Friday, December 15, 2017

The Future Of President Donald Trump

The Future Of President Donald Trump


R.E. Prindle


The Democrats are in a bind.  They have a president they despise who if he is allowed to succeed will destroy their whole agenda.  Not since Herbert Hoover defeated their designated candidate, Al Smith, have they faced a bleaker future. 

The Democrats had captured the presidency  in 1912 when a divided Republican Party was defeated by a decidedly minority candidate Woodrow Wilson.  Wilson recorded only slightly more votes than an almost equally split vote between the Party candidate, Taft, the insurgent candidate T. Roosevelt.  In other words the combined Republican vote was a landslide endorsement of Republicans.

Wilson, as any Democrat, was sure that God’s own wisdom flowed through his brain.  He thought himself virtue incarnate.  Sure that he was the only one able to guide the nation he intended to run for a third term in 1920.  His connection with God’s brain was  severed when his own was paralyzed by a stroke.

The Democrats had no good backup candidate so the Republicans waltzed in with a candidate little more popular with the Dems than our own Donald Trump, Warren G. Harding.  Harding, like Trump, refused to follow the Liberal agenda while restoring prosperity to the nation.

Harding died mysteriously, succeeded by his colorless VP Calvin Coolidge who was thought to be a sure loser.  Contradicting the pundits Coolidge surprised, capturing the presidency on his own.  His presidency was known was known as the phenomenal Coolidge Prosperity.  A New Era with a car in every garage and two chickens in every pot.

Coolidge chose not to run for re-election and that brought Herbert Hoover, one of the greatest of Americans, to the fore.  He easily routed the Dem Al Smith.  Prosperity, a Republican prosperity, was at its peak.  If that continued it was certain that Hoover would be re-elected and after him probably another Republican for another eight long years.  The future looked dim for the Dems.

Only a great economic disaster could bring the Republicans down; the Federal Reserve easily handled that, engineering the Stock Market Crash of 1929. while others interfered with Hoover over the next three years preventing his ability to pull the country from the Great Depression.  A then nearly, or actually, incompetent Democrat by the name of Franklin Delano Roosevelt took Hoover’s place thus keeping the country in Depression for seven long years and then he dragged the country into a totally destructive war that could easily have been avoided and next he blew the peace.

Thank you, Democrats.

In our time the Democrat Barack Obama led the country into a ruinous situation attempting to abort capitalism.  The Dems under Obama had all but succeeded and would have succeeded if Hillary Clinton had not been out maneuvered by the unexpected and unwanted candidate, Donald Trump.

Now, as with Warren G. Harding, it appears that President Trump is leading the country into a prosperity to rival that of the Coolidge prosperity.  The fear of the Dems is that if allowed to succeed Trump will be reelected while the future may be lost to the Dems for twenty years or more.  They cannot let this happen.  Thus, they may plunge the country into another horrendous depression to discredit the President as with Herbert Hoover or, failing that, an assassination as with Warren G. Harding.

They have furiously dug a hole for themselves in trying to set up some sort of impeachment process even though the President has committed no high crimes or misdemeanors.  The whole charge seems to be that he was not their chosen candidate and had no right to win.

In an attempt to weaken the President they are now going after a key advisor Steve Bannon trying to discredit him in the President’s eyes and divide him from the President.  This must not be allowed to happen.  No machination against the President can be allowed to be taken seriously.  An uncritical foul must be called as an instinctive reaction.  Smear the Dems back.

Track down every Dem elected or candidate and expose their peccadilloes, sexual or economic, they all have them.  Unprovable sex violations have proven to be most viable as witness  the Republican Roy Moore of Alabama.  Go after their wives, many affairs are hidden there.

Be aggressive not passive, this is a war to the end, attack and defend simultaneously.  Be anonymous if possible.  Deny everything.

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