Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Roots Of Liberalism

The Roots Of Liberalism


R.E. Prindle



Modern American Liberalism has its origins in Jewish praxis.  This praxis was charmingly described by Tablet Ezines editor and writer Liel Leibowitz.  Tablet is one of the foremost Jewish sites on the internet.  Liel appears to be a director.  Liel recently attended a concert by Billy Joel.  Liel hates the rock singer Joel and his detestation was brought home at a concert a friend persuaded him to attend.  Liel expressed his feelings in an article for Tablet called:  Billy Joel:  The Donald Trump Of Pop Music.

Table Magazine that Liel edits is vehemently hateful of Trump so comparing Joel with the President plumbed a deep depth of antagonism.  I quote:
 ‘From the very beginning,’ Alana Newhouse wrote recently in Tablet, ‘there was a tacit agreement made between this country [US] and its Jews:  You, America, give us liberty and freedom from the extreme degradation and oppression we experienced everywhere else and in turn, we Jews, will gift you with our…Jewishness.  With Jewish thinking and Jewish reflexes.'

It must have been a very tacit agreement because this is the first I have heard it expressed.  Of course, it does raise the question whether we ever agreed to accept this wonderful gift of Jewishness or whether it was tacit from the Jewish side only.  Let me say misquoting an ancient Aryan:  Beware of Jews bearing gifts.

While I can vision Liberty and Freedom and know firsthand their value, I find the gift of Jewishness rather vague.  It seems to me Jewishness gives with one hand and takes it back with the other, and what it takes from us we, as Alana says, gave to them- that is Liberty and Freedom.  The Jewish Thinking Alana touts seems to embrace the Jewish notion of anti-Semitism with Jewish reflexes.  In other words, think and act like us or be punished for rebelling.  We are your superiors in every way.

The Jews thus arrogate all virtues to themselves while their vices and faults are dumped on their scapegoats, the anti-Semites.

But as they were gifting this attitude to us it seems that the gift was most readily accepted by the Liberals while Conservatives in general reject it.  This is epitomized in former president, now troublemaker, Obama. He and his Liberal devotees arrogated all virtue to themselves while depicting non Liberals as stupid ignorant people unable to see their light while being called several malodorous names  as their category being too new to have developed an all embracing epithet such as anti-Semite.

From the Jews then, through the Liberals, this Jewish ‘thinking’ passed to such ‘virtuous’ groups as the Negroes, the Homosexuals, the Feminists, the Moslems and everyone else standing in line.

All these groups then depict themselves as virtuous and pass their more evil traits off onto what they call White, deplorable knuckledraggers.

Thus, the Jews Jewishness and Jewish Thinking has been embraced by several minorities making them a majority while the former White majority has been ostracized under several different epithets.  In the Jews gifting us with their Jewishness they have turned the world upside down.  I hope the Jews won’t be offended, although they have already labeled me an anti-Semite, if I say to their generous gift of Jewishness- No Thanks, I’ve got a gift of my own that my forefathers mistakenly gifted to you- Liberty and Freedom.   You see how you have misused it not being accustomed to it.


I’ve linked the review of the Billy Joel concert for any Joel fans, I’m not one, who may find it amusing.

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