Tuesday, June 6, 2017

How To Solve The Moslem Problem

How To Solve The Moslem Problem


R.E. Prindle


Europe and the US have no one to blame for their Moslem problem but themselves.  They developed a social system like no other social system that had ever existed on the planet.  Completely foreign to human psychology and then they expected the world to embrace it on first sight.  As might be expected, other more traditional social systems being confronted by what they considered a monstrosity considered the Western system to be an existential threat.  It had to be destroyed.

The most virulent of this opposition was aroused in the mind of the Moslem world.  But what was the method to be to destroy the West?  It was obvious that the pure military destructive power of the West could not be equaled by any effort of the Moslems.  Since military warfare was out of the question they resorted to an asymmetrical warfare taking advantage of Western psychology that they had thoroughly analyzed.

The Moslems learned the rules of Western society and how to violate them with impunity.  As I say the West has caused its own problem confident in their military superiority they bombed Moslem countries virtually into oblivion.  This created vast numbers of displaced persons who migrated into the countries that had just destroyed theirs.  These countries failed to see that they came as avengers intent still on destroying the Western social system and replacing it with theirs.

Once in place they began to put their asymmetrical methods into practice.  Their warfare methods were treated as crimes no matter how horrendous they were.  A perfect example is the bombing of the World Trade Center in the US, NYC.  This sensationally successful operation cost them nothing other than 19 dead operators.  Their explosives were two hijacked commercial airliners loaded with jet fuel which were flown into the towers.  The result was not only that the two towers crashed to the ground but several ancillary buildings also, the total value was billions of dollars, three thousand dead civilians and the disruption of NYC for months while people as far away from NYC as Portland, Oregon feared an attack on its lone tower.  The not very bright US president, George Bush, shut down the entire US for four days costing billions and fatally weakening  the economic structure of the US.  Bush’s further response was to spend trillions of dollars in a knee jerk reaction bombing the crap out of Iraq and Afghanistan.  This ran the national debt deep into the trillions of dollars.  Altogether this action that cost the Moslems nothing was perhaps the most successful military operation ever.

Not bad results for very little investment.

 In addition the Western reaction was masochistic. They treated this horrendous act of war as a mere crime, rounded up some hapless Moslems who may or may not have had anything to do with the assault and put them on trial in a court of law.  All the perpetrators died in the assault.  If it was a mere crime this situation ended with their deaths.  The Moslems must have thought:  These guys are suckers! We can take them!

Then began a peaceful invasion of the West aided by Western politicians whose motives are still unclear.  They’ve never been analyzed.  Thus, now going on decades, Moslems have been committing every type of act of war with impunity while colonizing whole cities including London, Paris and NYC.  In England, they recruited hundred’s perhaps thousands of young English girls to work as prostitutes, sanctioned by the government lest stopping it might be called, get this, racist.  No kidding.  Can’t you see the Moslems laughing their asses off around their hookah making obscene jokes.

They bombed the Boston Marathon injuring hundreds, the American masochistic response was:  Don’t go off the deep end here.  Not all Moslems are bad; these were terrorists.  Well, OK, then what?  The Moslems have been terrorizing Paris for a decade where dozens of cars are burned every night.  If what I read is true, Saturday June 10, 2017 Moslems are going to begin a terror campaign of suicide bombers, armed assaults with AK 47s, bombings and whatever that will continue until Paris is destroyed.  And France dithers.

In England the Moslems bomb a concert filled with children and all is forgiven. The West looks at a picture of a little Moslem child injured and goes off the deep end.  But, masochistically accepts the bombing of English children?  The Moslems get another big laugh.

Something must be done, the Moslems are about to conquer the West, but what?  Military operations are out of the question, we would merely be destroying ourselves.  OK.  Why not take a page out of the Moslem book?  What do the Moslems do when they conquer countries?  What will they do when they conquer the West?

Quite simply, they will impose civil disabilities.  Read your Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon.  I’m serious.  Go out and get a copy now if you don’t have one.

As Gibbon tells it, when the Moslems conquer a country they impose civil disabilities on the non-Moslem population.  Thus, even though the Moslems were a small part of the population they were able to control the much larger majority.  Among the disabilities the natives were forbidden to ride horses being restricted to asses and donkeys.  Those they had to ride facing backwards inculcating a feeling of inferiority and humiliation.  There was an extra non-Moslem poll tax and other humiliations.  Of course, one could escape these disabilities by converting to Moslemism.  Thus, the non-Moslem majority was turned into a Moslem majority.

In today’s struggle the Moslem minority, while having more chutzpah than a whole tribe of Jews, is attempting to seize control of the narrative by ceaseless atrocities that the silly West continues to treat as crimes thinking, I presume, to solve the problem by removing the perps from the streets.  Of course there is no bottom to the number of fanatics willing to be imprisoned or die.

The only possible solution to the problem that is viable is to impose onerous disabilities on the Moslems including a heavy poll tax.  The option of renouncing Moslemism is available otherwise Moslems would have to endure the humiliation of civil disabilities or leave for Moslemland.

I’m sure that those who haven’t realized that the old democracy disappeared with the Twin Towers, as the Moslems intended, will object.  They have to be overridden or we might as well turn Moslem now.  There is simply no other viable option.  Impose disabilities now.  Sent the Imams back to Arabia and make the rest shave their beards.

This must be done if the West is to survive and done now.  Let us hope President Trump has the courage to do the necessary.


  1. In certain situations if you are too civilised to survive you wont survive.In the last century countries discovered if they wanted to survive they had to drop some of the civilisation.In World War Two German spies were put up against the wall and shot in the Tower Of London which was returned to its original role as a military fortress.I believe spies and saboteurs in the US got the same treatment.Pure Darwinism really the fit species will survive and the unfit ones wont.

  2. Your Darwinism is accurate. I've never heard the German spy story for the Tower of London before. Know nothing of that in the US either. Of course, in our mythology we're so lily pure it hurts. It took me a decade or two to shed that misconception. I could sure use it in my continuing denunciation of FDR.

  3. FDR had six German saboteurs tried then executed by secret military tribunal in 1942 in Washington DC.FDR was often quite sanguinary as in his verbal agreement at Yalta that Stalin could execute 50000 German officers and endorsement of the Morgenthau plan..He once dismissed the Germans as carnivorous sheep.

  4. Not to mention his unconditional surrender attitude. The bombing of Germany might be compared to Sherman's march through Georgia and up into Carolina. This is a strain that runs all through American history. Consider the treatment of the coal miners at Holly Grove or the miners at Ludlow. Quite savage and self righteous at the same time. Must be Biblical.
