Thursday, July 6, 2017

The Red Octopus vs. The Nazi Hydra

The Red Octopus vs. The Nazi Hydra


R.E. Prindle


Back in the Red fifties when the term the Red Octopus was first used to describe Red efforts to seize what was humorously described as the free world we anti-Communists, as yet unnamed, were subjected to all kinds of abuse.  ‘A Red under every bed.’  Communists behind the curtains, Communists everywhere, etc.  They even wrote songs belittling us, the Chad Mitchell Trio’s John Birch Society.  We were denounced as conspiratorial maniacs.

Well, the Reds have more or less succeeded in their revolution, it has happened here.  Yet the Reds got used to being victims, they see themselves as downtrodden victims.

Victims need bullies.  Hence bullyism is a hot topic of the day.  There are only two kinds of people according to the Octopus, the righteous Libs and we evil bullies.  I, Evil Bully.  The term bully is too great a generalization lacking the human touch. A certain personalization is missing.  Thus in the twenties and thirties in reaction to Communism Fascism and Nazism also known as Hitlerism arose.

One would think that WWII put paid to Nazism and Hitlerism not to mention Fascism.  NO!  They lived on in the Jewish imagination and the Jews gradually convinced all Europeans and White Americans that they were in fact Fascists and Nazis while individually all Little Hitlers, Ugly Americans.  The Libs denied this as they considered themselves virtuous so they passed the buck to the deplorable Conservatives who eventually become the Nazi Hydra.

For out of that milieu a great conspiracy had slowly been developing in the mind of the Red Octopus, that of the Nazi Hydra.  Thus all societies everywhere have bifurcated  into Red Octopi or the Nazi Hydras.  At this point the tentacles of the Red Octopus cover the globe but in between the tentacles of the Red Octopus the Nazi Hydra exists.  If you locate one branch and lop off the head, while the Octopus seeks out other cells of this pernicious hateful conspiracy, the head grows back again.  It’s like anti-Semitism the Hydra must exist to prove the virtue of the Octopus.

And then, just when the Red Octopus thought the Nazi Hydra was successfully contained a head was growing quietly in the disguise of a TV buffoon, the mighty Donald Trump.  Throwing off his disguise the Hydra chief unlawfully seized the presidency of the United States of American from the chosen Hillary Clinton.

What had been scheduled to be a contest between the Bush Dynasty and the Clinton Machine became a free for all between the Hydra and the Octopus.  Not much of a contest to all appearances.  Mobilizing the forces of the free press and free media; a ferocious campaign was conducted in which the Hydra Trump was belittled and the Octopus Clinton enlarged.  The polls said Clinton would win.  To the ballot boxes!  And when the dust had settled and the smoke had cleared there was the Hydra standing on Home Plate while the Octopus had tentacles covering third, second and first but 3+2+1 didn’t add up to a four bagger.  Trump was president and Clinton was strumming her guitar and singing the blues, out of tune.

The Hydra couldn’t have won fairly said the Octopus.  The Octopus didn’t know how the Hydra had cheated but he had to have, it was the only way he could have won.  But how?  Ah, the Russians, the Russians are coming they manipulated the election, it was the only way he could have won.  But what proof was there?

To be continued…

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