Thursday, February 2, 2017

When Is A Religion Not A Religion?

When Is A Religion Not A Religion?


R.E. Prindle


The key issue of the Trump Administration is what to do about the Moslems.  This is a very problematic issue fraught with deep and divisive difficulties.  It hits at the heart of the Ellis Island Syndrome- immigration in America.  It transcends reason to brush against an ingrained religious conviction.

The bulk of the US population is impervious to reason and unwilling to listen to argument concerning the issue.  For instance in a recent photograph taken at Dallas/Fort Worth where the airport’s Director offered Moslems sanctuary in the wake of President Trump’s ban on people from seven Moslem countries, the Moslems immediately formed an impromptu demonstration.  The Director is a kind hearted but foolish man.  Among Moslems a man held aloft a sign that read:  Tolerance is an American virtue, or words to that effect.

While it may be true that Americans pride themselves on a foolish tolerance it is also true that Moslemism is a determinedly intolerant religion.  It will accept no  other religion or ideology.  They are gaming the system.  It’s goal is to impose its legal system as the only legal system worldwide, globally.  This includes the United States.

Americans apparently cannot grasp this simple fact.  The Moslems will accept no other result than that the entire world is converted to Moslemism and sharia law.  If one cannot accept that fact then one must choose between conversion or subordination.  There can be no compromise.  I would bring up the whole of their history but that would be to no avail.  It’s been done with no results.

Perhaps, in an effort to get a wedge in President Trump has banned the citizens from seven Moslem countries entry into the United States.  It doesn’t matter which countries the effect would be the same.

A hue and cry was immediately raised that such a ban violated the Constitutional protection of freedom of religion.  Once again this may be an American ideal but the Moslem ideal is complete rejection of freedom of religion.  For those slow on the pickup if Moslemism triumphed there would be no freedom of religion and no Constitution.  Heck, during the Obama Administration the Left argued that the Constitution was obsolete.  So, why are they arguing it’s valid now?

President Trump tried to soften the ban by claiming that the ban was political and not religious.  But, Islam is a theocracy.   There is no separation of religion and State; politics and religion are the same.  The head of ISIS is a political and religious figure, the Caliph, hence the Caliphate.

We are in the midst of a religious war to end all religious wars, a war without compromise, no prisoners taken.

The problem is to convince those US citizens who think immigration is a civic virtue.  That it is not.  Dozens of good arguments have been produced to show the negative effects of allowing unrestricted, unlimited immigration but it is to no avail unless US citizens can be taught and made to believe the nature of immigration.  There is no virtue in sacrificing your own people and civilization for the benefit of others.

While Trump defends his actions against the seven Moslem theocracies as political that is evading the facts.  Perhaps he knows better and is trying to whiff a fast curve by slow witted voters who will look back at the catcher and ask:  How’d you get the ball?

It can’t help but be a religious issue and the President is justified as promulgating it as one.

If Moslems pretend to be tolerant of other religions they know full well they are lying but their religion permits it against infidels.  If you as an American haven’t learned that you are an infidel then let me give it to straight from the shoulder: You are an infidel and don’t count in the eyes of Allah.

So start acting like an infidel and join the Crusade.

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