Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Outsiders Like Trump And Carson

Outsiders Like Trump And Carson


R.E. Prindle

One expects the struggle between the Establishment and the political interlopers Trump and Carson to be continually evolving as the Es attempt to destroy Trump and Carson.

A dodge that seems to be gaining currency is to depict the interlopers as political and social outsiders.  Naturally this will involve the age old concept of divide and destroy.  Pit the one against the other.

One fears, fear is a big issue in this election as ‘outsiders’ are said to be devoured by fear and loathing while the insiders are healthy, strapping lads and lassies although uniformly on the fey side, hey Leslie?

The ‘insiders’ should tread lightly as they are a distinct minority compared to we ‘outsiders’.  Insiders care nothing for those not inside their clique and none of us are close to being insiders.  None us get thirty-five million dollar bonuses while the economy is circling the drain.  None of us get tens of millions in salaries in addition while millions of outsiders go unemployed.  Who do the Insiders think they are kidding?

Why should we vote for their candidate so we can be fleeced some more.  And we are being fleeced.  Trump has the courage to say so.  Never forget, his life is now on the line.  If he doesn’t succeed he is a dead man.

Actually the Insiders are condemning themselves as being more outside the voters than the Outsiders they condemn.  We the people are all outsiders compared to the miniscule group of selfish Insiders.  None of us are inside.  None of the Insiders are our friends.

Why vote to be enslaved by Insiders for their profit when we have a perfectly good Outsider in Trump?

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