Tuesday, February 6, 2018

President Trump And The Lost Election

 President Trump And The Lost Election


R.E. Prindle


(The book of) Genesis refer(s) back to primitive beliefs held by the Hebrews.  For them in fact the human soul was not immortal, and the sole function of religion was to establish privileged relations between humans and God, in order to have as long and happy a life as possible.  The dogma of immortality and the soul entered the Jewish religion at a fairly late date and is still subject to debate.  During the time of Jesus, only the Pharisees and Essenes accepted it.  The origin of the belief can obviously be found in Greek philosophy, which itself has been subject to heavy Eastern influence.

All of this boils down to the problem of evil being extremely simplified in the Bible:  Jews faithful to the pact sealed with the Eternal God represent good, while other peoples, as well as Jews who are unfaithful to the covenant, represent evil.

Jean Markale,

The Church Of Mary Magdalene


Explaining the Liberal mind is one of the most necessary tasks of our time.  They are, in fact, a species of religious faith quite divorced from considerations of reality.  Their minds are impervious to reason, seemingly based on a kind of divine revelation.

As a religion they are a species of the Semitic belief system begun by the ancient Hebrews as in the quote from Jean Markale above.

Jean Markale is French of Breton ancestry, a scholar of religious evolution.  He has contributed to the religious beliefs surrounding the Celtic myths of King Arthur.  As such he has uncovered the core religious beliefs of today’s Liberal faith.

Markale’s understanding of the Jewish myth is as concise and accurate as any I have seen while accurately reflecting my own understanding.  He defines an outstanding example of the origin of bigotry.  To understand the Jewish fallacy one has to understand their position in the ancient world.  According to their literary remains the Hebrews were a savage brutal people exterminating their way from Mesopotamia to Egypt and back to Palestine.  Genocide was just their way and they made no excuses about it.  Offended because the Amalekites refused them passage through their territory the Jews returned decades later to exterminate them.

At the same time the proto-Jews, the Hebrews, according to their writings, were always a subordinate people even, as they tell it, slaves in Egypt.  Once back in Palestine they were in a backwater, flyover place in current Liberal terms, a bunch of Deplorables to quote Hillary Clinton.  Then, first the Assyrians came, defeated them and transported the legendary Ten Lost Tribes, who have been reported from every location on earth.

After the Assyrians left the Babylonians came and carted the last two tribes of to Babylon.  The captivity is ably portrayed by the biblical writers Isaiah and Ezekiel.  While the Jews had grandiose notions of themselves and their temple in Palestine they quickly realized the poverty of their pretenses, both intellectual and material among the stupendous splendors of Babylon.  It was then they made the fateful decision to oppose the nations of the Earth by declaring themselves the Selector’s choice anointing themselves as a chosen people to determine good and evil.

As Jean Markale points out, as the chosen people they thought themselves the personification of virtue while all others were the same of evil.  Thus Semitism and anti-Semitism came into the world.  While tens of thousands of pages have been wasted trying to explain the evil of negating the Jewish will it is explained quite simply and easily as those who are not Jewish.  As the Jewish bible says, the Lord will bless those that bless the Jews and curse those who  curse them.  In other words:  two fingers to you Jack.

Born at that time was the idea of good gentiles and bad gentiles.  But, when the great Jewish uprising of the first and second centuries occurred when Jews committed incredible massacres in Egypt and Cyprus, the great Jewish sage Simeon Ben Yohai was asked whether the ‘good gentiles’ should be spared the good Rabbi replied:  Kill them all.  That is, genocide.  This is the foundation of modern Liberalism.

In the fifteenth century AD Gutenberg invented movable type and began the mass production of books at relatively affordable prices.  Just as an aside, today’s Easton Press has just published a facsimile of Gutenberg’s bible.  It is massive.  While Easton’s is bound with a cover, Gutenberg’s came not only unbound and no cover but with no pagination.  While Gutenberg came up with moveable type he didn’t bother to invent punctuation marks and spacers between words.  Not only is the language Latin but the typeface is obscure and difficult to read.  So, the page is double columned into two nearly solid black blocks.

A few decades later Tyndale published an English language copy.  I haven’t seen that.  The upshot of that was that while not universally owned the bible was accessible for independent study.  The eye became as potent as the ear; no longer did one have to rely on a reading by a priest.

The result of Gutenberg’s innovation was that an already Judaized mind was even more Judaized and in a location such as East Anglia the Torah became so beloved that the East Anglians quickly adopted the role of the Chosen People.  The whole of the Jewish baggage was assumed by the East Anglians.  They modeled their lives on the biblical scripture, even adopting the brutality of genocide.  Fired up by the spirit of Judaism they killed the English King, Charles I, revolted against the non-chosen people of England and successfully established a Jewish style dictatorship proscribing all but their own beliefs.

At the same time these now bigots began to colonize the North American continent in order to establish a pure theocratic State.  Thus the notion of an infallible good people surrounded by evil others.  Hillary Clinton in our time was to give them their own designation of Deplorables.  The flyover country between the two US coasts filled with Deplorables became a waste land of primitive savages to the Liberal mind.

As derivatives of the Jews, being a Semitic religion, the Liberals naturally became a dependency of the Jews who had in the years around the turn of the twentieth century basically colonized the United States while beginning their ascension as governors and imposing their mores on the ‘anti-Semites,’ the other.

The Jews formed terrorist units like the Anti-Defamation League, the NAACP etc.  These units then established norms such as Jews good, anti-Semitism evil; Negroes good, racism evil (and only Whites can be racists).  The Liberals then adopted these norms as articles of faith thus forming a coalition of White Liberals, Negroes, Jews and eventually any dissident group such as homosexuals and, even more bizarrely, transsexuals.  They then called this coalition, their democracy.

After WWI new technologies for propaganda such as radio, talking moving pictures and eventually TV came into existence the Liberal Coalition succeeded in establishing an authoritarian government reminiscent of George Orwell’s 1984 that through the use of double speak and Political Correctness discredited or silenced anyone not in lock step.

Thus, using the attack on NYC’s Twin Towers, World Trade Center, as a lever, pressure was increased through the Bush and Obama administrations to establish a full fledged dictatorship.  Obama using race as a cover brought the plan nearly to fruition.  His designated successor Hillary Clinton was poised to spring the trap.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the forum.  The designated Republican candidate was another Bush, Jeb Bush from Florida.  But the Lib Coalition ignored an improbable corner in which lurked a candidate so incredible that he was the scorned of the scorned.  He wasn’t even an impossibility in Lib eyes, he was considered a total political non-entity below serious consideration.

This was the reality TV star and mega real estate builder Donald Trump.

To the Coalition Trump wasn’t even a bad joke, there was nothing remotely funny about him.  He was ridiculous.  However, in the flush of their success to the end of the Obama occupation the coalition had ignored the increasing resentment of the very people on whose votes they depended.  Surrounded by yea sayers they ignored the fact that their following was confined to a few population Liberal Coalition strongholds like NYC and California. 

Donald Trump may have seemed like a buffoon, may even have been one, but, if so, he was a savvy buffoon.  He brushed Jeb Bush aside.  In his campaign he essentially gave up the Liberal population centers and went after voters that not only did the Coalition despise but they actually said so repeatedly over the controlled media of the entire nation.  Their candidate, Hillary Clinton, sneered at those voters as deplorable people.  The upshot was that Trump won over three thousand counties while Clinton won fewer than sixty.  The anomaly was that these fifty plus counties, heavily Liberal, gave Clinton the popular vote but the three thousand plus counties gave Trump the Electoral College and the Presidency.

Trump had cannily formed his own Coalition of many dissident groups from despised and persecuted Christians to, if you can believe this, biker groups.  As Jack Johnson’s mother said:  He said he would bring home the bacon and he did.

Note:  Strange as it may seem the boxer Jack Johnson, the first Negro heavyweight champion, has been all but forgotten.  A current singer by the name of Jack Johnson is all a large percentage of the population knows by that name.  I refer, of course, to the turn of the twentieth century boxer, Jack Johnson.

So, Trump’s great unforgiveable offence is that like Warren G. Harding in 1920 he has disrupted the Liberal program and threatens severe damage if he is allowed to succeed and place like minded politicians in power for the next twenty years.  Just as Liberals were pushing a Communist agenda in 1920 so today they are pushing an agenda of unlimited immigration.

Harding quashed Communist hopes within six months of being elected ruining Lib hope for the twelve years before FDR brought them to influence in 1933.  It may take Trump slightly longer to stifle unlimited immigration but he seems in a fair way to do it.

As there are only two ways to stop the Trump Redemption, murder or economic collapse they will probably choose the latter.  After nearly a hundred years of mass murder by the various Communist regimes the Liberals seem to be opposed to killing although it was undoubtedly used against Harding.  Economic collapse which was used to get Hoover out of office to the incalculable harm of the American people we seem to see the beginning of the use of the tactic against Trump now.  As Trump has claimed credit for the rise in the stock market since his election and if it continues through 1918 voters will almost certainly return Republican candidates to congress in that election. It is important for the Libs to sink the market for the year.  It matters little how people suffer to the Liberals so long as they can regain power.

The real challenge will be the mid-term elections.  If they can fill the Houses with Democrats they will be able to contain and stifle Trump.  The danger here is that they will use economic means to scuttle the near certain prosperity Trump’s methods are bringing.  The Fed which is completely outside presidential or legislative control can easily shoot the interest rate up, which they have already begun to destroy the stock market and whatever other shenanigans they may have up their sleeves.  They will undoubtedly invent sufficient justification for raising the discount rate after twenty years of punishing a certain class of people with a near 0 interest rate.

Remember, the Fed is a private corporation in the hands of certain Jewish banking firms.  The Fed is outside government control.  The next few months until the ’18 elections are going to be critical.  Get the Conservative vote out in ’18.

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