Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Down And Dirty In Detroit

Down And Dirty In Detroit
R.E. Prindle


Well, you know, what are we going to do about Detroit. The former city, now a sort of squatterville, has been reduced to a population so Negro that only about seven percent of the people are White. God only knows were they hide out.
Apparently the only jobs in this wreck of a city are provided by the various governments chiefly that of the former municipality of Detroit while one wonders what the seven hundred thousand or so Negroes who comprise the main mass of population do for a living. The industry has all left. The population has been more than cut in half. Apparently nothing as very few pay their water bill as the roll call of unpaid households nearly equals the delinquents.
While it seems to be going unnoticed it costs a lot of money to run and maintain a water department. Thus actually those costs were supposed to be underwritten by those connected to the water mains. The Negro administrators of this bankrupt town, that is one owing 20 billions of dollars with revenues in the millions, most of which goes to Negro city employees, in desperation are shutting off water to delinquents.
As I say, the Department doesn’t run on water it merely supplies it. Cash has to enter the system from somewhere. Of course the former city could just hire everyone and deduct the water bills from their wages, something like Social Security.
One wonders how the former city got into this debacle. There are loud but necessarily obscure voices on the internet, as the internet is the only place they can hope to be heard, who say that Negroes can’t adjust to civilization and this is the obvious result.
The Alternet, linked above, thinks like this:  
Detroit, Michigan was once a thriving city but was sent into a tailspin by the deindustrialization of the United States, white flight, and institutional racism which blamed black people who were in fact victims of catastroph
 Well, right. They were running the city and caused the catastrophe they were victims of. Institutional racism escapes me. Must be something like White Privilege.
As, perhaps a partial explanation, Alternet also gives this as a cause: …big banks,..sold risky derivatives to corrupt Detroit politicians…. Which banks to which politicians? Back toward the middle of the last century when Negro Coleman Young became mayor and led his people in triumph over the Whites who had not yet flown, the former White mayors had reduced Detroit’s debt to just over a billion. A few more years under their administration and the city, it was a city then, may have been debt free. And that is FREEDOM my friends.
The debt skyrocketed under successive Negro mayors, the city now reverted to desert ruins has been in Negro hands since Young. Now, one is not sold derivatives, one buys them. A ninny could have bought the recent mortgage bonds that resulted in such a disaster also and many did but a heck of a lot more didn’t. Bernie Madoff suckered a lot of people with his dodge but more weren’t than were. It was a choice. Sometimes a financial scheme not only looks but smells fishy.
It is certainly true that the bankers never get hurt, in fact they’re prospering more now than then, but the real cause of the demise of Detroit is that those Negro mayors spent more than they took in. An undeniable fact, don’t you think? While the subject is more complex than one might think- I recommend The Slaughter Of Cities: Urban Renewal As Ethnic Cleansing by E. Michael Jones for a detailed history of this Detroit situation- the fact is Negroes burned down Detroit in 1967. The city became unsafe for Whites at any time of day or place. Why wouldn’t they fly? If they shot back they would go to jail not the Negroes. The law had been perverted.
No, The problem in fact is the Negro. The bankers too but they have so many AA hires these days one can’t say Negroes aren’t a larger part of the pollution there too.
What then? The fact is Detroit cannot run a water system unless someone pays the bill. Maybe Daddy Warbucks will show up and laughingly take care of business. The human, or Negro problem rather, is preposterous. The water systems were predicated on householders paying their bills or else. There are alternatives, however outdoor privies went out of fashion when indoor plumbing came in when I was a child. Wells are now non-existent besides they used to be right next to the privies. I don’t know how I survived childhood.
We know Negroes are good at improvisation so perhaps they will work something out, a bucket brigade from the river or something. But hey! This preposterous situation is happening right here in formerly first world USA. Detroit is only the leading edge of the tsunami, there are a couple dozen US Negro cities forming the crest behind Detroit. Are you ready?
Who said: It can’t happen here.

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