Monday, August 26, 2019

Support Our President

Support Our President


R.E. Prindle


Personal status is a very important matter when heads of State have conferences such as a G20 or the current G7.

Status has to do first off with the strength of the country.  The momentum currently is with China and the US is slipping to second, no longer first.  The US should automatically sit at the head of the table because all other countries of any consequence, even China, are sucking off us in one way or another.  They have all been tremendous beneficiaries of the United State for over a hundred years now.

We are the big consumer that have kept and keep their economies running.  All other countries have favorable trade balances with us to our loss.  That the means the US if giving more than it is getting as the Pres. so accurately maintains.

When the heads of State gather, such as at this G7 the men and women themselves are not equals.  The most talented and skillful will assume a dominant position.  There is a battle for preeminence.  The leaders’ role in their own countries may be compared to the quarterback of a football team.  As capable as he may be he has little or no power unless the rest of the team perform their roles.  It therefore follows that for maximum effect the leader’s country should be offering him its full support.  This isn’t hard to understand.

If a country is cutting the legs off its leader he cannot be fully effective while his people are cutting their own throats, mine and yours are included.

President Trump is therefore undermined when a significant portion of his country are cheering for his harassment as loudly as they can.  These people are traitors and fools.  This affects myself and yourself and everyone else.  Whether one agrees with the President or not the Pres. is correct in the trade contest with China.  Europe- England, France, Germany etc. are wrong.

But, as the Pres. is being diminished by traitors his ability to be the preeminent leader of the G7 is being sabotaged.  Thus he may be shoved down the table below such useless trash as Macrone and Merkel.  If these countries, any country, in Europe think of themselves as viable they are mistaken.  They are already dependents of China.  Their only hope is to unite with the US or Russia, both preferably, to maintain any semblance of independence or sovereignty at all.

The Pres. needs maximum support at home for maximum performance at the G7.  For those who understand, shout louder than the detractors. Give the impression that the traitors are insignificant.  Have open contempt for them.

Be indignant of these European losers trying to lessen the Pres. preeminence as in Macrone’s unilateral invitation to the Iranian representative to attend and his snubbing of the Pres.  These proceedings are not jokes.  Our future is being determined by them.  Everything we have sacrificed for Europe over the last more than a century now is forgotten by our European ‘friends.’ 

Liberals stand down.

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