Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Henry Ford And The Jews 2

Henry Ford And The Jews 2


R.E. Prindle


Breitman, Richard- Lichtman, Allan J.: FDR And The Jews, 2013, Belknap Harvard

Ford’s warning of Jewish activities in the twenties had gone unheeded while with the inauguration of Roosevelt in 1933 Jewish attempts at manipulation of US politics exploded. As Breitman and Lichtman, two Jews, indicate, FDR became their tool failing them only in not declaring war on Germany in 1933 as they had already done.

Among the machinations of the late thirties to advance the Jewish cause Roosevelt sent his ambassador to talk to Mussolini about Hitler, p 143:

On January 4, 1939, Ambassador William Phillips personally delivered to Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, a letter from President Roosevelt asking the Duce to persuade Hitler…

Unpersuaded, Mussolini made an interesting observation.

Phillips limited himself to presenting American criticism of Nazi Germany’s methods of dealing with the Jews. However, Mussolini would have none of this.

“The Duce interrupted me by recounting the iniquities of the German Jews and of Jews in general, their lack of loyalty to the country of their residence, their intrigues, and the fact that they never assimilated with any other race….He told me of the financial frauds which were being practiced by the Jews and showed me a little book in German containing photographs of counterfeit bills for huge amounts of German marks. I was impressed by his apparently genuine antagonism to the Jews. He went on to say that, in his opinion, there should not be one Jew left in Germany, and that other European countries- and he mentioned in particular Rumania and Hungary- were confronted with the same problem and were finding it necessary to rid themselves of their Jewish elements. There was no room for Jews in Europe…”

Europeans had had two thousand years of conflict with the Jews. Can their conclusions really be dismissed as canards, as the Jews say? One would have to be a bigot to think so. No, the opinions of Mussolini as a European could be documented in hundreds of cases, have been so documented as any casual perusal of European history shows.

And now, safe in the US as Brightman and Lichtman abundantly show, nearly in charge of Roosevelt’s mind if not government they were urging their puppet to declare war on Germany while their fellow international Jews, in Ford’s term, were busy sabotaging Germany from safe havens both East and West and the US.

After the Great War triumphant Jews in Russia and Central Europe had murdered tens, even hundreds of thousands of Hungarian and Russians. Do you suppose that Europeans had forgotten? Even as Phillips and Mussolini talked an artificial famine in Russia was killing millions upon millions. Did the Jews think the world was blind? What now did they expect in return?

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Henry Ford And The Jews 1

Henry Ford And The Jews 1

R.E. Prindle

Breitman, Richard and Lichtman, Allen J.: FDR And The Jews, 2013, Belknap Harvard

I am going to make a long quote from the above title by Breitman and Lichtman. This quote by two Jews coming out today will say exactly in the year 2013 what Henry Ford was claiming in 1920-22. Apparently the Jews feel secure enough in their conquest of American culture to come out from behind the lies and denials that were absurd then and appear ludicrous today/
 In December 1918 shortly after the Armistice ending the war, an American Jewish Congress met at last in Philadelphia, with major factions of American Jewry participating. In June 1917, some 335,000 women and men, living in more than eighty cities and belonging to more that thirty Jewish organizations, had voted to choose representatives to the congress. Its mission was to form a Jewish delegation to the Paris Peace Conference. Among 400 delegates, lawyers, businessmen, and financiers from the American Jewish Committee shared space with socialists, labor leaders, and rabbis. In the election for congress president, an American-born federal judge, the aforementioned Mack, defeated a Lithuanian-born Yiddish-language poet, Solomon Bloomgarten, known by his pen name Yehoash. Nathan Straus, co-owner of Macy’s and Abraham & Strauss department stores, who would give most of his fortune to Zionist causes, served as honorary president. Marshall headed the Jewish delegation to the great power deliberations in Paris. At the insistence of the American Jewish Committee, though, the congress convened as a temporary body that adjourned in 1920.
 Jewish unity shattered after American delegates returned home from Paris. Despite the leadership of American Jewish Committee members such as Marshall, Mack, and Straus at the American Jewish Congress’s inaugural 1918 meeting, the committee shunned the congress when it reconvened as a permanent body in 1922. Leaders of the committee also denounced proposals to expand “Jewish democracy” into a World Jewish Congress, which they said would inflame anti-Semitism in the United States and Europe. No longer could the American Jewish Congress claim success for its goal “to unify American Jewry.”
 The American Zionist movement also splintered under stress. Chaim Weizman, president of the World Zionist Organization, quarreled with [Louis] Brandeis over fundraising and control of the movement. He charged that Brandeis led a secular, soulless movement that aimed at economically developing Palestine but lacked a distinctively Jewish component. Some Zionists also objected to Brandeis as the puppet master who pulled the strings of the movement without taking personal responsibility. Jewish activists futilely implored Brandeis to leave the [Supreme Court] bench and lead American Jewry.
 When Brandeis and his allies lost control of the Zionist Organization of America during the 1920s, membership and fundraising plummeted. Into the vacuum came Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America. Henrietta Szold founded the group in 1912, both to aid Jewish settlers of Palestine and to carve out a place for women within the Zionist movement. By 1917 Hadassah had 34,466 reported members, compared to just 21,806 for the once-dominant main Zionist group.
 Jewish factions in the United States briefly unified again in 1929. After protracted negotiations, the Zionist Organization of America endorsed a proposal to add non-Zionists, represented primarily by the American Jewish Committee, to the international Jewish Agency. Under Chaim Weizmann’s leadership, the Jewish Agency represented Jewish interests in Palestine. Under the authority of the League of Nations mandate, it worked to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine and administer the outside aid that sustained its Jewish population. Rabbi Wise had objected that Zionists had betrayed their ideals for non-Zionist money and seemed “content to be a tolerated auxiliary and beneficiary of the philanthropic process in American Jewish life.” Although most Zionists endorsed cooperation with prosperous, well-connected Jews, Jewish unity quickly collapsed after Marshall’s [President of the AJC] death in 1929 and the Arab Riots that summer in Palestine. In the wake of the riots, the Brandeis group led by [Rabbi Stephen] Wise and Bernard Deutsch regained control of the Zionist Organization of America.
Since according to Jewish experts at the time the Jews were ‘united’ it would appear that Ford’s division into international and ‘regular’ Jews was incorrect. There was only a worldwide congregation of Jews all working together. Of course, only a fool or the intimidated could have thought otherwise.
You will notice that so-called American Jews formed a ‘Jewish’ committee to negotiate solely Jewish interests to send to the Peace Conference in Paris. Thus the Jews thought of themselves as an autonomous people living in the United State and not as Americans as they claimed.
I think the time may have come for the Jews to apologize for their atrocious, defamatory and evil treatment of Henry Ford. It is time for the American people to cast off that defamation and rehabilitate Henry Ford as the greatest citizen of the world in the twentieth century. Unfortunately his work is now being undone by the ignorant, evil and malicious.
Viva Henry Ford!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Part VIII: Henry Ford And The Aaron Sapiro Case

Henry Ford And The Aaron Sapiro Case



Enter The Speculator Bernard Baruch

R.E. Prindle

This chapter will attempt to get Bernard Baruch’s involvement in Sapiro’s career a littler clearer. Always circumspect in his two volume auto-biography one gains the impression from Baruch that he is only telling you so much as he wants you to know. That so much is always of a very positive character regarding himself. Although Baruch frequently finds or at least obtains no success in his public career it is always that he was right but the other fellow isn’t quite quick enough to get Baruch’s meaning. Thus when FDR fails to take Barney’s advice it is inexplicable to himself and as he imagines to Roosevelt’s later regret. However everyone consults him with gratitude.
For instance here is an interchange with Thomas Edison, then considered America’s greatest inventive genius:
For many years I carried on a heavy correspondence with men who were in a position to help the farmer. One of these was Thomas A. Edison, whose interest in agriculture must have been as surprising to some people as my own. One day I received a call from Edison’s secretary. Edison was on his way over to see me at my home, he told me. I had never met the “genius of Menlo Park” and could hardly fathom why he should be calling on me. When he arrived he told me that, having heard of my interest in the farm problem, he wanted my views on a plan for credit and marketing which he had drafted at the suggestion of his friend, Henry Ford. I undertook to comment on Edison’s plan, and he accepted my criticism graciously. I felt highly complimented when he wrote: “You are the first man who has had imagination enough to throw off the trammels of the money religion and analyze the proposed scheme like an engineer
That is the general tenor of the hundreds of encounters with very prominent men, the majority of whom are Baruch’s friends, over the 800 pages or so of his auto-biography. Edison, who had a reputation as an anti-Semite second only to Ford, seems strangely to have selected not only a Jew to read his plan but a principal in the Lubin-Sapiro Cooperative farming plan. He could have received nothing but a negative reading.
Bernard Baruch was born in 1876 in the former Confederate State of South Carolina. His father, though Jewish, had fought for the slave states and in the aftermath of Reconstruction had been a Klansman. This was a small marvel to the young Bernard before he left home for New York to become notorious as one of the bears of Wall Street. Bears are never thought well of on the Street so that Baruch’s reputation was always on the negative side.
While he never tells us how large his fortune was at any rate he was able to give up Wall Street during the Great War to enter public service, as he says, at the insistence of President Woodrow Wilson himself. That’s the way it was with Barney, all the great men came to him for advice unsolicited.
More than financially secure he was able to dispense considerable largesse, as he says. He entered Wilson’s war administration as the head of the War Industries Board- the WIB. Here he began the collectivization of American industry somewhat like the industrial codes of Roosevelt’s NIRA. Bernard’s reputation was as a speculator on Wall Street and a bear at that so when he was chief of the WIB and demanded all industrialists submit their financial data to him this would have an invaluable asset to him for his speculations. In fact he was accused of the very thing.
One shouldn’t be too surprised then that there was strenuous opposition to his request. None was more strident than that of the automakers of Detroit including the most famous industrialist of all, Henry Ford. As in 1935 when the Supreme Court defused the same type of situation in which Ford was embroiled so the end of WWI defused this one, but Ford had had his first encounter with Baruch and Jewish collectivist methods.
During the War farmers had benefited as much or more so than industry. These were a couple fat years as prices rose and demand exceeded supply. Farmers are not actually businessmen. Wartime orders both made and destroyed companies. The orders were so large that companies had to expand their capacity at great expense. Some like the small arms manufacturers did so at great expense only to fall on hard times when orders ceased in 1918, but the expenses went on causing them great distress much like the farmers.
On the other hand Dupont was heavily criticized when having received a huge order from France they explained to the French that they would have to build a new factory and would only do so if the French paid for it. Thus, when the orders stopped Dupont’s expense stopped and they made the transition to peacetime easily.
The farmers were in the position of the small arms manufacturers. They had bought lots of equipment as farming became more mechanized. When their sales collapsed and expenses went on they were in a desperate situation as banks had no choice but to foreclose. Not being businessmen the farmers were slow at financials.
Agriculture through the twenties was in desperate shape. Ford who had a soft spot for farmers from his youth on the farm took a great interest in the problem working out his own solutions apparently with the help of his great friend and fellow ‘anti-Semite’ Tom Edison.
According to Baruch he also became interested in the farm problem. From the quote about Edison it would appear that he had been for at least a decade or so. This raises the question of whether or how much he knew about David Lubin.
Then, in 1922- Bernard Baruch, My Own Story Vol. II, The Public Years, p. 159
By 1922, a total and tragic collapse of the tobacco market had brought Kentucky to the “verge of anarchy,” in the words of Judge Robert Bingham, publisher of the Louisville Courier-Journal and the Louisville Times and later Ambassador the Court of St. James. At the suggestion of Arthur Krock, the editor-in-chief of the Louisville Times, Bingham asked me to join him in organizing the Kentucky tobacco growers, which I did.
 The services of Aaron Sapiro, the foremost expert on the organization and management of cooperatives, were enlisted.
Who are you going to go to when you’ve got a tough problem? Why, Super Bernard Baruch of course. And Bernie, naturally, went to the top expert in the field his fellow Jew, Aaron Sapiro. But, had they known each other before, were they fellow conspirators? Baruch doesn’t say. Now, the reader unconsciously accepts Bernard’s opinion that Sapiro is THE foremost expert. That he was foremost implies that there were several other experts. So Sapiro is not alone in his field. According to Baruch, then, Sapiro was head and shoulders above all the others. Perhaps, but probably not, but what and how does Aaron know about cooperatives? After all, he began as a nickel and dime lawyer in San Francisco.
The Jewish cooperative movement of which Baruch and Sapiro were exemplars had begun back around the turn of the century under the leadership of the Jew David Lubin among Jewish orange growers around Sacramento, California. What was known as the Sapiro Plan was actually the Lubin plan.
Sapiro began as a shyster lawyer in San Francisco becoming known to Lubin who made him a cooperative ‘expert.’ Lubin who had grand international plans then departed for Europe where he managed to sell his plan to the king of Italy. Taken under the king’s wing, financed by him, Lubin set to work. A question is did Ford know about Lubin? As he mentioned that the Jews had an international plan, and Lubin was behind one, I’m guessing that he did. Unfortunately for Lubin and possibly for Sapiro he was cut down by influenza in 1919. After 1919 then Sapiro was on his own and appears to have begun drifting. His fortunes began declining so he was already on the skids when Baruch brought him into the Kentucky tobacco affair. By 1924 it may have been necessary for him to seek a million by suing Ford.
Ford had his newspaper, the International Dearborn Independent. During 1920-21 Ford had published 91 articles exposing Jewish machinations in the US. The articles were all true, that is, factually correct, but the Jews ever sensitive to criticism denounced Ford as an anti-Semite. Exposes had a long history and the debunking authors coming along on the heels of the muckrakers became prominent in the twenties so in that sense Ford was right in step with the times. Ford wasn’t doing anything that the Jews weren’t doing with the exception that he was doing it to the Jews.
Sapiro having come to his attention, in 1924 he began a series of 20 articles exposing what was the Lubin-Sapiro plan but Ford didn’t know of or at least didn’t mention David Lubin. Ford’s articles did couple Bernard Baruch’s name with Sapiro’s as well as those of fellow Jews Eugene Meyer and Albert Lasker.
In Volume II of his memoirs, The Public Years, Baruch discusses this involvement. 159-162
It seemed to me that farmers could spare themselves many trials if, instead of trying to create an organization, they could acquire one already established, one with adequate facilities, experienced personnel, and a standing in the marketing field.
In other words, organized as businessmen, which they weren’t
I approached J. Ogden Armour the meat packing tycoon, in the spring of 1923. I proposed that he sell his Armour grain company, one of the largest grain marketing houses in the country, to several farmer organizations. This idea was not without its implicit irony. Armour was then anathema to farmers, representing all that was evil in the creation and operation of the Chicago meat packing empires, which Upton Sinclair had execrated in his famous book, The Jungle.
So, the farmers have the leading Wall Street bear speculator getting a scourge of the farmers, Armour Packing Co., to sell that what appears to be a very profitable business. At what price?
I suggested a plan which he readily endorsed. Under its terms a farmer organization would purchase the Armour Grain Company. Its duration would be entrusted temporarily to a board comprising the present management, representatives of the farmers, and representatives of the public. When the farmers’ indebtedness to Armour was liquidated, direction would be left entirely to the farmers.
Not clear exactly what Baruch is smoking here. I can see about twenty things that could go very wrong here. First we have sharpers vs. rubes. Very bad start. Then we have ‘entrusted temporarily’. Two bad words there, trust and temporary. And skipping over to the end, direction by farmers. Farmers are farmers busy farming. They aren’t going to direct any of this. They are going to have to trust permanently after having given up their independence. My daddy always said you can’t trust anybody and I found that to be true. I couldn’t even trust daddy.
The farmers weren’t going for any of it and between Baruch and Armour I don’t blame them. Now, we’re getting a little closer to the bone after this carefully worded preface:
Many people who admired the doctrines of competition, more in theory than in practice, professed to see in the cooperative marketing movement a violation of the anti-trust laws at the very least; and, at worst, a dangerous form of collectivism.
Yes, it was a dangerous form of collectivism. The farmers wouldn’t be any better off and they would be bound by the collective of which Baruch and his group would be the beneficiaries. There were other cooperative plans so farmers seeing their plan as a number of violations wasn’t necessarily opposition to cooperatives.
One of the loudest voices in the hostile pack was Henry Ford’s who used his mouthpiece, the Dearborn Independent to unleash a particularly violent an bigoted attack on cooperative marketing, labeling it the handiwork of Jews and Communists, and naming Aaron Sapiro and me as among the alien influences responsible for this un-American idea.
I don’t see how being opposed to an unsound plan makes one evil as Baruch says here. I don’t know how you can be bigoted against the concept of cooperative marketing while I don’t believe Ford was actually opposed to farm coops. I may be wandering but I’m not sure farm coops and Baruch’s use of cooperative marketing are the same thing.
To my knowledge the Sapiro articles from the Independent haven’t been published in book form so I haven’t read them but I am unwilling to accept Baruch’s self-serving characterization of them. After all, what we have here is an us vs. them situation. One can’t expect fair play from Baruch and the rest.
Following the above Baruch gives a long paragraph of character assassination of Ford. Then, as if to vilify Ford further he gives us this diatribe, p. 162:
Beginning with the issue of May 22, 1920, and leading with a front-page editorial captioned “The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem” the Independent had carried on one of the most violent and sustained anti-Semitic attacks ever seen in this country. Its pages were filled with it for ninety-one consecutive issues. It was an operation as fantastic in its planning as in its execution. E.G. Liebold, a Ford executive, had established a detective agency in New York City to investigated the private lives of Jews and providing fodder for the Independent campaign. Many of the agency’s men had numbers like 121X. It was this bureau that bought a translation of the spurious “Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion,” a notorious and classic anti-Semitic document, which provided the Independent with material for a year and a half.
One day the Independent appeared with a headline and story proclaiming me as the “pro-consul of Judah in America’ and a Jew of Super-Power,” the head and front of a dictatorial conspiracy.
I ignored these assaults, but Sapiro was irate.
The detective agency would have been part of Ford’s Service Department. I can’t fathom why Baruch was irate because the Xs were spying on the private lives of Jews. While I find that, if true, offensive however the fact is that the American Jewish Committee and the ADL keep files on 3,000,000 of what they presume are American anti-Semites of which there is a file on me. Believe me it can be quite an invasion of privacy.
Currently some of my essays are displayed on the ADL site as examples of anti-Semitism which I consider defamation. No one thought to ask me. So, Bernard is being somewhat disingenuous here.
As far as his being a pro-consul, whatever is meant by that, I believe he probably was an officer of the international Jewish government. As far as being a Jew of Super-Power, any reading of his auto-biography would indicate he obviously thought of himself as that.
So here in these quotes from four carefully written pages of Baruch’s we have a principal participants view of what the thought was happening and how he was involved in it. He carefully selects what information to release but it isn’t that difficult to read between the lines.
Tracking down Eugene Meyer and Albert Lasker’s involvement looks to be more difficult however the more one looks into this issue the more Henry Ford is exonerated.

Monday, July 14, 2014

A High Honor For Your Daughter

A High Honor For Your Daughter


Dr. Anton Polarion

I just bought a copy of the TASCHEN publication of All American Ads Of The 40s. At the height of the war American Locomotive ran the following ad that sounds like wonderful high flown sci-fi. This is amazing stuff and they were serious.

A High Honor For Your Daughter

The Nazis look upon us as a degenerate nation. But they have a great respect for our accomplishments. And, if they win, they may decide that we have something in our blood which they can use in building their master race.

For they are great believers in eugenics, these Nazis. They’re strong for selective breeding.

You they may cast aside and put to some ignominious task, such as scrubbing sidewalks or sweeping the streets. But your daughter…well, if she’s young and healthy and strong, a Gauleiter with an eye for beauty may decide she is a perfect specimen for one of their experimental camps.

A fine honor for your daughter…

Does this seem a story spun in the realm of fantasy? It isn’t. It is now happening, all through Europe. The latest experiment of the victorious Nazis has been to ship Austrian and Hungarian girls to the Northern countries. The result of these unions…unblessed, of course, by matrimony…will not be known for some time. But the Nazis, you must admit, are not above innovation.

Two, three, four, five years from now they may ship American girls to some far corner of the earth…may select your daughter…if you relax, if you fail to do your part now. If you say, hopefully, “It can’t happen here. We can’t lose.”

No, we can’t lose. We can’t afford to. We must not. Else all the terrors, all the degradation, all the misery, and suffering that have been loosed upon Europe will be loosed upon us. We of all people will not escape it. We shall be the chosen…we shall be the elect…in the Nazi scheme of things.

We who have only just begun to win. We who risk the danger of resting on our new won laurels and considering the job done.

This is no time to relax. This is the time…the opportune time…to do all we can to get this war over sooner.

We must measure up to the job!


Boy! After that I’d sure as hell want to get the job over sooner. Now, I can understand why the Jews are still looking under their beds for Nazis. You never can tell. The Hydra lives. Thank God for the American Locomotives of this great country to look out for us. Geez! I’m sure glad we didn’t let up and did all we could so we won that one. Now I know why they call it the ‘just’ war.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Down And Dirty In Detroit

Down And Dirty In Detroit
R.E. Prindle


Well, you know, what are we going to do about Detroit. The former city, now a sort of squatterville, has been reduced to a population so Negro that only about seven percent of the people are White. God only knows were they hide out.
Apparently the only jobs in this wreck of a city are provided by the various governments chiefly that of the former municipality of Detroit while one wonders what the seven hundred thousand or so Negroes who comprise the main mass of population do for a living. The industry has all left. The population has been more than cut in half. Apparently nothing as very few pay their water bill as the roll call of unpaid households nearly equals the delinquents.
While it seems to be going unnoticed it costs a lot of money to run and maintain a water department. Thus actually those costs were supposed to be underwritten by those connected to the water mains. The Negro administrators of this bankrupt town, that is one owing 20 billions of dollars with revenues in the millions, most of which goes to Negro city employees, in desperation are shutting off water to delinquents.
As I say, the Department doesn’t run on water it merely supplies it. Cash has to enter the system from somewhere. Of course the former city could just hire everyone and deduct the water bills from their wages, something like Social Security.
One wonders how the former city got into this debacle. There are loud but necessarily obscure voices on the internet, as the internet is the only place they can hope to be heard, who say that Negroes can’t adjust to civilization and this is the obvious result.
The Alternet, linked above, thinks like this:  
Detroit, Michigan was once a thriving city but was sent into a tailspin by the deindustrialization of the United States, white flight, and institutional racism which blamed black people who were in fact victims of catastroph
 Well, right. They were running the city and caused the catastrophe they were victims of. Institutional racism escapes me. Must be something like White Privilege.
As, perhaps a partial explanation, Alternet also gives this as a cause: …big banks,..sold risky derivatives to corrupt Detroit politicians…. Which banks to which politicians? Back toward the middle of the last century when Negro Coleman Young became mayor and led his people in triumph over the Whites who had not yet flown, the former White mayors had reduced Detroit’s debt to just over a billion. A few more years under their administration and the city, it was a city then, may have been debt free. And that is FREEDOM my friends.
The debt skyrocketed under successive Negro mayors, the city now reverted to desert ruins has been in Negro hands since Young. Now, one is not sold derivatives, one buys them. A ninny could have bought the recent mortgage bonds that resulted in such a disaster also and many did but a heck of a lot more didn’t. Bernie Madoff suckered a lot of people with his dodge but more weren’t than were. It was a choice. Sometimes a financial scheme not only looks but smells fishy.
It is certainly true that the bankers never get hurt, in fact they’re prospering more now than then, but the real cause of the demise of Detroit is that those Negro mayors spent more than they took in. An undeniable fact, don’t you think? While the subject is more complex than one might think- I recommend The Slaughter Of Cities: Urban Renewal As Ethnic Cleansing by E. Michael Jones for a detailed history of this Detroit situation- the fact is Negroes burned down Detroit in 1967. The city became unsafe for Whites at any time of day or place. Why wouldn’t they fly? If they shot back they would go to jail not the Negroes. The law had been perverted.
No, The problem in fact is the Negro. The bankers too but they have so many AA hires these days one can’t say Negroes aren’t a larger part of the pollution there too.
What then? The fact is Detroit cannot run a water system unless someone pays the bill. Maybe Daddy Warbucks will show up and laughingly take care of business. The human, or Negro problem rather, is preposterous. The water systems were predicated on householders paying their bills or else. There are alternatives, however outdoor privies went out of fashion when indoor plumbing came in when I was a child. Wells are now non-existent besides they used to be right next to the privies. I don’t know how I survived childhood.
We know Negroes are good at improvisation so perhaps they will work something out, a bucket brigade from the river or something. But hey! This preposterous situation is happening right here in formerly first world USA. Detroit is only the leading edge of the tsunami, there are a couple dozen US Negro cities forming the crest behind Detroit. Are you ready?
Who said: It can’t happen here.