Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Review: Pt. III, One World by Wendell Willkie

A Review

One World by Wendell Willkie

Part III


R.E. Prindle

Wendell Willkie

Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself

Frank & Eleanor

Except for the fact that it was engineered there was really nothing that unusual about the Great Depression nor was it any worse than the two great depressions of the nineteenth century, those of 1873 and 1893. They were just as severe as that of 1929 and also very long lasting. If the Great War had not intervened it is likely that a depression would have occurred between 1914 and 1918. The modern industrial economy had come into existence while the Civil War was being waged with the result leading to the crash of 1873 as people didn’t know how to manage the emerging economy.

In the ensuing years science and technology made giant leaps that society had to struggle to deal with. Change with all its wonders occurs much faster than the human mind can assimilate it. By the late twenties innovation had moved so far beyond society’s ability to absorb to the change that I wouldn’t be surprised if a cause of the depression wasn’t mental fatigue much as I think it is today. People just can’t keep up and don’t know where to lie down to rest.

For whatever reasons the Coolidge prosperity ended during Herbert Hoover’s watch. The New Era had run into a stone wall. There were a lot of people cheering the collapse, mainly Communists and Jews as it meant opportunity for them.

Hoover was immediately taken to task for doing nothing as if anything could have been done. Actually he did everything that could have been done although according to the rules of individualism. This was the first major depression, save possibly 1921, in which the majority of the population was urban hence less able to feed itself so the idea of distributing provisions was new. It is not impossible that people suffered less, even then, than in 1873 or 1893. For a popular report see Matthew Josephson’s The Robber Barons in which he reports hundreds of thousands of beggars in New York City alone. Nineteen twenty-nine was many times more ‘humane.’

Roosevelt in his turn on the economic front did nothing that Hoover hadn’t done and with the same results. Hoover did some deficit spending , later called Keynsian economics, but that is just handouts. Hoover initiated public works while urging States and municipalities to do the same. Roosevelt called the same Public Works and CCC while they were collectivized changing the direction of the nation. They also produced nothing.

Henry Ford

Hoover called on industry to maintain payrolls as much as possible. Henry Ford volunteered to raise his daily wage by a dollar even though his business was as hard hit as anyone’s; even that didn’t work so obviously the problem went deeper and would have to work itself out. There was no end of innovation happening, such as television, that would create great industries after the war but they were developing.

Roosevelt, governor of NY in 1929 joined in the derision of Hoover although he had no plans to get the ‘economy moving’ as we were later to say. None of his economic policies which were the same as Hoover’s with unfamiliar names achieved anything. It was in social engineering that he had his great effect.

Still, he took office in 1933 to the egoistic strains of Happy Days Are Here Again. He took the lectern and bellowed: We have nothing to fear but fear itself. People believed him too even though he didn’t explain what fear itself was. He didn’t bother to put a name on it.

The inauguration was a gala time down on the Lower East Side. The impression one gets is that Eleanor and Franklin made one heck of an impression on the Jews of the East Side back at the turn of the century. It was as if they had now gotten their man in. More than one Jewish baby on election night and after was named Franklin Delano in his honor. Great expectations of what? The redemption? Actually 1933 was a hinge year in European and American history.

While we’re being internationalists, in Russia the Soviet Union in which Jews were heavily represented in the government the first Soviet Five Year Plan was coming to an end. That first five year plan created the largest man made famine in recorded history. Millions had died from starvation. And the Soviets had the effrontery to claim that the Depression showed that Capitalism wouldn’t work. Good god amighty. Unlike the Soviet famine of 1921 Herbert Hoover was not allowed to relieve the famine as he did then.

The famine was hotly denied as the Soviets tried to cover it up. American Liberals and Fellow Travelers aided the cover up and thus were complicit in the death of those millions as they also denied the famine.

It may be a coincidence but the Stalinist show trials began shortly after in which Stalin began to purge the Jews. At the end of WWII only one Jew remained in the government while all but one of the Soviet concentration camps were superintended by Jews.

Let us consider genocide by starvation.

The first great man made famine was created by the revolutionists in France. Wheat was withheld from the Parisian markets and blamed on the king to further the citizens toward revolution.

What Ford exposed and interrupted seems to have been a world wide attempt to corner the wheat market led by the Jew David Lubin residing in Rome under the protection of the king of Italy while Aaron Sapiro was his North American agent. Had they been successful in getting the growers organized to coincide with the Soviet famine a huge worldwide famine could have resulted. Of course Lubin and Sapiro’s activities were part of an international Jewish conspiracy but let’s overlook that.

Still, Lubin’s plans were incorporated into Roosevelt’s UN in 1946 and the UN has come up with Agenda 21 that leads to the same type of control. The Soviets kept their people on a short tether for decades by controlling access to food. People spent hours each day waiting to buy and often found the shelves empty. Rumors abound that the US president Obama has the same agenda in mind. People are hoarding food like crazy in just such an anticipation.

Note also that Monsanto Chemical now has or is able to establish a wheat corner in North America. They have perfected a kernel that will sprout only once. The crop of that sprout is sterile so that growers are compelled to buy their annual seeds for each crop. Thus whoever controls Monsanto controls the growers and hence distribution. So, while Ford disrupted the 1920s plan those objectives are now close to realization.

As Roosevelt was elected the anti-Communist, anti-Jewish Nazis under Adolf Hitler were constitutionally elected in Germany. For the Nazis Jews and Communists were interchangeable. Thus while the nations from the USSR to the USSA and Canada were all under Jewish direction or influence the only movement dissidents were the Axis powers of Germany, Italy and Spain and these along with German Austria were surrounded by Leftist governments.

With Hitler’s accession the Jews who had been warring with the Volkists since the end of WWI declared war on Germany. While their power in the USSR was going to be eliminated by Stalin the Jews directed Roosevelt into a bellicose stance toward Germany.

Within a matter of months the opposition to Roosevelt was being characterized as Fascists, that is, anti-Semites. Once the Jews gain power or influence the situation becomes us and them, us being pure and undefiled, them being vile and evil. Polarity becomes the order. Only look at the Manichaean state of society today, racist or not. Thus Roosevelt began to plan for the ‘just’ war, that is a Jewish war upon his inauguration.

His program from the start was collectivist not individualist. The chief program of the first hundred days was the NIRA- National Industrial Recovery Act. Its symbol was the Blue Eagle, carried over from the Wilson days, or ruptured duck as the ‘Fascists’ that is FDR’s opponents, called it. All of industry and retail was collectivized under our eyes. Once in there was no way out. The NIRA stunned American business.

As Charles Sorenson the production manager of Ford Motors put it in his autobiography My Forty Years With Ford, Wayne State paperback, p. 253:

The year 1930 and the beginning of the Big Depression had revolutionary political and social consequences. During the ensuing years relations between the people and the government changed drastically. The welfare of the people became a direct responsibility of the government whereas before the government was the responsibility of the people. American thought and outlook were altered. Large segments of our people were willing to exchange personal freedom for the sense of social security.

If large segments were, there were also large segments that weren’t. Therein lay the intense conflict of the period, not of parties but of ideologies. One of the first things Roosevelt did was to recognize the Soviet Union. Ever the naïve boob Roosevelt made a condition of recognition the renunciation of Comintern interference in US affairs. The Reds, already there, immediately became entrenched in Roosevelt’s government before he had time to turn around.

As of old the Jews flooding back into Washington did not forget the ‘Amalekites.’ They remembered them and sought vengeance for past defeats. Ford had given them trouble for seven years in the twenties and they were going to give it back to him with interest.

While Fascists were the concern of the Jews and hence FDR‘s, the concern of Americans were both foreign ideologies but more Communism than Fascism. Communism was and is little more than Fascism with a benevolent appearing mask. Back in the settlement houses the Roosevelts had been committed to Jewish socialism/Communism but now found it prudent to dissimulate.

Very soon after he was elected a Jewish Soviet agent in the House by the name of Samuel Dickstein began to push the President for what Dickstein called a House Un-American Activities Committee. His attempt in 1934, close after the election, failed but Dickstein succeeded in 1938. The purpose of the Committee as Dickstein and Roosevelt envisioned it was to root out the Fascists and ‘anti-Semites of US society and punish them. Communists by default here were not un-American. They were to be given a free pass. However, in 1938 the Committee chairmanship was given to the American Texas Congressman Martin Dies an ardent anti-Communist hence by definition an anti-Semite upsetting Roosevelt and Dicksteins plans.

But that’s a little ahead, suffice it to say that Roosevelt’s administration was riddled with Communists, who were in a position to direct affairs, which is to say they were Stalinist agents reporting to agents who reported to Stalin. While Roosevelt was not a satrap of the Soviet Union there were those who couldn’t tell the difference. The administration was definitely one of the Stalin inspired Popular Fronts.

The first business was to impose a Talmudic collectivization on the American people destroying American individualism as thoroughly as possible. Roosevelt immediately rushed through his NIRA. This involved subjecting all industry into compliance with industrial codes not unlike the intent of Wilson’s WIB under Bernard Baruch.

The compliant business whether industrial or retail was required to display the Blue Eagle decal in its window. Customers were directed to avoid non-compliant businesses and patronize those displaying the Blue Eagle. Wags called the decal the Ruptured Duck.

Vicious campaigns of defamation not too dissimilar than charges of anti-Semitism were carried out against non-compliants. Foremost of these was our Henry Ford. As he had seen through Aaron Sapiro and his plan he saw through Roosevelt and his. Intense pressure was placed on Ford, attempts to disrupt his business and turn his customers away. Legal action was projected to force compliance.

As early as 1932 before their man had been sworn in Judaeo-Communists marched on River Rouge with the intent to destroy whatever they could. Labor discontent was unique at Ford plants. As Charles Sorenson tells it, p.253:

During the twenty-nine years before the advent of the New Deal, Ford Motor Company had never been closed down by a strike. Henry Ford was looked up to as the best example of a generous employer. Working hours and pay were beyond criticism. Minimum rates had gradually increased from $5 $6 to$7 for an eight hour day. And although Ford refused to deal with unions, Ford Motor Company officials sometimes suggested unionization to parts suppliers vexed by strikes.

Ford could justify mass production because he had developed it. Mass production had progressively decreased the cost of automobiles, as well as other things. But to gain that result, management had to control costs, which in turn, involved wage rates and production methods.

Ford sent Harry Bennett out to meet the Communist rabble relying on his past excellent relations with his labor force, not realizing the change in leadership. Bennett without so much as a word was beaten to the ground and placed in hospital.

The Battle Of The Overpass

You can imagine the effect of this criminal act on Ford and Bennett and the rest of the executives. Naturally Communist thugs and trouble makers began to fill the jobs at Ford plants especially Rouge. Four years later when the Communists led by UAW president Walter Reuther and his lieutenant Frankensteen attempted the same stunt Bennett and his security force with his own hospital stay in mind led his team to thoroughly beat Reuther et al at the so-called Battle of the Overpass. This was naturally depicted as Ford’s ‘goons’ beating innocent workers. Thus Ford was further defamed although not losing that much support among the people.

Ford’s resistance to the NIRA might have turned very ugly, it was the New Deal’s intent to forcibly take Ford Motors from Ford, except that the ‘nine old men’ on the Supreme Court ruled at the opportune moment that the NIRA and most of the rest of Roosevelt’s nefarious acts were unconstitutional.

Roosevelt retaliated as his kind always does when balked by coming up with the loony plan of adding enough of his stooges to the Court to overrule the ‘nine old men.’ This crazy idea was so preposterous that it cost him his credibility.

Nevertheless he was able to advance collectivization to the point that if he could stay in office long enough, individualism would be virtually destroyed. After twenty years a whole new generation would have become accustomed to collectivization.

In order to staff these new alphabet agencies, NIRA, CCC, whatever, Roosevelt naturally turned to Jews, Reds and Fellow Travelers, a great many of the old Settlement House crowd who supported his agenda. Thus in a decade in which perhaps 25% of the work force was unemployed Reds et al. were steadily employed, not unlike the current Obama administration which has returned to the spoils system employing mainly ‘his people.’

As a strange anomaly a very nice living could easily be gotten by professing to have seen the light and renouncing your Communist past. Thus fingering Reds by so-called former Reds would soon become big business. American businessmen sought out these people so being Red was worth a lot of money one way or the other. Interestingly the post-war CIA gave small fortunes to ‘apostate’ Communist literary figures but nothing to Conservative American writers. It was worth it to have a past.

Perhaps the cushiest jobs of all were in the Federal Theater Project. This agency supplied jobs to Leftist ‘writers’, singers and dancers living off the fat of the land.

So while Roosevelt’s deficit spending had no effect on slaying the depression his efforts at collectivization paid great dividends.

As should be apparent, in order for his social engineering, as it has now come to be called, to succeed he had to stay in office, not just for the customary eight years but three or four, possibly even five terms or the rest of his whichever came last. If Roosevelt had lived I don’t think there is any doubt that he would have remained in office for an extra number of terms. The country was fortunate he died soon after the beginning of his fourth term.

Thus the 1936, 1940 and 1944 elections were crucial to the success of his agenda. As might be expected Roosevelt’s reputation for tinkering with the economy brought out all the cranks with their various fantastic programs to correct the ills of the world. From the Technocrats to Huey Long’s Share The Wealth plan to Upton Sinclair’s EPIC- End Poverty In California- fantasy was rampant. Most of the cranks could be dismissed as odd balls but Huey Long, first governor of Louisiana and then its senator, was a different case. Huey was into money redistribution as seriously as Roosevelt and he knew how to get things done thus becoming a real threat in the 1936 election. At the least he could split the ticket putting the Republican candidate in much as Teddy Roosevelt had done for Wilson in 1912. Long had no affinity for Roosevelt’s Jews so the 1932 election would had been in vain.

Not surprisingly Long was assassinated before the election. There is no definite proof that Roosevelt ordered it so let us say that fate removed Long’s threat. The Republicans put up a non-entity, the Kansan Alf Landon. Perhaps no experienced Republican wanted to go up against a potential shoo-in like Roosevelt but Alf, even the name Alf is a sort of joke, was sort of like running Elmer Fudd, gamely took on the task.

Just consider, FDR ran on his theme song Happy Days Are Here Again while Alf ran on an old minstrel tune, Ya Gotta Stop Kicking My Dog Around.

Every time I go to town

The boys keep kickin’ my dog around.

Makes no difference if he is a hound

You got to quit kickin’ my dog around.

Of course by 1936 those happy days were still in the somewhat distant future, still, if you thought the election was going to be close you were mistaken.

By 1936 Hitler over there in Germany had given the Jews something to get incensed about. If, when they declared war on Hitler in 1933, they didn’t thing he had the means and will to retaliate that was a major misunderstanding. Hitler set about disenfranchising the Jews, much as the Jews have done to White males in the present US, shutting down their businesses, chasing them from the universities and law courts and by the time of Kristalnacht giving them irrefutable evidence that the only happy days for them would be in the grave or the United States.

Roosevelt taking the international Jews’ part lodged an objection or two with Hitler that the German actually laughed off. Roosevelt proclaimed it was time to quarantine the aggressors without sorting out who the aggressors were. While Stalin began his show trials sorting the Jews out of his government he also organized the so-called Popular Front in which all the future allies, including the US, set up Red governments and opposed Hitler as a non-Communist government. For a fuller account of political machinations in the period Eugene Lyons’ The Red Decade is good.

In Asia the Japanese had come up with their program called The Greater East Asian Prosperity Sphere. Eschewing diplomacy they began to establish the sphere by taking Manchuria in 1931, renaming it Manchukuo, and then in 1933 beginning the invasion of China.

Here begins the conflict between what Roosevelt and his Jews called internationalism and isolationism. Roosevelt had very little knowledge of what was going on in China or, if he did, he was more traitorous than we believe. By traitorous one means he followed his ideology rather than his nationality. He was true to the former while false to the latter.

Stalin had been very active in China so that the Communists were a revolutionary force in opposition to both the Japanese and Chinese nationalists. Mao was establishing the Reds in the northwest. Wielding those Executive Orders that Obama does so well, Roosevelt began aiding the Chinese of Chiang Kai Chek while encouraging those of Mao Tse Tung. Perhaps Willkie’s round the world trip to China had some purpose of linking Stalin with Mao. At any rate Willkie had long communications with the Iron Man and also serious tete a tetes with the Chinese Reds. One imagines there was more than small talk.

Technically then the US was already in the Pacific War before Roosevelt provoked the Japanese into bombing Pearl Harbor.

In my estimation and certainly of those styled Isolationists, such aid was completely unnecessary while violating all neutrality standards. In addition there was nothing in it for the US although the aid might have been surreptitiously meant ideologically to aid the Communists of Mao. One hopes there were analysts in the government who might at least have considered a scenario in which the Japanese were defeated, the Chinese Nationalists and the Chinese Reds then having a go that resulted in the conquest of China by Mao, which is what happened so that it shouldn’t have seemed too improbable while making US involvement moot. Unless of course Roosevelt, Stalin and Mao were more or less in accord.

The Isolationists who, as I say, unavoidably had to take some kind of international stance, there was no way to avoid it, were wary of what Roosevelt was doing and what he intended to do. Whatever it was Roosevelt seemed willing to subordinate US interests to ‘international’ interests to reach his goal. Thus the name America First. Quite frankly it was not the US’ business while it was advisable to let the participants wear themselves out and then pick up the pieces. But Roosevelt obviously thought himself God leading the Chosen People to their destiny.

US opposition to the New Deal was fully effective after 1936 although aspects of it such as the Federal Theater Project couldn’t be stopped. Then events began heating up in Europe as the probability of war was becoming not if but when. The looming war put England in a difficult position. The country had been nearly completely worn down in the last war. Its casualties had seriously depleted its man power and the quality of the remaining. According to Thomas Mahl in his Desperate Deception: British Covert Operations in the United States 1939-’44, Winston Churchill realized that in a German war the British unaided could not win so that he made his plan getting the US to fight the war for England. Thus the ‘just’ war required the US to defend England, carry the Jewish fight to Hitler and establish the internationalism of Roosevelt.

Sounds like a story you’ve heard before, doesn’t it? What was his name? What was his name? That’s right, Charles Lindbergh. The poor guy got trashed for pointing out the obvious.

Also on the horizon was the very critical election of 1940, Roosevelt’s much needed third term. Something that went completely against American tradition although if Wilson’s health had held he would have been the first to seek a third term. Heck, in FDR’s race for a third term maybe even Alf Landon and his hound dog could have won. Pretty chancy, pretty chancy.

So, how to reduce the chanciness.

Whereas in 1936 possibly no one wished to be the sacrifice, in third term 1940 there was a strong probability that the Republicans could take their country back, as we say of the situation today, undoubtedly with the intent to undo what Roosevelt had done. A likely candidate was NYC’s crime busting DA, Thomas Dewey. Riding the crest of having put Lucky Luciano and Lepke Buchalter away at the very least Dewey would have been a very strong challenger.

Strangely, in 1940 no Republican would be selected to run against Roosevelt. Instead a life long Democrat of no status Wendell Willkie would be selected as the candidate. That one had people scratching their heads. As it would turn out Willkie virtually ran on Roosevelt’s platform. Somewhat like Mitt Romney of the 2012 election who during the second debate turned zombie like toward his opponent, Barack Obama, and said: ‘I think you’re right. I agree with you.’ leaving Obama stunned though he recovered, handing him the election. Willkie did the same. There was no choice so why change?

Willkie consenting to lose, next Roosevelt had to win the Democratic nomination which with superb engineering he did. With virtually no opposition Roosevelt got his third term. After 1940 he could have won reelection as long as he lived. It was only through the grace of god he was terminated in 1945.

While Roosevelt won by 54% that was no where near the landslides of ‘32 and ‘36. It would seem probable then that a strong candidate like Dewey, campaigning to win, most likely would have.

The third term was grim news for Roosevelt’s opposition, the isolationists as he styled them. Already with one foot virtually in the war on behalf of the Jews Roosevelt ran on the promise of no foreign wars knowing full well he was lying between his teeth.

It was then that the opposition firmed up organizing themselves as America First. It was clear that Roosevelt was going to subordinate American interests to those of the Jews and the English and as an ‘internationalist’ the rest of the world.

Already supplying the Chinese against the Japanese, for Roosevelt it was only a question of how to maneuver the US into war but an ideological war against the anti-Communist forces of Adolf Hitler. When in 1932 Roosevelt announced that Americans had nothing to fear but fear itself he neglected to say that Fear was his middle name.

Part IV, Into The Abyss follows.




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