Sunday, May 1, 2022

The Peril Of Elon Musk

The Peril Of Elon Musk Read, then burn—or download first. by R.E. Prindle Alright! I think I have Musk’s purchase of twitter worked out. It was obvious that something was going on but it wasn’t clear what. Musk has built up a tremendous current and potentially stupendously valuable enterprise. He has done what the money men (read Jews and others) can never do and that is build. They buy after success. Money men do not create, they manipulate money, they buy. Musk has his businesses going so that all the money men (read Jews and ohers) have to do is buy the companies, the industries that Musk has created from nothing, and hire managers to run them. For this they will need a lot of money, more than they have now, and that is why the stock market is gyrating so wildly on a daily basis. The money men have created a pump—buy and sell, buy and sell. It’s like those oil field pumps working tirelessly, up and down, up and down, and every cycle brings up a big gush of oil. Now, Musk doesn’t want to sell, and money men (read Jews and others) don’t want him anyway; so, they have to put him in a corner. Musk appears to be a little giddy with his success right now so he is being told he’s a universal genius and can do anything, turn water into wine. He can save free speech by buying twitter. Actually there is no free speech, only tolerated speech. Now the internet is in the complete control of Jews. What they don’t own they can hammer, witness Microsoft stock So, they get Musk involved in a sinkhole like twitter completely under the control of Leftists who cancel anyone of whom they don’t approve, even the President of the United States. Imagine a twenty year old neophyte cancelling the President of the United States. The day has only twenty four hours while Musk appears to be using thirty six of them; he’s spread pretty thin. Once the money men get him embroiled in the problem of the undisciplined airheads who work twitter you won’t be able to see butter traces on his toast. The airheads are not the disciplined scientists Musk is used to working with. The scientists solve problems, the airheads create them. Having used their traditional method the Jews now have Musk between the upper and nether jaws of the vice and they and the other money men are the file. Remember little Germany between the US and Russia, that’s what happened to that country. Also revive the memory of the Czar, Henry Ford and a host of others. Musk is in trouble. So, what Musk should do is get rid of everyone of the twitter employees. He should go find, as Trump should have done, is search the internet for selected conservatives who understand the situation and will execute without confusion. This is his only chance otherwise he’ll be walking the streets within a year.

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