Monday, September 26, 2016

Attn:  Literature Fans

The Vampyres Of New York Vol. I


R.E. Prindle


I’m posting here the first volume of my novel Vampyres Of New York.  This is a slightly futuristic story.  It takes place in New York in 2018-19 after Obama snatched the presidency from the duly elected candidate, Donald Trump.  The story has a, I think, uniquely different love story between the protagonist Partly Wright and the lawyer, Angeline Gower. 

The eighty year old Partly Wright leaves home for New York City somewhat after the manner of the bunny rabbit gentlemen Uncle Wiggly who, it appears, is my major literary influence.  Strange, what?  First heard about him in kindergarten.

Read and enjoy.  Comments are welcome but try to make them editorial suggestions for me to consider.

I am beginning work on Volume 2, Across The Great Divide and if I live long enough the final volume of the trilogy, The Gotterdamerung will follow.








Sunday, September 25, 2016

A Beatles Fantasia:

John Lennon In Leather


R. E. Prindle


Dizzy Dez, a fellow Beatles researcher and internet friend, recently wrote a piece (     ) about the strange story of Rory Storm and the Hurricanes.  Rory Storm led the most popular Liverpool band of the period.  He was more important in Liverpool and Frankfurt than the Beatles.  Yet, as Diz points out, when all the shouting was over and the dust had settled, the Beatles went unto worldwide fame pulling the best of the Liverpool bands after them, Rory Storm was left out in the cold.  He never knew other than Liverpool success.

Just an inconsequential odd fact (except to Rory) that I found interesting but also significant.  It was good of Diz to dig this story up, but then, Diz left me with a thought:  What if the Beatles’ success had nothing to do with their talent; what if the only reason they found success was a fact that had nothing to do with their musical skills; what if their success depended on a queer’s fascination with one John Lennon?

Consider that Liverpool was an English backwater, a tough , gritty town with little sophistication and small hopes.  If you have ever been in the Liverpool/Bristol area you really know what depression is.  I was never so happy to leave an area since.  I had become acquainted with a bottom surpassing Philadelphia and that is saying a lot.

So, in 1960-62 what you had was a city full of louts, what the English call Yobboes, desperately trying to find some distinction for their lives by playing in rock bands.  In 1960 that was a desperate hope indeed.  The hope was so desperate that the bands ended up playing before a bunch of rowdies and prostitutes, the underbelly of civilization, in Hamburg’s red light district on the Reeperbahn.  Not the place for refined cultured manners.  More like changing you from a lout or Yobbo into a super Yobbo.  The indications are that the Beatles became very rough.   What the homosexuals call ‘rough trade.’

In any event the Beatles went to Hamburg where they refined their rock n’ roll skills coming back to Liverpool to take their place in the hierarchy of Liverpool bands where they were a sensation although lower in the hierarchy than Rory Storm and his Hurricanes.  Still in their locality and in their age and social set they were prominent.

Now, the local record store, NEMS, was managed for the family firm by a young homosexual Jew, Brian Epstein.  At the time it was a punishable offence to public morals to be a homosexual so Brian Epstein was quite repressed.  Raised on all the Jewish holocaust nonsense he felt like a powerless oppressed Jew.  Therefore as a homosexual Jew he favored the rough trade.

Probably having heard the Beatles talked about along their outrageous leader John Lennon, dressed all in black leather, Brian made it down to the local rock emporium, the Cavern, to have a look.

What he saw made his dick throb.  There on stage was God’s own Yobbo, John Lennon resplendent in his leather while projecting confidence and totally outrageous.  Rough trade on a stick.  Gimme dat ding.  So, totally smitten Brian has to figure out a way to realize his dream.

It is clear that Brian wasn’t on the make to find a band to promote; for Christ’s sake he had a city full of rock bands to choose from including Liverpool’s number one, Rory Storm and the Hurricanes and he made no effort to sign any.  But, suppose he heard of Lennon’s desire to be the toppermost of the poppermost.  Perhaps, Brian thought, I’m in the record business, I know execs at the London labels, perhaps if I gave John what he wants he would let me make him mine.  Sounded good.

Now, let’s be clear, when Brian approached the London labels there was no interest in the Beatles or any other Liverpool band.  There was no reason for any exec to ever even visit Liverpool and perhaps none ever had.  Regardless of any talent, that had not yet been demonstrated, the Beatles were not going anywhere.  The execs even considered the name stupid; what in the hell does beatle mean?  Can’t even spell it right.  Brian persisted and if he hadn’t the Beatles would never have had a shot at the bigtime.  They would have disappeared the way they came in, unnoticed.  The Beatles were going nowhere.

But, and this is the important fact here, Brian had a hard on for John.  Bear this in mind, Brian had a tin ear, he could have cared less about the Beatles as a band; he had a hard on for John. And hopefully by making John the toppermost of the poppermost, and this meant only the small market of England, it was inconceivable that any band, let alone an English band, could become a worldwide phenomenon.  Whatever happened next was totally serendipitous.  Who could have dreamed of worldwide fame and hundreds of millions of dollars.

So Brian signed his Boys, as they say in the managerial parlance, and left for London to put them in a recording contract.  Of course NEMS was a major account in the retail record world so Brian got a polite hearing but no real enthusiasm.  Probably to get rid of a pest who wouldn’t quit he was allowed an audition.  But this was only after making the rounds.

The Beatle’s ended up at EMI’s sub-label Parlophone and had George Martin assigned to them as a producer.  While the Beatles had been all the rage on the  Reeperbahn of ill fame and the backwater burg of Liverpool, what set the four aflame in those two locations was not so evident in the London recording studio.  It was like someone from Poughkeepsie showing up on the Great White Way.  George Martin found their musicianship flimsy but something apparently appealed to him about them.  Everything about them was off, they still had the aroma of the Reeperbahn,  but, the story goes, George was a technical wizard, so somewhat in the way David Seville created Alvin and the Chipmunks George’s wizardry created the Beatles.  This is the legend.

The label thought they were hopeless so perhaps as a joke they allowed the Beatles to make ‘I Want To Hold Your Hand’ as a first record.  And as with Alvin and the Chipmunks they probably viewed the disc as a novelty record; something along the lines of Mrs. Miller the off key virtuoso.

They were surprised when the record took off.  No less surprised than I was when the record was a success in the US.  Why the hell does anyone like that I wondered.  But I and we were witnessing several seemingly unrelated things:  First the song was the first true teenybopper, bubble gum song that soon inspired groups like the Ohio Express and the Lemon Pipers.  ‘Yummy, yummy, yummy, I’ve got love in my tummy.’  Remember that inspired tune?  A step up from, I Want To Hold Your Hand.

The social conditions were right for the Beatles innocent, probably tongue in cheek, song.  The Fifties had been tense what with the Cold War and the Bomb and things were getting more tense.  Nerves were frayed.  Perhaps a return to innocent pleasures of the young were in order.  At any rate after becoming the rage in England Brian had actually jockeyed the Beatles and John into the toppermost of the poppermost in that small sceptered island but after a terrific promo campaign in the US when their plane landed, they hit exactly the right insouciant note at the exact right psychological moment in time.  You can’t plan this.  Nobody, nobody, could have forecast that.  Brian and the Beatle’s ship had come in.

John Lennon had realized his dream in a Spade Royal Flush.  The Beatles, words fail me, were on top of the world.  The planet’s first globally successful band.  They were bigger than Jesus.  Oops, when John said that all hell broke loose.  Abashed, John announced they would tour no more.  When it came to business sense John was lacking but he and the band were only musicians, a ‘hot little band’ as McCartney recently characterized them.

But what about Brian?’  What about Brians’s reward.  He had little business sense too and hadn’t been working for the success that came or was prepared for it.  Of course John and the rest knew Brian was a poof.  Who didn’t except for those who chose not to see.  Brian had always been attentive to John in that peculiar way, certainly that hadn’t escaped he leader of the band.  He joked about how Brian and the whole record industry was Jewish and queer.

According to Peter Brown in his ‘The Love You Make:  An Insider’s Story Of The Beatles’, Brian did get his reward.  Brown says that Brian invited John on a holiday in Spain and there John gave him the reward he wanted.

What if the story of the Beatles success had nothing to do with their musicianship, their songwriting, their personalities or anything else but Brian Epstein getting a hard on  for a bit of rough trade:  John Lennon in leather.

Wouldn’t that make a fabulous movie?  Wouldn’t that be as ironical as all get out?  It might not be literally true but it can’t be too far from the truth.  Forget about poor old Rory Storm and the Hurricanes, history’s forgotten band.  Once again, what a movie.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

George Soros Puts His Money Where His Mouth Is

George Soros

Puts His Money

Where His Mouth Is


R.E. Prindle


Check out the 9/20/16 Wall Street Journal for a great self-aggrandizing blurb by George Soros that George grandiloquently  titles:  Why I’m Investing $500 million dollars In migrants.  George apparently thinks this is such a charitable act that he doesn’t need any candles lit for his grand entrance into heaven. 

The WSJ highlights Georges bit with this quote:  I will invest in startups, established companies, social-impact initiatives, and businesses founded by migrants and refugees.

Not that he is donating, this is not a charitable gesture, he’s going to invest expecting one might think to at least double his money.  Heck, imagine if he found another Microsoft.  That would turn his money green.

So, put simply, without grandiosity, it’s nice to know that George has 500 million to invest.  Of course, who wouldn’t have half a billion to invest after looting the British treasury of billions.

Remember, one of George’s ‘social impact initiatives’ was the burning of Ferguson, the defamation of the police, and not a few deaths.  Now, that’s social impact.

There are other bigger social impact initiatives George is interested in such as what he calls ‘forced migration.’  As we all know George is Jewish and that Israel, the home of the Jews, is largely responsible for the war in Iraq that created this ‘forced migration’ and that migration is now directed and encouraged by Israeli agents to move ‘migrants’ out of the area especially to Europe.  Mama Merkel is believed to have taken a large bribe to allow a million edging toward two into Germany almost overnight.  Perhaps that is a social-impact initiative George is funding.

Gosh, you know, George is part of the supposed most intelligent race on earth with an awesome average IQ North of 110.  That’s brainy and I’ll bet George has a 160-200 IQ to help bring that average up.  That’s super smart.  Although it is only those Jews who have been in contact with Europeans for thousands of years who supposedly have that 110>,  Jews in contact with areas out of Europe only sport an 85 but they’re catching up fast, I’ll bet.

So, while George is spending all this money to raft sub-Saharan Africans across the Mediterranean one wonders why he doesn’t think to plunk that 500 million down in Lagos and organize a bunch of startups on those ‘forced migrants’ home turf where the people have their roots, memories and traditions.

As George says, (I) will seek investments in a variety of sectors, among them emerging digital technologies which seem especially promising as a way to provide solutions to the particular problems that dislocated people often face.

Nigeria?  Perfect for your more or less charitable efforts George.  Nigeria has it all.  Oil and tech and computer skills.  Gosh, they’ve made tens of millions soliciting people in the West by computer to help them get hundreds of millions of petro dollars out of Nigeria for investment in the West.

A little kick start like 500 million and we’ll have the Silicon River, opening jobs to tens of millions of Africans allowing them to stay home.  No more forced migration.  Why, a lot of African migrants to Europe and the US might even drift back to Africa in ‘unforced migration.’

Think about it George, you might not be looking at the problem from the right perspective.  Why force these people looking for a better life to move George when you can create a better life for them right there at home.  Tech and oil:  Think George.  Use that massive IQ.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Moslems: Should We Use Our Head Or Should We Use Our Heart?


Should We Use Our Head

Or Should We Use Our Heart?


R.E. Prindle


Ye Editor at the Wall Street Journal (9/17-18/16)  babbles on.  I have never considered the Journal a Conservative paper and now Ye Editor drops the façade and goes full buttoned up Liberal.

Ye Editor:  Thanks to the Obama Administration and Congressional Republicans, the GOP candidate now has a chance to show common sense on the matter of Muslims.

I suppose that’s code for saying a back door has been found to let in Moslems.  Sure enough.  Trump according to Ye Editor has ‘a chance to prove his policy is not anti-Muslim but anti-jihad.’  Ah, then we wrong to think all jihadists are Muslims.  I suppose then that as all jihadists are Moslems they wear identifying badges, because if they don’t….  Or one imagines that a Moslem who for a number of years hasn’t been a jihadist may one day wake up and say it is time he came out of the closet.  Perhaps Ye Editor thinks that jihadists are born that way.  Just another Moslem sect.

Oh, and sects.  There are a number of Moslem sects.  The Wahabis are supposed to be the most militant of all.  The Saudi WTC boys may well have been Wahabis as they were Saudis.  Would Ye Editor agree that Wahabis have the most potential to come out of the closet, supposing they are in the closet, and that therefore Wahabis should definitely be banned by Trump or, perhaps, even by Obama, that great and wise leader.

Does Ye Editor even know whether Obama has considered that problem?

And regional.  Do most jihadists come from certain regions?  Sunnis, Shiites?  Perhaps the US should be selective as to sect and region?  But, then, what if a Moslem lies about his sect or region?  Bigoted to think a Moslem might lie?  Well, the Koran, the Moslem guide book and holy script says it’s perfectly A-OK to lie to the Nasranis.  US personnel are most likely to be Nasranis so putting the question would be useless.

I’m sure common sense comes in here somewhere.  Maybe, just maybe, Trump is exhibiting common sense when he says he will ban all Moslems.   I think he is.  Common sense is good but it is not the ultimate test.  Don’t education and intelligence work in there too?  I sure hope so.  Perhaps thought I’m all head and no heart while Ye Editor is the latter and not the former.  Well, Ye Editor, it is common sense to not screw yourself.  Letting in Moslems is screwing yourself but then, I guess you’re comfortable with that.


Trump:  Do not let these geeks back you off from your original stand concerning Moslems.  When you’re right you’re right.

Monday, September 12, 2016

God Bless America

God Bless America


R.E. Prindle


Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their party.


As Woody Guthrie wrote in his immortal song:  This land is your land, this land is my land…  , and by extension, this land is our land.  This land is our home.

This election year will prove whose land it really is, our land or the land of roving transients from the four corners of the earth.  Renegade, so-called Americans of the Liberal Party, wish to transform our land into a land of indeterminate form, people and culture. 

Our culture, our hopes, our dreams are to be discarded, subsumed into what they call multi-culturalism.  One doesn’t have to be a genius to see that multi-culturalism is a transient condition; it will slowly evolve into a uniform culture.  The Liberals wish to discard our long and worthy culture in favor of whatever may be. 

This election will prove whether we can maintain a strong position, imposing our culture of being stripped of it.  It is an either or situation.  The schools must be reclaimed for our culture.  Of course there will be melding, that is an inevitable consequence of mixing cultures but our mores, our culture, our traditions must remain supreme.

Of course the Liberals have an arsenal of names to denigrate us:  racists, anti-Semites, homophobes, Islamaphobes, Basket Of Retards, but a laugh and a wave of the hand dismisses those defamations.

We must seize the moment.  As Irving Berlin wrote in his immortal hymn of 1940 when our culture then seemed doomed: God bless America, land that I love, stand beside her and guide her…. Yes, stand up and stand beside your land, your hopes and dreams, and guide her to a safe harbor.

Now is the hour to take our stand.  The hour will pass and won’t come again.  Carpe Diem: Seize the moment.  Get a basket of your friends together make sure you vote in November.  Make sure you vote Trump.  The Trump Party is the only and last chance.  Don’t fail your children and grand-children, vote, and vote Trump.  The future depends on you.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Obama Defends Kaepernick

Obama Defends Kaepernick’s Protest


R.E. Prindle



President Obama said Monday that NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick was “exercising his constitutional right: to bring attention to racial injustice by not taking part in the national anthem…


…Obama said he did not doubt Kaepernick’s sincerity to highlighting social issues and noted the player was the latest in a long line of professional sports figures to do so.  The president also acknowledged that Kaepernick’s  silent protest was a “tough thing” for many members of the military to accept.


“When it comes to the flag and the national anthem and the meaning that holds for our men and women in uniform and those who fought for us—that is a tough thing for them to get past.”  Obama said.  “but I don’t doubt his sincerity.  I think he cares about some real, legitimate issues that have to be talked about.  If nothing else, he’s generated more conversation about issues that have to be talked about.”


Our great Constitutional scholar has spoken.  He says that there is a Constitutional right to bring attention to a racial matter.  I don’t know what Barry was smoking or snorting but it’s not clear to me where he read there is a right to bring attention to any problem.  In fact I don’t see a Constitutional question involved at all.  Barry has invoked a right too far.

What we do have is the broader question of respect for others  (frequently invoked as ‘offensive’) and following established mores.  People don’t talk much about mores anymore but what is occurring now is an assault on mores to exchange established mores for more race based mores.  Kaepernick launched an all out attack for Negro Supremacy by discarding mores followed by American citizens for a replacement of those mores by new Negro mores.  Mores govern how a society functions.

For those with an ear to the ground, finger on the pulse and an eye for flashing changes being imposed on Americans by this traitorous president what is being attempted is clear.  The Negro is rejecting White mores and the unpleasant past of slavery.  Negro Revolutionaries form an entirely different set that displaces American mores.  Thus disrespecting the flag that represents slavery and Jim Crow to them.  Photos of revolutionaries of any color standing on the Flag or burning it is not so much disrespect for the Flag as a rejection of what Negroes think it stands for.  There is no more outstanding image of the move to replace what some call ‘the historic American nation’.  That nation, weird old America, and what they call White Supremacy is anathema to them. 

If you’re really listening to the rhetoric, following the photo images this should require no explanation.  What more do you need to see this clearly than the hate law that the coloreds and their ally passed making White heterosexual males second class citizens?  I am amazed that there is no outcry against this.  My voice is a solo coming from the wilderness.

Boy Obama himself shares this disrespect and hatred of White Americans.  Just listen to the precedence he gives to the grumbling of this privileged multi-millionaire athlete over ‘those who fought for us.’

When it comes to the flag and the national anthem and the meaning it holds for our men and women in uniform and those who fought for it—that is a tough thing for them to get past, but I don’t doubt (Kaepernick’s) sincerity.
Do you see the arrogance, hear the sneer of this nit picked off the streets of New York City, given a law degree from Harvard and pushed into the White House without a single qualification?  He says to the returned vets of Viet Nam, that dirty little war, not all returned, tens of thousand of their spirits haunt Nam, says to them and their surviving brothers: Fuck y’all.  Get over it.  Why?  Because he doesn’t doubt Kaepernick’s sincerity.  He doesn’t doubt his sincerity!

And this arrogant buffoon, Barry Obama, places a football player’s sincerity over the sacrifice of a million or more men who put their bodies and sanity into the jungles and swamps of an ungrateful Viet Nam.

If you voted for him, shame on you.  If you voted for him twice (two different elections) you should bury your head in the sand and leave it there.  If you intend to vote for his surrogate, Hitler Clinton this time around you will have to do penance.

If anything Obama has shown how easy it is to change the mores of a whole nation, however such rapid change makes them more fluid and even easier to direct the flow.  For us it is to reject Obama’s mores and direct the flow into a better and more reasonable channel.  Our Lives Matter.  To do so requires the rejection of Liberal and Negro influence and their marginalization.  As unpleasant as that task may be to our mores it must be taken up.  Contempt for Obama is rising; it must be amplified.

As Obama himself says: ‘I’d rather have…people who are engaged in the argument and trying to think through how they can be part of our democratic process than people who are just sitting on the sidelines not paying attention at all.’   President Obama, you have found us.

Heil Obama!  We are paying attention.  Take up our arms, we’re marching again. Our democracy will be established with liberty and justice for all not just the Liberal few.  Re-enfranchise the White heterosexual male – down with hate laws. 

Vote Trump

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Opening A Case For The Reexamination Of The History Of The Twenties And Thirties

Opening A Case For The Reexamination

Of The History Of The Twenties And Thirties


R.E. Prindle


No period of US history, or world history for that matter, is more misunderstood than the nineteen twenties and thirties.  Some reevaluation is beginning to appear but much remains to be done.

In the following two essays I attempt a more accurate understanding of the squabble between the Jews and Henry Ford. You may be shocked, yes, shocked to find that Ford was not in the wrong nor was he an anti-Semitic demon.  This is really interesting stuff.