Sunday, March 12, 2017

A Review:  The National Enquirer


President Trump: The Secret Psych



R.E. Prindle


‘The only publication with the guts to tell it like it is,’ in the 3/13/17 issue published an article titled: Trump’s Shocking Psyche File.  Deconstructing the hyperbole the National Enquirer story gives an accurate idea of the mind of the President.

Always bear in mind that governments prepare psychological profiles of prominent actors of other countries.  You may be sure that the Russians have profiled Trump the President carefully noting how he reacts in various situations.  Hopefully the President is aware of this and tries to out maneuver his profilers by not reacting as they expect.  You may be sure that the US also has a psychological profile on Putin and leading members of his government.

More appropriately the article answers the long time criticisms describing the President’s mentality as unfit for the job.  The article begins

  • Natural born leader Donald Trump is a highly focused, driven and charismatic genius who thinks outside the box- almost too smart for his own good….  While critics have suggested America’s commander in chief has displayed “grave mental instability” mental health experts told the National Enquirer President Trump is more than capable of handling the rigors of the Oval Office.

I’m sure the President has been waiting some time to hear something like that.  Anent the claim that the President is an unbalanced narcissist a Beverly Hills psychiatrist, Dr. Carole Lieberman told the NE:

“President Trump has narcissistic personality traits”- but that’s not a bad thing.  She explained:  “In order to think yourself capable of holding the most important office in the world, one has to have some degree of narcissism,” which shrinks define as being self-centered, craving admiration and trumpeting personal talents.

According to the NE the Presidents IQ of 163 makes him the second smartest president following JQ Adams at 169.

Explaining the President’s handshake:

Gartner insisted Trump “takes a friendly gesture and makes it an opportunity to dominate another person,” while Lieberman analyzed  the President’s handshake and concluded; “It consists of two movements.  First, he draws the person to him, signaling that he wants to be closer.  Secondly, he pats the hand, in a comforting gesture, to reassure them of his good will.”

That’s fine as far as it goes but his violent handshake with Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch might be interpreted as a threat as in ‘You better not let me down.’  I hope Gorsuch got it.

I don’t know what the psychiatric evaluators of Clinton, Bush and Obama revealed but I doubt if any of them appeared as or more qualified for the role than President Trump.  Hopefully the NE article will set a new trend toward a more balanced positive approach to the President.  He is doing what he said he would do.

If you remember he claimed that he would have China take a more active approach to controlling Korea’s Kim Sung On.  You will notice that after Kim’s latest missile rattling trick the Chinese did step up tell him to cool it.

Whether the President phoned the Chinese or they just decided it might be an appropriate gesture I can’t say but they have never done it before, so once again the President is delivering on a campaign promise.

Step back and give him room to do his thing; you might be surprised and pleased.  Remember his campaign song of the Rolling Stones:  You can’t always get what you want; but if you try sometime you might find what you need. 

Mick missed his chance.

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