Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Western Civilization After Jud Suss

Western Civilization After Jud Suss by R.E. Prindle So, in 1740 the Wurttembergers hung the Jud Suss, Joseph Oppenheimer, high; from a special gallows thirty feet high, so that the body couldn’t be cut down or absconded with. The shame to the Jews as the body was visible for miles was too much for them to bear. To cover their shame a legend was invented. It was said that the clever Jews mysteriously removed the body and substituted a Christian for it. Jewish magic, perhaps. The Jews were considered powerful sorcerers capable of any magic by the Europeans. Numerous Jews roamed the country sides claiming to be the legendary two thousand year old Wandering Jew who had insulted Jesus on the way to Gethsemane and was condemned to wander until Jesus came again. And most Europeans believed this to be true. Sightings were reported frequently More likely, if Suss had been replaced, they soused the guard in alcohol or mesmerized the guards so that they couldn’t see. It may have seemed mysterious in the eighteenth century but here in the twenty-first century all magical tricks have been explained. The Jews are magical and mysterious no more although most believe they are. Suss may or may not have been picked apart by the crows but the effect of his career in Wurttemberg became the stuff of legend in both Jewish and gentile worlds. The Europeans reviewed Suss’ career with apprehension, the Jews with awe. Suss had done it! He had shown how to usurp a duchy, how to become the actual if not legitimate ruler. Jewish Court Jews need no longer crawl before their goyim sovereigns or have their loans repudiated, now they could see how they could stand as equal. And it could all be done with money and chutzpah. If money were the issue the Rothschilds would soon show Europeans that they were superior. God bless democracy. Who controlled the currency controlled the country. The second half of the eighteenth century was the hustler’s delight. Confidence men abounded. The eighteenth century term was an adventurer. A little esoteric knowledge, physics and chemical tricks that baffled the knowledge not only of the uneducated people, but people of prominence also. The enlightenment and science had opened many doors. The century was crazy with activity too. Wars, the Industrial Revolution, astonishing scientific discoveries, many more magical than magic itself. Things you couldn’t even see, like germs, had profound effects on people. The seven planets moved, the Earth too: around the sun! Telescopes and microscopes all penetrated the consciousness slowly. Many of these discoveries are even disbelieved by large numbers today. If the Earth moved was true, what wasn’t? Gravity? Who even had ever heard of that. Even today the concept has never been well understood. Thus the confidence men did what confidence men do—they swindled and cheated and prospered. Long cons, short cons and all the while there was no system of personal identification. A con could move from place to place after he had outworn his welcome in one. Terrific. Life was good. The period was the field of dreams for the greatest confidence man who ever lived, the astonishing Jacques Casanova. What a career he had. And after he had been discovered as a confidence man in every country of Europe he sat down to write his memoirs of his astonishing exploits and what memoirs they are. Still in demand today. Twelve fabulous volumes, usually combined in six. Chutzpah that would make a Jew writhe in envy. Then there was the Jewish Casanova, a man who went by the name of Falke or Dr. Falckon, that’s a great con man’s handle. All through the last half of the eighteenth century revenge for Suss was on the Jewish mind. The hopes disappointed by the execution of Suss had been taken as a major crime against the people and as their hopes had been blighted so Europe’s hopes had to be blighted. Remember the Amalekites. After having been chased out of Egypt the Jews, or Hebrews at that time, nearly four million strong, according to biblical accounts, had asked the Amalekites to let them pass through their miniscule land. Four million with no doggy bags. Imagine a city the size of Chicago traipsing around the desert for forty years. Ye cods, what a mess. It would probably have taken that many people months to pass through. The impossibility is obvious but it’s there in the bible. Just imagine getting four million people moving on a daily basis. Food? Water? Good thing the Lord sent manna showering down on a daily basis and split rocks to provide water for four million and untold numbers of animals. Of course the Amalekites said no. They didn’t want their country destroyed. No doggy bags. Imagine cleaning up that mess. This minor denial was so insulting to the Jews that they never forgot and never forgave, they thirsted for revenge. A century later they returned and put every last Amalekite, man, woman and child to the sword. Genocide, the only expiation possible. And now the Europeans had deprived them of Suss’ triumph. The whole Suss adventure has to be really put into context to understand its impact. What actually happened was that Duke Karl Alexander ceded his power to Suss by a power of attorney. He trusted Suss. It’s as though Suss was the President of Wurttemberg while the Duke was Commander in Chief of the armed forces. The French were embattling the Rhineland so that the Duke had to pay attention to military affairs. This left Suss with his power of attorney free to do as he chose. The man was totally unscrupulous as will be shown shortly. When the Duke returned from campaigning he found himself the Junior Partner because he was financially dependent on his controller of the currency. Suss was no shrinking violet, he reveled in his power. Frankfort, just North of Wurttemberg, was the Jewish power center in Germany and Europe. Suss was connected and he built himself a magnificent palace outside the Ghetto, a rare privilege, to show off his wealth and power. And he had the wealth or Wurttemberg Both were well known. When he fell then, the crash was heard all over Europe in both Jewish and European centers. The crash and the whole situation must have been a major topic of conversation everywhere. Other conmen such as Casanova, who was not Jewish, and Falk who was must have sniffed the air in wonder. The other Court Jews must have been set to thinking while their Sovereigns must also have looked to their interests. However, for the Jews they were not resigned to their humiliation. Vengeance must be had. But how. The Europeans too would have to be put to the sword. Genocide, the only possible solution but how to do it. A plan has to start somewhere. Minds turned themselves to the problem. The base of operations would have to be secure. England would have been the most secure place as a base of opeations. It was close to Europe but outside. The police power was least evident there. Because the Glorious Revolution expelled the Stuarts a foreign German dynasty had been placed on the throne by a select group of families who had gained control of the country. George I, himself, spent little time in England preferring to pass the time in his German duchy, as did his successor George II. Thus power passed from the Crown to the Parliament. This situation closely resembled that of the Doge of Venice who was a mere figurehead in the control of the chief families. This situation was recognized by a man named Benjamin D’Israeli in Venice and he saw the opportunity. Shortly after the execution of Suss he picked up stakes and moved to London. There he prospered mightily and gave birth to his son Isaac D’ Israeli who in his turn gave birth to his father’s namesake, Benjamin Disraeli the Younger. In almost exactly one hundred years, three generations Benjamin the Younger would be in control of the Conservative Party. It could be a coincidence or it could have been a hope that turned into a reality. In any event Benjamin Disraeli would be instrumental in opening England to the Jews. The decisive point of origin was probably Frankfort the home of the Rothschilds. it appears that between D’Israelis and the Rothschilds the agent was this Dr. Falckon, or, Falk. Minds must have busy on the continent, after all the Rothschilds would make the early move. If you’re on the qui vive with a will, solutions will appear. Suss had given the example, follow it. Where would be the best place to begin. England. Falk himself barely survived to put the ball in motion. His predations as a Wandering Jew were apparently done so openly that he was a wanted man in nearly every European country. In Westphalia, Germany he was arrested, tried and condemned to the flames. Burning indicates a religious offence, if so, the record of the crime hasn’t survived. Europe became too hot to hold a confidence man of his boldness. Fortunately for him a new land had opened in the West, far West, that is, the offshore island of England. England had been closed to the Jews since 1290 but was reopened in 1660 by Cromwell. It had been less than a century when Falk arrived that the island had been opened to the Jews. It had been closed for five hundred years. They came straggling back but even in the 1740s there was no organized community. European Jews who perhaps thought it expedient to move had been crossing the channel to that land of freedom and liberty for eighty years when Falk trucked over in seventeen forty-two. England was already a wild frontier for the Jews. According to some their population in London about the end of the century was in the neighborhood of ten thousand. They were housed in the far Eastern boroughs of London: White Chapel, Spitalfields and others. Whereas the Jewish populations of Europe were organized into official Communities with established governments and discipline and policing, out on the English frontier it was more individualistic. Perhaps because of his reputation Falk lived apart from the Jewish areas as he began to develop his mystery and magical tricks as the Ba’al Shem of the Name of London. A Ba’al Shem was styled Master of the Name, one who could use the various names of God to work marvels or wonders. A fortune teller deluxe, a medicine man, a snake oil salesman as they said further out West in the Colonies, a confidence man. Having emigrated from the Continent you may be sure that Falk, Dr. Falckon, knew all the fraudsters. In fact, and this is amazing, the Czarina of all the Russias, Catherine the Great, wrote a play mocking both Falk and Casanova so it shouldn’t be too surprising that Casanova showed up in England, perhaps following in Falk’s footsteps, where he soon found out he wasn’t welcome. One of the leading figures who helped foment the French Revolution, Joseph Balsamo, better known as the fraudster, Cagliostro, showed up also in the years preceding the Revolution. So three of history’s all time great confidence men were in the same place at the same time. The first outbreak of the Great Revolution would occur in 1789. Was the Revolution a case of spontaneous combustion? Don’t even think it; it was all managed, planned and while it occurred in France don’t believe for a minute that it wasn’t seconded by a great many in England. While the Jewish community are not comfortable with the notion that Falk was a key architect, Unknown Superior, it is near certain that he was. He had extensive relations with the pawn shop owners. As receivers of stolen goods identifiable pieces had to be moved to the continent to avoid detection, Holland was the contact point, especially for jewels, while Hamburg was also essential. Thus contacts between England and the Continent were facilitated. While the next reference is from fiction it is very likely based on fact. His name was George W. M. Reynolds. He was writing in the 1840s and 50s. He too was a revolutionist who took part in the third phase of the Great Revolution, that of 1848. In Vol. III of the English Writer’s Mysteries of London he has a character called Old Death, a pawn shop owner, that may have been influenced by Dr. Falckon. Old Death has a very extensive system of European contacts. Remember too, that this period had no passports, people moved freely about. Policing was minimal, especially in England. While the Jews were not keen on researching on this aspect of Falk’s career a twentieth century English woman by the name of Nesta Webster was. She was a researcher to the point of exhaustion. She went where no man had gone before, digging deep into the archives. She found a connection, the Freemasons. Oh ho, you say, the Freemasons, you say. If it isn’t the Jews it’s the Freemasons! I don’t say it, she said it, and she came up with a truckload of dirt. The Freemasons! Well, they had gone public in 1717 in England. Prior to that they had been clandestine but in 1714 Queen Anne, the last of the Stuarts died and was replaced by George I who was brought in from Germany. The great English families had no longer fear of being suppressed so they came out into the open. George was not particularly interested in politics, spending a lot of time in Germany. Thus the Parliament rose in importance staffed by the Whig Party of the Great Families. Perhaps it was for that reason the Masons chose to enter the world of light. Many of the members of Parliament would have been Freemasons. From Scotland and England Freemasonry was carried to France where the Chevalier Ramsay took his Scottish Rite that renovated French Masonry and provided a base for revolutionary activity that opened the way for the Illuminati. Falk, he too being a member, thus had another means of coordinating activities in France. He was accused of doing so although from appearances his role was carefully disguised. The target for revolutionary agitation wasn’t England however, it was France. The Scottish Rite of 33 degrees had been perfected, this is very important, and established in France. Masonic lodges became all the rage so that the undermining of French society began in earnest. The lodges were open to all classes of society so that the commoners and the aristocracy socialized on terms of equality thus undermining respect for the aristocrats. Masonry was hep to equality? If you don’t think that was condemning traditional society open your eyes and mind. Look at these things closely, a very insidious plot will bloom before your eyes. Now, this isn’t pertinent to the times but it grew out of the Masonic policy in a manner. Socialist demand for equality was very strong in the US at the turn of the twentieth century. Immigration opened the doors wide. To bring the immigrants into American society a phenomenon particular to the times was the Settlement House. Jane Addams’ place in Chicago set the tone. Her father was an extreme socialist. He believed that people could never be equal until everyone dressed in the same style and quality. This desire raged through the aughts and teens and into the Great War- WWI. A Jewish fellow, Bernard Baruch (very famous in his time) was the Czar of the WIB (War Industries Board). The WIB was socializing American Industry. As part of that plan, realizing Jane Addam’s father’s wish, Baruch was about to initiate a program in which, to use women’s clothing as an example, all dress styles were to be limited to six with only one quality. The end of the war stopped that plan. Temporarily. Check out the riches man of the world today who walks around in denim like everyone else and lives in a tiny house. Very equal. If one looks about today one will see only one or two costumes, jeans and t’s. Torn jeans, impersonating the poorest of the poor. So see, today Jane Addams’ father’s dream has come true. The Communists dictate what you can wear and you don’t know it. Well, enough of that, back to England during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. So the wedge was driven. Mrs. Webster was the first to make the connection of Dr. Falckon and from there she expanded his involvement in the revolution. He was heard to say that there would soon be a thirty years war of extreme destruction and after that a peace. That may possibly have been the revolutionary plan because the destruction of life in the French Revolution was extensive and abandoned, and an actual thirty years war took place between 1914-45. What happened made the good doctor a prophet. Doctor Falckon was correct in his prediction as the French Revolution burst forth in 1789 while ramping up to the holocaust of 1793, one of the most significant years in the history of mankind. The hanging of Suss cannot be stressed enough. The idea of a Jew on the scaffold according to Benjamin Disraeli the Younger was impossible: Quote: The Jew is sustained by a sublime religion. However degraded he may be, ‘the patriarchal feeling still lingers about his heart.’ ‘The trumpet of Sion still sounds in the Hebrew ear, and a Jew is never seen upon the scaffold unless it be an auto-da-fe.’ Unquote. This is of course fanciful but the feeling of purity is there. Thus the intense feeling of rage and hatred for the Jews to see Suss hanging high above their heads was an outrage that had to be avenged in no ordinary way. Remember the Amalekites. Europeans beware. First there was the feeling by the Jews that Suss was innocent. Through the use of the Power of Attorney he was able to act legally in committing his crimes in the actual persona of Duke Karl Alexander. The Duke had split his persona and two Dukes were in the land. In a legal fiction it was as though Suss’ crimes had been committed by the Duke even though the volition was that of Suss. The Duke had no knowledge of what Suss was doing. This was the same arrangement that Pres. Woodrow Wilson had with the Jew Bernard Baruch in 1917-18 when Wilson made him co-president with full presidential powers, no need to even consult Wilson. Very remarkable. However, there was an old law on the books in Wurttemberg that made it a capital offense for a Jew to have sexual relations with a Christian woman. Suss was clearly guilty of this offence which included the wife of the Duke himself. Thus, Suss was convicted and sentenced to death. If one law exculpated himself, another law condemned him. Hence he was executed for his dastardly crimes but, in Jewish eyes for no offence at all. In other words, Suss was guilty according to Gentile law but innocent by Jewish law. Jewish law took supremacy over Gentile law in Jewish eyes hence the Germans would have a day of reckoning. The anger of the Wurttembergers was so intense that they not only sent a Holy Jew to the scaffold but increased the humiliation a thousand fold by elevating his body thirty feet high in an iron cage and not only that they left Suss hanging for many years as a perpetual reminder. The penalty the Jews would enact on them was horrendous, no less than the total destruction of the German land and the desolate humiliation of the Gentiles as German women were raped over and over and over by gangs of men. If Suss were still up there, he would be smiling boldly. So much for Germans and their law. The question was how to bring this desideratum about. It couldn’t be done immediately and it would take careful preparation and perhaps a hundred years or more. The starting point, horrible enough, was the French Revolution. Every institution of Europe had to be taken over by Jews who from the inside could direct the affairs of European nations toward this goal. Thus the whole Jewish nation was into this first stage. England was invaded as it offered the freedom to operate that the Jews needed. Thus Falk managed continental operations from London. He operated through pawn shops. At the same time he used his magus influence on that element of English society that was superstitious. They gave him hundreds of thousands of pounds much as Jim Jones managed Jonestown in twentieth century America. Always with a vision of Suss hanging high before them a rough plan slowly materialized. The key to the plan was England. As the most influential country in European affairs with the emergence of the Balance of Power politics, combined with the countervailing influence of the Liberal/Socialist/Communist ideological power that erupted in five of the most of the most vicious and murderous revolutions that were managed largely by Jews, and the invincible control of the currencies of All English and Continental countries the Jewish power was cleverly concealed until the proper moment. the Revolution of all Revolutions, WWI and II. All was skillfully managed. Mayer Amschel Rothschild had been born just after the execution of Jud Suss. The legend would be honor bright amid the conversation of his fellow Jews. Mayer Amschel was born into and operated out of the central Jewish Community of the Frankfort ghetto; the clearing house of Jewish planning. All opinion flowed into Frankfort. Suss’ mansion outside the gates of the ghetto, the only Jew that had ever been allowed this favor, could be pointed to as the inspirational goal of all Judaism in the conquest of Europe. Is it a wonder that having amassed a fortune well before the Landgrave’s millions acquired through the Napoleonic invasion, which proved his wisdom, Mayer Amshel had positioned his five sons in five key capitals to gain control of their currencies. Things were bumbling along rather unsuccessfully until Mayer Amshel through his relationship as a Court Jew gained access to the Landgrave’s millions which he forwarded to his son Nathan in London . Thus between 1806 and 1812, Nathan, or Natan as he preferred the Jewish form, gained control of the English currency. Between 1812 and 1833 then, Nathan had cemented the Jewish dominant position in England. England was still intensely disapproving of any religious organization other than the Church of England. Catholics, Dissenters and Jews all suffered civil disabilities. It was necessary then to remove Jewish disabilities so that they could operate freely. This was no simple task as prejudices were strong. Once again, they needed an inside man to work within the political organization. That agent would have to assume the disguise of a Christian in order to be seated.. It so happened that a Jewish fellow by the name of Isaac D’Israeli had emerged to supply that agent in character of his son, Benjamin Disraeli. Isaac was a quiet retired man devoted to his study and studies. He was a writer, not an author nor a novelist but a compiler of the odd fact. He first gained recognition with his series of six little books titled Curiosities of Literature. The series did fairly well and established a reputation for him. They would also give him an introduction to Nathan Rothschild. And thus two conspirators with the same object came together. Isaac married in 1802 and gave birth to a son in 1804. That son was Benjamin Disraeli the Younger who would one day become Prime Minister and seal the fate of England. Benjamin would turn thirteen in 1817. Thus shortly after his Bar Mitzvah he adopted Christianity as a second religion. One that would allow him to function as an enfranchised Englishman, able to enter Parliament as a mole for Judaism. Actually Isaac had worked out a religious system that would have allowed Jews to function in English society as Benjamin did. In an early version of Jews for Jesus he determined that Christianity was just another version of Judaism, thus the New Dispensation was a continuation of the first. It completed Judaisim. Thus, his son didn’t actually convert to Christianity but took Christianity as a second Jewish religion while he remained wholly racially Jewish. As he always said, race is the whole thing, as that didn’t change he never abandoned Judaism. He embraced The Genius of Judaism whole and entire. Neither Isaac nor Benjamin however would ever disguise their loyalty to Judaism. While Isaac was working away in his study he was developing the creed for the ‘Christians’, that is English people, to follow in their relations with the Jews. While the Jews could use their Christian side it was impossible for Christians to pose as Jews. That creed was contained in his small book titled The Genius Of The Jews. While never a big seller then and totally ignored now it is yet a very important book as Benjamin was able to spread the ideas without mentioning the book. Isaac knew the importance of literature and a literary reputation so Benjamin was encouraged to develop a literary career. Thus from the age of twenty he turned out a succession of volumes until he had established a career in Parliament by 1848, that revolutionary year, when he abandoned writing until the end of his career when he published two more books. At this point we should discuss Isaac’s The Genius of the Jews in some detail. There were many reasons for Isaac D’Israeli to have written his book in 1833. He emphasizes the Jewish concept of a creator, as in the phrase the Creator created. A reason for this may have been that Charles Lyell had published his volumes The Principles of Geology in which he demolished the notion that the universe and earth had been created by God only some five thousand years before. No idea had been more firmly entrenched in both Jewish and Gentile ideology. The total destruction of the notion of creation completely destroyed the Jewish vision of history invalidating their doctrines. Science vs. religion would become increasingly urgent as the century progressed. Thus, when Darwin announced his version of evolution in 1859 his son Benjamin Disraeli went ballistic. Within two years he denounced evolution as being the apes of evolution and the angels of Jewish religion. Which side are you on, he asked, the apes or Science, or the angels of religion? For himself, he said, he was on the side of the angels. Strangely enough he denounced the notion of evolution in 1848’s Tancred when he denounced a much more clear concept of evolution than Darwin’s and years before. I quote: Chapter XV, Quote. After making herself very agreeable, Lady Constance took up a book which was at hand, and said, ‘Do you know this?’ And Tancred opening a volume which he had never seen, and then turning to the title page, found it was ‘The Revelations of Chaos,’ a startling work just published and of which a rumour had reached him. ‘No,’ he replied; ‘I have not seen it.’ ‘I will lend it you if you like: it is one of those books one must read. It explains everything, and is written in a very agreeable style.’ ‘It explains everything!’ said Tancred; ‘it must, indeed, be a very remarkable book!’ ‘I think it will suit you,’ said Lady Constance. ‘Do you know, I thought so several times while I was reading it.’ ‘To judge from the title, the subject is rather obscure,’ said Tancred. ‘No longer so,’ said Lady Constance. ‘It is treated scientifically; everything is explained by geology and astronomy, and in that way. It shows you exactly how a star is formed; nothing can be so pretty! A cluster of vapour, the cream of the Milky Way, a sort of celestial cheese, churned into light, you must read it, ‘tis charming.’ ‘Nobody ever saw a star formed,’ said Tancred. ‘Perhaps not. You must read the “Revelations;” it is all explained. But what is most interesting, is the way in which man has been developed. You know, all is development. The principle is perpetually going on. First, there was nothing, then there was something; then, I forget the next, I think there were shells, then fishes; then we came, let me see, did we come next? Never mind that, we came at last. And the next change there will be something very superior to us, something with wings. Ah! That’s it: we were fishes and I believe we shall be crows. But you must read it.’ Unquote. Lyell, who Lady Constance was quoting, had just destroyed the basis of both Judaism and Christianity, religion in general. Science then must be rejected to preserve the fable as the Creator didn’t actually Create. Disraeli makes a little comedy of it but as he would say thirteen years later, he was on the side of the Angels. Interesting that Lyell had a better idea of evolution twelve years earlier than Darwin Underlying all the political questions is the religious one of apes and angels and whatever other scientific developments that made belief in Jewish mythology an impossibility. This was the Jewish dilemma. And also all religion including Catholics and Protestants. Benjamin Disraeli himself was anti-science. He pooh poohed it. Jewish magic came first in his mind. In more practical terms the task Isaac had assigned himself was to undermine the Christian foundation of England. Benjamin, perhaps, echoing his father said in his tome Coningsby that all heroes had to destroy in order to create. In that sense then Isaac, the great literary man being master of two cultures, the Jewish and Christian, had to destroy current Christian mores and English confidence in themselves. That is the purpose of his book, to establish Jewish supremacy as being the elder religion. In his mind Christianity was merely a pale version of Judaism. A Junior Branch grafted onto the Senior trunk of the olive tree. It was the Christian’s duty to honor the Jewish father. In the opening words of Chapter one of the Genius of Judaism he lays down the law for the English to follow: Quote: The existence of the “peculiar people” professing the ancient Jewish faith has long been an object of religious conviction, and of philosophical curiosity. The Hebrew separated from the Christian, at a period of the highest civilization, holds an anomalous position in society; and with some truth it may be said, that he exists in a supernatural state. The Genius of Judaism remains immutable, requiring every concession, but yielding none; perpetuating human institutions, which, from their very nature, passed away, and still cherishing the prejudices of barbarous aeras. But that the Christian of the nineteenth century should remain for the Hebrew the Christian of the ninth, is a moral anachronism It will not be by taking the popular view of the manners of this singular people that we shall allay the fanaticism of Jew or Christian. [N.B.] We must learn to feel like Jews when we tell of their calamities, and to reason like Christians when we detect their fatuity. Unquote. Note that he seems to say that the relationship between Jews and Christians has evolved since the ninth century and, I gather, Jews should not fear the Christian as much because, say, an institution such as the Inquisition exists. The distance between has lessened and Christians can now be converted to a form of pure Judaism. The above quote is the core of the book. Christians are to place the interests of the Jews above their own. Isaac acknowledges the New Dispensation of Christ but only by placing it side by side to the Old Dispensation. Thus Jews can feel the Christian or New Dispensation but the Gentiles remain inferior because they have only the New Dispensation but cannot share in the Old Dispensation. Thus armed Benjamin went out in the world in an inferior position but armed with a strong notion of superiority. Isaac and his son formed a close alliance with the Rothschilds who would in a manner through their control of currencies be the actual Emperors of Europe. Jewish money controlled European politics. The Two Nations Disraeli would write about in his tract, Sybil. Now comes the kicker. Isaac had his son Benjamin named after his grandfather. His Grandfather lived through the Suss episode thus Benjamin like all Jews was indoctrinated and conditioned from his infancy, this doesn’t seem clear to non-Jewish writers but it is so. Benjamin then, was a Jew of the Jews never faltering in his Judaism even though nominally a Christian. He was of the elder branch functioning in the Jr. I have no doubt that Isaac had his son baptized so that he could serve as a mole in politics. Never mind the nonsense that Isaac abandoned his Judaism. He stopped going to synagogue but he never abandoned his race and as Benjamin never tired of saying: Race is everything. It must never be forgotten that the Jews are trying to establish the Millennium. The thousand year Jewish Reich. Under English laws the Jews were not enfranchised and suffered civil disabilities. It was these civil disabilities that Lionel Rothschild, Nathan’s son, would challenge and change. Thus, gaining a seat in Parliament as a Jew rather than an Englishman was essential. English mores could be seriously undermined thereby. As Benjamin would say then within twenty-five years Jews would be co-members of England. The English would be second. As it was important to get a mole inside the House of Commons, upon his Bar Mitzvah Benjamin ‘the Younger’ also took a Christian identity. This was no liability because as Isaac explained because Judaism is the root of Christianity and Christianity the branch Benjamin could function as a full Jew while appearing to have a Christian identity. This position while possible and honorable for a Jew was denied the Other, in this case, the Christian Englishman. On the other hand statutes forebade the Jew English rights; no Jew could serve in the Parliament without taking the oath of a Christian. In fact there were Jewish members of Parliament who had taken the oath. The denial of not only full rights but superior rights was a crime, and one that would not be forgotten, that had to be corrected, and that by ‘any means necessary’, criminally or honorably or in combination of both. Thus the Jewish method was to use both ends of the spectrum. They led in the labor movement at one end and in banking at the other end. Thus they could be pro-Communist and pro-Capitalist at one and the same time. In the US at the beginning of the twentieth century the most famous criminals were Jewish while Justice Brandeis of the Supreme Court was the soul of respectability. These patterns have remained the same since the French Revolution. The Genius of the Jews is an important book to read and understand or else you don’t have a clue about what was and is going on. Working inside and outside the establishment Benjamin and Lionel Rothschild took over England by destroying English mores and replacing them with Jewish mores. As Benjamin predicted he was to be the Prime Minister of England. Anyone who stood in the way was destroyed. By century’s end England was an English majority essentially ruled by a Jewish minority,(a Synarchy) although few if any recognized this central fact. Isaac D’Israeli thoroughly indoctrinated and conditioned his son as Benjamin says, from his infancy. Isaac had obtained his acceptance by the English through his writing while nominally rejecting the Jews. He therefore encouraged Benjamin to do the same. From the age of twenty, then, Benjamin began to write books. I wouldn’t call them novels but fanciful portrayals of his life without too much attention to actual situations although always based on them. The stories follow quite closely Isaac’s visions of The Genius of Judaism. Benjamin’s persona and appearance was a sort of garish dandyism with outrageous chutzpah that quite set him apart from the Parliamentarians he would associate with in later life. Chutzpah was always his method. His books were received well by his intended audience although not barn burners. They barely moved the income needle. The books did ingratiate him with the Rothschilds, especially Lionel when he succeeded Nathan in 1836. Bejamin was a frequent guest of Lionel’s while working with him as Lionel tried to gain admittance to Parliament on his terms rather than Parliament’s. Lionel was easily elected but as a City member of which there were six, where he had great influence. Lionel did succeed in being sworn in as a Jewish member rather than an English member thus knocking Parliament off center as he was admitted along with the newly enfranchised Catholics. Thus the harmony of the all Protestant Parliament was turned more hostile. Benjamin’s early books referenced himself while always pushing the Jewish agenda. In 1837 he succeeded in reaching Parliament. As may be assumed he was greatly resented as a Dandy and a flashy dresser and his very forward personality as well as being a Jew. Although nominally a Christian he acted and functioned as a Jew, as he repeatedly said, race is all, blood will out. About 1844 he began writing his amazing trilogy Coningsby, Sybil and Tancred. After which he ceased writing stories until 1870 when he published Lothair and again in 1880 when he published Endymion. In 1852 he published his biography of Sir George Bentinck. All these books lauded the Jews while disparaging the English. His flights of fancy are remarkable for someone who wished to be taken seriously. That they didn’t destroy his career is remarkable. Coningsby was written when he and Lionel Rothschild had become if not fast friends, close associates. His portrayal of Lionel as the book’s hero Sidonia is so exaggerated as to be in a class with the twentieth century’s comic book Superman. About the only thing missing in Lionel’s portrayal was the inability to leap over tall buildings. Benjamin’s comments on the Jews closely replicate those of his father’s The Genius of Judaism. Benjamin said that he would not obscure his Jewishness and in these three books he succeeds in outrageously flaunting it. The amazing thing is that they didn’t destroy his career although he did have to study to keep a bold face. As I said Benjamin was Chutzpah personified. His method was to attack personally, defamation to destroy credibility. Since 1832 and England’s Reform Bill England had been in a revolutionary state with the conclusion taking place in 1848. Society was in a period going through great changes of which the effects were generally unrecognized in England as such. By 1841-48 the stresses were becoming apparent. We are primarily concerned here with the years 1841-48, the years directly leading up to the third revolution of ’48. The revolution of ’30 was incomplete in that it did not entirely terminate the monarchy of France; ’48 would do that on the Continent while failing that in England. The revolutionists had different goals. In England a moderate group called the Chartists came into existence, then there was the Jewish revolution while the Marx-Engels Communists took up a position. While not acknowledged as such a one man revolution worked toward the overthrow of the English Monarchy and the Aristocracy, he aligned himself with the Chartists. His name was George W.M Reynolds. Reynolds came to prominence as a novelist and soon became one of note. Due to the peculiarities of the literary mind, although Reynolds is certainly the equal of any nineteenth century novelist if not superior to any. Perhaps because he wrote in a more popular style rather than the haut ton literary style he was dismissed. Politically he was very active, even taking part in the English version of the ’48. In addition to his novels he ran an activist very popular magazine, Reynolds’ Miscellany, and a well read weekly newspaper that managed to survive into the nineteen sixties. He was considered a threat by the government. Reynolds personal revolution clashed with the three others, more especially the Jewish revolution. The famous Benjamin Disraeli led the Jewish revolution from his seat in Parliament where after 1848 he was the leader of his party, the Tories. His political career was actually a tour de force. At the time prejudice toward the Jews ran high so that while Disraeli was prominent in Parliament even becoming Prime Minister in his declining years there was a strong animus against him which he encouraged by his writing which virulently advocated the innate superiority of the Jews over the English. Those of this period were titled Coningsby, Sybil, and Tancred. They were viewed with dismay by the English. Revolution In The Forties Benjamin Disraeli will be our focus in the next section. But he will have to share the limelight with certain literary persons. The specific writers are Charles Dickens, George W. M. Reynolds, James Malcolm Rymer and Thomas Prescott Prest. The revolutionary nature of the writings of these authors is not well understood. As they were all social critics their revelations reflected back on the government, and reference their revolutionary activities. These activities came into conflict with Jewish revolutionary activities because Jewish activists were noticed by them and criticized their portrayal of Jews. The writer weren’t ‘reasoning as Christians when they detected Jewish fatuities.; The most famous conflict took place between the innocuous Charles Dickens and his Jewish critics, the story is well known. In his novel Oliver Twist he fashioned a criminal character based on live models he named Fagin. While there were many real life examples of Fagins in London society, the Jews took offence that a Jewish criminal was executed. They remonstrated with Dickens and threatened him. Dickens then rewrote the character eliminating the scaffold scene. As Disraeli said that one place you will never find a Jew is on the scaffold. The offensive parts no longer occur in reissues so to understand the issue a reader must obtain an early copy. The important thing for the Jewish revolution was that they were able to establish the right to censor publications. All writing was thus censored unless like George Eliot you made your character a saint such as in her novel Daniel Deronda currently being promoted as a perfect example of how to write about Jews. Post Oliver Twist writers took heed with the exception of George Reynolds. Reynolds wrote of many Jewish characters in many ways. He humorously described them as Sons of the Scattered Race or alternatively Sons of the Scattered Tribe in Vol. III of his Mysteries of London. Most writers simply solved the problem by writing Jews out of society or history or carefully disguising them. Disraeli himself did not object so much that Fagin was a criminal as he explains that all peoples have criminals but what excited him was that Fagin died on the scaffold. According to Ben you see Jews in every walk of life but never on the scaffold unless at an auto da fe. So Dickens real sin was having Fagin suspended on the hempen necktie. Such an attitude would give added emphasis to the fact that Suss was led to the scaffold and, adding insult to injury, suspended thirty feet high combined with being left there for years. As Disraeli says, insults like these are so terrible that they can only be revenged by condign punishment. Hence Germany was bombed flat two hundred years after Suss swung. Most writers solved the problem by excising Jews from their stories. You can read volumes of English history without knowing there was a Jew in England. Literature and history became that distorted. Reynolds was certainly unafraid in his details that included Jewish characters. As an instance in his Wagner The Wehrwolf of 1847 he portrays a Jewish pawn broker take in a magnificent set of diamonds which he replaces with paste. The diamonds are subsequently redeemed but the purchaser of the diamonds who has a very sharp eye and knowledge of diamonds sees that they are paste. Quite simply then the pawn broker was a crook. Nothing was made of it by the Jews apparently because as Disreali notes the issue is the gallows and not the crime. Certainly in English opinion of the times it would have been thought that that is what Jews do. The clearest example of Reynolds is his novel The Necromancer of 1851. By this time a real brouhaha was brewing as Lionel Rothschild was pressing to be sworn in as a parliamentarian according to Jewish rites and not English rites. In other words a Jew who only accepted the old half of the religion, according to the DIsraelis instead of both halves. Sort of a modern Jews for Jesus situation. As Benjamin Disraeli had actually been baptized as a Christian and could swear on his faith as a Christian he could serve in Parliament but still exhibit only his faith as a Jew. It isn’t that this wasn’t noticed and it wasn’t that Disraeli concealed it but he had been baptized. This fact did cause a deal of resentment especially as Disraeli was trying to move the levers to remove all the Jewish disabilities while straddling the fence between the two religions. So that was crux of the Jewish English revolution at that stage. In 1858 both he and Lionel would triumph. Reynold’s was certainly direct in his attack on the Monarchy, especially George IV and his father George III and the aristocracy in his own private revolution. It should be remembered that he believed in violent revolution to sweep away the traditions of the past much as the French Revolution of 1789 and 1830 had. Like Disraeli he thought you had to destroy the old to create the new on its ashes. I don’t know who Reynolds thought would govern this new world but Disraeli saw it as the Millennium ruled by Jews. We are told the Sons of the Scattered Race wanting to inherit the world is pure nonsense, a fantasy indulged in by anti-Semites, yet, consider this career of Benjamin Disraeli and Lionel Rothschild. Disraeli’s writings explicitly say that the desert peoples, Semites, Jews, Arabs and Bedouins are the true salt of the earth, nature’s gentlemen. He eulogizes some’ ‘Asiatic mystery’ that cannot be understood by the Europeans that makes the Arabics profoundly spiritual with mysterious powers. From 1844 to 1847, a period leading up to the outbreak or revolution of ’48 which he may have thought would be the millennium, he wrote his revolutionary books, Coningsby, Sybil and the ridiculous Tancred. If those books hadn’t been accepted one would have to say that he politically insane, a wild enthusiast. Yet, his ravings, and by the time of Tancred he was off balance, astounded many people yet didn’t destroy his reputation. Of course the books were nearly ignored, the first two only sold 3000 copies each while Tancred sank to 2200, yet, they were there. Disraeli was joined in those years by the richest man in England and Europe. Lionel Rothschild, who was trying to enter Parliament by breaching all the rules. Amazingly by 1848 the two had turned Parliament upside down. Having joined forces with a man named George Bentinck the two were able to destroy the career of what to then had been the most able Parliamentarian that England had seen. The time period was on the cusp of a great societal change; the effects of the Industrial Revolution and its concomitant commercial organization abetted by the development of railroads were beginning to be felt and to destabilize the old order. Revolutionary times in more ways than one. Thus while Robert Peel was a Conservative politician looking back, Disraeli and Rothschild were forward looking to Jewish domination. Peel simply had to go. George Bentinck was a genuine Englishman looking out for English interests, while Benjamin Disraeli was a Jewish mole posing as a Christian on the religious level but functioning as a Jewish operative on the racial level to subvert English society. Bentinck was not aware enough to understand who and what he was actually dealing with while Disraeli took full advantage of his ignorance. Thus, Bentinck was Disraeli’s tool. With Robert Peel’s career destroyed by devious means, Disraeli had published a nasty defamatory picture of Peel in his published Runnymede Letters of 1836 and many defamatory speeches in Parliament, the leadership of the Tory Party was up for grabs. This is now the year of 1848, the year of the third revolutionary attempt. To be clear, Disraeli said that ’48 was completely organized and executed by Jews. Vengeance for the hanging of Suss was moving right along. The continent rose, the last of the French kings was deposed, however no joke works well the third time in succession. European monarchs were prepared. The revolution was squashed and the Communist movement suppressed. This would necessitate a change in tactics to any means necessary. The revolution of ’48 was no surprise. Marx had announced its imminence in 1847 with his Communist Manifesto. Surely George Reynolds and the Chartists knew the revolution was imminent. It had been building all through the forties and built momentum every year. Reynolds’ very influential writings promoted revolution every week of every year from 1844 on. Disraeli boasted, everyone boasted, that the revolution of all revolutions was coming. It is perhaps astonishing that a nerd like Disraeli working toward that goal actually achieved it on time. Bentinck conveniently died in 1848. The Party was in disarray at that time so that Disraeli, whose only talent was making vicious defamatory speeches was the only logical candidate to be his Party’s leader. Taking advantage of the confusion he did so. Not exactly selected, but allowed to assume the role. Thus, rather ironically, Disraeli was the leader of the Conservative Party. He had run for Parliament four times as a Radical candidate and lost but took a Tory seat on an opportunistic basis. He was no Conservative. His primary goal was to further the Jewish revolution and secondarily to keep the country roiled. George Reynolds the author did want a violent revolution. He wanted to depose the Monarchy and disenfranchise the aristocracy. In his case the other principal Chartists were more Fabianists favoring reform. They were better organized and more powerful than Reynolds. He was sidelined. The crisis passed. Reynolds took up his pen to begin a four year harangue against the monarchy centering on George III and IV. That 5000 page novel was called The Mysteries Of The Court Of London, one of the great novels of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In true revolutionary mode the novel was designed to undermine the Monarchy and aristocracy, to destroy them root and branch. In that sense Reynolds and Disraeli were working toward the same end but different goals. The difference was that when success had been attained, in Disraeli’s case the Jews would be preeminent and in Reynolds’ case society would have been renovated and the creativity of the people would be released as in the manner he interpreted the success of the 1830 or July Revolution in France. To place Disraeli, all you need to do is read the full title of each of the volumes in his forty’s political trilogy: Coningby or the New Generation, Sybil or the Two Nations, Tancred or the New Crusade. New as in a departure from the established or old, a changing of the guard. The terms Disraeli uses will read differently in Jewish and English understanding. The English will read New as in fresh while the Jews will read the word as different. i.e. the rise of the Jews. The two nations of Sybil are not the rich and poor of the subtitle but the English and the Jews, the New Crusade is not Europe against the Moslems to reclaim the Holy Land but the Arabs against Europe to claim the Europe Disraeli thought was appropriated by the Saxons and Sclaves. Thus the Europeans had no more claim to Europe than the Semites of which the Jews were the chief representatives. This is the way Disraeli thought. The Jews were in control of the money of Europe, hence the most important nation of the continent. The question then was how to obtain their heritance. The answer is simpler than you might think. Let us go back in time to the Age of Ares where everything began. Check Herodotus for a full account. This war probably took place between -1700 and -1500 and was concluded between -1200 to 1100. We’re interpreting mythology now. Back when the Minoans seduced the Asiatic Princess Europa away from Asia to Crete from which the Minoans administered their thalassocracy of the Aegean and Adriatic islands and Greece. King Agenor king of Tyre in Asia was incensed. He gathered his three sons Sarpedon, Cadmus and Cilix and order them to retrieve their sister. Sarpedon went to Crete, the most logical place with his army but was unable to hold his own. Driven into a corner he gave up and went to join his brother Cilix in Cilicia. Cadmus, however went to Boeotia on the Greek mainland. The Greeks were recent invaders hence still at odds with original Pelasgians. Cadmus surveyed the situation and realized he was in the minority. Clever guy, he threw a stone between the Greeks and Pelasgians and set them at war. War over, he marched in, took over both peoples and established he famous city of Thebes restoring calm while being King. So you see it is quite easy. Back to the nineteenth century. It took another sixty years or so, but events worked to the advantage of the Jews. An Austrian Prince was shot and the devastation of WWI began in the same manner as in Boeotia. The US flourished across the Atlantic and was successfully invaded by European Jews who quickly achieved a prominent, if not dominant role while in the East the Jews seized Russia and turned it into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. England had been captured so now they needed an enemy in Europe to begin the war. German was sucked into the vortex. The takeover of Germany that would have completed the takeover of Europe after 1918 failed when a young fellow named Hitler snatched Germany from their hands. Events transpired, Germany under Young Hitler was surrounded by the Soviet Union, England and the US so that the most destructive war in history, even worse than WWI, began. Remembering Jud Suss Germany was bombed flat, Prussia was erased from the map as Germany itself would have been had not FDR died, replaced by Harry Trueman who wasn’t in on the joke, so that the actual elimination of Germany didn’t occur. Easy wasn’t it. The collateral damage for the Jews was that the Tribe took a serious hit when both Hitler and Stalin attempted to annihilate them. Well, it’s not all fun and games. In 1850 however that was a ways in the future. Let me just point out that Disraeli and Hitler followed the same ideology. There is small difference. Towards Supremacy In England Here is what Disraeli means when he says that race, that is blood, is everything. As between Judaism and Christianity they are more or less equal although as the older and purer Judaism takes precedence. Disraeli entertains the idea that Jewish blood is unmixed and can’t be defeated while all other races are mixed and hence inferior. This reverses the biblical situation in which Cain is elder and Abel, that is the Hebrews or Jews are the younger. As in history the Jews split off main society at the beginning of the Age of Aries the relationship is reverse in fancy. Four thousand years later times have changed, Judaism is now the elder and Christianity the younger, the Jews have turned the situation upside down but they have to establish themselves somehow as the superior rather than the inferior. Here is the problem because the Anglo-Saxons, Aryans or Christians in the nineteenth century are clearly showing themselves to be superior to Judaism by releasing the marvels of nature through science. Disraeli might pooh pooh science as being nothing compared to the spirituality of Judaism but spirituality cannot be weighed and hence has no objective existence. As there was no answer to science than science has to be stood on its head and subordinated to Judaism. The reaction was fairly quick so that by 1900 every branch of science was being suborned, that is, injected with Faith. Now then, we come to the third title of the trilogy, Tancred the New Crusader and the New Crusade. Disraeli is going to turn the first Crusades around and have Tancred lead the New Crusade out of Palestine to conquer Europe, that is the Jews over Europe. The original Tancred’s title in Palestine was the Prince of Galilee so the new Tancred can march forth into Europe as the representative of the Asiatics. What is the New Crusade then? Quite simply, Disraeli believed that the Aryans had ‘appropriated’ Europe. That is, they have no real title to the land. God entailed Palestine to the Jews but the rest of the world was up for grabs. Tancred and his Asiatic horde are intended to expropriate the expropriators. Disraeli is really quite delirious and so is his book. In his vision the Jews are to unite all the Sons of the Desert, Arabs, Bedouins, all the Children of the True Blood to the New Crusade. In esoteric circles (see Madame Blavatsky) the world exists in seven thousand year cycles. The first six thousand years leading up to the millennium of a new heaven and a new earth in the seventh thousand. According to the Jewish calendar the six thousand years will be completed shortly so that the Jewish thousand-year Reich is immanent. So, there is nothing mysterious in anything Disraeli says and does; it is all of a piece with some inevitable loose ends. Now, Tancred was written and published on the advent of the revolution of ’48 so that Disraeli was giddy over the approach of the Millennium and his book is an incoherent mess to reflect his state of mind. Bear in mind that Disraeli is both Jewish and Christian so that more than one of his characters can be alter egos. As I said the story is confused. The gist of it is that perhaps Science has eliminated his Faith so that he is allured by the ‘spirituality of Judaism,’ Jerusalem, Sinai and that sort of thing. He develops an overwhelming desire to visit Jerusalem and the Holy Land. He has Tancred persuade his super rich parents to buy him a yacht to sail to the Holy sites. He assembles an entourage to make the good impression among the mysterious peoples of the East. All is well but first, while his yacht is being out fitted he meets a lovely woman, Lady Bertie and Bellair. This is a strange interlude the appears to have nothing to do with the story. As the story is of the roman a clef sort the Lady undoubtedly represents a real person. As Tancred is the Christian alter Ego of Disraeli we can only wonder. She professes a desire to go with him to Jerusalem even though married. Tancred is to be helped by Sidonia/Lionel, the Lady says she knows Sidonia getting financial advice from him, Sidonia is fairly remote so Tancred’s eyebrows are raised. It seems that Sidonia is setting her up for a major fall. She had somehow come into contact with Sidonia’s stooge Villebecq, also from Coningsby. Villebecq has been guiding her into an investment which she has put her fortune into, the Northern Line, a wild speculation. The whole investment depends on whether the line will be a narrow or a broad gauge track. At this time in railroad history the gauge had not been settled. She at Villebecq’s guidance, who one believes must be following Sidonias orders, had her put all her money into the expectation of the wide gauge. In the midst of a tete a tete between she and Tancred, Villebecq bursts in and hands her a note. She reads the note and swoons. The decision is for the narrow gauge, she has been led into ruin by Sidonia/Rothschild’s agent Villebecq. Tancred picks up the note she dropped and reads it. Then showing no reaction he steps over the body of the lady and goes to see Sidonia. The story thus has no coherence to the story. If it does it is not made clear. Perhaps Disraeli is slamming a former acquaintance. The scene in Sidonia’s office is reminiscent of a scene in Tobia Smollet’s Ferdinand, Count Fathom in which Fathom’s friend who needs a loan is turned down by every Christian usurer on very good grounds. Thus they need to go to the Jews. Jewish usurers at the time were the last resort. As Fathom’s friend has no collateral or security except his name, the usurer is about to turn him down but on talking to him he realizes he is dealing with a man of real integrity but who still has no hope of paying the loan back except a hope of recovering some. The usurer not only relents but gives him a carte blanch for unlimited funds. In Tancred’s place, he is the only son of fabulously wealthy Northern aristocrats, but still, he who apparently controls all the money in the world gives Tancred a letter of credit drawn on a Jerusalem usurer also of unlimited wealth worth all the money in the world. Between the cash of his parents and the unlimited letter of credit from Sidonia Tancred is undoubtedly the richest man of the world. The New Crusader shall have funds for his New Crusade. That crusade will involve in the wild, delirious fantasy of Disraeli, the Semitic conquest of Europe. Remember the story is written on the cusp of the ’48 revolution that Disraeli knows is coming, has said that it was devised and run wholly by Jews while I’m sure that he and they had no doubts of its total success. But it was a failed run up to the two World Wars. Back in 1666, in the day of the messiah Sabbatai Zevi, Jewish Europe had been organized so that on the news of Sabbatai’s accession they were to rise and slaughter the Europeans. Jews had sold all their possessions while they reveled and partied in the expectation of appropriating Europe. ’48 was an even a better plan with a real chance of success. Disraeli was really Dizzy at this point. From the reality back to the story. The book is very involved, very convoluted so my condensation leaves out a lot. Having arrived in Jerusalem, a magical city for this is a magical fairy tale, Tancred accidently meets The Rose of Sharon (an inside joke) and her idiot friend Fakredeen. Fakredeen is a clear alter-ego of Disraeli at this point in his elation. Word has leaked out that Tancred has all the money in the world. Fakredeen is penniless but like Disraeli a real schemer and he has he plans to take over Europe. He just has to guide Tancred, the Prince of Galilee, into his plot. For now Tancred is entranced by the magic of the mysteries of the East and Jerusalem. Before he does anything else he desires to climb the Magic Mountain, Mount Sinai. Leaving without any preparations he heads out into what Disraeli describes as a hideous desert, totally barren and black. On the way Tancred’s party is blocked attempting to pass through a narrow defile by a body of Asiatics. Without attempting to learn their intent, he charges them and is wounded. As it turns out they were friendly Jews sent to escort him. As a Roman a clef it is possible that this represented Disraeli’s first encounter with George Bentinck, his ally in the battle to gain control of Parliament. This incident may be an allegory. Tancred’s wound was infected and he came within a hair of dying. Fakredeen now takes control of the story. His brain is in a whirl. He has all kinds of plans he cannot turn to reality because he is hopelessly in debt, as, indeed, was Disraeli. But he now has Tancred in his power. Is Tancred then related to Sidonia as Disraeli imagined himself related to Sidonia in the story and Lionel Rothschild in real life? Is Lionel Rothschild connected to the revolutionists of ’48? And, if so, how? This is confused, Fakredeen returns to his own stronghold in the Lebanese mountain after destroying all the competing religious factions, which are numerous, on his way. Now this is really interesting. Hidden back in the woods where all people are forbidden to go lies an ancient kingdom ruled over by a legendary queen. This people is the last remaining remnant of the Olympian religion, that of Zeus. Fakredeen destroys this and he is ready to lead the bewildered Tancred on his crusade to appropriate Europe. Here the story escapes his hands and even Disraeli is bewildered. He takes the easy way out. Tancred’s Mom and Dad arrive to pick their boy up and take him home. It was just a dream, wasn’t it? A probability of why this story was so frenetic and disorganized is because that was Disraeli’s state of mind. Just as the crisis of Bentinck’s and his plan to capture Parliament Disreali had a breakdown. He left Bentinck in the lurch and took three months off apparently to write this story. Europe rose in ’48 but after a short furious battle the Monarchies of Europe defeated them. Never try a joke three times in succession. It might work the first two times but will flop on the third and so did the revolution. But Bentinck succeeding in capturing the Parliament in England. But then…Bentinck suddenly died and Disraeli became the leader of the Party even though he was wildly unfavored. Fairy tales can come true when you wish upon a star. Amazing huh? Who Killed George Bentinck? The following will be slightly controversial. I only conjecture, but on a firm foundation. Let us go to the end of Benjamin’s Disraeli’s life. Just before he died the aged Disraeli was feeling guilt. He had tried to exorcise it in 1851 when he published a fairly long account of the fight to remove Robert Peel. He called it George Bentinck, A Political Biography. But now as the darkness gathered he invited two young descendants of George Bentinck to dinner at Hughenden, the palatial residence that the Bentincks bought for him. The two sat across from each other while Disraeli sat at the head of the table. All the while the two sat silently eating Disraeli sat with a biscuit slowly crumbling it away. When the two finished Disraeli stood up and announced: I come from a race that never forgives an injury but always remembers a favor. Prime Minister Harald MacMillen told the story. How do we interpret it? Did Disraeli really believe that that bizarre dinner paid off a debt? Race was everything to Disraeli and his race forbade Jews to eat with non-Jews. Thus as the two ate Disraeli methodically crumbled a biscuit, perhaps timing the crumbling to coincide the last crumb with the last bite of his guests. Did he think he was crumbling away guilt? Did he think he had exonerated himself of some crime? What else could it mean? What crime and what insult or injury. There is no question but that he used George Bentinck for his own ends. Later in life he would call the Bentincks a strange breed. In the heat of the crisis in Parliament Disraeli took three months off to write his preposterous Tancred. Bentinck upbraided him for leaving him alone on the field of battle. In Tancred Fakredeen makes the comment that he’s called a coward for running when the shooting started. His response was ‘Running from battle? What’s that? Moral courage is more important. Notice the flippant ‘What’s that?’ That’s a real indication of character. Leaves the field of battle at the critical moment leaving Bentinck to handle the situation alone? Bentinck should have been incensed. Who knows what else was said? Bentinck’s comments were taken as a mortal insult by one who’s race avenges each and every insult according to Disraeli, and the facts of history. To give another example of when words kill let us move up in time to WWI in the US, itself vengeance for the execution of Suss. The Jewish Wall Street speculator Bernard Baruch was instrumental in getting Woodrow Wilson elected president in 1912. In 1917 he was given his reward by Wilson by being made the chief of the WIB, War Industries Board. And, in addition was made co-president by Wilson with no oversight. He was responsible only to Wilson but needed no pre-approval for what he did. Jud Suss would have turned green with envy. The Jewish world must have glowed, as the Jews then shared the power of the US. You may be sure that Baruch took full advantage of his position and began to consolidate the entire industry of the US into one unit under his control. He met resistance from only one quarter and that was the auto industry of Detroit. They absolutely refused to go along with Suss/Baruch. A fierce confrontation ensued in which the Dodge Bros. insulted Baruch’s race. Baruch said nothing at the time but in 1920 ‘ran into’ John Dodge in a New York City hotel as he was going to a bootleg gin party. Dodge apologized for his wartime comments, inviting Baruch upstairs. Baruch declined. Dodge died that night from bootleg tainted gin. In his autobiography Baruch gloats: John Dodge died that night from that filthy gin that night. Then later in 1920 John’s brother Horace Dodge died an ‘accidental death’. Two out of three wartime adversaries. The third, Henry Ford shortly after Horace’s death was run off the road late at night returning home. He crashed off an embankment of the Rouge River but was stopped from entering it when a friendly tree arrested his descent. He was seriously battered but survived. The car than ran him off was driven by the Jewish Purple Gang of Detroit. There are hazards in ‘offending’ the Jews. So now we swing back in time to the Disraeli-Bentinck situation. In addition probably resenting Bentinck’s comments, with the Parliament in disarray after the battle, Bentinck stood in the way of Disraeli becoming the Party leader. Disraeli was nearly fifty years old while never ever haveing made any distinctions other than being thought a good laugh as an orator. Here was probably his only chance to break through. As one of his guiding thoughts was, there comes a time when the opportunity presents itself which if taken at that moment leads to success or it not seized ends your chances. This was that moment. Disraeli also believed that you have to destroy to create. In after years Disraeli would say, as mentioned by Robert Blake, that Bentinck didn’t have the qualifications to lead the party beyond the crisis. Perhaps it was best he died. Bentinck was only fifty-two when he died apparently from a heart attack. He had just dined and decided to take a walk. He never returned. He was found face down a few hundred yards along in the bushes alongside the path he was following. Did he have a heart attack? It was said he did but that must have been pure speculation as they had no way of telling at that time. So, did Baruch and the Dodges have something in common with Disraeli and Bentinck. As David Cole would say: cui bono? Well, Disraeli. Of course that’s not proof, but, there was Disraeli a decade or two later crumbling his biscuit as he watched saying nothing as two of Bentinck’s decedents ate their dinner which he contemptuously refused to share. After the dinner he announced that he came from the race that never forgot an injury or insult but also honored those that helped them. He was killing two birds with that stone. That’s my interpretation of that scene. Summary The modern history of Jewish activities began in 1740 with the execution of Joseph Suss Oppenheimer in Wurttemberg, Germany. The arch-criminal Samuel Falk moved from the Continent to England from which he directed continental plotting. It may be coincidental but remember that Falk predicted that there would be a thirty years war and that war occurred from 1914-1845. In 1798 Nathan Rotschild arrived in England of which he gained extreme financial power if not control of England’s finances. In 1804 Benjamin Disraeli was born to Isaac D’Israeli. In 1816 Benjamin was baptized in a Christian ceremony. In his mind then he was a racial and religious Jew doubling as a Christian because Christianity fulfilled Judaism, Judaism being of two parts. In 1833 Isaac D’Israeli published his book The Genius of Judaism whose content had formed Benjamin Disraeli’s Judaism. To this he joined his racial views of Jewish supremacy. Combined with his religious views his political career is defined. In 1836 Disraeli published a series of letters defaming various leaders of Parliament including Robert Peel. These collected letters he titled The Letters of Runnymede. Runnymede was where the Barons confronted King John in 1215 to obtain the Magna Carta. Disreali is signaling that he sees himself as a New Baron obtaining a new Magna Carta under which the Jews will be dominant. In 1837 he was elected to Parliament and began his political career. 1826-1847 he published a series of books that seriously damaged his reputation. The most important was the trilogy of 1844-47, Coningsby, Sybil and Tancred. In 1837 on his arrival in Parliament he began a crusade to eliminate Robert Peel the party leader. In this crusade with longtime Parliamentarian George Bentinck the two were successful in driving Peel out of office by 1848 leaving Parliament and the Tory Party in turmoil. In 1848 George Bentinck mysteriously died leaving the path open for Disraeli to become the unpopular leader of the Party. Thus Disraeli opened the way to becoming Prime Minister by 1974. While he failed as Prime Minister he had opened the door for his Race. Some Additional Thoughts And Background The late eighteenth century population of England had doubled by 1840. Had the eighteenth century Industrial Revolution never occurred millions would have been idle and famine would have resulted. It was on this basis that Malthus speculated that the population growth would always exceed the food supply. Malthus was correct based on a pre-Industrial Revolution situation. However industrial change created a completely new situation in which the excess population could be employed and fed. The railroad was the main engine of employment that rescued England as well as steel ocean liners and other advancements too numerous to mention. Being new the situation was not easily understood, hence a period of confusion and groping. It was this situation that Disraeli took advantage of either intuitively or consciously. The rapidly growing Jewish population was also unsettling traditional English society as they had no intention of assimilating preferring to remain absolutely separate and antagonistic. Once again, Isaac D’Israeli’s The Genius of Judaism is essential reading to understand the Jewish point of view that was separate from the English point of view and in conflict. The overall situation demanded a reevaluation of the society. On the literary scene it was a scene of intense literary activity examined non-fictionally and fictionally. Disraeli’s works may be considered as part of this examination from the Jewish point of view. As if they understood that a new era was developing in England men such as Charles Knight whose survey of London titled London organized the tremendous growth of London into an organic whole. Henry Mayhew did an large sociologic study of London’s poor that was matched by the most interesting of the students of London and its streets the afore mentioned George W.M. Reynolds who wrote immense studies disguised as novels. Naturally any such efforts would have to include the Jews. While not making the situation offensive he wrote extensively about the Jews throughout his very extensive corpus. While a novelist Reynolds was also a social scientist, psychologist, scientifically aware, he was a great admirer of Franz Gall for instance. Gall was an innovative student of the human mind, probing the areas of the brain to see how it functioned. He was greatly misunderstood and one of aspect, that of phrenology, left him open to ridicule and no one today takes him seriously. He was a great man however and Reynolds understood what he was doing perfectly. He was a great student of Gall’s physiognomy using the concept continually. But, that’s neither here nor there however the depth and breadth of Reynolds’ mind must be understood. In 1846-47 when Disraeli was publishing his novels exalting the Jews as a race superior to all others, Reynolds wrote Vol. III of his Mysteries of London, a great work in excess of four thousand pages. Vol.III also written in 1846-7 might have been in response to Disraeli, and while untitled might have been called Tom Rainford and the Mysterious Jewess, if one were to give it a name. Reynolds appeared to be showing the Jews the correct way of integrating into English society thus avoided the antagonism which seems to have been running very high at the time perhaps exacerbated by Disraeli’s career which was offensive to English sensibilities. Really, his trilogy is ridiculous and offensive. The main thread of Vol. III involves Tom Rainford and the de Medina family of a Jewish father and two sisters , Esther and Tamar de Medina who, while not twins are nearly identical. Rain, as he is known, is involved with Tamar. Mr. Medina is a respectable retired merchant of the Sephardic branch of Jews. Thus, while giving the Jews an example of how to go about integrating into English society he can admonish his fellow English that not all Jews fit the stereotype. Etc., etc. The time worn arguments. As to Disraeli being a mole. After being elected to Paliament he began a relationship with Lionel Rothschild that lasted until his death. The Rothschilds with their enormous wealth essentially looted from the English people by usury were the driving force behind Jewish activities in Europe and through August Belmont their American representative very influential in the United States. The Jews always seemed to have decisive information almost before the events occurred and maybe before. Much of their reputation as a magical people is based on this. The solution is readily apparent. Disraeli in the early years of his career had access to classified information that he easily passed to his new friend Lionel. Once his career achieved ministerial status all was known to him. In the most classical case he not only passed information but openly collaborated with Lionel to mortgage the British government to the Rothschilds. A key number of shares to the Suez Canal were put on sale by the Egyptian Khedive. Disraeli as Prime Minister thought it important to obtain them. As Parliament was not in session and time of the essence and acting only on his own initiative consulting nobody, something like Bernard Baruch he immediately rushed to Lionel and requested a loan of four million pounds. Lionel asked Disraeli what the collateral was and Disraeli proudly proclaimed, the British Empire. The loan was made. It was redeemed as Parliament resumed session, however. Still, for the that brief moment the Jews were potential owners of the Empire on which the sun never set. Imagine that. If Rothschild had called the debt with Parliament out of session the Jews would have owned the most powerful country in the world. Close call for the English. Do you not think then that Alfred Dreyfus was doing the same thing in France in the 1890s, just as Johnthan Pollard did the same thing in the late twentieth century in the US? The Suez shares were good work for a mole, don’t you think? It’s time for a reassessment of Disraeli’s career. The amazing thing was that while acting so openly, and openly despised, Disreali could achieve what he did. This, then was and is the critical thing about democracy. It is so easily used for nefarious purposes. Was Disraeli’s rise in the English Democracy any different from Hitler’s rise in Germany? No, both manipulated Democracy for their own ends. Thus while both men were despised by their respective constituencies both succeeded. To conclude: an example of Disraeli’s incredible Chutzpah. Is it any wonder that he was despised? Prime Minster Robert Peel was the reigning Parliamentary force when Disraeli entered Parliament in 1837 a year after he had written his scathing Runnymede Letters. He immediately launched an all out attack to destroy Robert Peel’s authority and personal reputation by defamation in which he succeeded thus removing an impediment to his own advancement. With Peel out by 1848 it was necessary for him remove his close associate George Bentinck. Without a pause he did. In his book Coningsby he makes a sly reference to Sir Robert as he tells of a Steeplechase Race in which Coningsby rides a horse named Sir Robert. This obviously describes his vision of what he is doing in Parliament. The tale could be subconscious but, yet, it is so cleverly done that it must have been consciously malicious and mean spirited. I quote the tale in full: Chap. XIV, Quote: Affairs now became interesting. Here Coningsby took up the running, Sidonia and the Marquess lying close at his quarters. Mr. Melton had gone the wrong side of the flag, and the stout yeoman, though close at hand, was already trusting much to his spurs. In the extreme distance might be detected three or four stragglers. Thus they continued until within three fields of home. A ploughed field finished the old white horse; the yeoman struck his spurs to the rowels, but the only effect of the experiment was, that the horse stood stock still. Coningsby, Sidonia and the Marquess were now all together. The winning-post in sight, and a high and strong gate leads to the last field. Coningsby, looking like a winner, gallantly dashed forward and sent Sir Robert at the gate, but he had overestimated his horse’s powers at this point in the game, and a rattling fall was the consequence: however, horse and rider were both on the right side, and Coningsby was in the saddle and at work again in a moment. It seemed that the Marquess was winning. There was only one more fence; and that the foot people had made a breach in by the side of a gatepost, and wide enough, as was said, for a broad-wheeled wagon to travel by. Instead of passing straight over this gap, Sunbeam swerved against the gate and threw his rider. This was decisive. The Daughter of the Star, who was still going beautifully, pulling double, and her jockey sitting still, sprang over the gap and went in first; Coningsby on Sir Robert being placed second. Unquote. That appears to have been Disraeli’s account of his being second to Sir Robert Peel in Parliament while his Party was trying to pass a Protection bill. As the rider Disraeli thought himself the actual driving force behind Sir Robert. At the crucial moment in the attempted passage of the bill it would seem that Sir Robert was unequal to the task, that failed the jump and came in second, in this case, behind Sidonia/Lionel. Thus the Jewish rider on his super arab horse, sitting straight took the gate with ease. Sidonia remarks to Coningsby that his horse, Sir Robert, wasn’t strong enough. Fairly snide and which undoubtedly drew a smile from anyone familiar with the situation. A decisive step in the removal of the obstacle to his own rise. As a slight aside Disraeli threw in a pronunciation test to amuse the reader. Sir Cholmondely Featherstonehaugh attended a party. Apparently even then few people knew how to pronounce the two names. A ridiculous pronunciation really. The two names are pronounced, Chumley Fanshawe. Never would have figured that one out, would you? As usual with the Jews the divisive use of the words New and Young were employed. Disraeli sat up a competitive group called Young England thus separating several members into a Party within the Party the better to undermine the Party. He formed his Young England around Sir George Bentinck a respected member, unlike himself. Thus with Bentinck as the leader of Young England Benjamin could dissociate himself as the originator. Flailing wildly left and right, smashing anyone who got in his way while claiming to be the most intelligent member of Parliament working with mediocrities, within twenty years Disraeli temporarily reached his goal of Prime Minister. Apparently few if any English had read Isaac’s The Genius Of Judaism and if they had they had neither ingested nor digested the contents. They seem to have been mystified by Benjamin’s behavior. Had they read Isaac’s book they would have found an outline for his behavior and where it was leading. With their man on the inside, the mole working to tear that mountain down, Lionel Rothschild began his assault on dismantling the structure of society. Four religions were functioning in England at the time. Church of England, Catholicism, Judaism and the various sects of Protestantism, or Dissenters as they were known, and one might almost include Libertinism. The first was the established ideology while the latter three suffered civil disabilities not being allowed to influence Protestant institutions, that is the Universities and Parliament. You may be sure that both wanted to be enfranchised while their histories prevented them from being accepted. Indeed, while they professed to object to religious discrimination both religions historically had discriminated against all others. It was feared, with good reason, that if allowed parity they would attempt to do so again. The fear was justified when the Jews gained parity becoming the controlling source of the country. Resistance was very strong. Lionel was defeated time after time in his request to be seated not as an Englishman but as a Jew. With Benjamin on the inside, as a nominal Christian, proposing to change to the rules and Lionel on the outside battering at the door they followed traditional Jewish strategy. The problem was that as a member you had to take an oath as a Christian. Lionel refused to do so wanting to take the oath as a Jew thereby changing the character of Parliament. Lionel had no problem being elected as a City member within which Jews were the predominating influence and while Parliament was willing to seat him on his oath as a Christian he refused more than once until finally in 1858 he and Benjamin broke the door down. At that point England ceased to be a Christian State. By 1858 while nominally Christian it had become or was well on the way to becoming a strictly secular population. Science had undermined religion so that it no longer had the validity it once maintained. A year later, in 1859, Darwin would thoroughly discredit religion with his seminal work The Origin of Species, thus confirming Lyell’s work in Geology. As mentioned earlier in the essay, within two years Disraeli was howling that he rejected Science being on the side of superstition or, as he put it, the Angels. As his father Isaac wrote that Judaism was immutable Science not Christianity was the great enemy of Judaism. Not only was Jud Suss to be avenged but Science had to be destroyed in favor of Jewish magic. Those two items were the struggle of the Jews in the twentieth century. The two world wars avenged Suss and today the core of science has been all but destroyed in favor of Jewish magic. The struggle goes on. One man, Jud Suss, created hell on earth.

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