Saturday, October 22, 2016

Red Star Over Hollywood

Red Star Over Hollywood


R.E. Prindle


Ye Editor of the WSJ blunders along in his (or her) 10/18/16 article entitled Red Stars Over Hollywood celebrating the Chinese cultural invasion of Hollywood buying up studios and theatre chains.  Ye Editor opines ‘Chinese investment in US movies isn’t a security threat.’  Ye Editor is stone cold wrong.  It is a security threat among others.

What is cheerily called Globalism is actually an asymmetrical cultural war for Global cultural supremacy.  That is if you’re not too starry eyed to see it.  Two of the most significant Communist texts are the Frenchman Montesquieu’s The Spirit Of The Laws and the American Graham Sumner’s Folkways, a study of mores.  It is through the base of laws and mores that one subverts another culture.  The Communists (Red Star is code for Communism) have known the importance of these two studies from the beginning and laws and mores are key elements in their strategy.

With the success of Freudianism and the rise of TV/movies the equivalent of cultural atom bombs their effectiveness is manifold.  The Jews have successfully used the media to mold American mores and their lesson has apparently not been lost on the Chinese.

Ye Editor apparently realizes this as he says:  The movie business is a competitive market with none of the immediate security risks of defense contractors or power-plant operators.  The key word here is immediate.  Correct, not immediate but long term.  The corrosion of mores and laws is like rust; it is visible but you can’t see it working but it does 24/7/365.  Ye Editor seems to accept the consequences of Chinese media control while totally opposing any resistance to it.  We don’t know how much the Chinese are paying him.

He says:  Chinese censors tightly control  access to this market [in China] allowing in only 34 films a year, so Hollywood studios compete to curry favor by dumping Chinese for North Korean villains…including Chinese product placement…and having China save the day.  Ye Editor apparently doesn’t realize these concessions are anti-American propaganda.  He says:  No authoritarian regime has ever had as much power to broadcast its narrative (not to mention the abominable Nazis) and silence or buying off its critics, (Ye Editor?) including the US and other open societies.

We have cognitive disconnect here.  While seemingly admitting that Chinese propaganda is operating in the US, an attack on mores, he says:  Americans (that is Deplorables, knuckle draggers and other reprobates)  bothered by a filmmaker’s approach to China can take their entertainment dollars elsewhere and fund independent projects….  Well, up yours too, Ye Editor.

How disingenuous can the Journal and Ye Editor be?  First, he, she, it, puts the entertainment industry in censorious Chinese hands including the power to distribute films then he says it is possible to buck the censoriness of the Chinese mores and work on independent projects.  With no hope of distribution one adds.

Americans are not even able to buck censorious Liberal control over the media.  The entire movie/TV/press opposition to Trump’s candidacy is such that he is reviled nonstop and this includes the ‘conservative’ Wall Street Journal.

So, in essence Ye Editor endorses and applauds the takeover by the Chinese of American culture and mores.

As no resistance has been permitted to Western Communist takeover of US laws and mores there is little reason to believe that there will be any resistance to Eastern Communisms’ efforts either.  Americans either don’t know or they don’t care.  They’ll take whatever comes along so long as it’s Red.

Let us hope Trump triumphs in November as I’m sure he will.  It is necessary and I think inevitable.  Let us hope, ‘the common man’ can live up to his reputation for wisdom and think straight.


Vote Trump.

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