Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Coming Euroamerican Confederation, Trump Going Forward

The Coming Euroamerican Confederation

Trump Going Forward


R.E. Prindle

One hopes that the Liberal petulance at their electoral loss has exhausted itself and we can turn to more serious problems, such as the end of the Post ’45 Liberal Agenda.  The antagonisms of that agenda do not fit the new Global World Order emerging.  The idea of the United Nations has failed.  The notion of giving each country no matter the size or in what state of development an equal vote was nonsensical.  What, for instance, does Rwanda have in common with, say, France and what does Germany have in common with Bangladesh.  None share the same problems or stage of development both human and material.  How can such anomalous countries intelligently vote for the benefit of the others.

If the UN is to continue it must be broken up into blocs of similarity.  We also are in a state of Darwinian conflict.  As Darwin said, when two or more varieties of the same species making their living in the same way occupy the same space one only can survive and the others must go under.  He uses the example of a small very aggressive Asian cockroach driving out the larger but more sluggish Russian cockroach.

At the present time all mankind has adopted the Western economic system, that is all races are earning their living in the same way and have not only come into contact but overlap each other so that the various blocs are also coming into conflict with each other.  This can be clearly seen in the Chinese move to bring all Asia out to the first island arc into the Chinese system.  Massive units can only be countered by equally massive units but the struggle for land and resources goes on.  No amount of reasoning can abort this.

To counter the Asian bloc it is imperative that all differences be overcome and North America and Europe form an Euroamerican bloc.  This involves the US and Russia, as the two largest units resolving any differences while bringing the smaller European States under the same umbrella, a Confederation of Europe and the Americas; this essentially means Whites.

The Confederation would then replace the EU, that would make that organization the intermediate between the nation states and the Confederation.

It is well that the Post ’45 Liberal Agenda should collapse at this time when such a Confederation is actually waiting to be formed.  Trump and Putin are the men who can do it.  This is the time.

There will be a large minority that claim Trump and Putin are flawed men for various reasons.  True enough but there will never come a time when the job can be entrusted to non-existent flawless men or women.  (A bow to the distaff side.)

So, why don’t we all, at least those who see the issue, get behind Trump and Putin and realize the Euroamerican Confederation?  Yes, there are problems, immense problems, but the urgency of the matter must overcome all problems.  Urgency should give us the incentive to work it out.

The problems are obvious and the Liberal effort has failed.  What not to do should be clear to everyone so the formation of the Confederation on realistic rather than ideological terms not only should but must be possible.

It is time to put aside petty considerations and deal with the larger more important concerns.  Like him or not Trump has the right ideas and those ideas will force the issue to hopefully a sound conclusion.  The broader issue is not only America First but Euroamerica First.  A Confederation of Euroamerican States is a necessity.  Basically we think alike.  Let’s go for it.

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