Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Inevitability Factor

The Inevitability Factor


R.E. Prindle


I am always amused when Liberals get on their high horse and announce that we now live in a global situation.  But then in a strange turnabout they seem to think that American democracy is conquering the world.  They live in the bubble of the Post ’45 American Liberal Agenda. They believe it will conquer the world.

The fact is that the rest of the world doesn’t give a damn about our democracy.  China is an autocracy and they aren’t changing.  Africa is the mess it always has been and it can’t change; it’s still tribal and always will be.  The Moslem world of nearly two billion is a theocracy and not only is it determined to remain so but it is active on all its borders to furiously remodel the rest of the world on its theocracy. 

The only thing of the West the rest of world embraces is the West’s economic model.  They’ve just about got it down and here’s the news for the American democracy- they don’t need us anymore.  Within a decade or two China and India with a population nearly three billion will far surpass the US turning it into an economic backwater.  The economies of the various countries of Europe won’t even register on the scale.

Asia doesn’t need us, they don’t want us.  Get that straight, commit it to memory, they don’t need us.  Once you’ve committed that to memory, act on it.

The US has three hundred million people; India and China have nearly three billion between them nearly equally divided.  The prosperous class of America, say 25% numbers seventy-five million.  Twenty-five percent of three billion is seven hundred fifty million.  That means that assuming that their twenty-five percent with equal prosperity will be bigger than the entire population of the US and Europe combined and that doesn’t include the satellite Asian countries.  The inevitable consequence is that Asia will rule the world.  Asians will be able to look down on Americans and Europeans and it is inevitable they will and enjoy it immensely.  It is inevitable that they will command the world’s resources.  They will be able to outbid EuroAmerica every time.

This is inevitable.  It can no longer be stopped.  The world’s financial capital will not be New York or London but Beijing.

Once again, it is inevitable that the US will become a backwater to be exploited worse than it is now.

Rather than continuing to give the US away to the world, which means that an entire ancient civilization will disappear from the Earth, we should be developing our prowess as skillfully as the Asians are doing.  We are probably already beyond being able to salvage our civilization.  Current attitudes on race and immigration are going to be impossible to reverse in time.  Therefore, remember it is inevitable that you and Euroamerican civilization will disappear from the Earth and that speedily.  Within only two, possibly three, generations there will be only pockets of survivors.


  1. This is probably my favorite thing you have written. It's clearly and articulating along the lines that I spend much of my thought time on. There is much here we see similarly and much where we ride off in different directions from the same campfire. I have response but I need some quiet time to get it together. Stay tuned.

  2. Thanks, Marc. It seems obvious doesn't it. Awaiting your response.
