Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Battle Cry

This post has been mutilated. Written long ago I cannot take the time to restore it.
Battle Cry


R.E. Prindle


When did our national discourse become so consumed  with the state of our national discourse?  Rarely has so much public dialogue been dedicated to arguing over what can’t be said, who can’t say it and just how they shouldn’t put it.  It has always been politically profitable to frame your opponents’ rhetoric as irrational, cruel, even dangerous.  But our now-constant public skirmishes over speech have moved to another level entirely:  These days, the closer you can situate your opponents’ words to actual violence, the better.

When James Hodgkinson opened fire at a Republican congressional baseball practice in June—wounding Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana among others—he was killed in the attack and left no manifesto to explain his actions.  But the shooting immediately became, for many, a chilling example of the consequences of someone else’s rhetoric, and commentators raced to track down who that “someone” might be.

A Newsweek headline asked if “anti-Trump” rhetoric inspired the shooter…

Amanda Hess NYT

Magazine 8/20/17


Cc:  Johannes Rebhan, Alan Derian, Ian Hawke, Scott Rosen

Gentlemen:  In reply to your comments I had written a reasoned comment that attempted to deal with facts and historical opinion.  However, since reading your comments among others on Michael Sellers’ post of the last couple days of scurrilous ad hominems and defamation I didn’t think you deserved it while it would be futile as you refuse to answer arguments preferring to resort to slander.  Therefore I am going to tell you how you appear to an intelligent reader of your comments.

Scott Rosen is a mere thug with a mouthful of canards and insults.  In addition he is not so bright as he spells the Adolf of Hitler Adolph with a ph.  Scott is no longer welcome on my site.

Next, let’s consider Alan Derian.  His reply was very interesting because he cleverly manages to threaten me with dire consequences if I don’t fall in line without exposing himself to the casual reader as he says it is my choice whether I want to be beaten or whatever thereby exculpating himself.

His comment is very well composed, he obviously knows what he is doing.

OK, RE.  Before anyone else reacts to your last discussion about the science of the abilities of the races, let me address two points.

Here Alan admits that there is a science that addresses the relative abilities of the races.  This is an important point because he admits that there are races and that they have differing abilities. 

As an aside the Liberals on Seller’s thread always speak of scientific disciplines  as if that knowledge is wholly different and separate from other knowledge.  They speak of scientists as though they were a different race, almost alien, rather than merely someone whose specialty is physics or chemistry etc..  In point of fact anyone with the necessary intelligence can take up a scientific specialty although those who excel at them possess superior qualities and are few.

Scientific disciplines are one thing while the use of the scientific method is available to anyone and applicable to any task.  When I was in college we were told to not take the course information too seriously but if we got the method that was the point.  I got the method.  You Ian, although a fine fellow do not have the method although you have an overweening self-confidence in your opinions.

Alan then continues:

First, you are correct in saying that in Communist countries opposing speech was censored and how America is supposed to be different [exceptional] and allow free speech.  But that term “free speech” is a misnomer.  America has freer speech, it has a wide range (of) what kind of speech it allows, BUT, all countries, in order to survive, must enforce their core values and reject and suppress those who work to undermine those values.
As we all know, America is a diverse society of many cultures each vying for dominance. Aryan culture did not inhibit the speech of any culture or political point of view.  In other words whatever core values the Aryan society of the nineteenth century possessed and expected all immigrants to accept has now been split into competing cultures with different core values who wish to inhibit speech.  So, Mr. Derian leaves open as to which core values he is referring to.  As he here offers a tactic of the Jewish culture, which has no provision for free speech or conscience, it is obvious to which diversity Mr. Derian belongs and whose core values he wants to protect.

As Judaism is a semi-autonomous culture, as now are the Negro and Moslem cultures, while he seemingly speaks for Americans in general or universally his concern is for Jewish core values.  In the struggle for cultural supremacy the Jews at present are leading the rest.  Mr. Derian is also an Israeli citizen; a dual citizen who carries an Israeli passport or can obtain one but it is an important consideration.  One needn’t ask where his primary loyalty lies.

Now, these White demonstrators characterized as Nazis by Mr. Derian are specifically guarding the core values of the Aryan population of the US.  As Mr. Derian points out they must do this or be submerged.  The problem is that they are competing with Jews, Negroes, Moslems on the same basis.  Quite obviously they are the enemies of Mr. Derian and his Jews and vice versa.  Virtue is not the issue here as all are fighting for the same cause but who they are.  There is no possible way of faulting the Aryans without faulting Negroes, Jews and Moslems.

The Aryans were also shouting, according to reports: The Jews will not replace us.  Given the competition for supremacy between the Jews and others this is a legitimate war cry.  They are also reported as shouting Blood and Soil.  As their core values, which Mr. Derian admits must be defended by any means necessary are based on blood as are Mr. Derian’s Jews as well as the Negroes, not so much the Moslems, and soil which means that as they are Americans they have no other soil to claim.  This is not the case with Mr. Derian and his fellow Jews.  Anywhere they hang their yarmulke is home to them.

Now, Mr. Derian says that ‘free speech’ is a misnomer and that in defense of a culture’s core values anyone who challenges them can be forcibly shut up by any means necessary.  This is strange, as Mr. Derian then invokes the Constitution of the United States which guarantees unrestricted freedom of speech as well as assembly and has been confirmed by the recent decision of the Supreme Court as a core value of the United States.  Mr. Derian is subjecting himself to a forcible rebuke.

He then quotes the words “all men are created equal” from the Constitution out of context and says that this is a core value that must never be attenuated as if a mere phase could be attenuated. He neglects to complete the sentence to: “in regard to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”  There is no reference to preference of certain people.  The rest of the sentence changes the meaning imputed by Mr. Derian as the evidence for all men being created equal makes it an oxymoron.  Quite obviously all men are not created equal as a certain percentage of births are stigmatized with often horrible birth defects.

Further, in the broader sense, Mr. Derian has already admitted that there is a science of racial differences which implies that all men are not only not created equal but those differences persist throughout life.   Thus, Mr. Derian is hoist by his own petard.

For Mr. Derian it is enough to impose his opinion on US law even though no laws support his points.

Thus while other countries have draconian laws to protect ‘their ‘ core’ values, one of which in most European countries is to never, never criticize the Jews or their interpretations of the holocaust and WWII or you will be put in concentration camps called prisons and have at least a portion of your assets confiscated.  It should be clear whose core values take precedence both in the US and Europe and that those values are not endemic to any European country.

The difference in the US, he says, is people might lose their jobs, that is, their means of subsistence, get screamed at by counter-protestors, that is, competing cultures, deprived of their core value of free, not freer, speech and otherwise to be made to feel bad. That is defamation, insults, directed hatred, which, one imagines are acts of tough love to bring the deluded in line.

To cap his climax Mr. Derian makes this dire threat, which one is led to believe is backed by the full force of the Jews and their auxiliaries.

Bottom line: all men are created equal.  Not all men are more or less created the same depending on your race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.  Men.  Equal.  Period.  You either adopt that or you get crapped on.  Your choice.

So, Mr. Derian ends his diatribe with the threat that you either go along with his and the Jews’ program or they will fuck you over like you have never been fucked over before.  Your choice:  On your knees before your masters, slaves, or what happens to you you have brought on yourself.  Your masters are free of guilt; you have been warned.

So, American democracy has come to that.  The Jews are staged to replace Whites and the Aryan demonstrators were quite right to chant Jews Will Not Replace Us.  That, does however, remain to be seen.  The war is on, not over.

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