Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Some Current Developments In Leftist Ideology

Some Current Developments In Leftist Ideology


R.E. Prindle

Since Trump’s election the Left has had to make some rapid developments to its methods.  Trump has freed the Real Americans to be able to express their opinions without fear or favor.  Forced for the first time since, perhaps, 1945 to face an opposing freely expressed point of view the Left is definitely discombobulated.  There is a scramble to adjust.

To begin with I quote a passage from Sunday’s (7/2/17) NYT magazine by a John Herrman:

The American far right (now that’s the far right not just the right) has become remarkably adept at commandeering ideas from its enemies.  Now it’s pulling off its trickiest switch yet:  Billing itself as the new ‘alternative’ culture.  By John Herrman   (Tricky little bastards aren’t they?)

Counter Offensive

An always-useful thought experiment is to imagine seeing all the media around you for the first time- consciously, like a teenager freshly awakened to the existence of politics or an artificial intelligence that has just blinked across some humanoid threshold.  This is especially handy lately, in our strange moment of flux.  A wide-eyed observer of today’s political media wouldn’t just see different voices and outlets with contrasting tendencies.  It would see a disorienting game of rhetorical appropriation in which it is constantly unclear who stands for which principles and why.

An essential feature of the rise of Trumpism has been the brazen inversion, that trusty maneuver in which you wield your critics’ own values against them- say, borrowing the language of social justice to argue that the “oppressor” is actually oppressed or suddenly embracing progressive social causes in the service of criticizing Islam.  It’s a blunt but effective rhetorical confiscation, in which a battle-ready right relishes its ability to seize, inhabit and neutralize the arguments and vocabularies of its opponents, reveling in their continued inability to formulate any sort of answer to the trusty old “I know you are, but what am I.

As you can see, Mr. Herrman believes there is no excuse for Conservatives and whatever they do is wrong.  The very idea of challenging the Left’s point of view appalls Mr. Hermann, the filthy so and soes will actually stoop to ‘rhetorical appropriation’.!!!  The Negroes through their spokesman, or rather person, I too live in a gender neutral universe, Ice Cube have recently appropriated the word ‘nigger’ for their own exclusive use.  Only Negroes can use it; it is forbidden to others.  Thus Norman Mailer’s use of the term ‘White Nigger’  is now off limits.  Those books in which he used it must now be burned.

Here Mr. Hartman in his more than incoherent article seems to be suggesting that certain rhetorical usages, that encompass the whole dictionary, are off limits to Conservatives who are merely aping Liberals.  (Let’s see how those rhetorical confiscatory bastards get along without a language.)

In another interesting development some law professors from Harvard and Yale have revealed that if Hillary had been elected to continue Obama’s policies that Conservatives would have been treated worse than ‘we’ treated the Germans in the aftermath of WWII.  I’m telling ya this would have been worse than Sherman’s march through Georgia. The Left is always bloody minded.

While ‘alternatives’ appropriate a Leftist term, historians are finally revealing the horrors of how ‘we’ did treat the Germans, that have not yet trickled down to the general public it is clear that Trump by his election has, temporarily at least, saved the Conservatives from a terrible fate.  Thank God for the anti-third term law that prevented Obama from running again.

One can only say:  God bless Donald Trump.

One should bear in mind and take seriously the fact that both Negroes and Jews (see Noel Ignatiev) mean to perpetrate a genocide of the White populations.  Much of the elite also believe that the world is too populous and that about six billion should die.  As preposterous as it may seem it can easily be done.

Consider food as a weapon.  Communists in the Soviet Union during the twenties and thirties with the full compliance of Liberals throughout the world created an artificial famine in the Soviet Union during 1932-33-34 that claimed untold millions of lives through starvation while those that survived were crippled for the rest of their lives physically and mentally.  This crime was successfully suppressed throughout Europe and America.  If you’re in control of the media what gets out is only what you want to get out, hence, Pres. Trump’s war with the media.  Back him.

A similar ‘experiment’ along those lines may be happening in Venezuela today that may result in the deaths of millions.  The transfer of millions of people into Europe from the Middle East and Africa may result in a massive insurrection in which millions will die from warfare and more millions from the disruption of agriculture, starvation, and that within the next ten years.  Vatic I know, but still probable.

Such a conflict continually stoked from outside would prevent peace while tens or even hundreds of millions of people die.  Of course such a catastrophe would affect both Europeans and Moslems and Africans which would benefit who?

The conditions in Sweden now, today, is such that a Moslem insurrection could break out at any time.  Even Denmark has set up a border watch to prevent Moslem insurgents from entering from Sweden.  One on their Southern border with Germany wouldn’t hurt either.

Now, just as the Ivy League lawyers were ready to begin a massive elimination of Conservatives we must believe that these same people and their confederates are working to the same end in Europe and Canada as well as not having given up hope in the US.

Make no mistake, this is a do or die situation and must be taken seriously.  I believe England and Europe are already lost.  The time to tolerate Liberals and their policies is over.  It is no longer necessary to be covert.  Conservatives must stand up and say NO!

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