Thursday, March 30, 2017

A Review Of Atlantida by Pierre Benoit

A Contribution To The ERB

Library Project

A Review: Atlantida

By Pierre Benoit

Review by R.E. Prindle
La Maison de la Dernier Cartouche.

Pierre Benoit’s excellent novel Atlantida: The Queen Of Atlantis was first published in 1919.  Written in French it was translated in 1920 so it is possible that Burroughs read it.  There is a possible reference to the book in Tarzan the Invincible, I’ll get to that later.  Benoit himself was accused of ‘plagiarizing’ H. Rider Haggard but he defended himself by saying he neither read nor spoke English while Haggard was not translated into French as of 1919.

It matters little as Benoit, Haggard and Burroughs all knew their Greek mythical heritage and all seem to be addressing the male-female conflict from the same intellectual approach derived from that mythology.  And they all placed their stories in Africa, a burning question of the day.

The heroine of Benoit’s novel, Antinea, is an irresistible woman along the lines of Haggards She and Homer’s Circe, and Burroughs’ La.  All three women rule over lost lands.  Antinea lures Aryan men to her to her palace carved from a mountain of the Ahaggar range.

The Ahaggar range, Ahagger is Taureg, the Arabic is Hoggar, is located almost in the middle of the Sahara at what is now the Southern extremity of Algeria.  Its highest peak is nearly 10,000 feet in elevation, the whole massif of a half million square kilometers being at the same elavation as Denver, a mile high.  Boiling summers and freezing winters and fair moisture.

Antinea having lured the men entrances them and when they no longer amuse her she embalms them alive in a unique metal called Orichalch.  Thus, they are preserved forever as they were in life.  An advance on all other methods.  The question is why does she do this?

The answer is explained by Benoit’s character Mesge:

“Now you know,” he repeated.  “You know, but you do not understand.”

Then, very slowly, he said:

“You are as they have been the prisoners of Antinea.  And vengeance is due Antinea.”

“Vengeance?” said Morhange…For what, I beg to ask?  What have the lieutenant and I done to Atlantis?  How have we incurred her hatred?”

It is an old quarrel, a very old quarrel.”  The Professor replied gravely.  “A quarrel which long antedates you, M. Morhange.”

“Explain yourself, I beg of you, Professor.”

“You are a Man.  She is a Woman…the whole matter lies there.”

“Really, sir, I do not see…we do not see.”

“You are going to understand.  Have you really forgotten to what an extent the beautiful queens of antiquity had just cause to complain of strangers whom fortune brought to their borders?  The poet, Victor Hugo, pictured their detestable acts well enough in his colonial poem called la Fille d’ Otaiti.  Wherever we look we see similar examples of fraud and ingratitude.  These gentlemen made free use of the beauty and the riches of the lady.    Then, one fine morning, they disappeared.  She was indeed lucky if her lover, having observed the position carefully did not return with ships and troops of occupation….Think of the cavalier fashion in which Ulysses treated Calypso, Diomedes Callirrhoe.  What should I say of Theseus and Ariadne?  Jason treated Medea with inconceivable lightness…”

And so on.  Thus on page 114 of 229 Benoit explains the nature of his story.  Bear in mind that of Circe and Ulysses in which Circe enslaves all the men who approach her and turns them into swine by lust while Ulysses with a pocket full of mole to defend himself resists her charms, maintains his manhood, rescues his sailors and sails away.  So, while there are great similarities between Benoit’s, Haggard’s and Burrough’s stories they could easily derive from the same sources;  variations on a theme.  Of course, Burrough’s La is derived from Haggard’s She. But La is closer to Antinea in method than She.  La’s job in Opar is to sacrifice men on the bloody altar.  La is also from Atlantis.  And all three share the glorious tradition of being too beautiful to resist.

Benoit himself the son of a French diplomat grew up in Tunisia and Algeria where he became acquainted with the desert and its legends.  Thus, his story is an authentic addition to the great stories of the African explorers and the fictions of Haggard, Burroughs, Edgar Wallace, Mrs. Hull, P.C. Wren and others.

Ahaggar Plateau

Benoit charmingly writes his story as current history rather than fiction without any framing story.  He includes the Emperor Louis Napoleon and others as well as showing himself familiar with the latest Parisian designers and bon ton retail establishments.  He mentions a painting titled La Maison Des Derniers Cartouches which can be found on internet and with which I have headed the review.  Translated it means The House of the Last Bullet.  I’m sure all his Parisian references are real but they have slipped through the crack of time had have not found a place on the internet.

In this case there is a Captain Avis who is believed to have murdered his fellow, Capt. Morhange and hence is in bad odor.  This is the mystery that holds the story together.  We learn later how Morhange died.  Avit is transferred to a desert post, indeed demanded the transfer, managed by Lieutenant Ferrieres who is about to embark on a mission passing the Ahaggar massif. 

At the post Saint Avis tells Ferrieres of his strange adventure in the  Ahaggar Mountains with Capt. Morhange during which Morhange perishes.  The African scenery is different than any of the authors mentioned and the setting is quite spectacular.

Morhange and Avit are caught in a freak storm on the slopes of the Ahaggar, and apparently these are not uncommon on the massif, where they rescued a Taureg from drowning who happens to be the procurer of European men for Antinea.  The two soldiers are procured and delivered to the Atlantian Queen.

Somewhat very similar to scenes from Haggard’s She they are conducted to a great room or hall where fifty some embalmed former lovers stand in niches.  The truth descends on our sexual warriors.

Morhange who, being the more handsome and impressive of the two, finds favor with the Queen of Atlantis also, not unlike Ulysses and Circe, is proof to her blandishments and beauty.  What he had is his pocket isn’t mentioned.  His refusal eventually enrages Antinea.  Without going into details, Antinea hypnotizes Avit into taking her large silver hammer with which she bangs her gong and giving Morhange such a good bash it cracks the man’s skull to pieces.  Thus she solves her problem of being rejected by Morhange.

A digression here.  Benoit here shows off is knowledge.  Amazingly I was able to get it.  In Paris at the time there was a theatre called The Grand Guignol.  It was a place of horrors, a sadists delight, at which all kinds of gruesome murders, mutilations and disfigurations were enacted.  Apparently the scenes were so realistic that the faint hearted actually fainted and a doctor was kept on the premises to deal with these frequent occurrences.  Now, a guignol is something like a puppets booth.  Benoit has Avit climb into a guignol in Antinea’s boudoir where he watches the horror of Morhange being dismissed after which Antinea calls his down, hypnotizes him, hands him the silver hammer, directs him to Morhange’s room and watches as Avit cracks his friend’s skull.  The horror, the horror.  So Benoit demonstrates he is au courant with Paris’ entertainments.

Avit then turns to thoughts of escape.  Here Benoit displays a certain genius in moving his story along.

Antinea had a slave girl named Tanit Zerga who became enamored of Avit and also wishes to escape to return to her people.  She organizes the escape attempt.  As it turns out she is a princess also, of the Trarzan Moors on the North side of the Senegal River.  Bear in mind that everything mentioned in the story is real except the story itself.  The Trarzan Moors exist to this day and of course the Senegal is one of the great rivers of Africa.  The history is within the realm of fact.  Only the story and its leading characters are fiction.  Benoit does not spare the reader his knowledge.  The man has been around.

The pair are assisted by the procurer rescued by Avit in the storm.  He is quite willing to help because he tells Avit he will be back, no one who has ever known Antinea can escape her charms.  All the victims in the hall had died of love.

Here’s a Burroughs connection indicating he may have read the book.  Tanit Zerga resembles Nao, the fourteen year old girl who rescues Wayne Colt in Tarzan the Invincible only to be discarded coldly as were the heroines mentioned.  It would be pushing it too far to claim Burroughs did read the book but he often got his scenes and incidents from other authors so I’m about three fourths convinced.

At any rate Tanit Zerga dies in the desert carrying on Benoit’s theme of women making sacrifices for ungrateful men.

The story then returns to the Foreign Legion camp of Ferrieres as he and Saint Avit are to make a trip across the desert passing the Ahaggar massif.  As prophesied, to know Antinea is to love her forever, and her lovers all died from love, so he intends to return to the Ahaggar’s and his certain death.  Whether Ferrieres will accompany him is left open.

The book was a slow starter but one is gradually swept along almost as a participant as the storm increases.  A very exciting conclusion.  Benoit’s is a very worthy book for Bibliophiles.  If it wasn’t in Burroughs’ library it must have been through neglect or loss.  Highly recommended.

Pierre Benoit 1932

Monday, March 27, 2017

Some Idle Chatter: National Enquirer.

Some Idle Chatter Concerning

The National Enquirer


R.E. Prindle


Probably everyone is familiar with the National Enquirer from standing in line at the grocery store checkout stands idly looking over the top magazines.  Sure to catch your eye with their sensational headlines was the NE.  Nowadays it’s a fairly respectable magazine compared to their glory days when they came up with most improbable, impossible, sensational stories ever conceived by the mind of man.  Of course, the literally minded especially were repelled.

I enjoyed it.  Who’s kidding who; I grew up in the fifties, that golden age of sci-fi and I immersed myself in it both in print and film.  Not only sci-fi but goof-fi in the ridiculous Mad Magazine.  By the time the NE came along my mind had been trained to live in this universe and a couple parallel ones.  I could handle any alternate reality and keep them all separate.  I was one of the urban spacemen.  Alternate realities were my stock in trade.  And then, the NE came along.  Oh boy.  It was almost heaven.  Tales from some undiscovered crypt.  King Tut’s discovered tomb compared as nothing.

These days, like I said, the NE is almost respectable.  The stuff inside is as true as any other newspaper, maybe truer.  The only good news is that they still have that sensational style of relating prosaic stories.  As time goes by, of course, they need something new and in President Trump they have found it.

I don’t know when they began but for the last several issues the Pres. Has been the feature story on the cover.  The stories are still sensational but disappointingly true.  They all check out and they have better sources for info than the NYT and Washington Post.  Those fake newsers have been seen picking themselves up from the mire after having been run over by the NE.

The current 4/3/17 issue is a humdinger.  It tackles the Russian spy issue used in the attempt to discredit President Trump.  Plus, the info is concise, to the point and seemingly accurate.  One wonders where they got their stuff.  I’ve got an idea; there’s a White House leak and the NE’s Deep Throat is undoubtedly the President himself.  I mean, he is no fool.

Consider that he is a native New Yorker, albeit from the outer boroughs, while, I believe, having been the subject of exposes in the NE over the years.   He’s always been good copy.  The Donald, as he then was, has famously said that when you’re punched, punch back.  What better weapon than your own propaganda paper on the same level as the Times and Post?

The articles are always favorable, even mildly laudatory, to the Pres. So given his NYC upbringing there is no reason that he shouldn’t personally know the owners and/or editors.  There’s a natural reciprocity there:  the NE gets exclusive stories and the Pres. Gets the favorable publicity, or propaganda, he needs.

The anti-Trump papers announce that there are Russian spies in the government as though since the election the Pres. Invited them in.  As there are Russian spies in the government now, then, they were there under Obama, under Bush, under Clinton and under all the presidents since FDR who did invite them in.  While it is difficult to see what harm they have caused since Gorbachev threw in the towel under FDR they did cause major damage.

Of course, during FDR’s time the Liberals thought Russian spies were a good thing.  When they were exposed the howling denials could be heard all the way to the Volga.  The careers of those who exposed the infiltration, Martin Dies, Parnell Thomas, and Joe McCarthy were absolutely destroyed, their names made anathema.  If there had been a way to eliminate the names it would have been done.

Today when Russian spies can do little damage all of a sudden instead of being a blessing they are a curse.  What changed the Russian character?  The present head of Russia and not Soviet Union, is not a Communist.  That’s the difference.  No, he is a conservative.  Trump is a conservative.  Bad, bad.  Putin’s bad; Trump’s bad.  My bad.  Conservatives bad.

Don’t know why.  While our interests differed back in the Stalin days, in these Putin days our interests converge.  It appears from the NE article to be true that Flynn was at least acting as an unregistered foreign agent, which was meaningless back in the old Red Star days, for Putin there is no evidence that the Flynn betrayed US interests.  He was trying to further them.  The fact is Russia is not our enemy.  We are morphing into the same ideological stance.  One that preserves the identity, culture and civilization of Euroamerica, the West.

That is a good thing.  Something to be desired.  Something beautiful created over four thousand years and more.  Something of value not to be lightly discarded.

The amazing thing would be if the NE turned into a daily national paper to rival the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post.  The Post, by the way, is owned by Jeff Bezos of  I’m only intuiting this but it begins more and more to appear that Bezos picked up the Post to further his own political ambitions.  The Presidency is Bezos last frontier after he stocks every American household with their goods.

Sometime after the next two years or so Bezos will probably declare for 2020.  If it should turn out to be Bezos and the Washington Post vs. President Trump and the National Enquirer wouldn’t that be something?  I’m all for it.  Go, Donald Trump; go National Enquirer.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

A Discussion Of Crispin Sartwell: How We Got This Way

How We Got This Way

A Discussion Of Crispin Sartwell’s

The Postmodern Intellectual Roots

Of Today’s Campus Mobs.


R.E. Prindle


The major problem in discussing today’s political affairs is dealing with the authoritarian position of the Liberals as to the indisputable certainty of their views.  They are so certain that they are willing to use physical violence to enforce this view on everyone.  One is reminded of the Communist Soviet Union of the 1920s and 30s.

Crispin Sartwell examines the development of this state of mind in the above referenced essay.  Unfortunately the essay appeared in the Wall Street Journal of 3/25/17 and the Journal’s policy prevents its republication; hence no link.

Sartwell attributes the attitude’s rise to what he calls ‘the second great era of speech repression in academia.’  Apparently his professor, Richard Rorty was instrumental in propagating the attitude.  In 1998 Rorty published his views in book form:  Achieving Our Country:  Leftist Thought In Twentieth Century America.

Sartwell quotes Rorty, ‘objectivity is a matter of intersubjective consensus among human beings, not of accurate representation of something nonhuman.’  A perhaps interesting opinion but that leaves us with the task of explaining what ‘intersubjective consensus’ is and how it is to be obtained.  We’re dealing with a lot of alchemical air here in which subjective thought is transmuted into objective thought by being shared by humans and Rorty means the whole of humanity.  To me it sounds like something along the lines of J.G. Jung’s ‘collective unconscious’ in which the racial subconscious is somehow transmitted from generation to generation, and just as subjective.

What it amounts to is that a number of ‘human beings’ get together and agree to agree that something is so whether it is or is not and having once ‘objectified’ their subjectivity by agreeing with other they are willing to punish anyone who disturbs their pleasant utopian fantasy.  In other words, twenty-first century Communism by another name with new terminology by a collectivity promoting their unsubstantiated viewpoint.

Something like Des Cartes:  I think, therefore I am.  While this formula takes the young by storm and they go around repeating it as though irrefutable truth actually I am therefor I think is more logical.  A thought requires a thinker to think it not the other way around.  I am, therefore I think.

Thus adherents to Rorty’s viewpoint having devised this reformulation of Communism have set about to impose their utopia by force.

Rorty condemns any opposition as heretical:
It is doubtful whether the current critics of the universities who are called ‘conservative intellectuals’ deserve this description, for intellectuals are supposed to be aware of, and speak to issues of social justice.
So, the ‘intersubjective consensus’ controls the narrative while determining the rules of the game.  We may understand ‘social justice’ to be the Party line and any deviants don’t the name of ‘intellectuals’ or thinkers.  To the outer darkness with them.

And then Sartwell says:  ‘By that logic it is defensible to eliminate such people from graduate programs, to deny them tenure, even to shout them down.’

Yea, verily, even to beat them up, prevent their entry to campus and deny them voice.  Eventually to murder them as the Soviet Communists did to dissenters in the nineteen twenties and thirties.

Thus, we have the attitude towards President Trump in which any objective view that looks outward at the object instead of inward at wishes is denied validity.  One doesn’t describe the situation per se but the utopian, that is the Communist political correct diktat.

The real problem with President Trump and the Liberals then is not Donald Trump himself but the fact that he denies the ‘the intersubjective consensus’ viewpoint.  He points derisively at the naked emperor.  This cannot be tolerated by them.  He must be impeached before he opens his mouth.

During the campaign then you saw criminal violence committed against the Trump voter.  Many were beaten fairly seriously while the disruption of Trump’s rallies was so severe that his Chicago rally was cancelled by the Communist mayor for ‘fear that Trump’s rally would cause rioting.’  That shows how violent these people are prepared to be supported by the authorities.  Of course the rioting and burning of cars after the inauguration confirms this.  Other examples…but they are well known.

Let us hope the President can defuse this situation without having to resort to equally repressive measures.  Let us just say that the Liberals are tempting fate.

Monday, March 20, 2017

The Evil Is Upon Us

The Evil Is Upon Us


R.E. Prindle

Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.


The poor stupid fools of the CFR really think they can negate the will of the people?  They couldn’t manipulate the election in their favor and now the fools think that they can throw aside our elected President and there will be no consequences?

They believe that because Comey lies before the nation that spying was not employed by the CFR, the Democrats and the Left that their lies will be accepted?  Think again!  When hasn’t lying been the stock in trade of lawyers and politicians?  Of course they spied on Trump, and worse.  They did it in plain sight.  And they didn’t think we saw it?  The revolution was televised and succeeded.  They have been cast aside.  They have been found wanting.

Do they imagine they will bring Obama back?  Don’t they realize that we have seen Obama and rejected him, his program and his surrogate?  Do they actually imagine that the ‘Russians’ cast ballots in the election?  The Russians didn’t elect President Trump, fools, we did.  We did it without any help from any Russians.  What sort of ass believes otherwise?

But, if those people are going to be delusional they are delusional.  Understand this:  You and your program were rejected.  Oh yes, your power bases in California and New York had a majority of the popular vote, even the greater number of electoral votes but California and New York aren’t the country and the country rejected you.  It’s hard, I know, but you’re nothing but sore losers.

You have been rejected.  You are not wanted.  You were going to Canada?  Well, go!

But know this:  if you losers succeed in negating our votes you do so at your own peril.   You may be able to cheat President Trump but you can’t cheat the whole country without consequences and the consequences will be terrible.

Flee to Canada or Mama Merkel’s ample bosom while you still can.

A Review: National Enquirer 3/28/17

A Review: National Enquirer 3/28/17

Proof Obama Wiretapped Trump


R.E. Prindle


The National Enquirer continues to mix in serious politics with sensational celebrity gossip.  This issue tackles the problem of domestic spying.  The bugging of President Trump is proving to be a sensitive issue for Obama and the Democrats.  They did it; finding it has criminal implications, they are now in full denial.

While the enquirer advertises that they have proof that Obama wiretapped Trump’s phone that proof is less than unequivocal, that is you can’t squash Liberals with it but the argument of spying on the now President is nevertheless convincing.

The act of Obama’s domestic spying apparently runs counter to the Liberal self-image; they don’t want to believe Liberals would do such things.  In fact, even the term Liberal is becoming malodorous in their nostrils.  The ’true’ Liberal has to distance himself from Liberal violence, hence Liberal groups that violate that self-image are being marginalized from the Left. such as anarchists and the Black Bloc, and severed from the orthodox Left because ‘true’ Liberals don’t do those things.  They just wear ‘pussy’ hats.

Likewise in the past Liberals have valued ‘privacy.’  Spying violates privacy so that Obama’s spying on candidate Trump can’t be true in their eyes and if it should be undeniably proven, Obama will be knocked off his pedestal leaving the Libs without a hero.  Neither Hillary nor Sanders can take Barry’s place and there is no other possible candidate on the Left.  So, the NE article is more significant than it might appear.

For those with good short and medium term memories it will be remembered that Obama stated unequivocally that Trump would never be president.  It wasn’t clear at the time how he would prevent it but that the prevention would be by any means necessary.  The very so-called debates were set up to embarrass, humiliate and destroy Trump.  It would be tiresome to repeat the extreme media bashing of Trump while it you supported Trump it isn’t necessary and if you are an anti-Trump Liberal there is no way to overcome your denial.

Obama had to so nothing extraordinary to bug Trump, the apparatus was already in place and in daily use throughout the country.  Here’s how William Binney, 30 year NSA veteran and whistle blower says the system works.  He explained to the NE:

“When anyone in the US makes a call- with a cell or a land line- it gets merged into the fiber running underground all over the US.  There are taps on the lines- about 100 of them across the country- at the major switching centers of the telephone companies, or the main points that route data from one fiber network into another.
The telecom companies maintain it for the NSA, and get paid for it.”  said Binney.  “Some guy goes down to the fiber and installs a prism-like device that duplicates the information flow- and one flow goes to wherever the call is supposed to conclude and the other goes directly to the NSA!
They can store a terabyte of information in a device the size of your thumb, and now imagine a facility with 100,000 square feet with nothing but 8-foot high racks of these storage facilities.
The Utah one is the biggest.  The one in Fort Meade will be three times the size of that one.”

So, with or without legal authorization all of Trump’s communications were recorded and stored.  It is a simple matter for technicians to retrieve this.  When the President of the United States wants the intercepts on anybody, someone who is in the NSA will give them to him.  Indeed, the NYT printed the fact that a transcript of such material was laid on Obama’s desk the day before Trump was sworn in.  Of course, whether you believe that depends on your view of the Times credibility.

If this stuff is so easy to hack by third party technicians it would a cinch for a President to get what he wants.  Has anyone heard of Johnathon Pollard?  Thus, when Obama said that Trump would never be president of the United States he was relying on his ability to track Trump’s campaign, as it were, from the inside’ and be in a position to counter Trump’s moves before he made them.

With all the hatred felt toward Trump by the media and the political establishment, both Democrats and Republicans, I’m sure Obama could get all the cooperation he needed from wherever he sought it.

With that in mind let us compare the objections to Trump with the objections to the ‘greatest American president ever’ Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  As to qualifications, it was said of FDR that he was a nice man who ardently wished to be president but had no other qualifications beyond that so FDR and Trump are equal.  Once elected FDR and his ‘brains trust’ had no plan so they simply lifted that of his predecessor, Herbert Hoover.  Hoover’s plan was well beyond their intelligence to put into effect so when they failed at that the great FDR said we’re just going to try one thing after another and experiment until we find something that works.  That was FDR’s plan.  President Trump at least has an agenda that he is fulfilling.  So, based on a comparison between the ‘great’ FDR and Trump, President Trump is on course to beat out that great Liberal hero.

As I said, the NE did not offer conclusive evidence although in quoting sources like New York Times, anti-Trump venues which have offered conclusive proof, the truth should be difficult to deny.

What is evident to the naked eye as well as the NE’s statement is that the East Coast Establishment is “trying to control the President or even get another one.  The things they want are money, control and power- and Trump is fighting them.”

Obama has set up an alternate government in his attempt to oust Trump since he was unsuccessful in preventing Trump’s assuming the office.  Unable to prevent that he apparently is trying to deny the President the ability to govern in an attempt to have him impeached.   A nasty little twit, isn’t he?

The outcome of this brouhaha must be the vindication of President Trump:  it is impossible that every attempt legal or illegal was not done to prevent Trump’s election.  It is now necessary for Trump to take strong action.  He must protect the Executive’s powers.  That means disregarding the unsupported decisions of low level local judges who have no business interfering in the national government’s affairs.

That means exiling trouble makers like Obama and George Soros for the security of the country.  Both Obama and Soros are responsible for the national unrest.  He must act by any means necessary to put the ship of State on a safe course.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

A Review:  The National Enquirer


President Trump: The Secret Psych



R.E. Prindle


‘The only publication with the guts to tell it like it is,’ in the 3/13/17 issue published an article titled: Trump’s Shocking Psyche File.  Deconstructing the hyperbole the National Enquirer story gives an accurate idea of the mind of the President.

Always bear in mind that governments prepare psychological profiles of prominent actors of other countries.  You may be sure that the Russians have profiled Trump the President carefully noting how he reacts in various situations.  Hopefully the President is aware of this and tries to out maneuver his profilers by not reacting as they expect.  You may be sure that the US also has a psychological profile on Putin and leading members of his government.

More appropriately the article answers the long time criticisms describing the President’s mentality as unfit for the job.  The article begins

  • Natural born leader Donald Trump is a highly focused, driven and charismatic genius who thinks outside the box- almost too smart for his own good….  While critics have suggested America’s commander in chief has displayed “grave mental instability” mental health experts told the National Enquirer President Trump is more than capable of handling the rigors of the Oval Office.

I’m sure the President has been waiting some time to hear something like that.  Anent the claim that the President is an unbalanced narcissist a Beverly Hills psychiatrist, Dr. Carole Lieberman told the NE:

“President Trump has narcissistic personality traits”- but that’s not a bad thing.  She explained:  “In order to think yourself capable of holding the most important office in the world, one has to have some degree of narcissism,” which shrinks define as being self-centered, craving admiration and trumpeting personal talents.

According to the NE the Presidents IQ of 163 makes him the second smartest president following JQ Adams at 169.

Explaining the President’s handshake:

Gartner insisted Trump “takes a friendly gesture and makes it an opportunity to dominate another person,” while Lieberman analyzed  the President’s handshake and concluded; “It consists of two movements.  First, he draws the person to him, signaling that he wants to be closer.  Secondly, he pats the hand, in a comforting gesture, to reassure them of his good will.”

That’s fine as far as it goes but his violent handshake with Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch might be interpreted as a threat as in ‘You better not let me down.’  I hope Gorsuch got it.

I don’t know what the psychiatric evaluators of Clinton, Bush and Obama revealed but I doubt if any of them appeared as or more qualified for the role than President Trump.  Hopefully the NE article will set a new trend toward a more balanced positive approach to the President.  He is doing what he said he would do.

If you remember he claimed that he would have China take a more active approach to controlling Korea’s Kim Sung On.  You will notice that after Kim’s latest missile rattling trick the Chinese did step up tell him to cool it.

Whether the President phoned the Chinese or they just decided it might be an appropriate gesture I can’t say but they have never done it before, so once again the President is delivering on a campaign promise.

Step back and give him room to do his thing; you might be surprised and pleased.  Remember his campaign song of the Rolling Stones:  You can’t always get what you want; but if you try sometime you might find what you need. 

Mick missed his chance.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Roots Of Liberalism

The Roots Of Liberalism


R.E. Prindle


Modern American Liberalism has its origins in Jewish praxis.  This praxis was charmingly described by Tablet Ezines editor and writer Liel Leibowitz.  Tablet is one of the foremost Jewish sites on the internet.  Liel appears to be a director.  Liel recently attended a concert by Billy Joel.  Liel hates the rock singer Joel and his detestation was brought home at a concert a friend persuaded him to attend.  Liel expressed his feelings in an article for Tablet called:  Billy Joel:  The Donald Trump Of Pop Music.

Table Magazine that Liel edits is vehemently hateful of Trump so comparing Joel with the President plumbed a deep depth of antagonism.  I quote:
 ‘From the very beginning,’ Alana Newhouse wrote recently in Tablet, ‘there was a tacit agreement made between this country [US] and its Jews:  You, America, give us liberty and freedom from the extreme degradation and oppression we experienced everywhere else and in turn, we Jews, will gift you with our…Jewishness.  With Jewish thinking and Jewish reflexes.'

It must have been a very tacit agreement because this is the first I have heard it expressed.  Of course, it does raise the question whether we ever agreed to accept this wonderful gift of Jewishness or whether it was tacit from the Jewish side only.  Let me say misquoting an ancient Aryan:  Beware of Jews bearing gifts.

While I can vision Liberty and Freedom and know firsthand their value, I find the gift of Jewishness rather vague.  It seems to me Jewishness gives with one hand and takes it back with the other, and what it takes from us we, as Alana says, gave to them- that is Liberty and Freedom.  The Jewish Thinking Alana touts seems to embrace the Jewish notion of anti-Semitism with Jewish reflexes.  In other words, think and act like us or be punished for rebelling.  We are your superiors in every way.

The Jews thus arrogate all virtues to themselves while their vices and faults are dumped on their scapegoats, the anti-Semites.

But as they were gifting this attitude to us it seems that the gift was most readily accepted by the Liberals while Conservatives in general reject it.  This is epitomized in former president, now troublemaker, Obama. He and his Liberal devotees arrogated all virtue to themselves while depicting non Liberals as stupid ignorant people unable to see their light while being called several malodorous names  as their category being too new to have developed an all embracing epithet such as anti-Semite.

From the Jews then, through the Liberals, this Jewish ‘thinking’ passed to such ‘virtuous’ groups as the Negroes, the Homosexuals, the Feminists, the Moslems and everyone else standing in line.

All these groups then depict themselves as virtuous and pass their more evil traits off onto what they call White, deplorable knuckledraggers.

Thus, the Jews Jewishness and Jewish Thinking has been embraced by several minorities making them a majority while the former White majority has been ostracized under several different epithets.  In the Jews gifting us with their Jewishness they have turned the world upside down.  I hope the Jews won’t be offended, although they have already labeled me an anti-Semite, if I say to their generous gift of Jewishness- No Thanks, I’ve got a gift of my own that my forefathers mistakenly gifted to you- Liberty and Freedom.   You see how you have misused it not being accustomed to it.


I’ve linked the review of the Billy Joel concert for any Joel fans, I’m not one, who may find it amusing.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Inevitability Factor

The Inevitability Factor


R.E. Prindle


I am always amused when Liberals get on their high horse and announce that we now live in a global situation.  But then in a strange turnabout they seem to think that American democracy is conquering the world.  They live in the bubble of the Post ’45 American Liberal Agenda. They believe it will conquer the world.

The fact is that the rest of the world doesn’t give a damn about our democracy.  China is an autocracy and they aren’t changing.  Africa is the mess it always has been and it can’t change; it’s still tribal and always will be.  The Moslem world of nearly two billion is a theocracy and not only is it determined to remain so but it is active on all its borders to furiously remodel the rest of the world on its theocracy. 

The only thing of the West the rest of world embraces is the West’s economic model.  They’ve just about got it down and here’s the news for the American democracy- they don’t need us anymore.  Within a decade or two China and India with a population nearly three billion will far surpass the US turning it into an economic backwater.  The economies of the various countries of Europe won’t even register on the scale.

Asia doesn’t need us, they don’t want us.  Get that straight, commit it to memory, they don’t need us.  Once you’ve committed that to memory, act on it.

The US has three hundred million people; India and China have nearly three billion between them nearly equally divided.  The prosperous class of America, say 25% numbers seventy-five million.  Twenty-five percent of three billion is seven hundred fifty million.  That means that assuming that their twenty-five percent with equal prosperity will be bigger than the entire population of the US and Europe combined and that doesn’t include the satellite Asian countries.  The inevitable consequence is that Asia will rule the world.  Asians will be able to look down on Americans and Europeans and it is inevitable they will and enjoy it immensely.  It is inevitable that they will command the world’s resources.  They will be able to outbid EuroAmerica every time.

This is inevitable.  It can no longer be stopped.  The world’s financial capital will not be New York or London but Beijing.

Once again, it is inevitable that the US will become a backwater to be exploited worse than it is now.

Rather than continuing to give the US away to the world, which means that an entire ancient civilization will disappear from the Earth, we should be developing our prowess as skillfully as the Asians are doing.  We are probably already beyond being able to salvage our civilization.  Current attitudes on race and immigration are going to be impossible to reverse in time.  Therefore, remember it is inevitable that you and Euroamerican civilization will disappear from the Earth and that speedily.  Within only two, possibly three, generations there will be only pockets of survivors.