Sunday, February 10, 2019

Thoughts On Mr. Bezos Pecker Problem

Thoughts On Mr. Bezos’ Pecker Problem


R.E. Prindle

Let’s keep the ball rolling on this issue that Mr. Bezos has brought to our attention.   We have little idea of the behind the senses activity so we can only deal with what is public.

It seems that the Mr. Bezos owned Washington Post has been attacking Mr. David Pecker’s publication the National Enquirer, itself owned by a corporation calling itself AMI.

The sin of the NE as identified  by Mr. Bezos is being in contact with Saudi Arabia.  This seems strange as the Saudis are publicized as one of our stalwart allies, second only to Israel.  It is difficult to see the offence  even if it relates somehow to Pres. Trump.  Yet this seems to be the basis of Mr. Bezos’ and the WP’s complaint.

There does seem to be some involvement with government investigators between Mr. Bezos, the WP and the Mueller outfit.

Mr. Bezos make this incomprehensible statement:


Federal investigators and legitimate media…suspected and proved that Mr. Pecker has used the Enquirer and AMI for political reasons.


I have always held Mr. Bezos in high regard for his unbelievable commercial success but here he makes the incomprehensible statement that it is wrong that newspapers have political reasons in publishing.  Has Mr. Bezos never heard of the Editorial page?  Are not stories and their characterizations used for political purposes?  Do not newspapers endorse and recommend their favorite candidates?  Good Lord, doesn’t Mr. Bezos own the Washington Post and use it for defaming Pres. Trump.

Actually, he does know it.  (One wonders if Mr. Bezos doesn’t also own the Medium site,  the site on which he chooses to expose himself.)  Mr. Bezos calls his ownership of the WP a ‘complexifier’.  In other words it compromises him.


Even though the Post is a complexifier for me, I do not regret my investment.  (The Post loses tens of millions of dollars a year; some investment.  More a vanity and/or political project.)

The Post is a critical institution with a critical mission.  My stewardship (note the word) of the Post and my support of its mission, which will be unswerving (and) remain unswerving…


Very well, but can’t Mr. Pecker say the same about his relationship with the National Enquirer.  Is the NE really any less legitimate than the WP?  Is Mr. Bezos mouthpiece any less reprehensible in its political ‘mission’ to discredit Pres. Trump?

Mr. Bezos then says:


Back to the story:  Several days ago, an AMI leader, (Editor I presume Mr. Bezos means) advised us (us being whom?) that Mr. Pecker went  “apoplectic” about our investigation.  For reasons still to be better understood, the Saudi angle seems to be a particularly sensitive nerve.


Why should it?  Didn’t Pres. Obama make an obsequious bow from the hip while place his hand in the Saudi king’s hand as a sign of fealty?

There we have the crux of the matter.  Mr. Pecker’s counter attack.  Apparently fighting back is not kosher to Mr. Bezos.

After having been married to a lovely lady for twenty-five years, and building the most successful gigantic business on the planet Mr. Bezos decided he needs a hot babe and so he went out and bought one (for lack of a better word) not only that he bought a married one.

In this romance Mr. Bezos, who is perhaps one of the top ten tech wizards in the world inexplicably sent and exchanged pornographic photos with his Hot Tamale.  These emails and photos were then given or sold to the NE.

Mr. Bezos believes that the Pres. somehow hacked them.  Where they came from is beside the point but the NE categorically denies they got them by hacking.  Using Occam’s Razor the most obvious suspect is the Hot Tamale.  After all if you had bagged a guy worth 150 billion dollars wouldn’t you want the world to know?  What Hot Tamale wouldn’t?  Anent that we have heard no objections from the husband and no filing for divorce.

In frustration the NE tried to negotiate with  Mr. Bezos offering to squelch publication if he gave up his unwarranted persecution of them on the WP.

Mr. Bezos chooses to call this offer extortion and blackmail.  Mr. Bezos will hopefully pardon a knowing smile on our part.

One wonders at what strategic moment Mr. Bezos will choose to announce his candidacy for President of the United States.  I think you just killed your chances, Sir.

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