Tuesday, November 15, 2016

You Can't Always Get What You Want

You Can’t Always Get What You Want,

(But if you try sometimes, you might

Find what you need.)


A Crude Sort Of Nationalist


Oh, yes.  The results of the election took the Left by surprise.  It didn’t take the Right by surprise.  I knew from day one that Trump would win and never wavered.  Back then around day one when the race began I was what Obama, taking the high road, called a ‘Domestic Terrorist’.  Just today I learned that according to  High Road Barry I’m  ‘a crude sort of Nationalist.’  Keep an eye on me, I like the attention.  Personally, I’m not so sure I’m one or the other.  In my vanity I would consider myself a clear sighted globalist.  But then, what do I know.

When I say globalist I don’t mean in the narrow, constricted, constipated sense that High Road uses;  I mean in the expansive way that realizes that it doesn’t mean surrendering the country to fatuous trade organizations; I mean it in the sense that low cost producers are corrected from taking advantage of- I almost said exploiting- more advanced economies with higher wage and benefit structures.  Note that word benefits.  The low cost producers don’t provide their workers with any, a terrific advantage.  Those benefits are what make it so easy for citizens of low cost or no cost countries to migrate to where the bennies are.

So, like Trump, I believe in tariffs that balance out the production costs.  Probably what the High Road means by being a crude sort of Nationalist.  Well, if High Road is actually leaving I say God Speed at exit levels and have a nice journey and take your wife with you.  God, I’m tired of the sorority gal image.  I liked her better in the pictures of the high life girl visiting Spain.  Those jungle prints were revealing.  Then she came back to the US and got into her sorority drag again.  Queen of the hop.  Boppity bop be bop.

Which brings us to that other vile defamation going around- misogynist.  God, what a negative sexist term.  What does it mean in the mouths of Liberals- a man who won’t bow and scrape before the eternal feminine?  Talk about being afraid of ‘strong’ women, those crazy feminists are afraid of strong men.  Masculinity is at a premium these days and why?  I don’t apologize for it.  Walk like a man my son.  Trump beats that femmy High Road and somehow he managed to snare a snappy wife, then another and then yet another.  That man knows women.  Obama?  Well, there are those persistent rumors.

Then our friend over at the Wall Street Journal, Peg Noonan, is all a-tremble at the Trump triumph.  She apparently thinks something startling is going to happen; it isn’t.  Oh, there will be a shift in attitude, that will be beneficial, a slight move to the Right, but after being a New York Liberal for seventy years I don’t expect anything major from Trump, no 8.1 on the Richter scale.

I hope that Trump honors his Chinese and immigration stances but we will have to see.  He’s already said the sexist crap is settled law so the tranny population should sky rocket; our kindergartners will continue to be trained to perverted sexual practices.  That ought to solve the late term abortion problem.  No conception, no problem.

I could easily go on a ramble, but I’m going to call it here.  If High Road is really going to check out I’d like to give him a heartfelt so long, it’s been good to know you.   Let me recommend a good parallel universe.

But then, I remember he categorically said that Donald Trump will never serve as President of the United States.  What’s the trick?

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