Monday, January 23, 2017

Trump And Mexico: Wall or No?

Trump And Mexico:

Wall Or No.


R.E. Prindle


One of Trump’s major talking point during the election was the promise to erect a wall between Mexico and the US.  On the surface there can be no question but on reflection several difficulties arise.  On the one hand Mexicans would work to destroy it while from the US side sympathetic Americans would work to sabotage it.

As the Mexicans have avowed they are invading the US that they mistakenly believe was taken from them; while so or not the two countries destinies are interlocked.

As a solution to the border problem I offer this solution.  American agriculturists  want Mexican laborers; Mexican laborers want unrestricted entry to the US.  American business wants access to cheap Mexican labor so they move their plants to Mexico to obtain it while idling millions of US workers.  The US is thereby losing this war on both sides of the border.  They are taking our jobs on one hand and our industry on the other.

The two countries are linked while Mexicans have free access to the US illegally  while US citizens honor the Mexican border submitting to indignities to enter Mexico.

What must be done then is that while Mexicans have dual citizenship so must all US citizens be granted Mexican citizenship.  The Mexican government must grant US citizens the same dual citizenship they claim for Mexicans in the US.

In addition US companies and entrepreneurs would have free access to develop Mexican resources, build factories etc.  In order to level Mexican labor advantages Mexican wages would have to be doubled, tripled or whatever it take to bring them in line with US wages.  Thus US workers would be given equal access to jobs in Mexico if they so desired.

US residents would have the right to serve in any political capacity up to and including the presidency of Mexico.

English as an official language would be on a par with Mexican (a dialect of Spanish.) and Mexico would accept the US constitution.

Adjustments would be ongoing but this is the general plan for solving the border problem.  Erecting a wall is futile and retrogressive.  Dare to step boldly into the future where all men have gone.

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