Monday, September 17, 2018

Eugenics and Dysgenics Pt. 2b-3

Mysteries Of The Second Thirty Year’s War


R.E. Prindle


Continued from Pt. 2b-2


At this point we’ll have to shift primarily to the US.  As I said, Europe was old and deeply rooted in its history and traditions.  While the Eastern Seaboard colonies were settled in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries they were new, relatively insignificant and shadowy.  They were a long way from Europe by sail and a perilous journey of probably months in small craft.  In the nineteenth century with the advent of steam and steel voyages would become briefer and more predictable  and safer while ships became larger eventually being named the Titanic or Leviathan.  And then that great unsinkable ship Titanic went down on its first voyage destroying Western confidence in itself.

Prior to the US Civil War the country was insignificant in all ways.  From 1865 to 1914 it became a very wealthy behemoth.  The first and really only of its kind.  But, for Europeans, a new not well understood phenomenon intruding on their consciousness.  It became a refuge from disasters and a dumping ground of undesirables and criminals.

Jews had a minimal presence until post-Civil War.  However, Europe had been in a revolutionary ferment since 1789 hence the US was an escape valve for revolutionaries when it became too hot for them.

In 1847 Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto calling on working men to unite and cast off their chains.  The revolutionaries apparently read the manifesto, took it to heart and in 1848 began the attempt to cast off their chains.  The authorities were ready for them and put as many as they could back in chains.  God bless America, the failed revolutionaries in their thousands fled across the water to Castle Gardens in the US port of New York City.  The so-called Statue of Liberty was not erected yet and Ellis Island was still a mud bank, so the wretched teeming refuse of Europe arrived at America’s hospitable shore without glamor.  As Jews were heavily represented among the revolutionaries this was their first big accretion to reach the land of milk and honey and easy pickings.  Not the first Jews but the first large body.  And they arrived in the US just when it was about to become the money machine of money machines, a currency lovers paradise.  Thus by 1900 many Jews had made amazing fortunes and they were able to help, or exploit, depending on how you look at it, the waves of medieval Eastern Jews who began to arrive post-Civil War.

Everything came together.  The sewing machine had been invented, people began to change from homespun clothes to ready mades.  The established Jews shunted the new arrivals into the so-called needle trades and the clothing manufacture of the US became a wholly Jewish industry.

The stock market began to come into prominence in the 1840s and by 1900 was the economic engine driving US industry.  There were customs in Wall Street but few rules other than catch as catch can.  Get the money.  Fabulous fortunes could be made and lost and gained again.  It was the dream time of dream times.  Money, money, money, it grew on trees for those with their eyes on the bouncing ball.  I wasn’t, but you had to have been there.  Sorry I missed it.

So now, what with improving transportation and communications it was possible to conspire more easily between the Rothschilds and other very wealthy Jews in Europe and the US fortunes.  There was more than enough money to believe fantasies that had previously been unbelievable.

European Jews could easily travel to the US in a couple weeks while US Jews spent large parts of their summers in Europe.   Planning and coordinating activities was simple.  The scope of a Jewish political unit combining Europe and North America was breath taking.

As mentioned before the US was a safe sanctuary for revolutionary operations from everywhere.  Irish revolutionaries moved freely between Ireland and the US, Jewish conspirators planned in the US and executed in Europe and vice versa.  The Chinese revolutionary Sun Yat Sen found a second home in LA and raised fortunes there.  Indian revolutionaries plotted against Great Britain in the security of San Franscisco.  US revolutionaries fled West when it got to hot for them in the East and East when the temperature rose in the West.

Honest to god, these were the best of times if you were carefree and had a sense of humor.  It was like this all over the world.

So, the Jews were discontented in Russia but not content with merely leaving; in their blind hatred of the Czar they not only wanted to murder that dignitary they wanted to take over the whole of Russia and exterminate the bastards.  And they were almost successful.

Thus they set to work to revolutionize Russia.  The first major attempt, other than the assassination of a Czar or two was the First Russian Revolution of 1905.  As it so happened, about 1903 the Japanese were anxious to contest Russia for Manchuria.  However, not being flush with money,  that currency, that currency,  they couldn’t afford to mount the war.  Ask me not the background of this because I don’t know it, but word got to the Jews.

As is clear, Jews were either owners of European banks or in a position to punish European banks who did what the Jewish bankers forbade them to do.  Thus, the Jews refused to make loans to Russia and forbade other bankers to do so also so that fellow European bankers couldn’t come to the financial aid of their European Russian brothers.  In 1903 then the Russians couldn’t get money to wage war properly either.

But then, the chief Jewish US banker, Jacob Schiff, came to the rescue of the Japanese.  Schiff was on the board of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, the biggest of the insurance companies with 200 million dollars in reserves. Schiff himself was a 48er from Germany but the Jews were at war with the Czar and Russians so the international conspiracy went into action.  Schiff was a partner of the Jewish investment banking firm Kuhn, Loeb and was a major force on Wall Street.  In partnership with the railroad magnate E.L. Harriman Kuhn Loeb was challenging J.P. Morgan and Co. for financial dominance.  Jacob Schiff was about to violate his trust with the Equitable and appropriate the two hundred million dollars essentially for his own use.  The board did not vote to loan the whole reserve or any part of it to the Japanese.  He did take the money and loan it to the Japanese specifically to prosecute their war against Russia.  The Japanese were successful.

One has to ask, how big a chance was Schiff taking?  Did he know in advance that the Russians would be distracted by revolutionary activities in Europe?  Certainly he believed the Japanese had more than a fifty-fifty chance of winning.  How many Jewish operatives were in the Russian camp perhaps frustrating preparations?  If there weren’t then Schiff was taking an enormous chance that if he failed would have repercussions on all Jews and Americans in the US.  After the war the Japanese threw a huge celebration to honor Schiff who went to Japan for the event.  Schiff changed world history and who were the beneficiaries.  Not the Americans.  As Schiff was a US citizen the Russians would have had a major grievance against the US as the US had actually interfered in Russian affairs.  As usual with immigration America took the blame for what immigrants did.

Having defeated the Russians (see the movie, Sidney Reilly, Ace of Spies, for a treatment of the Russo-Japanese war), it was necessary to have a peace treaty.  Oddly, or maybe not so oddly, Teddy Roosevelt as President of the US was selected to preside over the proceedings that took place in the US.  Talk about a smoking gun.  Remarkably the treaty conference was held in Portsmouth Maine.  Even more singular the Jews were represented as Jews not Americans and participated in it.  Why the Jews should have been allowed to participate in a treaty between Russians and Japanese is open to conjecture.

Certainly this singular development made an impression on world opinion and certainly influenced Russian opinion especially in light of the First Russian Revolution of 1905 that was organized and led by the Jews qua Jews.  Obviously the Jews as a people were conspiring against Russia and using the US as a sanctuary and accomplice and its growing power as a weapon.  Jewish agents using US passports to which they were entitled as US citizens (if passports were not also forged in Europe for use by European agents) to conduct their anti-Russian business with impunity.

Russia was, of course, aware of Jewish hostility to it and restricted access to them from European countries.  They, therefore, denied entry to those with US passports also.  US Jews thus were directed to manipulate the situation from the US.  They decreed that as US citizens by being denied entry into Russia that America and Americans were being discriminated against which falsely represented the situation.  But as US citizens the government was forced to consider the situation from that point of view.  An official complaint was lodged but the Russians refused to give in.

Therefore, the Jews began a campaign for the US to break off diplomatic relations with Russia thus punishing America and Americans for strictly Jewish reasons.  In 1913 then, the US under President Taft unilaterally broke off relations with Russia to gratify the Jews.  All Americans suffered because of the intransigence of a small minority of immigrants.  Truly the tail was wagging the dog.

The GOP or Grand Old Party of Republicans that had won the Civil War and preserved the Union was not flexible enough for Jewish purposes.  For the 1912 election then, the Jews cultivated the more manageable  Woodrow Wilson.  In many ways Wilson’s election was a precursor of the Communist Revolution in Russia, the only real difference was that Wilson’s revolution was managed ‘democratically.’  Interestingly both revolutions were managed by Jews.

Wilson’s election also brought forward the Grey Eminence of the period Bernard Baruch.  Now seldom if ever mentioned, Baruch may have been the most important politician of the Thirty Years War in the US.  Wilson, many people assert, was Baruch’s puppet.  Indeed, within five years of Wilson’s taking office Baruch, would boast that he was the most powerful man in the US, in absolute control of the entire economy of the country and in that capacity perhaps among the most powerful if not the most powerful man in the world.  He was a true czar.  The Jews had, if only temporarily achieved their age old dream.

Wilson opened he doors of the US to the Jews.  He quickly appointed Louis Brandeis as the first Jew to the Supreme Court establishing the rule of a Jewish seat on the Court.  Brandeis was also a very important Zionist  Jew who today has the Jewish Harvard, Brandeis University, named after him.  There was opposition to this coddling of Jews so that Wilson had to be circumspect in is appointments.  However it was at this time that the concept of anti-Semitism moved to the forefront of US politics.

You will remember that Sigmund Freud was a Viennese member of the International Order of B’nai B’rith.  Whatever his status may have been in 1895 by 1912 the Jewish propaganda machine had puffed Freud up into the premier psychologist of the world.  It seemed as though there had been no psychology before Freud.  In fact all other psychologists such as Jean-Martin Charcot’s associate, Pierre Janet, had literally been defamed out of history.  Janet was a very important influence on Freud.

Freud, early in 1909 had tried to co-opt the famous Carl Gustav Jung as a member of his retinue, even making him his so-called heir apparent.  He explained to his Viennese associates, who were all Jews and put out by this, that it was necessary in order to gain greater acceptance for psychoanalysis in Europe.  Perhaps so, but Jung was a leader in the competing Aryan Swiss organization in Zurich so his choice was really an attempt to emasculate Freud’s competitor  by co-opting its leading member.  In this he was largely successful.

However, once in Freud’s organization Jung quickly learned he was expected to act Jewish which repelled him, so he resigned from Freud’s Order.  He was then denounced as an anti-Semite and mercilessly smeared so that his reputation was ruined, only reviving after WWII and that slowly.

While the Jews didn’t invent the term anti-Semite, under Freud’s guidance it became a hypnotic suggestion and mantra to emasculate the other.  It was then that B’nai B’rith created their Anti-Defamation League in the US to hypnotically defuse criticism.  The Jews also created the NAACP, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People,  which established  the terms racist and racism as opprobrious epithets.

The concept of anti-Semite as a capital sin if not crime was made effective by terrorist tactics and criminal methods.

It was essential for Jewish purposes then to find a malleable candidate who could be easily manipulated, that is, used.  Woodrow Wilson was from South Carolina, the first president from the South after Reconstruction, and so too was Bernard Baruch a fellow Carolinian.  Baruch was eventually to own an 18,000 acre estate in South Carolina called the Hobcaw Barony that was a key to his political success.

By 1912 Baruch had made a reputation for himself as the Bear of Wall Street.  He made his millions in guessing that, or perhaps manipulating, that a stock would go down.  Baruch began his career much as the Jewish gangster, Arnold Rothstein, had as a gambler.  Unlike Rothstein the criminal life did not appeal to him, but like any other gambler worth his salt he only wanted to gamble on a sure thing, that is turning the odds in his favor by fixing the event.  It was widely believed on Wall Street that Baruch manipulated stocks to cause a decline in price enabling him to make his millions quickly.  Needless to say, Baruch denied the accusation so one must follow the paper trail.

In any event Baruch had the money and reputation to seduce Woodrow Wilson.  Thus, Baruch took him around introducing him to moneyed Jews who financed his campaign.  Baruch became his boon buddy which would pay big dividends in 1917 when the US entered WWI.

If you want an accurate outline of the Jewish program Baruch fully explained the outline of the method in his 1941 book American Industry In the War:  A Report of the War Industry Board 1921, Including a Reprint of the Report of World War I, Mr. Baruch’s own program for total mobilization of the nation as presented to the War Policies Commission in 1936….

It would appear from the final ballot in 1912 that Wilson had no chance of winning against Taft.  Taft would have won by a landslide.  Nothing daunted, the Jews went to Teddy Roosevelt persuading him to make a third party attempt, the famous Bull Moose Party.  Roosevelt was still popular and split the Republican vote of which he had more votes than the incumbent Taft but Fewer than Wilson.  They had gotten their man in.

At the time Baruch claimed no favors preferring to wait for the right opportunity.  This would come in 1917 when the US entered the European War.  In the interim Wilson had appointed Brandeis to the Supreme Court where he acted in conjunction with Harvard law professor Felix Frankfurter who functioned as a recruiter and trainer of legal operatives.  Undaunted the Liberals saw themselves as holding office for the foreseeable future.  If so they were bitterly disappointed in 1920 when the Republican Harding won in a landslide reestablishing the Republican succession interrupted by Wilson.  Frankfurter then returned to Harvard training many agents year after year from 1920 to 1932 who then followed the Jewish candidate Franklin Delano Roosevelt to Washington in 1933.  In a decade of important years, the period from 1917 to 1921 were the most significant.  These are a crowded four years, never having been successfully disentangled.


Continued in Prt. 2b-4.

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