Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Donald Trump And The New Progressivism

Donald Trump

And The

New Progressivism


R.E. Prindle


An ideology has to be updated from time to time.  Now is the time for a new take on an old ideology.  Donald Trump is the president who can make it a reality.

Progressivism means an advance in the welfare of civilization.  Through perhaps 1920 progress, significant progress, or the amelioration of civilization, had been made.  World War I closed out that period.  Since 1920 the application of the old progressivism has become increasingly regressive so that in today’s conditions the old progressivism is a failed ideology.

Whereas in the past European peoples including the US developed a system of Progressivism they shared with the rest of the world, educating the peoples of China, India et al. in its use, those peoples can now stand on their own feet; they no longer need Western help.

The New Progressivism then returns to the care and welfare of our own Western peoples.  A tenet of the OP was Free Trade which became a gift to the Eastern peoples.  Free Trade means merely that the lowest cost producer is the prime beneficiary.  The money flows downhill to them.  The low cost producers exploit their people who are naturally receiving the lowest possible wage.  Low wages are the prime element of low cost production.

To protect what the West has built up then it is necessary to enact a wage differential bringing every producer’s wage to a certain level.  For the West this means a tariff.  Tariffs were considered regressive under the OP but become progressive under the New Progressivism.  In fact, it is imperative they be enacted for our very survival.

Donald Trump appears to be the candidate who understands this as he has created the New Republican Party discarding the old.

The Democrats are hopelessly behind the times.

As regards Mexico and a border wall that may not be necessary if Trump is neo-progressive in dealing with the Mexicans.  He must approach the Mexicans and advise them that if they don’t want a wall they must grant all Americans, both US and Canada, dual citizenship with full rights as Mexican citizens including the right to run for public office up to and including the presidency.

As the US has already generously built up the Mexican economy by sending industry South there is no reason for a border.  The US wage rates would immediately prevail in Mexico.  Any US residents of any national background would be free to move South to seek jobs as they wish.  After all these are US plants and more will be built.

The increase in wages in Mexico would then provide a burgeoning market generating, along with the tariff that would then apply in Mexico also, prosperity North and South for twenty years or so.

Mexico would remain a separate administrative unit so as to prevent unwieldiness. 

Trump could be the most progressive president ever known.


Vote Trump

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