Friday, October 28, 2016

Is There An Anti-Democratic Movement In The US

Is There An Anti-Democratic

Movement In The US?


R.E. Prindle


My attention was drawn to the above linked article by a Facebook colleague, Michael Sellers.  Michael is a Liberal and viewed the article differently than myself who am a historical researcher and hence have no interest in political labels as such.  I try to rise above current disputes to put them into a larger or macro historical context.  As President Obama says of himself:  when they go low I go high.

Thus the article of 10/24/16 by one Jeet Heer entitled The Right Is Giving Up On Democracy seemed to me to be analyzable in a macro context; that is Global rather than parochial.  That involves the current problem of the transfers of populations from one area of the globe to another.  This usually means from outside Euroamerica to European and North American countries.

As Euroamerica is the gold standard for advanced cultures the migrants come from less developed countries and often from medieval or even primitive cultures centuries behind in modern knowledges.  While these migrants appear to adapt to the advanced culture of Euroamerica it is but doubtful they can understand it.

Such is the case with Jeet Heer who wrote the article under consideration.  While biographical information is difficult to obtain about Mr. Heer he came from Southern India.  He now resides in the Canadian Province of Manitoba, Canada.  Whether Mr. Heet was born in Canada or arrived in North America as a young child isn’t clear.  At any rate his parents are native to India.  Why they chose to leave that beautiful warm country for cold and desolate Canada seems inscrutable but apparently they were dissatisfied with that ancient and lovely culture.  Perhaps India wasn’t diverse enough, so they chose to live in the multi-cultural West.

As any trans-national migrant knows, or should know, the transition from being an Indian to an English speaking Canadian would be difficult.  However as India was tutored by England over a period of centuries that has melded to some extent Indian and English mores and customs perhaps the Heer family foresaw fewer problems than they experienced.  In any event as Mr. Heet says they brought the whole extended Heer family after them.

As the Americas were settled by peoples from outside the continent a certain attitude developed toward immigrants that favors new migrants over older migrants; that is new migrants are allowed to dispossess older migrants in much the same way that the exogenous peoples originally dispossessed the indigenous peoples.

It is no surprise then that Mr. Heer was been made senior editor of the US Communist magazine The New Republic while older migrants perhaps more qualified were passed over.  While, from reading Mr. Heer’s work, I am sure there must be more qualified people from an earlier wave of migrants who understand that strange beast, the American psyche, better.  I must believe that Mr. Heer is unqualified for the position he enjoys, I don’t see the necessary acumen.

Mr. Heer titles his article:  The Right Is Giving Up On Democracy.  He does this without realizing the Left’s definition of democracy.  He apparently thinks theirs is the only definition while there are many others.  In mid-twentieth century US democracy was understood to mean that class distinctions  had a minimal effect on any and individual’s right to achieve whatever his abilities permitted.  At the three quarter point of the century the Liberal reinterpretation of democracy began to replace the traditional idea.

Democracy since that point has been interpreted to mean that collectives have rights to extort whatever they can to dominate society disregarding individual rights.  Each collective is supposed to have a right to a proportional representation regardless of individual ability that displaces merit.  Thus the lesser able or qualified displace the meritorious.  For instance, since women constitute roughly 50% of the population it is thought right that 50% of all, say, executives must be women regardless of merit if they are not then democracy is being violated.   Racially it is thought that executives must ‘look like’ the population.  That is the colored should displace whites regardless of merit.  No tests of ability are permitted because that might be discriminatory.   Thus the best will be shunted aside to satisfy ideology.  That seems to be how Mr. Heet got his job.

So, he says the right is giving up on democracy, but the Left abandoned democracy long ago.  Apparently Mr. Heer cannot recognize that the Leftist president, Barack Obama created an authoritarian dictatorship eight years ago.  Obama has rigged the system.  He assumes the roles of the executive, legislative and judicial in himself.  He was in the process of appointing stooges to the Supreme Court who wouldn’t challenge his preemption of Congress by issuing executive orders because the ‘emergency’ of the moment required it.  The Left calls this democracy.

It is no wonder then that the Right realizing that democracy had been aborted began searching for an alternative.  Catching this sets Mr. Heer off on his rant.  He follows the Leftist rhetoric.  Naturally he builds his case on a rejection of his scapegoat Trump.  Because in the Third Debate in a provocative question from the Jewish moderator, Chris Wallace, who demanded irrelevantly of Trump whether, as I understood it, Trump would contest the count if it went against him.  Trump’s answer was a reasonable, we’ll wait and see.  Mr. Heer interpreted the question and answer to mean Trump would lead an armed uprising, hence giving up on democracy.

It was of course a set up question as Hillary answered decidedly Yes.  But, of course, if your party were rigging the election in your favor who wouldn’t.

Trump’s answer then prompted Mr. Heer to come to the startling conclusion:  ‘As always with Trump the temptation is to interpret this apostasy through the lens of individual psychology.’  [By ‘apostasy’ I presume Mr. Heer means from democracy as though democracy were a religion.]

Heet continues:  This diagnosis is easy enough:  By discounting the election results beforehand, Trump was preemptively assuming the role of a sore loser, exhibiting an irresponsible peevishness all too characteristic of his runaway narcissism and his sexism….

Whew!  He’s got the words but not the rhythm.  Sexism?  What’s that?  Aren’t homosexuals and lesbians sexist by their very nature?  Isn’t feminism sexist for the same reason?  Aren’t those groups aggressive in their sexism?  Are not they narcissistic by definition?  You see how Mr. Heer undermines his own argument.

And then…Mr. Heer slams half the country, dividing it into two camps …’and bringing the yahoos of the Republican base along with him.’  The left has a lot of defamatory names for those who disagree with them.  Defamation is their mode of argument.  Obama called us Domestic Terrorists among many others, racists.  Knuckle draggers, that is, I presume, gorillas (gorilla is a racist word in the US, ape, monkey) but the Left don’t pay no mind unless it is used against them.

Then comes another unwarranted assumption:  ‘Yet such a personalized account of Trump’s behavior has the effect of letting his political  party and supporters off the hook.  Not just for supporting him but for sharing his grim view of American democracy.’

Can Mr. Heer support such inflammatory opinions, for that is all they are. I don’t think he has accurately represented me in his blanket condemnation of Trump supporters.  But Mr. Heer is just getting started.  I’m just hitting the high spots now.  Nearly every sentence is wildly wide of the mark.

After excoriating Trump in his first couple pages or four or five hundred words Mr. Heer then turns to the matter of his article’s title, that of the right giving up on democracy.  Which of many versions of democracy he doesn’t say but one presumes all democracy but more especially the ‘our’ democracy of the Left.

He does however provide a reason for the Right’s giving up on democracy, he says:  ‘Beyond this election, beyond even the fate of the Republican Party, there is a significant minority of Americans who are giving up on democracy because it doesn’t serve their purpose of upholding a white Christian patriarchy.’

If one dissects this sentence one quickly discerns that what we have here is a religious fear.  Mr. Heer isolates the religious fear of democracy as a White Christian matter.  This begs the question of the fear of democracy of other religions.  How exclusive is this fear to Christianity?  Certainly the Semitic religions are consumed by fear of democracy they being in essence authoritarian in nature.  Does Mr. Heer think that Moslemism is democratic in its beliefs?  Surely, he jests.  There is no more authoritarian patriarchal religion and government than Moslemism.  Has Mr. Heer never heard of ISIS?  Need I say more?  Nor is the Judaic religion any more democratic than Moslemism.  Judaism is the father of Moslemism.

We have no way of knowing whether Mr. Heer is Moslem or Hindu but need I remind Mr. Heer that Hinduism is a caste society where neither equality or democracy has been known for millennia.  Mr. Heer must know all this so that isolating Christianity as paternalistic and undemocratic is sheer and total bigotry.  Therefore we are right to treat Mr. Heer himself as an unbalanced bigot.

How then ae we to treat Mr. Heer’s ridiculous statement: ‘Trump’s anti-democratic rhetoric- and the eagerness of so many good white patriotic Americans to cheer it and believe it- as a symptom of the larger trend on the political right toward doubting the legitimacy of the American system.  The question that we need to be asking isn’t, “Why is Trump being such a jerk?”  It’s why is the American Right giving up on democracy?’

Why indeed?  Could it be that anti-democratic forces such as the Moslems, the Jews and Negroes have very nearly subverted democracy itself making its maintenance impossible in a multi-cultural environment in which so many of those cultures have no tradition of democracy, don’t understand it and see no reason to maintain it.

While fashionably inveighing against authoritarian government that is the very form of government they wish to impose making themselves the supreme law giving culture.  Thus we have the Moslem wish to impose Sharia law in the West, the Jewish wish to impose Jewish law, the Negro wish to impose African supremacy and so on.  The chorus of all is that Whites have to submit to their particular mores, laws and culture.  Whites simply cannot exist.

Mr. Heer must know this and our Mike Sellers ought to know this.  Please abandon the hypocrisy.  Democracy is over, murdered by the very people appearing to laud it.  Today it is culture against culture, all against one and one against all.

Whites should bloc vote for Trump; it is every culture for itself. 

Vote Trump or get on your knees.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Red Star Over Hollywood

Red Star Over Hollywood


R.E. Prindle


Ye Editor of the WSJ blunders along in his (or her) 10/18/16 article entitled Red Stars Over Hollywood celebrating the Chinese cultural invasion of Hollywood buying up studios and theatre chains.  Ye Editor opines ‘Chinese investment in US movies isn’t a security threat.’  Ye Editor is stone cold wrong.  It is a security threat among others.

What is cheerily called Globalism is actually an asymmetrical cultural war for Global cultural supremacy.  That is if you’re not too starry eyed to see it.  Two of the most significant Communist texts are the Frenchman Montesquieu’s The Spirit Of The Laws and the American Graham Sumner’s Folkways, a study of mores.  It is through the base of laws and mores that one subverts another culture.  The Communists (Red Star is code for Communism) have known the importance of these two studies from the beginning and laws and mores are key elements in their strategy.

With the success of Freudianism and the rise of TV/movies the equivalent of cultural atom bombs their effectiveness is manifold.  The Jews have successfully used the media to mold American mores and their lesson has apparently not been lost on the Chinese.

Ye Editor apparently realizes this as he says:  The movie business is a competitive market with none of the immediate security risks of defense contractors or power-plant operators.  The key word here is immediate.  Correct, not immediate but long term.  The corrosion of mores and laws is like rust; it is visible but you can’t see it working but it does 24/7/365.  Ye Editor seems to accept the consequences of Chinese media control while totally opposing any resistance to it.  We don’t know how much the Chinese are paying him.

He says:  Chinese censors tightly control  access to this market [in China] allowing in only 34 films a year, so Hollywood studios compete to curry favor by dumping Chinese for North Korean villains…including Chinese product placement…and having China save the day.  Ye Editor apparently doesn’t realize these concessions are anti-American propaganda.  He says:  No authoritarian regime has ever had as much power to broadcast its narrative (not to mention the abominable Nazis) and silence or buying off its critics, (Ye Editor?) including the US and other open societies.

We have cognitive disconnect here.  While seemingly admitting that Chinese propaganda is operating in the US, an attack on mores, he says:  Americans (that is Deplorables, knuckle draggers and other reprobates)  bothered by a filmmaker’s approach to China can take their entertainment dollars elsewhere and fund independent projects….  Well, up yours too, Ye Editor.

How disingenuous can the Journal and Ye Editor be?  First, he, she, it, puts the entertainment industry in censorious Chinese hands including the power to distribute films then he says it is possible to buck the censoriness of the Chinese mores and work on independent projects.  With no hope of distribution one adds.

Americans are not even able to buck censorious Liberal control over the media.  The entire movie/TV/press opposition to Trump’s candidacy is such that he is reviled nonstop and this includes the ‘conservative’ Wall Street Journal.

So, in essence Ye Editor endorses and applauds the takeover by the Chinese of American culture and mores.

As no resistance has been permitted to Western Communist takeover of US laws and mores there is little reason to believe that there will be any resistance to Eastern Communisms’ efforts either.  Americans either don’t know or they don’t care.  They’ll take whatever comes along so long as it’s Red.

Let us hope Trump triumphs in November as I’m sure he will.  It is necessary and I think inevitable.  Let us hope, ‘the common man’ can live up to his reputation for wisdom and think straight.


Vote Trump.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Plot Against America: Character Assassination And Politics

The Plot Against America:

Character Assassination And Politics


R.E. Prindle


More dangerous is that a Trump administration would give respectability and power to the gutter voices of American politics.

--Bret Stephens

They meet in secret.  Men of immense wealth; a woman of limitless ambition.  Their passports are American but their loyalties are not.  Through their control of international banks and the media they manipulate public opinion and finance political deceit.  Their aim is nothing else than the annihilation of American political independence, and they will stop at nothing- including rigging a presidential election- to achieve it.

Joseph McCarthy, c. 1950,

as quoted by Bret Stephens.


Mr. Stephens in his WSJ article of 9/18/16 titled The Plot Against America.  Sneaking up on the reader the McCarthy quote above was presented as Mr. Stephens own words.  Mr. Stephens says:  Astute readers will note the quotation of a speech, there was no indication that it was a quote,  delivered…by Joe McCarthy.  I suppose there are astute readers who immediately recognized the quote.  I wasn’t one of them.  One does note, however, how timely Gunner Joe’s speech is in relation to today.  The ‘conspiracy’ rolls merrily along.  Why is it a conspiracy and not just politics.  It is open for all to see.  Google The Committee For Public Relations.  Subscribe to their magazine:  Foreign Affairs.  Read H.G. Wells, The Open Conspiracy.  There isn’t any hidden conspiracy here, it is a political program. 

Mr. Stephens links the ‘gutter politics’ of McCarthy to the ‘gutter politics’ of Donald Trump,  ‘Donald Trump alights on the Compleat Conspiracy [he says].  Anti-Semites are thrilled.’  Oh, we see, the Fuehrer has returned.  Dum de dum dum.  As improbable as it may sound Trump is accused of starting the ovens up for a replay of the ‘never again’ holocaust.  Ah, if only Hitler and Trump had been strangled in their cradles the 40s and today’s replay wouldn’t be possible.

Forget McCarthy’s conspiracy, Mr. Stephens as apparent spokesperson for the Jews has concocted his own immense conspiracy.


Pat Buchanan would be its intellectual godfather, Ann Coulter and Ms. Ingraham its high priestesses, Breitbart and the rest of the alt-right web its public trumpets.  American Jews shouldn’t have to live the 1930s in order to figure out that the ‘globalist cabal’ might mean them.


Ah so, number one son, I see, even though not of the alt-right or part of any conspiracy, large or small, I must be one of Trumps’ Trumpeteers.  In short, Mr. Stephens calls me the equivalent of a bastard.  I am unqualified to be a citizen of this Liberal ‘Democracy’ of his.  Obama’s vaunted inclusiveness excludes half the population of the United States. 

But Mr. Stephens is calling us all ‘anti-Semites.’  This alone means that the polls favoring Hillary Clinton must be frauds or they wouldn’t be wheeling out the heavy artillery of dreaded ‘anti-Semitism.’   So the election is expected to turn on how well we love our Jews who have done so much to selflessly make our lives mo’ bettah.

Mr. Stephens apparently believes with Mad Hillary that we are in fact Deplorables.  Mr. Stephens has titled his piece after the title of Philip Roth’s novel of the same name.  The Plot Against America.  See how neatly he turned around responsibility.  His group isn’t plotting.  Who are the plotters?  Why, the American people who can’t be trusted to see straight and do the right thing.  Whatever happened to the infallible Common Man?

Mr. Stephens lays out the horror he and his side daily live with:


(Mr. Roth) imagines what might have been for America if Lindbergh had defeated Franklin Roosevelt for the presidency in 1940, signed neutrality acts with Germany and Japan and initiated a reeducation campaign for recalcitrant American Jews.  The novel draws its power from being a too-plausible alternative reality, from which we were spared less by the wisdom of the public than the vagaries of history.


Ah, you see, we the stupid public couldn’t be trusted but blind luck saved us.

I have studied this period and rather than finding Mr. Roth’s fantasies all too plausible alternate history only one of many equally or more plausible scenarios.

The bete noir of the Jews, Charles Lindbergh, was not a bad person, he was not a crypto-Nazi, and he was not an anti-Semite.  When he said that Roosevelt, the British and the Jews were inveigling the country into a war that was of no concern to the US he but spoke the truth.  Would matters have been any worse in a cold war with Germany and Hitler than a cold war with Stalin and the Soviet Union?  Not that I can see.

And what were the Jews themselves doing at this critical time?  The Jews had been at open war with Germany since the Communist Revolution in Russia.  The Jews declared actual war on Germany in 1933 with the active collaboration of the Roosevelt Administration.  It has been conclusively proven that the English, Jews and FDR worked to get the US into the war as early as 1938 and from my researches from 1933 on.  Even the then dean of American historians, Charles Beard wrote a tome demonstrating it was so which cost him his reputation, career and place in American letters.  Character assassination with a vengeance. 

What then else did the Jews do?  A stooge named Theodore Kaufmann, a neighbor of Roth in Newark, composed a short book titled Germany Must Die.  That is the Jews were plotting the genocide of the Germans before the Germans conceived the so-called holocaust.  In his book he calculated that if all the German males were castrated Germany would die out in a generation.  The book was enthusiastically received in the US, abhorred in Germany, sold fantastically especially after a glowing review in Time Magazine and several influential newspapers.  The notion lodged in FDR’s brain.  Late in the war he was heard muttering that castration might be the final solution.

While Kaufmann gloated and FDR agonized, the whole of the American right was imprisoned (that is put in concentration camps) while awaiting their fate in kangaroo courts.

While Roth’s fantasy is less than probable there are many many other scenarios that could be written.  I thought that since 9/11 we were beyond all that but here we have Mr. Stephens and the Wall Street Journal pulling these old chestnuts out of the fire to use again.  Trite, trite canards.

To quote Mr. Welch, made famous by McCarthy:  At long last, Gentlemen, have you no self-respect?

Vote Trump.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Trump And The Potential For Voter Fraud

Trump And The Potential

For Voter Fraud


R.E. Prindle


The Wall Street Journal (10/12/16) presents an article titled: Trump Warns Of  ‘Stolen’ Election by Reinhard and Hook.  Of course the CFR crowd snarks at the idea and that there isn’t a history or voter fraud in the US there is, ignore their claim.  However what about the CFR (Council For Foreign Relations) and their self-righteous attitude?

The CFR was formed in 1921 in the wake of Wilson’s defeat over the League of Nations and the Cox-FDR election defeat of 1920 in which the despised Republican Warren G. Harding took the presidency back by a landslide.  The Leaguers considered their defeat the triumph of the unwashed, in Obama’s term today, we knuckledraggers.  As the CFRs cannot believe there is a legitimate point of view different from their own they set about to make sure the vox populi was never heard again.

As the founders represented the wealth of the country while being prominent they were able to secretly vett the candidates from each party to make sure the one elected would further the CFR program.

They have succeeded in every election to the present.  But in the 1940 election in which any respectable Republican candidate opposed the CFR war program the CFR brushed the Republican candidates aside and appointed an actual Democrat, Wendell Willkie, to oppose FDR.  Willkie was a mere echo of Roosevelt and was defeated.  The CFR got safely through that troubled election.

Today we have a candidate running who opposes the CFR program, that is, Donald Trump.  So for the first time since 1920’s Warren Harding debacle the CFR program is threatened.

You can see them thrashing around trying to find a Willkie-like replacement for Trump.  In desperation they shout that Trump is going to drop out.  They are threatening to illegally and forcefully remove him from the ballot.  The ‘stupid knuckledraggers’, that is, you and me, may escape their control.  Do you imagine then that they would stop at stuffing the ballot boxes?  Don’t believe it for one second.  Trump as usual is right.  Hillary, who despises we deplorables and cellar dwellers must be rejected;  the CFR must be stopped.  This will not be easy.  If necessary bodies will disappear; some may have fatal accidents or health problems not unlike Warren G. Harding himself who mysteriously died of food poisoning two years into his term.

You can bet on election fraud at the very least.

Beware and Vote Trump.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Sex And The Presidential Election


R.E. Prindle


There is a certain irreality pervading this election.  It is being played out like a Hollywood porn flick.  The participants don’t seem to notice while the media in  playing it up also seems not to recognize the filthy porn element.  Imagine playing up some nude photos of Melania Trump with no feeling of shame at all.

The hypocrisy is hip deep with a strong fast current.  One is disgusted beyond belief.  In a startling turn Hillary is OK even though she was an enabler and procurer for Bill’s sexual escapades and then worked to destroy the women he seduced.  Bill used his ‘celebrity’ status as a political nabob to literally take women.  As Donald Trump points out in a recent tape of a decades old private conversation being a celebrity does something to women so that they have little power of resistance.

Sigmund Freud, the old lech, also realized that in the presence of doctors women enter the door semi-hypnotized and are easy prey for the medical profession.  One imagines that doctors really enjoy their work as I’m sure old Siggy must have.

Women fall over sports figures.  Back in the ancient 1960s the quarterback of the Oakland City College team made it a requirement to sleep with any woman he dated.  They did it too.  Ever notice that Negro jocks have no trouble getting those gorgeous blond White girls.  Women are attracted to power or the illusion of it.  This fact offends the Lesbos who hate men.  They’ve been inoculated…maybe.  Check Hillary who is thought to be a Lesbo and Bill’s relationship.  In order to maintain an appearance of normality she became his procurer.

So, ignoring the very basis of sexual psychology a huge fuss in being raised about Trump stating the obvious, confirming Sigmund Freud’s observation, while in real life boys and girls play the age old game.  The Lesbos say Trump’s great crime was not enjoying his position as a celebrity but, apparently revealing a simple truth: women are not as pure and chaste as they would like to appear.  Reality has erected its ugly head.  What an election.  Reality?  What does that have to do with our fantasies?

So, using the amazingly effective Democrat double standard Hillary and Bill, sexual villains for the last couple decades are given a clean bill of health passing the monkey to Trump and are found to be suitable presidential timber.  Trump becomes the naughty boy definitely too short of character to be president.  What was that I read about the Liberal hero, Jack Kennedy?  Naw, couldn’t be true; we all know he was presidential timber.

Obama?  The Clintons?

The Empire founders over sex.

Oh well, vote Trump anyway.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

An Incident In The Semitic Struggle For Supremacy

An Incident In

The Semitic Struggle For Supremacy


R.E. Prindle


A matter of importance occurred this Monday (10/2/16).


The first Monday of October is set for opening the new Supreme Court session.  This year there was a conflict between Semitic Jewish law and that of US law.  October 2 coincided with the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah.  This posed a problem for the three (3) Jewish members of the US, that is United States, Supreme Court: Ginsburg, Breyer and Kagan.

Although sworn to uphold the laws and Constitution of the United States which means giving precedence to US laws and customs the three traitors chose to give precedence to Jewish Semitic law.  Just as Moslem Semitic Sharia law has been rejected so should now we reject Jewish Semitic law.

The Trashy Trio should be removed from the Court now as they are unable and unwilling to fulfill the oath they swore upon voluntarily accepting, even lusting for, the appointment.

If Obama refuses to act responsibly by demanding the resignation of the Jewish trash then Trump when he is elected will have to act more responsibly than Obama or his acolyte Clinton are capable of.

The 21st Century Jewish War is on.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Present At The Creation: A World We Witnessed Being Made

Present At The Creation:

A World We Witnessed Being Made


R.E. Prindle


Peggy Noonan, columnist for the Wall St. Journal had an interesting article (10/1-2/16) she entitled The Politics Of The Shallows concerning the internet’s influence on the intellectual fiber of the modern world. Her remarks are accurate still the internet has its uses, at least one of unparalleled value, that is as an encyclopedia and dictionary.  The breadth and depth of its coverage is breathtaking while exceeding both encyclopedia and dictionary in its ease and speed of use.

Secondly, in its encyclopedic use as a provider of pictures and images it has no parallel.  It is several major libraries and museums in one.  If you wish to examine the art of almost of any conceivable artist of any time period it has a biography of the artist accompanied in Images with an extensive catalog of the artists’ works adjustable to a variety of sizes.

Images of anything are there including maps of all ages, any insect, any device, anything. It is an unparalleled medical compendium.  There has never been anything like the internet and it is free with your provider’s bill

If one depends on the internet for serious study, as Miss Noonan says, it will be superficial and difficult to use compared to books.  The older generations with their print education are better prepared but the younger generations raised on computers may find it more difficult to get in depth information or know how to distinguish the deeper meaning of the subject.

Another major shortcoming of the internet is its ‘our way or the highway’ format which conditions the user to accept contracts that can’t be modified.  One is conditioned to accept a complete lack of flexibility.  Thus the political situation Miss Noonan complains about where there is little nuance in political affiliation. 

However the internet has come along and contributed to a major change in consciousness.  Miss Noonan, like myself, is of an age that can remember, that is know, the antecedent non-electronic world.  In many ways that world is now a parallel universe, a former universe that up-do-date generations do not want to recognize.  The motivations of people of those times are completely foreign to young people’s consciousness and incomprehensible.

The books that we elders found so wonderful are actually written in a style and vocabulary that is so foreign that the great classics of the nineteenth century through 1950-60 might as well be as Middle English was to us.  You have to work real hard to understand it.

Thus the young, and this is important, have no intellectual resources from before say 1960 and for those born after 1996, the year the internet came into being, what happened before that date is ancient history.  As I am approaching eighty young people look at me in wonder as though I have returned from the grave.  I do a lot of walking and I can understand the reaction; I don’t see many eighty year olds on my journeys and young people don’t go into old folks’ haunts.  There are settlements, colonies, called retirement communities containing virtually no one under seventy so the oldsters have self-segregated becoming invisible.

Thus the effect of the internet is multiplied.  A world is being created that is not being understood, that adjustments to accommodate it are not even being attempted.  In the changing conditions in which the American and Western world is being submerged by the rise of the colored peoples it may be that even current conditions will be submerged in a tidal wave of colored influences.

The US and Europe except for an execrated few, the Deplorables as Hillary Clinton terms us, doesn’t even seem to see what is happening.  The quiet appropriation of Western culture by the Chinese occurs without mention, by which I mean the main stream media.  It is forbidden to open your eyes.  The Chinese are buying up Hollywood and other media, wresting it from the Jews, and thus gaining control of the creation of mores.  Shortly movies and TV will be more Sino-Western than Judaeo-Western.

The books that Miss Noonan and the oldsters revere so much will not only become unintelligible because of the internet but because the language will be hybridized into a sort of Sino-English while Chinese will become the lingua-franca, hence whole libraries will sit unused.

I visited UC Berkeley a couple years ago and was startled at the very low percentage of non-colored students and they were quite hostile in a quiet way to my White presence.  I received many disapproving stares and a comment or two behind my back.

Of course at UC one can’t get back in the library stacks unless a graduate student.  The main Bancroft library of which I speak is closed to the student body but there are many secondary libraries undergraduates can visit including an extensive Asiatic building of considerable size.  That library was fairly busy although all the libraries were being used as dormitories.

Interestingly, within the Bancroft building UC has created a little museum of a library with card catalogs and no electronics.  This was occupied by mostly sleeping White students.  The books on the shelves looked like a remake of the movie Zardoz.  I imagined that they couldn’t have been touched for years maybe decades.  Viz.  H.G. Wells The Time Machine.

Yes, Miss Noonan, it is a changing world, a world being recreated, but you must remember a person of your age is essentially a Time Traveler or from a parallel universe and this this universe may become parallel before too long.  Welcome to the creation of a Brave New World.

PS:  You Can’t Go Home Again.