Sunday, November 25, 2018

Part 2b-10 Mysteries Of The Second Thirty Years War

Eugenics and Dysgenics Part 2b-10

The Mysteries Of The Second Thirty Years War


R.E. Prindle

Continued from Part 2b-9

Gustavus Myers was an insignificant gadfly although a figure in Jewish circles.  He had first come to notice after the turn of he century when he published his book The History Of The Great American Fortunes.  Fortunes, that is great big piles of money, the kind Walt Disney’s character Scrooge McDuck used to roll around in.  And American which is to say not Jewish.  No Jewish fortunes are considered by Myers with the possible exception of Jay Gould.

The book which was a defamatory work against the great swashbucklers of the Gilded Age met with some success but it was a nasty work that raised more ire than praise.

Since that first book, which was at least interesting, he had turned out a succession of flops that mocked, debunked, defamed and ridiculed everything American, that is not Jewish, from the Supreme Court on down.  The books really have no claim to be histories and are unreadable even to scholars, but in my case duty is duty and I have read them.  Myers’ fame was more apparent in Jewish circles than American ones.

And now his fellow Jews needed his services for a specific purpose.  Daniel Guggenheim of the Guggenheim Foundation sought him out.  He commissioned Myers to write a volume defaming Nativist Americans as objects of hatred.  The result, published in 1943, would be The History of Bigotry In The United States.  A rather singular one-sided study.  Sordid but effectual.  I first heard of the book from a sixth grade teacher (1949-50) who thought it was a wonderful book.

The book is in two parts, a description of old organizations like the Know Nothings and the APA until it finally gets to its immediate object, the defamation of the Nativists indicted for treason and who were just about to be tried.  The book was too little too late as the intended victims escaped not only without a conviction but a trial.  Their careers were ruined of course and their futures disappeared.  The important thing to remember is that the book was commissioned by the Jewish establishment.


We now come to the end of this essay, the death of FDR and the disposition of Germany.

One views the power of the US and the Soviet Union over Germany in its defeat with horror.  Both the US and the Soviet Union were under Jewish influence, so the Jews have to accept responsibility for the actions of both their surrogates.  The deep hatred of the Jews for Germany has nothing to do with the so-called holocaust.  Their hatred began much earlier.  Of course, Luther was adamantly opposed to Jewry in the sixteenth century.  Any such opposition is portrayed by the Jews as unreasoning bigotry.  However, the Jewish nation, even though Stateless, had its own objectives that required submission by the Other.  There has always been a conflict for supremacy.  The modern form of the conflict between Jews and Germans, as two distinct nationalities, did not start with Hitler but can be traced back to a man called the Jud Suss, Joseph Oppenheimer, who flourished in the 1730s and 40s organizing the modern Jewish approach to the conflict with the Germans in Wurttemberg and Frankfort on the Main.

His importance to the struggle can be easily seen in his prominent revival in Weimar and Nazi Germany.  I have given a more detailed account in my essay Jud Suss.

During the Great War a Jewish writer by the name of Lion Feuchtwanger wrote a play titled the Jud Suss that was ignored at the time.  But then in 1926 he published the propaganda novel Jud Suss that sold very well both in Germany and abroad.  That meant that translations into other languages, most notably English had to be prepared in advance hoping for the success of the novel.  Published in Weimar Germany the novel was turned into a movie filmed in England and released under the title Jud Suss in England and Power in the US in 1934 after the advent of the Nazis.  Thus the film was a direct challenge to Germany.  To have been released in 1934 the film had to be conceived in 1933 as Hitler took over the government of Germany.  There are no coincidences here.  These events were all planned.

Thus, the film seems to have been a direct challenge to Germany as to who would rule, Jews or Germans.  The insult was deeply felt by Germans, so much so that in the midst of WWII Joseph Goebbels, the German propaganda minister commissioned a German version of Jud Suss telling the story from the German side. 

As I have pointed out, Theodore Kaufman published his book Germany Must Die in 1940 when only the Jews were involved in the new war while at that time the US was overwhelmingly unconcerned with involving the US.  The question of exterminating the Germans must have evolved in Jewish minds much earlier than 1940.  Kaufman’s book was merely an open suggestion or perhaps a hint of what was in store for the Germans when the US would be drawn into the war.

Of course, the Jews were already leading FDR into actual hostilities at sea when he ordered US warships to sink German submarines.  Roosevelt said the US border was the Rhine River and the Rhine was deep within German borders.  Is it any wonder that Hitler called Roosevelt a warmonger?

FDR’s Secretary of the Treasury with the exception of his first year in office was the militant Jew Henry Morgenthau Jr.  Interestingly Morgenthau said that he really didn’t want the job but that he was on duty.  That means he was posted to the Treasury by others, that is the Jewish shadow government.  That also means that Roosevelt was following orders and indeed FDR seriously considered the extermination of the Germans.  The callous disregard of all life by these people, both German, Soviets and US with allies makes your blood run cold.  How necessary was it that tens of thousands of US men be destroyed or that American society should be disrupted for essentially Soviet and Jewish purposes?

By 1940 when Roosevelt won his third term violating all US mores, he was already debilitated and unfit for office so if he was already a mere Jewish puppet he became increasingly debilitated and unable to function before his death.  Morgenthau, then, progressively usurped presidential powers while expanding the role of the Treasury Department into all areas of government.

Especially as the third term wore on FDR may as well have been comatose.  Morgenthau, aided by Harry Dexter White, devised his plan to dismember Germany and exterminate the Germans echoing Theodore Kaufman’s 1940 book.  For Americans involved the plan was horrific and breath taking, but so long as Morgenthau was in control of FDR there was little that could be done although the issue was lambasted in journals by various writers.

In 1945 Morgenthau published his book Germany Is Our Problem with a watered down version for public consumption.  Had he spoken candidly the American reaction would have thunderous.  Thus, Morgenthau set the stage for the extermination of the Germans.  FDR, incapable during the last year or so of his presidency, having been elected for his fourth term, was never to enjoy it.  Perhaps realizing his coming end, he retreated to the comfort of his women at his spa in Warm Springs.  Always hopeful that the waters would cure his crippled legs he may have wished to die beside his only hope.  Thus, surrounded by a bevy of women including his ex-mistress and great love, Lucy Mercer, his brain and heart gave out and he mercifully for the US and Germany slipped away.

History records the country’s grief, but it ignores the fact that there was a lot of joy of Mudville when FDR lay down his bat for FDR had struck out.

The incoming president, VP Harry Truman, had been left ignorant of nearly everything that FDR had been doing so his entry into office was nearly a tabula rasa.  He was aware of the Morgenthau plan however and the reaction it had caused in Congress.  Morgenthau’s days were numbered, and he left the government permanently shortly after Truman took office.  That didn’t mean that consequences for the Germans weren’t draconian.  Indeed, horrific conditions would exist before any amelioration until 1950 when he US realized it was shooting its feet off.

Looking back nearly a century later when one considers the situation in the light of the cold grey dawn blame for the war is not so easily to be affixed.  Germany had attempted a preemptive defensive war because it was most immediately facing the Soviet Communist menace.  Stalin was massing Soviet troops at the Polish border in preparation for an invasion of Central Europe.  Any Soviet invasion would have been genocidal in nature fully supported by Soviet Jewry.  Indeed, when the Soviets invaded Poland shortly after the Germans, masses of significant Poles were murdered along with the entire Polish Army officer corps.  They were all dumped in their many thousands into a common grave in Katyn Forest.

If one traces the lead from that example it follows that the same would have happened to the German military, while very likely hundreds of thousands would have been murdered in an orgy of slaughter the Jews would have considered revenge.  And that was before the so-called holocaust.  Subsequently millions would have been shipped off to the gulags.  Hitler was not the demon of the era.

While it isn’t kosher to speak the obvious truth and, perhaps, risky, nevertheless historical integrity requires the historian to write without fear or favor.

There was no real reason for the war to have involved the US, England, France or any of the Western countries.  Hitler was willing to take on the savage Soviets alone.  Always remember the Soviets had already murdered tens of millions of the Russian people while millions more  were held in barbaric concentration camps in the Soviet gulag where they were systematically starved and worked to death.  All the West had to do was remain neutral and let the Nazis at it.  Common sense required England and France to avoid war at all costs.  The manhood of both countries had been bled white in WWI a mere twenty years earlier.  They were financially bankrupt.  They borrowed billions that they knew they would never repay or even make an attempt to.  They exhausted US resources and sacrificed US men for their folly.  And then the US had to spend additional billions to put them on their feet after the war.  US troops and munitions prevented the Soviets from merely demanding submission that the West would have granted.  And today they insult the US president.  Then and subsequently the Jews functioned secularly, the supernatural was no longer invoked.

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