Tuesday, January 4, 2022

History In Its Fullness

Origins Of World War One And Two by R.E. Prindle In Flanders Fields By John McCrae In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie, In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If we break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. Prologue. The above verse was written to honor those fallen in WWI, known as the Great War before WWII. The carnage was terrible. Between seven and eleven million soldiers would die many of them buried in the immense military cemetery of Flanders Fields. As many as forty million Europeans as a direct consequence: A true holocaust and a preliminary to a worse twenty years later, I do not refer to the collateral deaths of the six million. Oh, sure. ‘History’ tells us that an Austrian Prince was assassinated and that was the cause of the war. That’s a sort of historical white lie. The Prince’s assassination catalyzed the war but it didn’t cause it. The primary cause was racial enmity and the origin was the execution of a Jewish political criminal in 1740. Because of that execution a series of bloody revolutions occurred killing millions more. 1789,1830,1848. After the ’48 failed the revolutionists determined that a change of tactics was necessary. Then began an asymmetric war of assassination and agitation. Dozens of prominent politicians and significant people hit the ground over the next 50-60 years. The conspirators meant to have a war and by 1914 they had it. The assassinated Prince was the excuse but not the cause. What caused the war? Race. A long train of events that began, for our purposes on the lone figure of a man hanging from the gallows in an iron cage thirty full feet from the ground. A heinous execution for a multitude of heinous crimes. That man was named Joseph Suss Oppenheimer, by race a Jew. Let us trace the clues that link Suss as the cause of the genocidal two European wars of the twentieth century. 1, Grievance on Grievance All EuroAmerican history has been falsified due to the historical sin of omission. While all the actions of all nations but one have been taken into account the deeds of the Jews have been omitted or, at least, misrepresented. Yet the Jews have been most influential of all the nations. That’s an anomaly that demands explanation. They have and had the smallest population while having no homeland other than the whole of Europe and North America throughout which they were scattered. Sound contradictory? It’s not. While spread primarily over the two continents the Jews maintained a tightly knit group of, essentially, conspirators. They existed under two legal systems, theirs and the gentiles with theirs being supreme in their eyes. The Gentiles had only one which put them to the disadvantage. The Jews could claim two loyalties but theirs took precedence in their eyes. Their prophet or failed messiah, Sigmund Freud, proclaimed the method of group psychology and its analysis so that any coherent groups’ activities, patterns, can be determined and analyzed. Their psychology is based on the notion of being completely distinct from all other races while their sense of superiority is based on the notion that they were the selector’s choice of all the peoples God created. That is God, himself, did this. As above, so below. God would sometimes come down and have a chat with them. At one time he chatted and pilpuled with his favorite, Abram. The problem was that no other people believed this story hence they didn’t give the Jews the respect that they thought they commanded. Hence, further, a grievance. One history of the Jews is a list of their grievances. There were many, many, and all had to be revenged. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. God didn’t go along with this last item. He admonished his people that revenge was his prerogative. Revenge belongs to me, saith the Lord. The Jews have disregarded that injunction, preferring their own adage. Thus the grievance list and their remedy grew. The preferred remedy was genocide. Kill them all. Perhaps first on the list were the Amalekites. For the trivial offence of not allowing the long Jewish train of migrants roaming the desert to pass through their tiny country they were exterminated man, woman and child. No one has seen an Amalekite for thousands of years now. The particular grievance with the Amalekites was settled rather quickly but as we will see some took perhaps a couple thousand years one that ended in Flanders Fields. Speaking of more recent grievances that can be grouped under WWI and II let us choose a beginning point of 1290 which was the time that they were expelled lock, stock, and barrel from the Kingdom of England. Woah, that one wasn’t forgotten and it took to world wars to resolve that. Soon after King Philip Le Bel of France expelled his Jews in 1307. The Jewish relations with the Germans had always been troubled. First they expelled, then let back in, then expelled again. A very frustrating experience. Of course, it was always the fault of the English, French or Germans, never their own activities. The Catholic Church had inadvertently given them a monopoly on usury when it forbade Europeans to loan at interest. Not a realistic ban, on the score of giving the monopoly to the Jews or in developing the economy. The Jews had taken full advantage of the privilege and were well on the way to confiscation of the wealth of the continent when Napoleon put a stop to it. The Jews lost their monopoly but retained their souls. Time, the tides and evolution wait on no man, so over these years and centuries we’re discussing, European society developed at a very rapid rate. Might not seem so if you were living during those centuries but it was.so. The last major expulsion of the Jews took place in 1492 when the Visigoths reconquered the final bit of Moorish territory of Granada. The Victorious Visigoths gave the Moors and Jews the choice of accepting Christianity or being expelled. Many stayed and many left. But after England, France and Germany Spain was the last straw. This was one grievance too far so condign vengeance was declared. This meant one thing: Genocide. The Jews would seethe for four hundred years until…Der Tag. In the interim there was a lot of life to live. Some twenty-six years in 1517after Spain, the Catholic priest, Martin Luther would rebel against the Church posting his 96 theses and setting off a train of disasters that would result in modern Europe. The Central European religious war as ferocious. Catholics vs. Protestants. This was the famous Thirty Years War that nearly depopulated Germany. You can believe that Central Europe was shattered, the economic system destroyed by 1648 when peace was finally established. Peace of a sort. Central Europe was impoverished, principalities were small yet political and economic matters were European wide. The aristocrats savagely suppressed serfs, common people, denying them of educations. Only one people could operate over across the borders of Europe and that people was the Jews. So, a relationship developed between the rulers and Jews. The Court Jews provided the essential services of acquisition and distribution. A temporary institution grew up know as Court Jews. They were dependent on the rulers but operated between the rulers and the peoples as a semi-autonomous people but solely able to accumulate wealth.. The factors, or merchants skinned the rulers, their profits were fabulous. In many cases a factor might have an equally fabulous personal establishment as the rulers, sometimes better. Thus, though always separate this separation was more conspicuous as the war ravaged Germans began to rebuild from scratch. Then along came Suss in the 1730s in the German State of Wurttemberg. Here’s our culprit. Suss singlehandedly changed the equation between the Court Jews, he being one, and the rulers. Previously to Suss the rulers had the upper hand. When the factors flaunted their wealth too conspiculously the rulers simply repudiated their debts leaving the factors roaming the streets. Repudiating the debt may sound extreme but so was the greed of the factors. Their activities was essentially a transfer of the wealth from the rulers to themselves. All the money was ending up in their hands. So an economic redistribution of the wealth was necessary, one might say inevitable. Enter Suss. The wily Suss, the clever Suss. He was the Court Jew, or factor, for Duke Karl Alexander of the largish State of Wurttemberg in Southern Germany next to Bavaria. Within a very short time, his tenure was only four years he inveigled what we would call a Power of Attorney from the Duke to function essentially as a co-ruler. Within the space of a few years he committed enormous crimes appropriating the wealth of the Wurttembergers for his own use enraging the citizens. Then the Duke unexpectedly died. Suss was arrested tried and executed in an ignoble fashion. This infuriated the Jews already smarting from all the expulsions. Suddenly a plan gelled in their minds. In the seventeenth century Cromwell of England readmitted the Jews to England. In the late eighteenth century Napoleon emancipated the Jews. That is they allowed to function as citizens without disabilities. But Napoleon demanded a quid pro quo, essentially that the Jews would amalgamate with the French to become one culture but retaining their ‘religion.’ Needless to say, the Jews took the emancipation but reneged on amalgamating with the French. But, how could they? In their terms they were a separate and peculiar people. Now, about 1800 is when Europe’s troubles really began. After emancipation the Jews immediately set out to revolutionize Europe, that is, to become the rulers. The Napoleonic emancipation was meant to cover all Europe. Emancipation was complete in the French territories but advanced more slowly beyond the French borders. By mid-century it was more or less complete. Then a new player entered the field, that being the United States of America. Refugees from the ’48 flooded into the US and prospered. Post-Civil War they were well established. Technological inventions opened vast new fields for them. For an instance, the sewing machine changed the way people obtained their clothes. The machines made mass production possible so that when hordes of Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe began what amounted to an invasion, the masses of people could find ready employment. In imitation of the Freemasonic Order, in 1843 the Jews created the Order of the B’nai B’rith which was strictly limited to Jews. Once established the Order became international and was exported to Europe and soon had lodges in all countries. Now coordination of activities became a simple matter from centers of conspiracy. In 1895 the psychologist Sigmund Freud joined the Vienna Lodge where he lectured the faithful on his findings to psychologically manipulate masses, whole countries.. Unlike the goyim the Jews did not reject his findings but embraced them. It was in the B’nai Brith lodge that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion were composed during the first Zionist convention in 1897. Freud and Zionism were the steroids needed to produce the Russian Revolution of 1903-05 and the Soviet Revolution of 1917. Two other events in the wake of Suss formed the Revolution. One was the birth of Meyer Amschel Rothschild of Frankfort just above Stuttgart, Wurttemberg. Suss was from Frankfort, the center of Jewish conspiracy in Europe. After establishing himself as the Duke’s alter ego he spent much time in Frankfort organizing his people. From there he toured London and Paris before meeting his fate. Meyer must have been raised on stories of Suss. He accordingly made plans. As he had five sons, his legendary five arrows, he indoctrinated them in the plan to conquer Europe. As they came of age he sent them to five European capitals from which as kings of usury they controlled or influenced the currencies. The two most important countries were, of course, France and England, the West of Europe. His son, Nathan, was sent to England while the youngest James went to Paris, the two most important posts. Being outside Continental Europe England was not affected by the emancipation, in fact English Jews had never been under European style disabilities although along with the Catholics and Dissenters they had limited civil disabilities that put an arms length between themselves and the English. Two nations. Remember that in addition to Suss France, England and the German principalities had all expelled the Jews and those expulsions had to be avenged. In 1804 an English avenger was born in the person of Benjamin Disraeli. He was tutored by his father Isaac to be a man of vengeance. To avoid the civil disabilities Isaac himself gave the appearance of rejecting Judaism so that he could find success as a writer at which he succeeded. So that his son Benjamin could function as an English citizen with full rights he had Ben baptized. So while he remained racially stoutly Jewish he could function as a Christian and a mole. When Benjamin came of age he began writing tracts that passed as novels. From1826 to 1836 he established a reasonably good reputation as a novelist. In 1837 he was elected to Parliament. The mole was in place. Now, Nathan Rothschild who founded the English branch of the clan arrived in England in 1795 with the intent to prosper in the burgeoning textile industry. He failed to make his mark and so went through a rough period during which he became a successful smuggler and apparently made some money which led him to become a banker. His muse was sitting on his shoulder so that in 1807 he scored a coup that gave him some substantiality. By this time his brother James was establishing himself in France, Paris. Napoleon involved himself in a war in Spain so that the English intervened through Portugal to aid the Spanish. The English General Wellington became strapped for cash to pay the troops and to obtain supplies. Nathan supplied the gold which then had to be sent to Spain. Even though Napoleon had emancipated the Jews making them French citizens with full rights, and even though part of that deal was that the Jews would give up their evil ways and become truly amalgamated with the French, Nathan and James conspired to use Nathan’s smuggling skills to move the gold through France to Spain helping the English to defeat Napoleon. That avenged themselves a little on France but not enough. Then in 18i4 as Napoleon and Wellington faced off on the battlefield of Waterloo Nathan performed perhaps the greatest coup in history. He realized that the English currency could be manipulated to his advantage if he could get the news of victory or defeat first. He did. He knew it was victory but circulated the verdict as defeat amongst the City stock brokers. A panic ensued, stock prices plummeted and as they did Nathan Rothschild bought every share he could so that when the official news of victory arrived Nathan had captured the currency of England. He was then far and away the richest man in England. His muse had caressed him; he was on the way and didn’t have to look back. England belonged to the Jews but there was still the problem of civil disabilities and the English were not going to grant them easily and they never did during Nathan’s lifetime. It would take his fully capable son Lionel to do that in collaboration with Benjamin Disraeli in1858.. Whither Europe? As the nineteenth century began the future was momentous for Europe including North America. An asymmetric war was in process. The Europeans blinded themselves to the actual situation. Disraeli mentioned once that there was a tussle going on between the Rothschilds and the Secret Societies. Robert Blake in his biography of Disraeli scoffs at the notion, as probably Dizzies contemporaries did, thinking that he was deluded. However, Disraeli was receiving information from two different sources, the European conventional sources in which he was directly involved and influencing and the Jewish/Rothschild sources. He thus had a tremendous advantage among the Parliamentarians using sources they didn’t have while at the same time giving inside information to the Rothschilds for whom he served as a mole. A telling anecdote is that on a mission to Paris he was introduced to James Rothschild, the French patriarch. James casually mentioned to Dizzy: I believe you know my nephew, meaning Lionel. Hearing that Dizzy could lean back and feel comfortable. He was included. He thus had obligations to fulfill. Europeans always wondered how the Jews were so well informed, seeming to have the news before it even took place. They always had men in high places, some were bought while the Jewish officials just shunted the info over. The mistake the French made in the Dreyfus Affair of the nineteens was to accuse him of channeling info to the Germans. The route was Dreyfus to the Synagogue and from there to the Germans or whoever the Synagogue thought fit. So it was with Johnthan Pollard in the US during the latter part of the twentieth century. Pollard funneled reams of material to the Israelis and they used it to their advantage regardless to whom. The info was disastrous for the US Intelligence agencies so much so that Pollard, a Jew, was given a life time sentence. Needless to say, his people got him out after twenty-five years and he went to Israel with whatever else he knew. The Jews thought that anyone who would put their enemy into positions, such as Prime Minister or inside Intelligence Agencies, must be crazy and they were right. Disraeli, himself, was a very nasty piece. Naturally, as a foreigner, and Jews were considered foreigners, Disraeli endured slights and affronts. He was asked what he did to retaliate. He said he never carried a grudge, he said that he just brushed them off. He noted their names and wrote them on a piece of paper, put the paper in a box, which must have been chock full and when he looked in the box again, he found that his offenders had disappeared. One can’t know exactly what he meant by that, whether by magic they had slipped from notice or they had serious ‘accidents’ and crossed the bar. I can only speculate but when his closest associate, George Bentinck, died shortly after reaching his and Disrraeli’s objective he disappeared so that Disraeli was able to seize leadership of the party. I think Disraeli’s life was filled with such coincidences. You simply didn’t want to stand in his way. The same goes for his fellow Jews. If someone was in the way they were eliminated in one way or another. Hence the horrendous list of assassinations after the ’48 and into the war years of WWI and WWII which make up a thirty years war. The asymmetric war then was on. The Jews, the instigator knew it, but the Europeans were slow to catch on. The Jewish bete noir, Germany, was the only country who caught on or at least said they did. Why Germany? The answer is Jud Suss. Because of Jud Suss, Germany had to perish. After a hundred fifty years or so, the scab covering Suss came off. As the Jews became more confident of taking Germany in the nineteen twenties the issue of Suss was revived by the Jews. They had blood in their eyes. While little information about Suss exists in the West, Lion Feuchtwanger wrote a historical novel in 1926 called simply Jud Suss, that met with great success while Selma Stern wrote a short book about the rise of the Court Jew emphasizing Suss’ career. Then in 1930 Feuchtwanger found financing and made a movie of his book also titled simply, Jud Suss; in the US it was titled Power. In addition in the US a movie was made glorifying the Rothschilds. These movies were meant to vilify the Germans. This set off a fire storm among the National Socialists. They countered with an excellent movie on the Suss theme and then a magnificent film called The Rothschilds. Evidently in an attempt to set the record straight. I have said that the Jews wanted to destroy Germany and the Germans lock stock and barrel. This will be unbelievable I believe to readers. However, and this is not interpretation, there was a genocidal plan to wipe the Germans and Germany from the earth that is well documented. In 1940 the plan was released through the American Jewish Committee by its operative Theodore Kaufman in a pamphlet called Germany Must Perish. This was not some off the wall publication but was distributed country wide, reviewed widely, even in Time Magazine and incorporated into Roosevelt’s post-war plans. You can buy Kaufman’s book, it’s still available. The plan was the if you castrated all the German men, Germans would ‘disappear’ within a generation. And then German industry was to be destroyed completely and turned into a pastoral territory divided amongst the surrounding countries. This is not to be pooh poohed and taken lightly. The National Socialists did not take it lightly. I don’t know how confident they were of winning this massive war but they must have realized that with the Soviet Union on their East and the US, England and France on the West under the influence of the Jews their situation was perilous. So, this threat of genocide from the Jews was not to be taken lightly. Genocide was part of their history. Ask the Amalekites. I don’t believe that their plan before this genocidal threat was received was to genocide the Jews, but after it was received they definitely decided to eliminate them before the Jews eliminated them. That’s called a pre-emptive strike, which the Jews always employ, and self-defense. The ugly truth comes out. The Suss execution bugged the Jews so much that the US compelled Germany to pardon Suss in the aftermath of the war. The Suss affair dominated Jewish thinking from 1740 to 1940, or 50. Germany and the Germans were almost completely destroyed in vengeance. England, the Soviet Union and the US were merely tools in the hands of the Jews. To return to Disraeli. To understand Disraeli one must place him in the proper perspective. He is not English, could never be English. If you’ve seen the movie The Day The Earth Stood Still, compare Disraeil with the spaceman Klaatu. Klaatu looks human but he comes from an entirely different planet, a whole different mindset. He cannot think like a human. He is a stranger in a strange land as was Disraeli. His people occupied a space between the English and say, the Gypsies. He knew what the English knew and he knew what the English didn’t know. He operated in two different worlds. Here is a quote from Disraeli’s last novel, Endymion, that illustrates the difference. Disraeli is talking about the Three Glorious Days of the July Revolution in France in 1930, Chapter VII: Quote The men who have won ‘three glorious days’ at Paris, want neither civilization nor religion. They will not be content till they have destroyed both. ‘It is possible,’ he continued. ‘that they may be parried for a time; that the adroit wisdom of the house of Orleans, guided by Talleyrand, may give this movement the resemblance, and even the character, of a middle class revolution. It is no such thing; the barricades were not erected by the middle class. I know these people; it is a fraternity, not a nation. Europe is honeycombed with their secret societies. They are spread all over Spain. Italy is entirely mined. I know more of the southern than the norther nations; but I have been assured, by one who should know, that the brotherhoods are organized throughout Germany and even in Russia. I have spoken to the Duke about these things. He is not indifferent, or altogether incredulous, but he is so essentially practical that he can only deal with what he sees. I have spoken to the Whig leaders. They tell me that there is only one specific, and that a complete one—constitutional government; that with representative institutions, secret societies cannot exist. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that with these secret societies representative institutions will disappear. And so they have today. Unquote. Roughly a hundred forty years later, that is as I write in 2021, representative institutions have all but disappeared under the influence of these secret societies. The whole notion of Republics passed through Democracy into Synarchy and that is the actual state of society today. A minority of delirious fanatics is running society. At another time Disraeli was quoted as saying that a struggle was going on between the Rothschilds and the secret societies. Once again he was scoffed. But who should know better than he? Apparently the English secret service was not so developed as to infiltrate these secret societies. Their blindness allowed a whole new counterculture to develop that today controls the EU and the US. The Rothschilds knew and they did have the sense to infiltrate the secret societies and indeed to take them over and turn them to Jewish uses. This still will not be believed today as researchers are dismissed as crack pot Conspiracy Theorists. There is no theory involved; it is historical fact. So Disraeli was working in constitution government while, as he says, he knew the people he was talking about. This raises the question, how did he know them and what was his association with them. As he said that there was a struggle between them and the Rothschilds did the latter use him as an agent to deal with them? There is something here that needs to be explained. He is the most preeminent of men and he couldn’t get his message across but was allowed to run the constitutional government. Things can’t get much stranger than that. He was routinely denounced as untrustworthy and he was untrustworthy. He repeatedly worked against English interests and in favor of Jewish interests obviously as was explained in his novel of 1847 Tancred. Few people actually read Tancred although it was in their interest to do so. Endymion was more widely read but Disraeli was dead by that time. He was known as an expansionist and every expansion he secured weakened the British Empire a little more. He obtained a useless appendage in Cyprus that drained England (and Ireland) of more men. Some of this is too incredible to be true. Such an incident was the acquisition of the Suez Canal Company’s shares. A little background. None of the biographers that I have read seem to realize the connection between Disraeli and the Rothschilds. It is totally impossible that they wouldn’t have recognized that they were kindred spirits. Disdraeli himself worshipped the Rothschilds. It is highly improbable that Isaac D’Israeli and Nathan Rothschild didn’t collaborate in some fashion. Isaac’s 1933 The Genius of Judaism would indicate that. Isaac is talking about what he considers the very genius of the spirit of Judaism, without reference to any genius of individual Jews. He is also trying to break down the resistance of the English to Judaism. Nathan Rothschild named his headquarters New Court. That is, a counter court to the Court of England. In other words he Jews were in a contest to replace the English Court. Isaac’s book is moving in the same direction. The appearance of his book in 1933 is an indication that he thought the plan was advancing. By1933 also Isaac would have thought that he could recommend Benjamin as someone to be accepted and encouraged. Benjamin as a successful author of scandalous ‘novels’ had called attention to himself. Now after 1933 he began a number of unsuccessful attempts to enter Parliament, shifting from party to party and ideology to ideology until he was finally selected in 1937. He was permanently lodged there for the rest of his life. Nathan died in 1936 succeeded by his son Lionel who was almost the same age as Disreali. As a member of Parliament then he was befriended by Lionel and the two began cooperating but Disraeli was necessarily the junior party. His three 1840s novels, Coningsby, Sybil, and Tancred give the plan away while in his character Sidona he lauds Lionel to the skies. Even when he became the Prime Minister, a chief of England he acknowledged Lionel as his superior. This was no more evident than in the Suez incident. To enlarge the field of action: The Rothschilds acted in concert while the English and French branches of the family were the linchpins. Nathan’s brother James in Paris died in 1866 succeeded by his sons Gustave and Alphonse. The French under De Lessups had built the canal. The canal itself was not for sale but the Suez Canal Company that operated the canal concession had issued shares, the majority of which were owned by the French, the remainder by the Khedive of Egypt. The Khedive had fallen on hard times and wanted to sell his shares for four million pounds. It is impossible that Lionel and the Gustave and Alphonse were not in communication with each other, perhaps even to buy the shares themselves; if so they realized the impracticability of the notion. Parliament went into recess. At this precise moment Disraeli thought it was imperative for England to acquire the shares, however as Parliament was out of session the funds could not be voted on. As Disraelj apparently thought it was imperative to get the shares acting on his own authority he went to Lionel and asked him to loan the four million pounds to England. Disraeli, the Prime Minister of England, went to a mere usurer, which technically was all Lionel was, to ask him to loan the four million. Now, maybe I’m wrong but as Prime Minister Disraeli took precedence over a mere money merchant. Disraeli was offering the deal of a lifetime, better even than Nathan’s coup. The Jews always talk as though they are thorough Englishmen, Germans, what have you, patriotic to the core. Lionel, coolly looked at Disraeli and asked ‘What’s your collateral?’ This is an English Patriot asking. Disraeli laughed, ‘The British Empire.’ So, this doofus Benjamin Disraeli signed a loan agreement putting the entire British Empire up as collateral for a mere four million pounds. At that point, if Parliament came back in session and refused to honor Benjamin’s act the Jews would have owned the British Empire. As soon as Parliament resumed they voted the four million and retired the loan. But, for a few weeks loan, this patriotic Englishman, Lionel Rothschild, charged 15% at an annualized rate. One hundred thousand pounds. Think about it, Disraeli put the Empire in jeopardy to merely buy a commercial company. As with all his foreign affairs the canal led to the assumption of the Egyptian government by England thus spreading the military even thinner. Egypt led to the Ang;lo-Egyptian Sudanese condominium and that led to military operations in the Sudan. It was a sad day when Disraeli became Prime Minister. Conclusion Benjamin Disraeli died in 1881 just after he had published his last work, titled Endymion. In reading this it should be apparent that there was the constitutional government, for the aware it is also clear that there were clandestine plotters or, in another name, Secret Societies. History is not made up of only the former but a combination of the latter as well. Given human psychology it is inevitable. Disraeli repeatedly insisted upon it in his book and who was in a better position to know. He even tells you that he familiar with Southern secret societies even going so far as to say that Italy was mined with them. In Endymion he gives an example involving Napoleon III in England, where he was compelled to go in disguise lest he be assassinated as the French government feared his doing what he did, that is seizing the government and making himself dictator. This book is a good fictional account of how things worked. If you look beyond the fictional paraphernalia the general method is true. This work was published in 1880 when Disraeli was nearing death. So it has a more relaxed reminiscent feel. It has none of the frenzy of Tancred or the wild exuberance of Coningsby. The book is a roman a clef so most of characters reflect real people. Disraeli himself is Endymion, the beautiful boy toy of Greek mythology. The Neuchatels, New Castles that match Nathan’s New Court are the Rothschilds at the apex of their glory in 1880. Eighteen- eighty would be a pivotal point in English and European history. The old generation, of which Disraeli was part was dying off. The scene had shifted from the revolutionary mode of 1789, 1830, 1848 and perhaps 1870 to one of assassination and random bombing. Included as a secret society is the freemasonry of Judaism, the Freemasons themselves, the Jesuits and the labor movement. Those groups are above ground but tightly knit confederations who also function clandestinely. The passage I quote centers around the career of Napoleon III prior to his election as Premier in France and his later usurpation of the government of France. Bonapartism was not a dead letter in this Napoleon’s life. It was feared that he would try to establish a regime which after many trials and tribulations he did. He spent most of his early life in England. According to Disraeli the Jews were instrumental in putting him in office. According to Disraeli in this portrayal, Lous Napoleon (III) attended Eton school where Endymion was his fag, or servant. At that time he was going by the name of the Count of Otranto, At this time he is the mysterious Colonel Albert, then Prince Florestan and ultimately Napoleon. The speaker here is Sidney Wilton who was Napoleon’s guardian. I quote: ‘My unhappy ward,’ said Mr. Wilton; ‘you know, of course, something about him..’ ‘Well, I was at school and college,’ said Waldershare, ‘when it all happened. But I have just heard that you had relations with him.’ ‘The most intimate; and there is the bitterness. There existed between his mother Queen Agrippina and myself ties of entire friendship. In her last years and in her greatest adversity she appealed to me to be the guardian of her son. He inherited all her beauty and apparently al her sweetness of disposition. I took the greatest pains with him. He was at Eton, and did well there. He was very popular; I never was so deceived in a boy in my life. I thought him the most docile of human beings, and that I had gained over him an entire influence. I am sure it would have been exercised for his benefit. In short, I may say it now, I looked upon him as a son, and he certainly would have been my heir; and yet all this time, from his seventeenth year, he was immersed in political intrigue and carrying on plots against the sovereign of his country, even under my own roof.’ ‘How very interesting!’ said Walershare. It may be interesting to you; I know it cost me. The greatest anxiety and sorrow, and even nearly compromised my honour. Had I not a large hearted chief and a true man of the world to deal with, I must have retired from the government.’ ‘How could he manage it? said Waldershare. ‘You have no conception of the devices and resources of the secret societies of Europe,’ said Mr. Wilton. ‘His drawing master, his fencing-master, his dancing master, all his professors of languages, who delighted me by their testimony to his accomplishments and their praises of his quickness and assiduity, were active confederates in bringing about events which might have occasioned an European war. He left me avowedly to pay a visit in the country, and I even received letters from him with the postmark of the neighbouring town; letters all prepared beforehand. My first authentic information as to his movements was to learn, that he had headed an invading force, landed on the shores which he claimed as his own, was defeated and a prisoner.’ ‘I remember it,’ said Waldershare. ‘I had just then gone up to St. John’s and I remember reading it with the greatest excitement.’ All this was bad enough,’ said Mr. Wilton, ‘but this is not my sorrow. I saved him from death, or at least a dreadful imprisonment. He was permitted to sail to America on his parole that he would never return to Europe, and I was required, and on his solemn appeal I consented, to give my personal engagement that the compact should be sacred. Before two years had elapsed, supported all this time, too, by my bounty, there was an attempt, almost successful, to assassinate the king, and my ward was discovered and seized in the capital. This time he was immured, and for life, in the strongest fortress of the country; but secret societies laugh at governments, and though he endured a considerable imprisonment, the world has recently been astounded by hearing that he has escaped. Yes; he is in London and has been here, though in studied obscurity, for some little time. Unquote. You will notice that England and Europe sent their hardcases to the US. The US was the great dumping ground of Europe, especially after the ’48 when hordes of revolutionaries descended on NYC, spreading out from there. Collateral damage of that event was that it transformed the US. As Disraeli points out operatives can infiltrate anywhere. When the Bolsheviks took over Russia they immediately sent operatives into every Western capital. While the Soviet Union was not a secret they used secret operatives who infiltrated every move of any government. Deep operators entirely disguised, posing as good hearted souls trying to make the world a better place intervened to get minimal sentences or even none. In 1917 a fully operational system in place, surfaced. In later twentieth century the great Jewish spy Johnathon Pollard was hired in the intelligence apparatus and transferred reams of material to his home base in Israel before his screen was penetrated. His material completely disrupted the US’ foreign relations to benefit an Israel that was receiving billions of dollars of aid per year. The US was devastated so much so that they give Pollard a life sentence over the pleas and protestations of both US and Israeli Jews. It took twenty-five years of incessant agitation but Pollard was finally released to freedom. He presently resides at his home in Israel where he is handsomely rewarded. These clandestine groups and secret societies have to be taken seriously. Add to this Disraeli’s racial outlook of which he was fully convinced. I quote another passage from Endymion, pp. 360-61 that fully and emphatically emphasizes his view: Quote: There is another great race which influences the world, the Semite. Certainly when I was at the Congress of Vienna, I did not believe that the Arabs were more likely to become a conquering people than the Tartars, and yet it is a question at this moment whether Mehemet Ali, at their head, they may not found a new empire in the Mediterranean. The Semites are unquestionably a great race, for among the few things in this world which appear to be certain;, nothing is more sure than that they invented our alphabet. But the Semites now exercise a vast influence over affairs by their smallest though most peculiar family, the Jews. There is no race gifted with so much tenacity, and such skill in organization. These qualities have given them an unprecedented hold over property and illimitable credit. As you advance in life, and get experience in affairs, the Jews will cross you everywhere. They have long been stealing into our secret diplomacy, which they have almost appropriated; in another quarter of a c century they will claim their share of open government. Well, these are races, men and bodies of men, influenced in their conduct by their particular organization and which must enter into all the calculations of a statesman. But what do they mean by the Latin race? Language and religion do not make a race—there is only one thing which makes a race, and that is blood. Unquote. Then and now, you couldn’t possibly state it more clearly except possibly with technological discoveries not known in Disraeli’s time. The man is not always accurate. Mehemet Ali was an Albanian and not a Semite. Europeans acting in concert easily frustrated any plans he had. Disraeli says that, ‘they have been stealing into our secret diplomacy, which they have almost appropriated.’ So, does anyone really believe that Dreyfus the Frenchman convicted for espionage in the nineties wasn’t guilty? Of course he was. Does anyone not believe that Johnathan Pollard, twentieth century US didn’t ‘appropriate’ reams and reams of secrets and give them to Israeli? A question not worth asking. How can one not believe that Disraeli was not cooperating with the Rothschilds? ‘An unprecedented hold over property and illimitable credit…’ Might as well say they own the world. Disraeli’s enthusiasm gets away from him but he quite rejoices in matters that Jews today deny. This essay cuts off at 1880 when Disraeli and his generation disappeared. Lionel died in 1879, James was already gone in 1866 while civilization transited from one mind set to another. Matters are being led however to the first phase of the Great Thirty Years War of 1914-1945 that Falk predicted.

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