Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Does Donald Trump Have What It Takes?

Will The Real Donald Trump Stand Up?
R.E. Prindle

 Let's Get Serious
A new presidential election cycle approaches.  There are no worthy candidates on the horizon to fill the office.  Both the Republican and Democratic Parties offer only untried candidates with no records to recommend them.  Clowns, acrobats and high wire performers all.  None are worthy of your vote.
There is only one candidate now declared who might be adequate for the job.  The only question is how serious is he?  Four years ago he declared, drew us out, sucked us in, said it was a joke and withdrew.  This will not be tolerated again.
And if serious the question is whether or not he is beholden to the 'Usual Suspects.'  Will he be merely a Beard for shadowy figures lurking behind the scenes  or will he be his own man?  We do not need Beards serving as Republicans and Democrats.  We need a man.
One who renounces the sexual and racial politics that have dominated the minds of the current crop of singers and dancers and fine romancers living off the fat of the land.   We either have a democracy where all people are equal an protected by the same laws, no civil disabilities applied to anyone.  To each according to his merit.  If you can't cut it, carry it.  If you can't walk the dog give the leash to someone who can.
Did I mention this candidates name?  Oh, yeah.  Donald Trump.  If he's the man and not the Beard he's got my vote and if he is democratic with no sexual or racial preferences he should have your vote too no matter who or what you are.
Will the real Donald Trump stand up and declare himself?

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