as the fully fueled planes sent from Boston erupted but the buildings didn’t even quiver from the impact. The pilots trained on small propeller driven planes probably couldn’t fly the big jets but they didn’t have to. The planes were obviously riding a radio beam. But then in the blink of an eye, faster than the eye could react the building sank to the ground. Refer back now to the first article by Mr. Brain. As required each floor had ‘shaped bombs’ placed at each of the four corners. You can see the puffs blow as the bombs blew out the supports at all four corners simultaneously in floor sequence in uniform puffs allowing the buildings to collapse into their foundations. At some point in a natural fall the building would have had to tip. Remember, not only did one building fall perfectly but two did. Not possible. The bombs necessarily were activated by phone according to a program. A little later another of the four planes crashed into the Pentagon. The Pentagon being a much lower building than the Towers required more flying skill. These so-called pilots had been trained on small propeller crafts. They had never flown at five hundred miles an hour so that their reflexes had never been conditioned to those speeds, yet the plane did a fine job of hitting the Pentagon at nearly touchdown level. The plane must have been riding a radio beam meaning someone was remotely guiding it in. That means government involvement. The Bush government. The fourth plane was destined for the White House. This is interesting because the movie Independence Day had been released in 1996 depicting just such a destruction. Thus the four premier symbols of US power were to be destroyed in a couple hours and at least hopefully the President of the United States himself. Bush was therefore a target. The White House attack was aborted when the flight passengers revolted, the plane crashing short of its destination. Where was Pres. Bush at this critical juncture? Behind his desk in the Oval Office? No, he wasn’t at the White House. He chose this critical moment to be in a Florida primary school reading fairy tales to Kindergartners. Coincidence? As can be seen this whole scenario took careful planning and especially with the Twin Towers the cooperation of US authorities. The supports could not have had bombs placed without expert US engineers placing them there and arranging the timing sequences. It can’t be any other way. The planes which had no effect were used simply for cosmetic purpose to blow the public mind with their colorful explosions. An hour after impact there was no sign of collapse until the explosion puffs at the supports dropped the buildings in seconds. Another question is, did our companion Israelis know? They had to or their legendary intelligence capabilities are a fraud. The did not tell this country with whom they have a ‘special relationship’. Why were cameras set up at least an hour in advance focused on the Towers waiting to film the event if no one had advance notice? Why was the bombing captured so perfectly if no one knew? They knew. It is said and denied that Jewish workers were advised to stay at home and in fact they did stay at home. Yes, it was denied that they were told to and in fact, they did. Another coincidence? What was Bush’ reaction to this terrible insult and injury from our ally Saudi Arabia? Within a few days he flew to Arabia and chummed with the king as a seeming subordinate. At home he shut down the entire country for four days. He laughingly told the public to go out shopping; nothing happening here. He didn’t want to see any retaliation on the Moslems. Just a few bad eggs. What the hell? He grounded all commercial flights and then put every fighter jet the country owned whizzing around in the air over the East Coast. How crazy was that? The Arabs didn’t have an air force nor could they have flown from Arabia undetected if they had. They had used our own commercial liners for Christ’s sake. Was there US involvement in the destruction of the Twin towers? Unless you can ignore the complex actions necessary there had to be. It couldn’t have been done otherwise. And who was the chief American culprit? The finger points directly at President George W. Bush.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Note #4 The Return of George W.M. Reynolds

Note #4 The Return of George W.M. Reynolds by R.E. Prindle In the twenty-first century when the public mind was focused on exorcizing the past the search was to correct or eliminate unapproved statements and thoughts from literature. This attitude was nothing new. In the nineteenth century censorship was concerned with sexual matters. In the explosive time of the 21st century anything goes as far as pornography. For this time one can be disqualified for life over racial matters. In 1837 the seemingly immortal Charles Dickens created a criminal character by the name of Fagin in his Oliver Twist. Fagin was a Jew. As he tried to explain in his defence when he was accused of defaming the Jews, in 1837 the underworld of the nineteenth century was run by Jews. In other words, he was depicting reality. He was simply citing underworld facts. Dickens was made to humble himself and since his works were reproduced in numberless editions he agreed that in future editions he would scrub references to Fagin as a Jew. Historically, after the French Revolution of the eighteenth century had emancipated the Jews, the conflict between Jews and Europeans shifted in their favor. As the nineteenth century advanced they began to dominate all social and financial areas. This was universally recognized and resented. The question was alert. One of the English writers who early realized and wrote about it was the best selling author of the nineteenth century. No, it wasn’t Charles Dickens, it was an author who was wildly popular until the first world war. His name was George W.M. Reynolds. He wrote an entire 500 page allegory about the situation, much disguised in his fabulous novel The Necromancer, readily available today. In addition and openly in about 1854-55 when the attack on Dickens was gaining intensity the following extract from his novel published by the Wildside Press, The Fortunes of the Ashtons, Vol. 1, page 201: Quote: In one of the principal thoroughfares, so narrow, so crowded, which constitute the City of London, stood the immense establishment of Mr. Samuel Emanuel, the great clothier. The reader will not require to be informed that this individual was of the Hebrew race; nor if we be compelled to say anything to his disparagement, it must not be presumed that we are holding him up as an invariable type of his nation. It is nothing of the sort. We yield to no one, we may without vanity affirm, in enlightened opinions with respect to the Jews, and we have the conviction that there are many excellent persons amongst them as well as many admirable traits in their national character. [Here we must acknowledge that Reynolds anticipates the twentieth century psychologist Sigmund Freud in his Group Psychology And The Analysis Of The Ego in which Freud definitely states that groups such as his own Jews do have identifiable traits, while to be in a group by definition is having similar traits. How could a group be considered a group without identifying traits? I have found Reynolds to be an excellent psychologist.] But, there ae good and bad of all kinds and species in this world—good and bad Christians,, good and bad Musselmans, good and bad Buddhists, and therefore why not bad Israelites as well as good ones? We will even go farther and we will affirm that within the range of our own experience have met persons professing Christianity, of a viler stamp of rascality, and capable of more unmitigated scoundrelism, that ever we discovered a Jew to be guilty of. Unquote. Thus, at this time we can see to what a pass society, English society, had come because of the extreme Jewish sensitivity. I have to believe that in this openly broaching of the question that George W.M. Reynolds is coming to the defense of Charles Dickens and indirectly defending freedom of speech that is being encroached on by the Jews. Reynolds might well have asked why the Jews should be given a favored position free from any censure? In accurately describing English society which consisted of several races and nationalities, various Anglo-Saxon tribes, Normans, Irish, Welsh, Scots, Jewish, Gypsy and we might as well throw in the French Huguenots why should the Jews be excused from the generality and given a special and higher position. How could English society be accurately portrayed without them. How could their deeds and practices be ignored. Indeed they would have complained of neglect had that been the case as they have complained in the nineteenth and twentieth and twenty -first centuries. I ask how can a historian write accurate history if an historian is required to self-censor to favor a particular race, while at the same time that race has the privilege of censoring the conduct of all others? In the twenty-first century a writer is required to self-censor any accurate depictions of Jews, Moslems, Negroes, Women and Sexual Deviants, and actual madmen. Indeed, one is forbidden to write a factual account of something that happened to one’s self lest it should offend those sensitive perps. One must censor one’s very own life. If so, history and many other Liberal Arts studies become meaningless. In Reynolds’ case he was no pansy as was Dickens who cut his jib to suit the Jews. Fagin was an accurate depiction of a Jewish criminal, in fact, he was not the worst of the lot while the whole lot had a very negative impact on society. Indeed the Jews were disproportionately represented in the criminal ranks as they were in financial circles. This is a historic fact. It cannot be denied. Perhaps after his daring confession of faith Reynolds, because he was more than capable of defending himself, was not taken on by the Jews. Perhaps also the sudden and inexplicable disappearance of his works after 1914 was because he was banned by Jewish vengeance. There is increasing evidence that a hundred years on after his expulsion he is being rehabilitated and recognized as the great literary artist he is. There is much to be learned from his writing. George W.M. Reynolds was very nearly sui generis.

Friday, August 21, 2020

17a. The View From Prindle's Head

17a. The View From Prindle’s Head by R.E. Prindle As it is now time to deal with the career of Joseph ‘Suss’ Oppenheimer the reformer of Jewish customs and mores beginning about 1740. I will have to deal with the consequences of his career out of historical order, that is the consequences extend to 1945 and the end of WWII. As there appears to be nothing written in English about Suss I will rely on the translation of the German novel titled Jud Suss by the Jewish writer Lion Feuchtwanger that was published in 1925. Just as a note, here one has to keep the different nationalities in mind. The Jews were acting a nation or people with their own goals and methods in mind. The wished to subordinate all European government to their rule as well as Great Britain and the US. They had an international government operating across all other nations. This is a fact that must be accepted. Thus one speaks of Germans, English, Russians and hence Jews. They are resident in all nations. The Jewish nation merely lives among the various nations and peoples. They must take responsibility for their actions. Feuchtwanger originally wrote Suss’ story as a play staged in 1916. The play was staged then withdrawn. As the play as well as the novel is pro-Jewish and anti-German I’m sure it was a wise move. He then turned the play into the novel of the same name in 1925. This was the height of the Jewish attempt to take over Germany according to Suss’ methods. The translation was then published in England where it met with great success. It was then made into an English propaganda movie also titled Jud Suss in 1933, in the US it was titled Power, in the same year Samuel Untermyer declared war on Germany on behalf of the Jewish people. While the novel and its movies, both Jewish and German are important perhaps the name Lion Feuchtwanger is unfamiliar to most. Certainly few are aware of the importance of the man. As an historian, prior to reading Jud Suss I had seen the name mentioned frequently but I knew little further about him. Feuchtwanger, while not logorrheic did write a corpus. Most of it is historical concerning the greatness of the Jews. He wrote a trilogy, 1500 pages, around the character of Josephus and the Jewish-Roman wars of the first and second centuries AD. He also wrote a longish novel titled Success about the political situation in Weimar Bavaria in the twenties published in 1930. This was before the Jewish-German hostilities of the thirties and forties, so while Hitler was mentioned there is no inkling of the holocaust and Hitler is seen as a crank and not a threat. Perhaps it was the times and the Jewish propaganda machine that credits Feuchtwanger with the mantle of the greatest historical novelist. He isn’t even close to that, not even a contender. Nevertheless Jud Suss was a best seller in Germany and abroad. My copy from the English reprint publisher Hutchinson bills itself and the 158th thousand. Perhaps for propaganda effect itself. Suss is told in a fantasia style, mythologizing the story. Suss was what was known as a Court Jew serving the Duke Karl Alexander of Wurttemberg, the companion State of Bavaria to the East and Alsace to the West. It is south of Frankfort in Hesse-Cassell which was the operational capital of the Jews in the West. I am sure that few people in the West know anything of Suss Oppenheimer if they have ever heard the name. Little known outside of Germany, I have found no study of him in English. While the book and movies have historical validity they are not documentaries. There is some invention in them however apart from emphasis the stories closely follow the facts. If you’re Jewish your interpretation will differ from the German. That’s a matter of interpretation. Feuchtwanger himself had access to Jewish accounts that are perhaps not accessible to non-Jews, in any event the story line conforms to historical results. What Feuchtwanger has actually done is to write a manual for gaslighting societies. Suss was a master gaslighter while his employer, Duke Karl Alexander was an old soldier. He was a very successful warrior but his profession didn’t prepare him to deal with a smooth politician like Suss whose religion and nationality placed him in conflict with that of the Duke. He followed the Jewish agenda, for instance, Jews were forbidden in Wurttemberg but Suss enticed the Duke to allow them admission much to the disgruntlement of the population. Used to having military subordinates who obeyed orders the Duke expects the same from Suss. Suss however is subversive to the core. The Duke has no familiarity with numbers while Suss was a master arithmetician. Suss cultivates a fancy or luxurious tastes in the Duke while suggesting military grandeur that was well beyond the Dukes imagination. All these fantasies were very expensive and while the Duke has an organic connection to the his land and people while Suss doesn’t. To Suss land and people are merely props for exploitation. His policies such as taxing the people for the use of the roads, making every road a toll road, destroys the economic balance, impoverishing the citizens. Thus, Suss becomes the Duke’s financial support. As Nathan Rothschild will be made to say in the American film The House of Rothschild: Money! The only weapon I have is money. In sexual competition Suss who studies the arts of seduction alienates the Duke’s wife from him and she joins Suss’ gaslighting. Constantly demeaned and belittled the Duke turns to drink. Suss in order to do the things he wants encourages the drinking while obtaining powers of attorney so that he can act in the Duke’s name gaining the benefits while being able to fix the blame on the Duke. In the end the Duke goes apoplectic and dies. At that point the Wurttemberg authorities are able to arrest Suss and charge him with the crimes that had been committed against them and the State. Suss counters an airtight alibi. He had a power of attorney and therefore was acting with the Duke’s authority so that the Duke was responsible for all Suss’ acts. The Germans obsessed with legal restrictions, Suss is about to get away with his crimes, but there was an old legal statute that held Jews who had intercourse with German women were subject to the death sentence. Suss had no argument against that, guilty as hell. As a lesson to the Jews as to methods for corrupting men and States the method is one that has been well taken and followed ever since. Now, as a transitional figure, Feuchtwanger pits Suss against the traditional old fashioned Jews, Isaac Landau and Rabbi Gabriel. Landau was the actual Court Jew of Vienna. He is the living caricature of the Jew, side curls, caftans and all. He is content to wield the power while remaining obscure. Suss is a Western Jew longing to shine amongst the goyim in the Western grand style as the Rothschilds would so ably do. In the end Landau still lives while Suss’ body is hanging high swinging in a cage, the highest gibbet ever erected. Landauer’s triumph was short lived as the Rothschilds soon took center stage. Suss had shown the upcoming generation the way. Jewish affairs were multi-varied, at the same time Suss was active in Wurttemberg to the East the Jews in Alsace were wielding usury like master knife throwera. They had that State in thrall. If they plundered Spain a few centuries earlier they owned the souls of the Alsatians. With compound interest working against the Alsatians, they were as good as slaves. The French Revolution and the emancipation of the Jews to full citizenship was on the horizon in 1791. With that freedom to operate openly the conflict between Jewish mores and French mores gave the Jews every advantage. There is little doubt that France would have been in the position of Alsace within a decade or two. The conflict between the two nations escalated until Napoleon became the Emperor and had to grapple with the problem. European civilization had been rapidly evolving since the Renaissance and increasing freedom from the Catholic/Jewish straight jacket. In the eighteenth century it took its tentative moves into modern institutions. In 1720 the Scot, John Law, had succeeded in introducing the concept of paper currency in France. The notion was based on the idea that money could equal a nation’s gross national product and at first it was stunningly successful but as the novelty was not understood the method ran out of control and crashed. The English enviously watching from across the channel dreamed up the South Seas Company that was thought to develop an immense business not unlike the East India Company. Thus, expectations were divided into shares that quickly traded at immense value and then just as quickly crashed. Nevertheless new systems emerged from the wreckage as the modern banking system and the stock exchange slowly took shape. The Jews understood the new systems perfectly. Subsequent to the two Bubbles the Industrial Revolution evolved from new scientific and technological knowledge, most notably in the emergence of the railroad which would change the face of the land and create immense new sources of wealth largely based on paper money as there wasn’t enough gold to go around. These developments slowly changed the social balance of power that manifested itself in the explosion of the French Revolution. The Revolution marked the rise of the Bourgeoisie that was securely in place by the passing of the Napoleonic period. The Jewish avatars of this new order were the Rothschilds who rose phoenix like from the ashes of the Suss period. As I indicated the principalities of Wurttemberg, Alsace and Hesse-Cassel were the heart of Jewish operations of Europe. Suss had briefly captured Wurttemberg while in Alsace to the East Jewish usurers repeating the earlier Spanish success of bringing the whole of that State into their debt. The German Margrave of Hesse who was no mean usurer himself had amassed a huge fortune in financial obligations. One of his methods had been to lease his male citizens to other States as soldiers. According the Feuchtwanger Suss had tried to get Karl Alexander to do the same but he refused. As is well known the Rothschild father, Mayer, had sent his five sons to different European capitals as bankers. Remember Mayer’s attributed statement in the House of Rothschild that his only weapon was money and he intended to use it. Sending his sons out as bankers was that move. Once they found banking , that is, usury on a massive and legal scale the family was on solid ground. What Mayer’s intent was in dispensing his sons wasn’t dwelt on but judging from the results it was the political domination of Europe, the realization of the Jewish goal of world dominion. Nathan I, who went to England to engage in the burgeoning textile business of the Industrial Revolution knew nothing of textiles, hence failed, but failing there he followed the maxim, ‘by any means necessary’. He turned to criminal activities and became a very successful smuggler gaining some useful knowledge that would stand him in good stead soon. Then Napoleon invaded Hesse-Cassell in hot pursuit, some people say, of the Margrave’s million which he assuredly meant to appropriate for himself. The Margrave, no doubt thinking that all things must pass, looked to secrete his chests of obligations and as luck would have it he settled for Mayer Rothschild as his agent. What a boon, what a boon. Mayer took the riches and turned them to account sending a big bundle of cash to the failed textile merchant but successful smuggler, his number one son, Nathan I who immediately set himself up as a banker. What reputation Nathan made in textiles and smuggling isn’t known but it would seem certain that when he showed up in the City with millions it must have been somewhat of a surprise. Ill dressed and eccentric but with marvelous skills in usury, which is almost to say, banking, trained to the philosophy ‘by any means necessary’, Nathan couldn’t help but succeed and succeed he did in a most spectacular way. When Napoleon failed a decade later, when the dust had settled and the smoke had cleared Nathan all but owned the bank of England. He was the George Soros of his day. Well and good but Europeans still had the Jewish problem that Emancipation and Napoleon’ efforts had only exacerbated. Henry Ford tried to do the same about a hundred years later but with no more success than Napoleon. They didn’t understand the problem while the problem had grown and grown. After 1806 and his conquest of Central Europe Napoleon furthered the emancipation of the Jews from the French Revolution of 1791. He sent his Minister of the Interior, Champigny a letter in 1806 outlining his program: (following the Wikipedia entry)
[It is necessary to] reduce, if not destroy, the tendency of the Jewish people to practice a great number of activities that are harmful to civilization and to public order in society in all the countries of the world. It is necessary to stop the harm by preventing it, to prevent it, it is necessary to change the Jews…. Once part of their youth will take its place in our armies, they will come to leave Jewish interests and sentiments; their interests and sentiments will be French. Unquote. You see how little Napoleon understood the Jews. Had the term been available at the time the Jews would have called Napoleon an anti-Semite. His program was exactly what the Catholic Church’s had been for about 1500 years and in which they failed miserably. That is, converting the Jews. A little over a hundred years on, after Henry Ford’s failed attempt, the German Chancellor Adolph Hitler would review all the failed efforts to incorporate the Jews into society and in answer to a Jewish call to exterminate the Germans and raze Germany to the ground, call the for the Final Solution. That didn’t work either. Napoleon, thus, was no psychologist or ethnologist. He makes the mistake of thinking that all people’s interest and sentiments can be changed by fiat. The French learned nothing from Napoleon’s mistakes as they are now finding it impossible to integrate Moslems and Africans and make Frenchman of them. As they failed miserably at integrating the Jews two hundred and some years later one may find a hint at the outcome of this experiment. Lest Napoleon’s opinion of the Jews be mistaken, in another letter of 1808 to brother Jerome Napoleon he said this: (Still Wikipedia) Quote I have undertaken reform to reform the Jews, but I have not endeavored to draw more of them into my realm. Far from that, I have avoided doing anything which would show esteem to the most despicable of mankind. Unquote. Indeed, as if to acknowledge this opinion: (still Wikipedia) Quote: In 1808, Napoleon rolled back a number of reforms. (Under the so-called decret infame, or Infamous Decree of 17 March 1808) declaring all debts with Jews to be cancelled, reduced or postponed. The Infamous Decree imposed a ten year ban on any kind of Jewish money-lending activity. Similarly, Jewish individuals who were in subservient positions—such as a Jewish servant, military officer-or wife- were unable to engage in any kind of money-lending activity without the explicit consent of their superiors. Napoleon’s goal in implementing the Infamous Decree in 1808 was to integrate cultures and customs into those of France. This caused so much financial loss that the Jewish community nearly collapsed. Unquote. Thus it can be seen that the central problem was the Jewish practice of usury. Nor was usury forced on them as why should it be, it is the most lucrative business short of drug dealing ever devised by human minds. The Jews embraced usury. They were usurers from biblical times on. Jesus chased the money lenders from the temple porch. You may be sure that the Jews were enraged at losing that most lucrative of all businesses. By usury Jews were able to control the money and hence the people. As society developed and nationalism became more developed, central banks came into existence. All nations borrowed and the loans were immense and secured by the taxes of the countries. Thus Jews managed to control the central banks and the entire currency. Governments then had to apply to the banks, that is the Jews for loans, they thus became more important than the governments themselves. While attacking that Jewish activity Napoleon could only have a surer victory while restoring himself to full sovereignty. Indeed, the Florentines of Italy had already faced up the problem by instituting a municipal pawn shop lending at reasonable rates thus bypassing on that level the Jewish usury industry. France would also create a State run pawn shop. However, if a world be borrower had no alternative he could ‘go to the Jews’ and obtain money at exorbitant rates. In England, of course, no such laws were passed giving Jewish usurers full license to handle the currency. With the rise of the great banking organizations and the stock exchanges some order was brought into the currency, while laws began to be passed regulating maximum interest rates. Napoleon believed he could integrate an alien culture and people into the dominant French culture thus converting the Jews into authentic Frenchmen. He merely gave the Jews entry into the dominant culture in which they could impose their customs and culture while piously claiming to be French. Within very few decades, fighting only with money as their weapon, the Jews would have more magnificent castles than the French nobles who had been stripped of all their prerogatives by the revolutions of 1791, 1830 and 1848. As the monetary royalty then, the commons and debased nobility were sheep that had been sheered. France, in all but name, belonged to the Jews. It was then, sometime after the Father Thomas affair in Syria of 1840 that alarmed writers began to write exposes of the Jewish threat that were immediately countered with defamatory anti-Semitist charges. The Jews became adept at organizing incidents that strengthened their hold on the various nationals as the reactions would be defamed as anti-Semitism. That includes the famous Dreyfus Affair of France of the 1890s. To return to Feuchtwanger and Jud Suss. As mentioned in 1933 Feuchtwanger managed to have a movie of made of Jud Suss, while in 1934 the American Jews made a movie romanticizing Mayer Rothschild and his sons called The House of Rothschild. That movie is withheld from distribution as a DVD while it is available on the internet. Both movies are strictly Jewish propaganda and given the timing and circumstances anti-German especially as the Jews had declared war against Germany in 1933. US boycotts and other forms of discrimination enacted by the Roosevelt administration followed. The situation was so fraught with danger that the anti-war faction in Congress strengthened the neutrality laws to prevent the Roosevelt administration from taking military actions. Roosevelt and his Jewish coterie found ways to get around the laws, that is, violate them. The US of Roosevelt had virtually joined the Jewish war against Germany. One must assume that the Germans were affronted, we don’t have to assume, we know they were affronted by these movies. Both were essentially acts of war. More concerning that issue further on. Let us now return to 1808. It is true that Napoleon enfranchised the Jews, that is, emancipated them as he conquered Central Europe. This was much against the objections of the conquered States which had long negative experience with the Jews and very likely recognized their hostile intents. Indeed, the Zionist movement would arise in Vienna. When Napoleon was conquered and sent into permanent exile on St. Helen’s in the middle of nowhere the Central and Eastern States tried to reimpose Jewish disabilities but with ill success. Now empowered, Jewish hostilities increased apace enveloped in the Communist movement. In the US movie The Rothschilds, Mayer Rothschild expresses his hatred toward Europe and states more than once that the only weapon the Jews have in the fight is money. In viewing the film it is often difficult to distinguish the portrayal of the Rothschilds from overt ‘anti-Semitism; even though the movie is authorized. Nathan Rothschild I delegated to England has been quoted to say: I care not which politicians run the country so long as I control the currency. Money was essential to the Jewish campaign. Nathan Rothschild had captured control of English currency, and the Jews did what they liked with British politics. His brother James had done the same with the French currency. In England from being a ‘persecuted’ people they won pre-eminence until a Jew, Benjamin D’Israeli disguised as Church of England, was the prime Minister and the entire Rothschild family owned the largest and most magnificent of estates. James Rothschild in France, while not being Nathan, was establishing a Jewish dynasty that would endure from 1815 until the French people disenfranchised them in mid-twentieth century by confiscating their bank. The revolutionary period from 1791 to 1830 was both a critical period in world history and the ascension of the Jews. In France the Jews integrated themselves into the government early and they knew what to do to advance themselves further. The aristocracy was dispersed as a political force, neatly disenfranchised in the Revolution of 1830 during which the monarchy lost the right to absolute power. In 1830 the French finally disposed of the Barbary Pirates who had raided the Med coast for slaves and booty for hundreds of years since the expulsion of the Moors from Spain. Thus security was assured the coast. As part of the conquest of the Barbary Coast France annexed Algeria. They subjected the Algerians making Frenchman the dominant caste. Algeria had a substantial Jewish population who were subjects of the Algerine Moslems. A French Jew named Adolph Cremieux who was one of the most important Jews of the nineteenth century forced a law through making the Algerine Jews French citizens thus elevating them in a moment over the Moslems. You may be sure that they took full advantage of their position to revenge themselves. Thus putting the French into even worse odor as conquerors. Thus the Jews constantly pushed the envelope. They had an unrecognized superior position. They played a semi-autonomous role. While posing as the various nationals they claimed all the rights of citizens while at the same time maintaining their own legal and moral code in opposition to the citizens of the home country. They were quick to deny any criticism labeling any such as ‘anti-Semitism. Thus a very strong tension developed as national analysts wrote books exposing and detailing Jewish machinations. And this would continue to develop until the confrontation of the Second Thirty Years War of 1914-1945. More importantly Jewish religious pretentions were successfully challenged by the emergence of the scientific method and its results. The European mind was advancing far beyond the Jewish magical mind. During the Catholic centuries in which the Jewish and European minds were centered on the Arien Age magic of the Jewish bible, the two mentalities were equal or at least on the same evolutionary level. The rise of Science invalidated Jewish magic while elevating the European mind far above it. Thus in the attempt to deal with Science the Jewish religion split into many sects until the beginnings of Zionism in 1797 began to direct Jewish magic to the undermining of science by infecting it with that magic. Jewish power would find a savior in the United States of America, that while insignificant at the turn of the century became the dominant world power. Hence the Jewish version of the Jud Suss movie was named Power in the US. Once the Jews realized this, they quickly sent millions to colonize the US. They were successful by 1913 as when they elected Woodrow Wilson they became co-governors. At that point they were able to sway European affairs at will. Continue to 18. The View From Prindle’s Head.