Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A Review From Tablet Ezine

A Review:

Two From Tablet Ezine


R.E. Prindle



The US received a mortal blow between Hurricane Marie and the socialist government of Venezuela.  Hurricane Marie destroyed Puerto Rico sending hundreds of thousands scurrying for Florida while that State has already received an enormous influx of multiple hundreds of thousands fleeing Venezuela.  Whether the total will remain below a million is questionable.  Immigration enthusiasts will receive these multitudes without blinking while clamoring for millions more from the Middle East.

Between Mexico, Central America, Puerto Rico, Haiti and Venezuela and the rest of South America many millions have been allowed to invade the country while those millions of immigrants have been ignored by the Europeans who pout because the US won’t take their overflows from Africa and the Middle East.

Florida, a State that is quietly being submerged by rising sea levels can scarce afford to handle the influx while, because of impending submersion of the peninsula, millions will be fleeing for higher ground elsewhere in the US.  But where?

While the attention has been concentrated on rising sea levels, the desertification going on in California for instance has been ignored. Seventeen has been a year of fierce firestorms in California with the most recent destroying a large portion of the Southland.  California fires have been increasing yearly while the State has suffered a desiccating  drought that has destroyed large swaths of farmland and orchards.  It is possible that various anti-American immigrants have been setting the fires, it is also probably that California cannot support its huge population.  Perhaps the State can only support 20 million people instead of the 40 million there now and rising.  The Pacific Coast States of Oregon and Washington also suffered devastating fires this summer.  Those who flee Florida will have to be accommodated in a diminishing and overpopulated East.

It is useless to expect people to wake up to realities as they seem quite content to ignore them now.

Race and ethnic problems are about to be compounded.  While Whites will undoubtedly be blamed, Whites are not the problem, POC, that is, People of Color, are.  Already the clamor against White Supremacy is reaching critical proportions, has surpassed them.  The title of a recent article in Tablet ezine screamed is banner type- ‘Forcefully Opposing Anti-Semitism Must Be A Core Principle Of The Movement to Combat White Supremacy.  That doesn’t say White Supremacists, that says White Supremacy.  Apparently, Tablet is ignoring the center of anti-Semitism, the Moslems they have brought into the US.

What is being attacked is not a bunch of wild eyed defenders of the Aryan race but the race in its entirety.  To end White Supremacy is in essence to commit genocide.  Thus, the Jewish ezine, Tablet, is promoting genocide of Whites.

The POC do not believe that it is White intelligence and abilities that have placed them at the top of the heap.  They believe that Whites got there first and took all the good stuff, including the highest paying jobs.  They see a job that pays X dollars and think that the job takes care of itself and no preparation, no intelligence, no skills, no effort is involved in holding the job.  Therefore, by ending what they call White Supremacy these lucrative jobs could be theirs and the system will run by itself.

White Supremacy then is conflated with their ‘freedom’.  One ends White Supremacy to obtain ‘freedom.’  The Negro especially can never have freedom unless he displaces the White and assumes a commanding position over them.  Thus, for the Negro to have freedom Whites have to lose theirs.

Now, the scheme of genocide has been in place for a few decades and the plan is in the open but Whites refuse to accept the plan at face value.  It’s like the so-called holocaust, too preposterous to be true.  Whites think Jews and Negroes are just talking when they say Whites, Science and Western Civilization have to go.  To the contrary, they are serious.  The Jew Noel Ignatiev, then a Harvard professor, went from campus to campus for years preaching his gospel that until Whiteness disappears from the face of the Earth things will never be right.  Ignatiev’s White audiences at such prestigious schools as UC Berkeley cheered their demise wildly.  One can only assume these White audiences were suicidal and they remain so.

The Jewish/Negro plan was in place and working well until the 2016 election sent Donald Trump to the White House.  This provoked an anti-Trump frenzy to essentially recall the President and force a new election in which it is hoped an acceptable candidate of theirs would defeat Trump.  So far that seems unlikely.

The attack against the President has turned from the political to the racial.  Amazingly the Jew/Negro combine has reached into the bottom of the bag and now accuse the Pres. and his followers of being Nazis, White Nationalists (stronger denunciation than White Supremacists).  Pres. Trump is now a reincarnation of Adolf Hitler, thus showing the level of Jewish hysteria.  The vast rightwing conspiracy is in motion and in charge threatening decency throughout the land.  Thus, the political situation is presented as a morality play.  The good guys being Jews, Negros, Homosexuals of every stripe and their auxiliaries.

Here’s how Jew James Aho portrays the right in his article on Tablet ezine titled “What Is The American Far Right?’
Today’s far right is a congeries of self-identified “sovereign citizens” (who, like Walt Whitman, believe they are “entire unto themselves.”)  “3%ers” (an allusion to the mythical number of Americans who fought the British during the American Revolutionary War), and elderly tea-party retirees on Medicare and Social Security who resent having to support “free loaders” (Not my child, not my problem”).   There are also play acting Odinists, “(f..k yeah” gun nuts, and bored millennials  enchanted by Ayn Rands’s hero, John Galt, of Atlas Shrugged.  In addition to button down Mormon “freemen”, camouflaged border vigilantes, black-clad neo-Nazi stormtroopers, and their Confederate flag-waving cousins, there are sellers of over-the-counter male-enhancement cures and rare coins, Czech gas masks, cheap Belize real estate, and “White Pride World Wide” coffee mugs, ball caps and bumper stickers, vendors of unregulated neutraceuticals, survival go-packs, and home security systems.  These and countless other trajectories are overseen by a handful of billionaire founders of non-taxable foundations, staffed with the “great minds” of the conservative movement.

Very hysterical and close to crazy, rather a definition of Hillary Clinton’s Deplorables or Obama’s knuckledraggers.  Clearly Mr. James Aho is deranged, dancing in the asylum in turned backward clothes as the guards who have escaped their prison converge on the lunatic celebrants.  Mr Aho has the chutzpah to post a slogan: The New Face Of Old Hate.

Mr. Aho then identifies a 30 year cycle for the irruption of this irrationality beginning in 1800 with the reaction to the genuine Illuminati outburst in the French Revolution.  This was the time of the Alien and Sedition laws passed by an alarmed President Adams.  Mr. Aho ridicules the ‘irrational’ Federalists who enacted the laws.  Anyone who remembers the Alien and Sedition laws from high school was taught how ridiculous the laws were to counter this first Red Scare.  In fact, the laws were entirely justified.  The news of the Great Terror in France of 1793 had reached the US.  The beheading of Louis XVI rocked the mind of the time.  The Abbe Barruel’s Memoirs Illustrating The History Of Jacobinism had been published in English translation in the US in 1795.  This masterful expose of a criminal political party would have been enough to curl anyone’s hair.  An influx of Jacobin agitators from France, the Aliens, were preaching its terrorist credo, the Sedition.  John Adams acted quickly to stem these dangerous Leftist fanatics passing said laws.

Unfortunately, the Jacobin Thomas Jefferson was elected in 1800 and he repudiated the laws in 1801 allowing the Jacobins to continue their infiltration of the Freemasons in the US.   Thus, as Mr. Aho notes, in 1830 a Mason, William Morgan revealed the machinations of the Illuminati red Masonry.  Thus, he was murdered.  This created a flap that actually forced the Masons to pull in their horns, the flap was then disguised by creating even a better one with some sensational anti-Catholic literature.

Then began the abolitionist drumbeat for civil war.  Alo continues in this vein misinterpreting the events by giving the standard Left-wing versions.  Aho goes on in this vein until the present using these misconstrued events as an indicator of a countering vein of the supposed lunacy of the US right.

Aho, having brought us up to the present in his litany of ‘hate’ from Tablet ezine, Tablet then passes the torch of fear and loathing to Eric Ward.  Aho having worked the readership into a lather over the rightwing threat, Eric sings that complaining must be discarded and violence loosened:  Forcefully Opposing Anti-Semitism Must Be A Core Principle Of The Movement To Combat White Supremacy.

Who are these dangerous White Supremacists that everyone hears of but no one sees?  Let us go back to Mr. James Aho:

Rightwing insurgencies occur once every thirty years or so.  With the exception of the anti-bellum South, however, only a small portion of a given generation is drawn to them.   So what is it that differentiates joiners from the rest?  To begin with there is little evidence for the popular theory that right-wing extremists are abnormally SIC: stupid, isolated or crazy.  On the contrary, they appear to have attained levels of formal education comparable to their moderate peers.  And even the most vicious of them who, if not dead, is moldering in federal prison, cannot be shown to be clinically insane.  Finally, given that people are radicalized via social networks- family ties, co-workers and friends -true isolates are the least likely to become activists themselves.  In fact, the marriages of right-wing radicals are about as stable as those of the average citizen, and while most do reside in rural districts, they are generally no more transients or out of local communication loops than their neighbors.
Yes, they walk among us and that is what troubles Eric Ward.  Eric, who is a black man, seems extraordinarily obsessed with anti-Semitism and that strikes me as strange.  Although he does mention his plight as a black man his obsession seems to be the Jews.  Eric tells us:

I developed an analysis of anti-Semitism but because I wanted to smash White Supremacy; because I wanted to be free.  If we acknowledge that White Nationalism clearly and forcefully names Jews as non-White, and did so in the very fiber of its emergence as a post-civil rights right-wing revolutionary movement, then we will all be forced to recognize our own ignorance about the country we thought we lived in.  It is time for us to have that conversation.

We have to understand the terms of Mr. Ward’s confused screed.  Mr. Ward says that he wants to smash White Supremacy in order to be free, while freedom may have different meanings for different people,  Mr. Ward means ‘being free; in a different sense than the obvious. Of course, he is now free in the conventional sense, as free as anybody of any color including white.

Lincoln freed the slaves.  But he also said that the nation couldn’t exist half-White and half-Black.  I think the country agreed with him whether North or South.  Thus, when the Abolitionists lost control of the South in 1877 the nation as a whole, not just the South, adopted Jim Crow.  Everywhere in the country a strict division between Whites and Black was maintained.  This is perhaps what might be a partial explanation of what Mr. Ward means by White Supremacy and not being free.  It would appear that Mr. Ward can be free only if White people are eliminated or when Black people have subordinated them thus raising themselves above Whites.  Hence we have the often expressed idea that Blacks must murder the Whites, commit genocide.  Enslaving Whites would be good in his eyes too.

For both Jews and Negroes then, the White man is the adversary that has to be at the least disenfranchised, kept from getting a good education, and then actually physically eliminated.  Mr. Ward did not write the article, if he did write it, for Tablet but for the Boston magazine, The Public Eye.  It was originally published under the title Skin In The Game:  How Anti-Semitism Animates White Supremacy.  The Tablet article is an adaptation of the Public Eye article, in other words, substantially changed to enhance Jewish purposes.  Public Eye is published by an organization calling itself The Political Research Associates who agitate along these racial lines.

Apart from convincing himself of largely imaginary anti-Semitic antagonism Mr. Ward airs his personal grievances amazingly citing as a hotbed of prejudice the thoroughly Liberal State of Oregon.  Incredibly he designates Portland and Eugene as virtual lairs of ‘hatred’ toward Negroes and Jews.  For those who live there, as I do, this is most amazingly incredible. I am not, but, the two counties containing Portland and Eugene are Liberal.  The UofO is located in Eugene and the even larger Portland State in Portland are so outstandingly Liberal as to make one blush.  In either city one would be ostracized if not Liberal.

It is true as Mr. Ward notes that Oregon was a center of the Ku Klux Klan in the 20s but that is history.  That was then, a fact that people like Mr. Ward cannot assimilate.  The them, once slavery, always slavery.  Slavery exists in Mr. Ward’s mind.  He imagines that conservatives want to enslave him and Blacks again.

Nor is it true as Mr. Ward states that Oregon was founded or settled by anti-Semites.  In the 1850s the term anti-Semite did not even exist.  But, then, that is the problem with Mr. Ward’s essay, his own fears and phobias dominate his intellect making his views worthless.

That Tablet resurrected this article from the Summer 2017 issue of Public Eye merely demonstrates the rising hysteria of the Jews caused by the election of President Trump.  While the Liberal agenda is controlled by the Jews, that agenda was disrupted by the election of President Trump.  President Trump seems to have a genuine conservative bent so that by not following Jewish desires he is working at cross purposes to them.  Hence he must be destroyed.

When Tablet changed the title to Forcefully Opposing Anti-Semitism and the movement to Combat White Supremacy they gave away the ballgame.  They, in essence, declare a Jewish war on White people; forcefully can only be construed as violent.  Whites then need to be on guard.

Will President Trump’s Americanism prevail or will the Jews and Negroes subordinate Americans and their country to their desires.  We are moving from bas to high relief.

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