Monday, March 27, 2017

Some Idle Chatter: National Enquirer.

Some Idle Chatter Concerning

The National Enquirer


R.E. Prindle


Probably everyone is familiar with the National Enquirer from standing in line at the grocery store checkout stands idly looking over the top magazines.  Sure to catch your eye with their sensational headlines was the NE.  Nowadays it’s a fairly respectable magazine compared to their glory days when they came up with most improbable, impossible, sensational stories ever conceived by the mind of man.  Of course, the literally minded especially were repelled.

I enjoyed it.  Who’s kidding who; I grew up in the fifties, that golden age of sci-fi and I immersed myself in it both in print and film.  Not only sci-fi but goof-fi in the ridiculous Mad Magazine.  By the time the NE came along my mind had been trained to live in this universe and a couple parallel ones.  I could handle any alternate reality and keep them all separate.  I was one of the urban spacemen.  Alternate realities were my stock in trade.  And then, the NE came along.  Oh boy.  It was almost heaven.  Tales from some undiscovered crypt.  King Tut’s discovered tomb compared as nothing.

These days, like I said, the NE is almost respectable.  The stuff inside is as true as any other newspaper, maybe truer.  The only good news is that they still have that sensational style of relating prosaic stories.  As time goes by, of course, they need something new and in President Trump they have found it.

I don’t know when they began but for the last several issues the Pres. Has been the feature story on the cover.  The stories are still sensational but disappointingly true.  They all check out and they have better sources for info than the NYT and Washington Post.  Those fake newsers have been seen picking themselves up from the mire after having been run over by the NE.

The current 4/3/17 issue is a humdinger.  It tackles the Russian spy issue used in the attempt to discredit President Trump.  Plus, the info is concise, to the point and seemingly accurate.  One wonders where they got their stuff.  I’ve got an idea; there’s a White House leak and the NE’s Deep Throat is undoubtedly the President himself.  I mean, he is no fool.

Consider that he is a native New Yorker, albeit from the outer boroughs, while, I believe, having been the subject of exposes in the NE over the years.   He’s always been good copy.  The Donald, as he then was, has famously said that when you’re punched, punch back.  What better weapon than your own propaganda paper on the same level as the Times and Post?

The articles are always favorable, even mildly laudatory, to the Pres. So given his NYC upbringing there is no reason that he shouldn’t personally know the owners and/or editors.  There’s a natural reciprocity there:  the NE gets exclusive stories and the Pres. Gets the favorable publicity, or propaganda, he needs.

The anti-Trump papers announce that there are Russian spies in the government as though since the election the Pres. Invited them in.  As there are Russian spies in the government now, then, they were there under Obama, under Bush, under Clinton and under all the presidents since FDR who did invite them in.  While it is difficult to see what harm they have caused since Gorbachev threw in the towel under FDR they did cause major damage.

Of course, during FDR’s time the Liberals thought Russian spies were a good thing.  When they were exposed the howling denials could be heard all the way to the Volga.  The careers of those who exposed the infiltration, Martin Dies, Parnell Thomas, and Joe McCarthy were absolutely destroyed, their names made anathema.  If there had been a way to eliminate the names it would have been done.

Today when Russian spies can do little damage all of a sudden instead of being a blessing they are a curse.  What changed the Russian character?  The present head of Russia and not Soviet Union, is not a Communist.  That’s the difference.  No, he is a conservative.  Trump is a conservative.  Bad, bad.  Putin’s bad; Trump’s bad.  My bad.  Conservatives bad.

Don’t know why.  While our interests differed back in the Stalin days, in these Putin days our interests converge.  It appears from the NE article to be true that Flynn was at least acting as an unregistered foreign agent, which was meaningless back in the old Red Star days, for Putin there is no evidence that the Flynn betrayed US interests.  He was trying to further them.  The fact is Russia is not our enemy.  We are morphing into the same ideological stance.  One that preserves the identity, culture and civilization of Euroamerica, the West.

That is a good thing.  Something to be desired.  Something beautiful created over four thousand years and more.  Something of value not to be lightly discarded.

The amazing thing would be if the NE turned into a daily national paper to rival the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post.  The Post, by the way, is owned by Jeff Bezos of  I’m only intuiting this but it begins more and more to appear that Bezos picked up the Post to further his own political ambitions.  The Presidency is Bezos last frontier after he stocks every American household with their goods.

Sometime after the next two years or so Bezos will probably declare for 2020.  If it should turn out to be Bezos and the Washington Post vs. President Trump and the National Enquirer wouldn’t that be something?  I’m all for it.  Go, Donald Trump; go National Enquirer.

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