Sunday, September 30, 2018

Pt. 2b-5 Mysteries of the Second Thirty Years' War.

Eugenics and Dysgenics Pt. 2b-5

Mysteries Of The Second Thirty Years’ War


R.E. Prindle

Continuation of Pt. 2b-4



After The War Was Over


The big war, WWI, ended in 1918 but war raged all across Europe for several years.  The German revolution, an extension of the Bolshevik Revolution, touched off conflicts running through Germany sporadically and the fighting between the Communists and the NSDAP continued for ten years until the NSDAP won and Hitler took control.  In Hungary the war between the Communists, essentially Jews, and the Whites raged with horrible crimes and exterminations committed by the Communists.

In Russia the war between the Reds and the Whites, Czarists otherwise, was carried on with unprecedented brutality.  Released from Czarist dominance and now in control the Jews realized Dostoyevsky’s prediction that if they were free to do it they would exterminate the Russians root and branch right then as in fact over the next twenty years they would exterminate Russians in the tens of millions.  The Chmielnicki massacres of Jews and Poles in the seventeenth century in the Ukraine were now visited on the Ukrainians with food used as a weapon of mass destruction and deprived of it Ukrainians were starved to death in their millions.

The Jewish god was dead, the supernatural obviated as the Jewish ego in its purist form revealed itself.  Remember the Amalekites, and, now, remember the Ukrainians.   And so, the European Holocaust raged across Europe.  How many Europeans died in that great European Holocaust will never be known.  Thus in 1919 as the chaos continued it became obvious that the Jews were the cause of world unrest.

A great but ineffective movement rose to expose the Jewish threat.  There was never a period when the Jewish threat was so obvious nor a time when a solution was so elusive.  Knowing is one thing, being able to do something about it Is quite another.  Disguised as a universal political movement in which all nationalities were subsumed in an apparent sole ideology, that of Communism, to the mas of the population Jewish influence was not obvious and easily denied.  The Jewish ego had been converted into ‘Social Justice’ which is different from ‘Justice.’

The Protocols of Zion formulated in 1897 before this Revolution had escaped notice, but now, as one might expect, they were seized on as a red herring.  Themselves innocuous and rather foolish, as conspiracy fare they were too obvious to be taken seriously.  Such manifestations today are so common and so much more preposterous that they are perceived as threats to no one.  The James Bond series of movies mocked the Protocols and turned them into great fun.  Although the Jews still use them as a bogeyman to frighten small children there is no there there.

Nevertheless they caused quite a flap at the time, the Jews professing to be horrified that such a travesty of Judaism could be written while certain other Jews held them up as a threat to civilization or, at least, ‘our’ democracy.  Perhaps in the circumstances they were.  In the event all exposes of Jewish intentions centered around them.

In Europe the Leaders apprehension was the NSDAP of Germany.  The true war in Europe was between Germans and Jews while in the US Henry Ford carried the battle to them.  Supposedly an arch-anti-Semite, which was not true, all his ideas and announcements were criminally distorted to defame him and after twenty-one years the campaign was successful.  Thus the achievements  of the most decent of men and perhaps the greatest American of the twentieth century have been buried and he is remembered only as a ‘vicious anti-Semite.’  Degradation of the worst sort.

As I said this was a critical period for the Jews.  After 1917 through perhaps the 1927 Sapiro trial Jewish controlmen were busy putting out fires as fast as they could.   The London newspaper the Morning Post published The Cause of World Unrest that received very favorable reviews and attention and had its influence on Ford himself, so Ford is not an isolated case but part of a much greater reaction to Jewish crimes.  Something had to be done and Henry Ford took up the challenge in 1920.

Henry Ford bought himself a little local Dearborn Michigan weekly newspaper called the Dearborn Independent and turned what was virtually a neighborhood paper into a national newspaper of tremendous influence, The International Dearborn Independent.  As Ford was an actual reactionary socially in addition to being an industrial innovator of supreme imagination he turned his dissatisfaction to account and was a major influence on American mores. In that sense he was a real danger to the Jews who were trying to change American mores into Jewish mores.

In creating the International Dearborn Independent he was also fighting yellow journalism such as Hearst’s and Pulitzers newspapers in New York City and sensationalism generally.  More of a magazine than a newspaper, from the copies I’ve seen, there was no sensationalism; the Reader’s Digest could have been patterned after it.  It was just an attractively formatted Family Home Companion.  Dull to most political readers I’m sure.

The paper reflected aspects of civilization as Ford would have liked them to have been.  In fact, he reflected the America most people today find ideal.

Smarting under his treatment by the Jews such as Baruch and other bankers and alarmed by the post-war turmoil created by the Bolsheviks who most people considered to be Jews, Ford, by his own admission set about to solve the age old Jewish problem.  No so-called anti-Semitism was involved, he was addressing the cause of world unrest. However, Ford was stepping into a musty controversy.  Post-war Jewish activities had alarmed the more thoughtful part of thinking people.  As there was little that could be done other than exposure this was Ford’s method and the method of a number of significant organizations and people.  Ford was not alone in his exposure; Jewish damage controlmen were kept very buy worldwide.  The Protocols were not a lone document; there were many.

Chief among these was a small volume called ‘The Cause Of World Unrest published by the London Morning Post by Anon.  The author didn’t want to put his head on the block, Jewish vengeance is terrible, ask the Amalekites.  The book was a success in England.  In the US Charles Scribner decided to publish an edition as, indeed, the subject was an important political issue.

As Jews constituted somewhere near forty percent of the labor in New York City it would seem that someone or one’s reported to the American Jewish Committee Scribner’s intent.  Louis Marshall, the President of the AJC sprang into action as he was prone to do.  Marshall has two long volumes of his letters published in which he deals with all these events from the AJC and Jewish point of view.  All his letters are not included, just a selection.  These are usually long windy letters too.  The guy must have spent all his days writing letters.

A word about Louis Marshall.  Marshall was an NYC lawyer, a real Jewish gadfly.  He was an inveterate letter writer and I mean it.  He mostly penned thousand and many thousand word letters.  It’s a miracle that any were read.  Sometimes he followed the original multi-thousand word letter with another long winded epistle three days later probably before the recipient had had a chance to decipher the first letter.  These letters were rambling affairs requiring great concentration to follow.  As these letters often do not reflect well on Jewish activities one wonders about the letters that were excluded in which Marshall may have really let loose.

As the Cause of World Unrest exposed Jewish machinations that were not creditable Marshall and the AJC wanted them suppressed, that is censored.  While the AJC loudly proclaims its dedication to freedom of speech it goes to great lengths to suppress what it doesn’t like.  They wanted no unnecessary notice brought to their activities that were often indefensible.  Thus Marshall wrote his letters to Charles Scribner commanding he not publish the Cause of World Unrest. 

Scribner protested that it was relevant and important information founded in fact and ought to be disseminated.  Scribner therefore went ahead and printed copies.  Whatever threats were made, Scribner was visited by operatives of the anti-defamation league, who considered any comment about the Jews as defamation, who may have threatened to defame Scribner if he went ahead or threatened to interrupt his supplies or distribution driving him out of business, common Anti-Defamation League methods to persecute those who insisted on their Constitutional right to free speech, Scribner pulped the printed copies abandoning the project.  Thus, as chief damage controlman Marshall achieved his end- suppressing free speech, while at the same time professing to be its champion.  Institutionalized hypocrisy.

Then came Ford, who, also knowing of Scribner’s intent was disgusted by the book’s suppression.

Ford, while not immediately subject to suppression by reason of his great wealth and reputation, was adamant, well funded, and free to do as he pleased and he did it.  The famous Independent articles later bound into the four volumes called The International Jew began to appear in his newspaper or magazine The International Dearborn Independent.

Having suppressed The Cause Of World Unrest this new, what they considered, threat threw the Jews into a frenzy of activity.  Louis Marshall wrote many letters.  The Anti-Defamation League got busy.  Ford was immoveable, the articles kept coming out and they were learned articles, firmly rooted in fact.  The first volume was an analysis of the Protocols, but the articles began to deal with various aspects of Jewish activities in the US and worst of all from the Jewish point of view they were accurate, incontestable, proof against any test bur irrational defamation, the resort was to pure defamation. 

The Jewish activities analyzed by the Independent writer, William Cameron, were all directed at discrediting American mores, ways of doing things.  This was an age old Jewish tactic.  Conquer the people by destroying their mores and replacing them with Jewish mores.  Thus in their contest with ancient Egypt the Jews attacked their sacred animals wantonly killing Egyptian protected species such as the Hippopotamus.  Anti-Semitism wasn’t a term then but Egyptian animosity toward them for the destruction of the sacred animals was an indication of their stupidity because as always the Jews know best.

Nothing in the US is more defamatory than being called an anti-Semite.  Ford became the definitive example of anti-Semite and the defamation followed him into the grave and still plagues Ford Motors.

Connected to the International Jew articles but separate from them, going on in the background, were the agricultural activities of a fellow by the name of Aaron Sapiro.  Sapiro was busying himself organizing agricultural commodity co-ops.  His activities would involve the famous Bernard Baruch, the prominent banker, Eugene Meyer Jr. and the head of the Lord and Taylor of Chicago advertising firm, Albert Lasker.  Ford would begin investigating Sapiro two years after discontinuing the International Jew articles.

Now, this is interesting.  Just as the Jews had the American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation organizations, investigative and vigilante terrorist units, so Ford had his Service Department.  Most people are probably no longer aware of the Daddy Warbucks character of the Little Orphan Annie comic strip.  I have the feeling that cartoonist Harold Gray had Henry Ford in mind when he created Daddy Warbucks.  Warbucks was an individualist with sparkling eyes and his own Service Department, submarine, spy system, the works.

Ford’s Service Dept. didn’t have a submarine but did have a force of investigators that he hired to scout out what the Jews may have been doing and what else they may have turned up I don’t know but Ford must have been one of the best informed men in the US.  The Jewish organizations investigating and defaming Ford took his investigations of themselves as an unjustified affront, mocked him and defamed his investigators as a bunch of incompetent boobs.  One of their tasks was to investigate Aaron Sapiro and his commodity co-ops.

The Jewish interest in agriculture might see slightly out of place as they were never associated with farming.  Yet, all through this period they are active in agriculture, not as farmers, but as manipulators.

Behind these agricultural projects was a man never mentioned in the histories of Ford or the Sapiro case and apparently unnoticeable to any radar.  I only came across him by a chance comment about him by Sapiro who was addressing a Detroit meeting just before the trial.  Sapiro referred to a David Rubin as though he was the mastermind behind the whole agricultural business and he was.  I searched Amazon for Rubin and surprisingly came up with a biography.  A woman named Olivia Rosetti Agresti wrote a biography published in 1922, Rubin died in 1919, titled David Rubin; A Study In Practical Idealism. More of a hagiography than a biography it never-the-less details Rubin’s career.  Rubin was a sort of latter day Jewish prophet, what we today would call a professional Jew.  Not academically educated he was well read in Jewish sacred literature and was aware of and advanced the Jewish Revolution of 1913-1928.  The US’ Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver explains the dates of the revolution in his book on Messianic Judaism.

Rubin’s messianism is demonstrated in this quote from Mrs. Agresti’s book, p. 75:
More than that…the young Yid will learn that the lifework of his people, of Yisroel, has just about got into shape to be begun, for we may safely say that, if we are to take the word of the Prophets seriously, our work in the past is but a prelude to what we have to accomplish.  To prepare us for this great work we have been placed in a comatose condition for twenty centuries and we are just about beginning to awaken from our long sleep.

And when we open our eyes what do we behold?  We behold the crown of royal equity, of righteousness, of justice, of “rachmonus”, of the Spirit, ruling the nations, the people and the individuals! and the regal quality off his rule is infinitely more potent than all the qualities inherent in kings or presidents; and after beholding this let any one then say that the Jew has no country.  Can a country be shown, high in the qualities named, that was not shaped through the influences in the life of Israel?  Do not let the young people get fooled by the seeming level-headed, practical man; the man that boasts of his levelness.  Such men are more often practical humbugs….Let there be but one Jew with the proper spirit; let him go forth to do the work which it is Israel’s mission to do, and the work will be begun.

One sees then that the prophetic spirit is on Rubin and he has embraced it.  He is the prophet.  And he passed the spirit on to his acolyte, Aaron Sapiro.  It is the Jew’s mission to lead the nations to righteousness and one might add, by any means necessary.

Rubin, born in 1849, came to the US as a young man growing up in New York then gravitating to the city of Sacramento on the West Coast.  Arriving with little means he and his half-brother Harris Weinstock opened a store in Sacramento and prospered.  Accumulating money rather quickly, given Rubin’s self-proclaimed righteousness and integrity, Rubin became interested in agriculture through the Jewish fruit growers of Sacramento.  Rubin was involved in the Jewish Colony Association so he apparently brought a lot of landsmen West.  Oranges and such being overplanted and supply far exceeding demand, Rubin took a hand in organizing co-operatives to put some order in the chaos, especially as he had gone from merchant to grower.  According to Sapiro the Rubin plan was the one he based his plan on.  The information is sketchy and hard to follow but Rubin left Sacramento in 1895 to find someone to sponsor his agricultural fantasia.  He found that someone in the king of Italy.  He returned briefly to Sacramento in 1906 at which time he may have met Sapiro and indoctrinated him.  Sapiro takes credit for organizing the orange growers co-ops but at about the same time the ad man from Chicago Albert Lasker takes credit for creating the Sun Kist label and organizing the growers under that umbrella.  And somewhere along the line Bernard Baruch became involved in these agricultural schemes through his interest in commodities.  The paths began to cross between the Jewish schemers and Henry Ford who, have been raised on a farm, was developing a scheme to benefit farmers beginning with his tractor that was developed shortly after the Model T.  Ford and his idol Edison worked out a plan together that they presented to Baruch for his evaluation.  Baruch, of course, involved with the Jewish plan rejected it outright.  Ford and Thomas Edison were stung by the rejection.  Why it should have been taken to Baruch for evaluation unless he was known to be involved in agricultural efforts isn’t clear to me.

Sapiro began forming these co-ops in the teens and was successful in organizing them making for himself enormous sums of money.  In his best year he pocketed eighty thousand dollars, in today’s dollars and buying power that is millions.  And that was for himself.  Baruch, Meyer and Lasker were surely being paid for their contributions so the farmers and growers were being mulcted even before the co-ops were functioning.

There is a distorted episode in this Jewish-Ford war than the Sapiro episode.

Sapiro based his plan on the prophet Lubin’s teachings.  He then formed numerous commodities into co-ops moving from West to East as he exhausted areas.  About the time Ford caught up with him he was involved in the Kentucky tobacco growers along with Bernard Baruch.  The agricultural plan was quite simple.  In order, theoretically, to get the best price for the growers they would consign their crops to the co-ops which would then warehouse the crops, that is take them into their possession, make the growers a small down payment while distributing payments to the growers as the crops were sold.  Thus, hopefully the crops were withheld in times of low prices and released in times of high prices.  All very well in theory.

However the administrators of the co-ops had to be paid and as in all such cases the administrators think themselves more important than the growers who become in their minds mere employees.  They also have the means of disciplining the growers as they have possession of the crops.  Thus the co-op becomes a collective.  The administrators invariably value their services as more important to those of the growers as employees.  The co-ops as devised by Sapiro were mere rackets and Sapiro was very well paid for setting them up.

Ford, at one time, briefly, a farmer had along with Thomas Edison devised his own plan, one in which the farmers retained their independence.  Edison, in turn, had even submitted his plan for criticism to Bernard Baruch.  As Baruch was involved with the Lubin-Sapiro plan he coldly dismissed the Ford-Edison plan as impractical which in my estimation it was.

Whether Baruch’s decision affected Ford’s articles investigating Sapiro is not known, nevertheless his detectives began examining Sapiro’s activities which in turn infuriated Sapiro who filed a legal suit against Ford for defamation.  As Sapiro’s activities were public the suit turned into a defamation action against the whole Jewish people.  Thus Sapiro brought the whole of Judaism into his complaint.  The end result of this would have been the beginning of a law making it a crime to criticize Jews in any way giving them complete immunity as they pursued their goals while establishing Judaism as the State’s protected religion.

In any event Sapiro was caught tampering with the jury and the trial was declared a mistrial.  Contrary to belief Ford did not lose the trial.  Had the parties wished the trial would have been rescheduled.  It is unlikely that Sapiro could have borne the expense of a new trial so Ford would have won by default.

However, as Ford was involved in a model change, the Model T had outlived its life span and Ford had shut down his entire operation for over a year for retooling, he could ill spare the time for a new trial, so even though no new trial was scheduled he inexplicably chose to settle.

The whole of the Jewish establishment had been involved in the trial, the AJC headed by the gadfly Louis Marshall, the lawyer Samuel Untermyer, the Hollywood Studios and the united Jewish people, so Sapiro had become such a cipher that Louis Marshall and the Jewish hierarchy took charge.  In addition to money damages Marshall demanded that Ford apologize, not to Sapiro, but to the whole body of Jews, presumably in the world.  This was close to the blood libel in significance.

The articles in the Dearborn Independent had apparently been so effective in the book form throughout the world that the world’s unrest had redounded or was redounding on the Jews so that as part of the settlement Ford was required to renounce the International Jew worldwide proving, I suppose, that the concept international Jews was a fact and there was no international Jewish conspiracy.

The problem was that Ford had never copyrighted the articles and anyone could us them at their discretion, Ford received no royalties.  In fact Ford had no legal control on their dissemination.

In the event Sapiro had been thoroughly discredited, apology or no apology, and was never able to recover.  His day in the sun was finished.  Louis Marshall, himself, had written Ford’s apology and the fulsome generosity to the Jews was palpable.  He had the two page document bound in boards and sent a copy to every library in the US of A.  One can only conclude that Ford had successfully upset Jewish plans or, at least, put them on the defensive during the twenties.  The apology however did not end the affair in Jewish minds; remember the Amalekites.  It didn’t end until the forties when Ford was completely demoralized and Ford Motors was in tatters.  The Amalekites as you may know refused Moses and the Hebrews passage through their country which was a mortal offense to the Jews.  Decades after the fact when they were stronger they organized an army, marched back to the Amalekites and exterminated them man, woman and child.  It was the will of the Lord.  As with the Amalekites, so with Ford.

Had Woodrow Wilson remained healthy he would have sought a third term.  Bursting from the energy center of a successful Bolshevik Revolution in Russia the Jews would have remained powerful thus controlling the enormous empire of Russia as well as the huge economic engine of the US.  As incredible as it may seem they would have been the rulers of the Eurocentric world and the impossible dream would have been a reality.  How long it would have endured is another question.

With Wilson out of the running, assuming he could have obtained a third term,  the rump of the post-Civil War GOP won the election in 1920 creating the economic power house of the 1920s.  With the Republicans back in power there was no place for the Jews in Washington.
Continued in Part 2b-5Pa

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