Saturday, August 26, 2023

Century Society Notes 8/25/2023

Century Society Notes 8/25/2023 by R.E. Prindle This session we will take a break from the Aries/Pisces cusp to investigate the Pisces/Aquarius cusp of the present day. To clarify the Zodiacal position of the Great Year: the last Ice Age ended in the Age of Leo according to the Sumerian records and that resulted in the Great Flood as the frozen waters were released beginning the rise of the sea levels. Let me take a moment here to put the Biblical accounts of the flood with which we are all familiar into perspective. The Hebrews or Jews had no memory of the flood. They came into existence only at the cusp of Taurus and Aries hence all biblical accounts are adapted from original records for Jewish purposes. For a more accurate representation of Genesis one has to go to Taurian accounts of the Mesopotamian peoples. For these peoples the Zodiac was basic to their religion. The Jews rejected the tenets of that religion. Thus the Flood had nothing to do with forty days of rain etc. While the cause of the Flood was not known it was remembered. With the bursting of the glacial flood the waters rose quickly obliterating the existing civilization of the lowlands and valleys such as the Persian Gulf. This became the Eden of Mesopotamian and hence Jewish lore. The Age of Leo therefor represents the beginning of Spring of the Great Year and the rise of sea levels from approximately -500 feet to our present level. Leo, Cancer and Gemini are therefor the first quarter of the Great Year. Taurus, Aries and Pisces represent the second quarter or the Summer of the Great Year. Aquarius, Capricorn and Sagittarius represent the third quarter or Autumn of the Great Year and Scorpio, Libra and Virgo represent the Winter or Ice Age of the Great Year. So, we are at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, that is the tail end of the Summer of the Great Year, naturally we are in the hottest part of the Great Year, or the equivalent of August of the annual year. An Age is twenty-one and some years of centuries. Our well being depends on how we plan for the coming twenty-one centuries. The high point of humanity’a lives have been the Ages of Aries and Pisces. Whether we survive Aquarius is problematical. Consider the history of mankind over the last twenty-one hundred years of Pisces and try to imagine humanity’s journey through the twenty-one hundred years of Aquarius. The first quarter of the Age will be warmer than the last quarter and cooler than it is now. We will then enter Global Cooling and can put Global Warming to rest. Sea levels will stabilize or possibly begin lower toward levels which will again be -500 feet from today. The Ages of Aries and Pisces allowed mankind to prosper. Those conditions were ideal, or as ideal as they will ever be. As conditions became amenable and mankind’s mental abilities improved so did living conditions, but it was slow work. The Age of Pisces began for mankind as an era of religious superstition and ended as scientific knowledge even though religious superstition was still prevalent. However science and its attendant technological advantages got out of hand and destructive in its maturity so that the environment if not already destroyed is on the edge of destruction so that humanity itself will not survive in its current configuration. The population of the world is eight billion plus while showing no evidence of pausing in its growth so that within the first quarter of Aquarius, probably early in the quarter the planet will not be able to support its human population while the animal population will be eliminated except for scavengers like rats and other small rodents. So, addressing the population explosion should take first priority. There are no solutions that are palatable to the human psyche. That involves a genocide on a massive scale. Obviously the reduction of the population from eight billion to one billion or less is the desired result. I leave it to you to ponder that reality. Science and technology have created a situation in which all the resources, including water are being rapidly consumed, shamefully wasted, even sent into space. One cannot imagine more than one hundred years into Aquarius before everything has been consumed. Now Society is based on absolute mobility both short and long. In other words one is able to almost immediately cross town in automobiles in a matter of minutes. Without automobiles it might be a day trip In every day matters such as hospitals and grocery stores I can reach a superb hospital within ten minutes. Without a car this mere five miles to that hospital might be a morning walk. Therefor I would be dead before I reached the hospital, if I could even attempt it. Grocery shopping would be a day’s effort while being incredibly difficult as I would have to push or pull a wagon. In my case that would mean pushing or pulling the cart up a steep hill. Out of the question. Thus society would have to be transfigured from its current sprawl into compact units much as existed before 1950. At present untold numbers of people are able by buying an airplane ticket to transfer themselves immense distances of four, eight, ten or fifteen thousand miles to points of the globe in a few to fifteen hours. One can go from Seattle to London for instance and back in one day. That will all cease probably in the first fifty years of Aquarius, if not sooner. Thus, it will be said: There’s no place like home. One sees that the Aries-Pisces Cusp that brought on immense changes will be nil compared to the Pisces/Aquarius Cusp. Our discussions at the Society age getting more lively with every passing day. The present and its future are very exciting. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.