Monday, January 29, 2018

President Trump At Davos

President Trump At Davos:

The Changing Tides Of Time


R.E. Prindle

President Trump attended the Davos conference, one imagines, to set the contemporary business men’s minds at ease.  If they recognized it he was advising them of the end of an era.  The United States of the seventy year Liberal consensus is over.  The US will no longer give itself away wholesale.

It will no longer be the patsy of the world, giving without receiving, propping up every two bit economy with our bounteous millions  or billions.  No!  The US will begin to look out for itself.  Times have changed; the post-war world has disappeared and a new age is dawning that requires a different strategy.

The US has been propping up the world since the civilizational Time of Troubles began in 1914.  It rescued Europe from itself  and thereby Western Civilization first during the European thirty years war from 1914-45 and through the subsequent seventy years of disturbances of the emerging culture after the dissolution of the colonial empires and the revival of the Moslem holy wars and their bid to conquer the world.

President Trump is an odd mix of conservative realism and Liberal utopianism.  For some reason he maintains his daughter Ivanka and her Jewish husband Jared in some kind of sinecures in the White House.  Both are determined Liberals who would be much better employed minding the store back in NYC.

There is serious work to be done requiring reality-based minds.  One begin to have confidence in the Pres. who as he unrolls his plans give solid evidence that he is putting in place a vision that he has evolved over his decades of watching monumental mismanagement of affairs by inept politicians of both parties.  The shameful political misconduct of the Obama years is much to be regretted.

Thus, while the Pres. seems to have a firm grip of short term solutions it remains to be seen how he will address the long term actually unsolvable problems.  The long astronomical  summer of four thousand years lie ahead with its concomitant ice melt and rising sea levels.  As we should be somewhere about the equivalent of July in the Great Year temperatures will vary as they do during annual summers but they should be at mid-summer temperatures now.  They will not go on rising indefinitely.  One should expect continued ice melt of several thousand feet in Greenland and possibly in Antarctica, although ice cores there record a couple hundred thousand years in so the melt there should be relatively superficial.

The ice melt is beyond human intervention but rising seas will have to be planned for and should be on the Pres.’ back burner.  Of more immediate concern is the impossibility of civilization continuing on its current course.  The sheer volume of man made waste created every day now not only in the West but in the world will soon swamp us.  The oceans are polluted  to an unbelievable measure.  Immense areas are uninhabitable for fish as swirling Sargasso seas of floating plasticwares even obstruct navigation.  Beneath the water surface oceans of pulverized plastic waste is suspended  too heavy to float and too light to sink to the bottom.  There is not other repository for the stuff.  There was a report of killer whales confronting Arctic fishing boats in protest of diminishing food supplies from over fishing.

In the skies there are too many airplanes while with a world restored to prosperity and the enrichment of three billion Chinese, Indians and other East Asians flying will be  added to the overloading of the skies.  This must injure the atmosphere.  On land it is impossible that automobile traffic can be sustained.  How long can resources last to    build thirty, forty, fifty million cars a year?  How much land area can be devoted to traffic infrastructure without completely destroying farmlands?  How long before grid lock?

As I say, short term immediate problems are probably already solved in the President’s mind, but what plans are there for adjusting to addressing shorelines, how are transportation problems to be addressed, how are resources to be conserved or amplified- a resource such as water in light of an advancing population of millions very year.

Is anyone considering how the US is to support a population of half a billion with coastlines advancing and desiccation impending.  Isn’t it time to take action? or will we wait till the problems have no solution.

Are we to go the way of the dinosaurs?

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