Sunday, August 27, 2017

The Distance Between

The Distance Between


R.E. Prindle

The Wall Street Journal recently published an article by a French writer called Bernard-Henri Levy.  As the name indicates Mr. Levy is a Jew.  In France therefore he is a privileged character.  As might be expected Mr. Levy is attacking President Trump for his position on responsibility for the violence at the Charlottesville assembly of Conservatives objecting to Liberal policies banning historical memorials , traditions and history of which they disapprove. 

Mr. Levy reflects the pervert threat of the Liberal assault on any dissenters to the Left.  We now learn that the Antifa criminals were protecting Western ‘core values.’  Any crimes are to be permitted when the Left’s ‘core values’ are under question.  Not strangely these ‘core values lead to the diminishment of the Aryan race.  Hence, as the Left characterized the assembly to be of White Nationalists, ‘neo-Nazis’, and White Supremacists any means necessary to disrupt them were legitimate.  This is the neo-holocaust; the Right  are the neo-Jews.

It seems that Western leadership has now passed to the EU bypassing the US and Russia.  It is safe to assume that the ‘core values’ of the EU are the gold standard to which we are all meant to comply.  The US Constitution is to be swept aside.  What is the primary ‘core value’ most highly prized by the EU?

If you guessed freedom of speech, freedom of assembly or conscience you are not only not living on this planet but not even in this universe while it is not yet clear that any other universe exists despite the sci-fi writers and their parallel universes.  Here’s looking at you in the Great Beyond, H.G. Wells.

Forgive my burst of exuberance. No.  The top and most essential ‘core value’ in Europe is nothing like what we value in the US.  The big ‘core value’ in Europe is the supremacy and well-being of the Jews.  Expect the next step to be the establishment of Hebrew as the lingua franca of Europe and hence by extension the US.  For now, it is a crime punishable by imprisonment, and the European prisons are full of people who let a chance phrase slip, and expropriatory fines to displease Jews in any way.  One must first ask, what is the Jewish view on what they call the holocaust. The view is a  reflection of Stalinist USSR.  Deviate from that and it’s jail time and loss of assets.  What is the official Jewish view on WWII?  Deviate from that and ditto.

Thus the Jews have obtained primacy in Europe legally.  And so they are trying to achieve supremacy in the US.  Now, at Charlottesville what were the conservatives said to be chanting?  It was ‘The Jews shall not replace us.’  Quite justifiably so, I might add.  What ‘core belief’ then did the assembly violate by claiming its independence from Jewish subjection?  The supremacy of Jews disguised by the seeming benevolence of the slogan:  All men are created equal.  Period. Or else, prepare to be crapped on.   The Conservatives were crapped on.

No democracy involved, no freedom of speech or conscience, no rule of law.  The Jews are a theocracy along with their Semitic counterparts the Moslems who are also trying to subordinate the Whites.

What then was Pres. Trump’s faux pas that Mr. Levy condemns and why was it a faux pas?    His faux pas was that of the ‘moral equivalency’ of placing blame on both sides.    Thus, even though the Masked Black Ninjas of the Left were solely responsible for the violence.  They had only one reason to be in Charlottesville and that was to disrupt the assembly.  But, in attaching blame, essentially on the Jews, the Pres. was disregarding our ‘core values’ around which ‘taboos’ are being formed.  In other words, he was violating the revolution hence becoming a counter-revolutionary and therefore placed outside the protection of the law.  The greatest sin in the eyes of the left.

The Wall Street Journal has shown its allegiance by giving space to the Left-Jewish spokesman Bernard-Henri Levy.  The WSJ should apologize to its readers then go forth and sin no more.  If they don’t  our curses will follow.

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