Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Henry Ford And The Jews 1

Henry Ford And The Jews 1

R.E. Prindle

Breitman, Richard and Lichtman, Allen J.: FDR And The Jews, 2013, Belknap Harvard

I am going to make a long quote from the above title by Breitman and Lichtman. This quote by two Jews coming out today will say exactly in the year 2013 what Henry Ford was claiming in 1920-22. Apparently the Jews feel secure enough in their conquest of American culture to come out from behind the lies and denials that were absurd then and appear ludicrous today/
 In December 1918 shortly after the Armistice ending the war, an American Jewish Congress met at last in Philadelphia, with major factions of American Jewry participating. In June 1917, some 335,000 women and men, living in more than eighty cities and belonging to more that thirty Jewish organizations, had voted to choose representatives to the congress. Its mission was to form a Jewish delegation to the Paris Peace Conference. Among 400 delegates, lawyers, businessmen, and financiers from the American Jewish Committee shared space with socialists, labor leaders, and rabbis. In the election for congress president, an American-born federal judge, the aforementioned Mack, defeated a Lithuanian-born Yiddish-language poet, Solomon Bloomgarten, known by his pen name Yehoash. Nathan Straus, co-owner of Macy’s and Abraham & Strauss department stores, who would give most of his fortune to Zionist causes, served as honorary president. Marshall headed the Jewish delegation to the great power deliberations in Paris. At the insistence of the American Jewish Committee, though, the congress convened as a temporary body that adjourned in 1920.
 Jewish unity shattered after American delegates returned home from Paris. Despite the leadership of American Jewish Committee members such as Marshall, Mack, and Straus at the American Jewish Congress’s inaugural 1918 meeting, the committee shunned the congress when it reconvened as a permanent body in 1922. Leaders of the committee also denounced proposals to expand “Jewish democracy” into a World Jewish Congress, which they said would inflame anti-Semitism in the United States and Europe. No longer could the American Jewish Congress claim success for its goal “to unify American Jewry.”
 The American Zionist movement also splintered under stress. Chaim Weizman, president of the World Zionist Organization, quarreled with [Louis] Brandeis over fundraising and control of the movement. He charged that Brandeis led a secular, soulless movement that aimed at economically developing Palestine but lacked a distinctively Jewish component. Some Zionists also objected to Brandeis as the puppet master who pulled the strings of the movement without taking personal responsibility. Jewish activists futilely implored Brandeis to leave the [Supreme Court] bench and lead American Jewry.
 When Brandeis and his allies lost control of the Zionist Organization of America during the 1920s, membership and fundraising plummeted. Into the vacuum came Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America. Henrietta Szold founded the group in 1912, both to aid Jewish settlers of Palestine and to carve out a place for women within the Zionist movement. By 1917 Hadassah had 34,466 reported members, compared to just 21,806 for the once-dominant main Zionist group.
 Jewish factions in the United States briefly unified again in 1929. After protracted negotiations, the Zionist Organization of America endorsed a proposal to add non-Zionists, represented primarily by the American Jewish Committee, to the international Jewish Agency. Under Chaim Weizmann’s leadership, the Jewish Agency represented Jewish interests in Palestine. Under the authority of the League of Nations mandate, it worked to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine and administer the outside aid that sustained its Jewish population. Rabbi Wise had objected that Zionists had betrayed their ideals for non-Zionist money and seemed “content to be a tolerated auxiliary and beneficiary of the philanthropic process in American Jewish life.” Although most Zionists endorsed cooperation with prosperous, well-connected Jews, Jewish unity quickly collapsed after Marshall’s [President of the AJC] death in 1929 and the Arab Riots that summer in Palestine. In the wake of the riots, the Brandeis group led by [Rabbi Stephen] Wise and Bernard Deutsch regained control of the Zionist Organization of America.
Since according to Jewish experts at the time the Jews were ‘united’ it would appear that Ford’s division into international and ‘regular’ Jews was incorrect. There was only a worldwide congregation of Jews all working together. Of course, only a fool or the intimidated could have thought otherwise.
You will notice that so-called American Jews formed a ‘Jewish’ committee to negotiate solely Jewish interests to send to the Peace Conference in Paris. Thus the Jews thought of themselves as an autonomous people living in the United State and not as Americans as they claimed.
I think the time may have come for the Jews to apologize for their atrocious, defamatory and evil treatment of Henry Ford. It is time for the American people to cast off that defamation and rehabilitate Henry Ford as the greatest citizen of the world in the twentieth century. Unfortunately his work is now being undone by the ignorant, evil and malicious.
Viva Henry Ford!

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