Friday, December 9, 2016

The Greatest Scam: A Conspiracy Theory

The Greatest Scam:

A Conspiracy Theory


R.E. Prindle


There has always been an element troubling me about the Trump candidacy.  There seems a smack of insincerity, of calculation.  A hidden agenda.

Often overlooked in considering political entities is the Money Trust.  The Trust operates above all other entities.  What the old theorists referred to as the Invisible Hand.   It has been active in the US since at least the Civil War.  Its primary, indeed, only, concern is to make money by any possible means whether in creating value or destroying it then recreating it, destroying it ad infinitum.

Thus, in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the railroads were a fertile field for looting, rebuilding and relooting.

Since the second half of the twentieth century major looting have taken place not only in companies but whole industries, to mention only the largest, the Savings and Loan industry and then the housing bubble of the early twenty-first century.  Less noticed was the successful effort to empty the accrued value in mortgages by encouraging home owners to ‘free up’ that value by borrowing against equity for frivolous reasons such as vacations.

When the housing bubble burst, by then the wealth of the country had been transferred to the banks.  The banks had cleverly divested themselves of the worthless mortgages by packaging them as a security and selling the securities to suckers who we all know never deserve an even break.

When the bubble burst this still left a deficit to be covered so carrying the looting even further the banks demanded and got two trillion dollars from the government in two installments called bail-outs.  This virtually bankrupted the US leaving little else to steal or seemingly so.  The ingenuity of the bankers was not so easily exhausted.

Now they turned the country upside down emptying its pockets by sending the US economy overseas to China or South to Mexico and environs.  Like the railroads of the nineteenth century the US had been destroyed.  Now the money was to be made in rebuilding.

Now we come to the truly incredible part, very chancy.  The tools used to destroy the country Clinton, Bush (both Bushes, keys to the story) and Obama were not suitable for rebuilding.  A different type was needed.  The transition would not be easy as the redirection from destruction to construction would be needed.  As is well known the financial destiny of the world, not just the US, is in the hands of the people of Goldman-Sachs.  GS was prominent in all the administrations, most especially as guides for the non-entity called Barack Obama.

Goldman-Sachs had built up a titan of the construction industry, Donald J. Trump.  Billing himself as the King of Debt Trump was financed by Goldman-Sachs and other Jewish financiers.  Trump was and is surrounded by Jews.  He owes his existence to them.  He had to be the tool for the transition from destruction to construction as the money was now to be had by rebuilding the US economy.

Getting Trump elected was very chancy but with probably a certain amount of acumen the Jewish financiers had sharpened the right tool.  A New York Liberal all his life, not unlike the 1940 Republican candidate Wendell Willkie, Trump switched to championing the disenfranchised, expounding positions quite foreign to a New York Liberal.  Trump declared himself independent of Wall Street money so that the financiers had to be appearing to be backing their openly Liberal candidate Hillary Clinton.  This was a tough balancing act but one seemingly successfully negotiated.

Trump, while appearing a clown, ran a brilliant campaign based not on capturing the popular vote but using the electoral college.  Thus while Clinton appears to have won the popular vote (there are serious questions as to the eligibility of millions of voters) Clinton was soundly defeated in the electoral college.

While Trump was reviled, criminally defamed, during the campaign one expected that there would be some revelation just before the election defaming him further.  Strangely the reverse happened.  There seemed to be a letting up of slander against Trump while a barrage of heavy negatives was unloaded against Clinton instead making her campaign stagger.  It would appear that the Clinton dynasty was being discarded as, indeed, it was.  She was no longer useful.

Trump himself is committed to reversing the destructive policies of the Liberals and as there are more trillions to be made in reconstructing the country thus enriching the bankers further it is impossible that Trump won’t do what he has pledged.

In the process, it will be necessary to recreate prosperity for the greatest number.  Thus the greed of the few will likely create a decade or so of great prosperity which in turn will create the possibility for further looting.  I think the country has that to look forward to.

The kids will be able to move out from mom and dad’s.

How’s that for a probable scenario?  God bless we conspiracy theorists.

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