Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Jeff Bezos- The Seattle Great Satan

Jeff Bezos- The Seattle Great Satan


R. E. Prindle


The tale has been told.  The Alabama election is over.  Judge Roy Moore has been turned back.  Jones didn’t do it nor all the Negroes collected and bussed to the polls.  No, ‘Bamans didn’t have anything to do with it.  To find the man who singlehandedly beat the Judge you have to go to Seattle, Washington, the offices of Amazon, Inc. and sitting behind that big mahogany desk, Mr. Jeff Bezos. The Devil in disguise.

A couple years back Jeff Bezos bought the nearly defunct Washington Post Newspaper.  Paid big money for it too.  At them I asked myself why he did that.  What was his plan to turn it around.  He didn’t have a plan turn it around, he didn’t even change the format; if anything the paper was more Liberal than ever, staffed by the same nerds.

It did occur to me somewhen along the way that Jeff Bezos was grooming himself to run for President.  Bezos is a world beater; a genius of some merit, he wants to be Master of the World; unscrupulous as the devil as he always gets around any rules that might slow him down.

The Judge Roy Moore candidacy shows us exactly why he bought the Post.  Ever unscrupulous, he bought himself a slander machine, a defamation factory, a political slaughter house.  The Post was unfeelingly, not critical, in its condemnation of candidate Trump.  As the Post goes so must go its owner, Jeff Bezos.

Judge Roy is a real bete noir of the CFR, he is opposed to their agenda at every stop.  They have tried to kill his career at each step.  They have removed him from office because of his religion.  No, he’s not Moslem, not a Scientologist, nobody has ever called him a Jew, no none of those:  he’s the most despised of all, a bottom of the barrel damnable Christian.  I don’t want you to get the idea that I’m religious, Defender of the Faith or anything like that.  I’m not religious but that doesn’t mean I’m not anti-Christian.  No.  I’m also anti-Moslem and anti-Jewish while I don’t think much of Hinduism or any of those touchy-feely, warm and fuzzy outfits also.

So, going in Judge Roy had even more than three strikes against him; he was an entire side.

But, damn that son-of-a-bitch, here he was running for the Senate and a cinch to win.  What the hell?  Well, there sat Jeff Bezos, sometime richest man in the world, sitting behind the mahogany in his office in Seattle or, perhaps, roving his hundreds of thousands acre Texas ranch saying to himself, I’ve got to stop hat no good son-of-a-bitch and I know how to do it.  I’ve got the right tool for the job.

I don’t know hat Amazon has a secret service but I’m sure they do, so he sent his sleuths down to ‘Bama to find some dirt or create.  From the looks of that Senior yearbook it looks more like created.  Anyway, as proof that she’d been molested forty years ago by Judge Roy she produced an inscription in her yearbook signed by Judge Roy.  It looks like she presented it to him at some event, political or otherwise, held at some place called The Olde Hickory House, dated 1977.

Now, Judge Roy signed it something like ‘To a lovely girl.’  The woman (I don’t mention her name to protect her from possible harassment) commemorated his event by adding the place and date so she wouldn’t forget.

Jeff Bezos then published the story that Judge Roy was a pedophile and racist.  The girl must have been all of eighteen and dizzy from standing next to the great Alabama blossoming legend, and that may the closest she ever got.

What defeated Judge Roy was that inscription in that yearbook that Jeff Bezos unscrupulously published with no fear of being brought to account for bearing false witness.

I got it!  I know why Mr. Bezos bought the Washington Post.  He’ll be our Democratic candidate in 2020 and he has one of the two most prestigious papers in the US to promote his interests and defend them.

The Pres. should call on his Republican buds to give Jeff Bezos the Bill Gates treatment.  Keep him busy in Washington for a few months so he can’t run his Empire so effectively.  Might be a lesson well learned.

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