Monday, October 15, 2018

Part 2b-8 Mysteries Of The Second Thirty Years War

Eugenics and Dysgenics Pt. 2b-8

The Mysteries Of The Second Thirty Years War


R.E. Prindle

Continuation of Pt. 2b-7


The Jewish war against Germany should not be construed as directed solely at Hitler and the NSDAP; it was a war against the historic people of united Germany and it may be said to have begun when Joseph Oppenheimer, the Jud Suss, attempted the takeover of the Southern German State of Wurttemberg.  The complete destruction of Germany and the genocide of the German people was the goal.  This would be proven by the Morgenthau Plan for a conquered Germany in 1945.

Bernard Baruch, probably even before the end of WWI, was a proponent of perpetual wartime preparedness, thus advocating a military State like the much despised Prussians.  No sooner had Roosevelt been inaugurated (his first inauguration being the last held on March 5th) in March than the NRA was rushed through Congress.

The NRA which was headed by Baruch’s WIB lieutenant and long time business associate Hugh Johnson was merely a replicate of Baruch’s War Industry Board adapted for the non-shooting war against the Depression.  In addition under Felix Frankfurter the Jews immediately headed toward agriculture  creating the AAA- Agricultural Adjustment Act and putting it firmly under their control.  Sapiro triumphed.

The Jews had control of the currency through the Federal Reserve, commerce and industry though he NRA and the food supply through the AAA.  Who now needed Sapiro’s co-ops?

Baruch had been preaching preparedness for a new war since the WIB had been disbanded.  He had wanted many of the totalitarian aspects of the WIB imposed on the American population fulltime.  That is that he wanted them to be the words of the government.  This in itself is a replica of theocratic Judaism.  It is no wonder then that the NRA ‘mobilized’ the people of the US for their war on the Depression of FDR.  The NRA was mobilized for ‘total war.’  The population was not willing to accept such nonsense.

However, the WIB in the Great War touched on all the mores of the US.  It called for a selfless, charitable contribution for the welfare of the US, the world  and, indeed, civilization; it was ‘the war to end all wars.  By full cooperation the citizen was made to feel valuable, performing an important function, confirming his opinion of himself as virtuous.

The difference in 1933 was that the situation was not the same.  Virtue was well paying in 1917-18, in 1933 the average man and women could see no benefit in a war on the depression for their individual selves, there were still no jobs, the bills were still unpaid.  The sacrifices were sterile.  A little over a year later the Supreme Court struck down the NRA as unconstitutional and the socialist tactic had failed.  That, however, was not the end of the affair. 

FDR was shocked, dismayed, resentful at being thwarted.  A few more setbacks and he grumbled at ‘the nine old men’ of the Supreme Court.  The reason wasn’t that his plans violated the mores of the citizens of the US and were therefore unacceptable it was because the justices were old, wed to the past.  What the court needed was new blood.  Partisan New Dealers.  In a frenzy then FDR moved to increase the nine old men with three or six New Dealers.  Now he was messing with a deeply held more and he was slapped down hard.  The rejection, along a newly elected dominant Republican Congress shook his confidence so that he was never the same after that.

Had he thought it out he would have realized that with patience old men would do what old men must, that is die or retire, which is what a few did shortly.  But it was too late; the damage had been done.

Back to Bernard Baruch.  By 1930 Baruch was the new leader of the Jewish war on American society.  Jacob Schiff, the grand old patriarch of the Jews had passed in 1921, while the hard working president of the AJC, Louis Marshall, punched his ticket in 1929.  Strangely enough that ‘ardent American Patriot’ had boarded the Gospel Train in Palestine where he was reviewing progress of the settlement.

Judaism is organized somewhat like the military so that chief men come and go without disruption.  The chain of commanders always intact and besides new times require new men.  When a leader is no longer in tune with the times he is replaced by any means necessary.  So Baruch just assumed the role and the ‘truth went marching on.’

The war was carried on over many fronts.  Just as the WIB, an ideal Jewish organization embraced every aspect of life but in a natural way so that battles were not recognized as those of an aggressor.  The battles were reforms.

The Depression had aided collectivization or, regimentation as Whites expressed it, a great deal while emphasizing the haves and have nots, in other words, a move toward a class society.  The Plutocracy found regimentation very useful.  Whereas Henry Ford’s doubling of wages in 1912 challenged the Biblical dictum that the poor shall always be with us  and the Roaring twenties gave the impression that everyone could be a millionaire, the Depression returned to the Biblical stricture that the poor would be numerous while being with us.  This was part of the creation of the split of the US into what appear to be two permanent classes.

The socialism of FDR was deeply resented.  The prevailing doctrine is socialism; Communism, National Socialism and Fascism are just three faces of Socialism.  After 1933 the US had shifted to collective socialism although of its own blend.  Still, while the Plutocracy embraced regimentation it rejected collectivism and socialism as a threat to itself.  The clash of mores, that is Jewish and Anglo-Saxon, was enormous and would take generations to work out if it has yet.

Communism took center stage in 1917, followed by Mussolini’s Fascism about 1922  and Hitler’s National Socialism in 1933.  The latter two were derivatives of or reactions to Communism.  As has been noted Communism in the US was suppressed in 1921 and released in 1933.  In the intervening years both Fascism and National Socialism had come into existence.  The two were opposed to Communism much as Christianity was.  The Jews who returned to Washington were Communists.  The split in US society occurred when the old individualist mores collided with the new socialistic or Communist collectivist mores.

The Communists then characterized the old US mores practitioners as Fascists or Nazis.  So, at that point in the thirties the population was divided into Socialist/Communists and Fascists/Nazis/Natives.  Polarization to the nth degree.  The division was held by Roosevelt siding with the Socialist/Communists.  However this reality was little understood.

Now the situation was approaching a crisis and that critical moment would occur in 1940.  For that to occur the past had to be discredited.  As Bob Dylan would later sing, ‘I changed their faces and gave them brand new names.’  Obliterated, erased.  That was exactly what the Roosevelt Administration and the Jews began upon their entry into Washington.  Their first effort was to hold the last emblem of the Gilded Age ex-president Herbert Hoover up to maximum ridicule, even scratching out his name from Hoover Dam replacing it with Boulder.

The Democrats were a backward looking lot while the Jews in appropriating the country had to extinguish the memory of its past lords.  In preparation for their ascension as the true creators the Jews had been demeaning, debunking being the term of the day, that is destroying the characters of these founders of the country. Thus they meant to destroy the past and replace it with Jewish heroes and mores.

It was for this purpose that Roosevelt had been groomed for the presidency.  His election was greeted with great joy by the Jewish community.  On the night he was elected several Jewish baby boys were named Franklin Delano.  This is more than remarkable.  Why should there have been such joy in the Jewish colonies unless great expectations were anticipated from Roosevelt?  Such a reaction could not have been a thing of the moment but a long term investment in the career of FDR.

Indeed, FDR had been a significant figure in the Wilson administration.  As such he was known to and undoubtedly knew such key figures as Bernard Baruch, Louis Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter.  Indeed he would later refer to Brandeis as ‘our Isaiah.’  When Brandeis retired from the Supreme Court his replacement on ‘the Jewish seat’ was his disciple Felix himself.

FDR had been a large ornament to American manhood before he was struck down by polio in 1921.  He had a handsome, arrogant fellow by all accounts; to the manor born.  He was important to the Jews as a goy of marketable quality while easily manipulated to say the least.  He was therefore indoctrinated and in on the scheme.  He was chosen as the Democratic vice-presidential candidate for James Cox in the 1920 election. It was assumed by the Democrats that that election was in the bag especially as the Republican candidate Warren G. Harding was considered to be an inept if cordial fellow.  The Cox-FDR defeat was a blow as great as that of Donald Trump’s defeat of Hillary Clinton.  It was incomprehensible and it set Jewish plans back twelve years.  There must have been a lot invested in Roosevelt.

The Jews had also appropriated Al Smith of NYC as their boy.  During the twenties Smith served as their governor of New York State.  He was carefully managed by the Jew Belle Moskowitz.  He was put up for president against Herbert Hoover in 1928 and found wanting.  To replace Smith as governor Roosevelt was dragooned from his sickbed.  He was very reluctant.  Devastated by the use of his legs he was desperate to regain them and was already using his spa in Warm Springs Georgia.

FDR was installed as Governor of New York to replace the unfortunate Al Smith who the Jews now abandoned much to his chagrin.  One imagines his term was made easy while the propaganda machine magnified his acts that indeed implemented the Jewish agenda.  When Hoover’s administration was trashed, as the propaganda machine used every defamatory trick available, the election of Roosevelt in 1932 was assured.

There is a problem with Roosevelt that is never discussed and that is what effect did his incapacitation by polio have on his mind?  How did he accept the change from his handsome dashing prime to the wheel chair bound wreck who could not stand up or take an unaided step.  In short, in cruel terms, a cripple.

Not well.

Roosevelt probably knew that a disabled king could not rule.  Throughout history the rule had been that a ruler must not have a single blemish.  Even a facial scar acquired in war disqualified him.  Thus FDR went to great lengths to conceal his disability.  It was never mentioned by the media, they were silenced, indeed, there were legions of people who never knew that FDR had had polio and couldn’t walk.  One imagines that the before polio Roosevelt was the image he held in mind of himself after polio.  His psychology was definitely affected but the question is how?

Once in office Roosevelt turned on the ‘capitalists’ of the Gilded Age.  The exuberant wide open laissez-faire cowboys of 1865-1914 were to be condemned, erased, and if possible wiped from the pages of history.  In this both Jews and Democrats were united.  Consequently, criminal charges were levied against a host of the Old Guard with at least one sent to prison.  Herbert Hoover himself became the personal bete noir of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  The defamation Hoover had endured as president was as nothing compared to what to was to come.

Perhaps Hoover represented the whole Gilded Age to FDR.  Until his presidency Hoover was considered one of the greatest men alive.  He was a self-made man, an orphan who went on to become a graduate of Stanford University and from thence to be considered one of, if not, the greatest mining engineer of his age.  He earned a considerable fortune nor did he hesitate to use it for meritorious purposes.  During WWI when the whole Belgian population was starving to death their survival depended solely on his good offices as he negotiated with the Germans to allow food through their lines accepting their guarantee that they would not appropriate the food for themselves.  The German honored that agreement and the Belgians were saved. 

In post-war Germany when once again their whole population was being starved to death by an Allied blockade that would allow no food to be delivered to them. Their plight was lifted by the sole activities of Hoover who over the objections of the Allies forced them to lift the blockade.

Again, in post-war Russia during the huge famine of 1921 killing millions, over the objections of Lenin’s communist government Hoover came to the rescue.  He was viewed as a miracle man.  This was the man the Roosevelt administration and Roosevelt personally set out to destroy.  Hoover was spotless; their only tool was an unwarranted defamation.  The administration sank to the filthiest means.

Hoover had begun the great dam across he Colorado River that has made Las Vegas, Arizona and California prosperity possible.  The dam was called Hoover Dam as a tribute to his engineering skills.  Roosevelt changed the name to Boulder Dam rather than Hoover’s name should be erased throughout history.  In an attempt to equal or surpass Hoover Dam, the administration decided to build the great Grand Coulee Dam across the great Columbia River in Washington State.   And then he threw in Bonneville Dam further downstream from Washington to the Oregon side.

While Hoover Dam was built in a narrow defile where the Colorado descended from the plateau, Grand Coulee was merely a mile wide.  At that width it had to be a gravity dam, that is the weight of the dam had to exceed the pressure of the water behind.  The most concrete ever used to that point was poured across the mile wide Columbia gap.  One imagines that Roosevelt grinned from ear to ear when it was completed.  And all that electrical power was socialized.

Roosevelt was relentless in his defamation of the great mind, Herbert Hoover.  His persecution of Hoover ended only with his death in 1945.  After that Hoover was able to regain a portion of he reputation although even today he is only remembered for the Depression’s Hoovervilles of homeless people.  Now, that was effective defamation.  Where was the Anti-Defamation League when you needed them.

It is difficult to understand the hostility, even hatred, of the past.  The Gilded Age is an amazing oneoff period in the history of the world.  The transformation from a primarily agricultural  horse drawn society to an industrial megalith of billion dollar corporations.  A period when horses were replaced on the farms with internal combustion gasoline tractors.  Oil had transformed transportation by highway, railway and the airways, and this was all done in forty spectacular years.  Roosevelt was anti-big as was his administration.  In many ways they were paramount reactionaries.

Perhaps more important was the difference in the magnitude of scale.  Things went from miniscule to gigantic while the average human mind was still at the miniscule level.  Gigantic rail systems, gigantic industrial agglomerations.  The currency and economic changes, the rise of the great New York Stock Exchange from a mere nothing conducted under a tree to the seeming arbiter of the economic life of the nation.  Perhaps the Stock Exchange was the easiest target, perhaps in its cataclysmic crash, an economic Armageddon with so many lives destroyed, the life of the nation imperiled, was the small minded man’s revenge.

In any event the Roosevelt administration looking back in anger chose to pillory as many of these ‘robber barons’ or descendants of robber barons as they could.  Like the ancient Egyptians chiseling the name of Hatshepsut from the monuments to eradicate her memory from history, the Roosevelt Administration sought to erase the Gilded Age from history, to remake the US over again in its own image.

One is reminded of the advent of the Jefferson Administration when he had finally achieve power and said that an entirely new approach to America was to replace that of Washington and Adams.  By that he meant that the Illuminati, so hated and feared by Adams, would take control of American society.  Jefferson was of the sect, still managed by Adam Weisshaupt from his refuge in Germany.  The Abbe Baruel’s Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, one of the more famous books in history, was rushed in translation to the US in 1795 as a warning of danger and in response John Adams had passed the Alien and Sedition Laws to stifle the inflow of Jacobins.  One of Jefferson’s first acts was to repudiate those laws and he established the new order in the US thus repudiating the past much as Roosevelt was doing and for much the same political agenda.

And then the Civil War pushed the US in a new direction, the greatest  period of laissez faire that ever existed.  Now Roosevelt was repudiating the past in the same manner as Jefferson while its reaction is being realized in the Presidency of Donald Trump.

Roosevelt issued indictments against dozens of the Old order as though their very lives had been crimes.  In many ways he anticipated the show trials that Stalin would initiate later in the decade.  Roosevelt’s indictments were actually futile.  The older J.P. Morgan was safe in his grave beyond his reach but his son, the young J.P. Morgan was there.  He was forced to sit with a dwarf on his knee as a symbol of humiliation.  Perhaps it was thought that this symbolically cut the older Morgan in the person of the younger down to size.  Or, perhaps Roosevelt took this method to rage against the polio that struck him down.

Once started there was no stopping them.  Perhaps this interpretation is too strong but having imposed his will on the US though the WIB Bernard Baruch was able to continue to direct the US toward his goals indicated by the War Industries Board.  Total war was now directed at the United States for the benefit of the Jewish people.  Baruch was seemingly able to mobilize the US against itself.  In keeping with his idea of total war the taxing system was organized to expropriate Old Americans of their wealth.  Income tax rates would soar to ninety percent of income, expropriatory death taxes would destroy old fortunes impoverishing the new generations.  The old mansions went vacant and unused, no longer affordable.

According to the Jewish literary spokesman, Gustavus Myers, the goal was even to prevent the formation of new fortunes.  Judging from today this goal has been an ultimate failure but then within a few years the great fortunes of the Gilded Age had been appropriated.  By 1940 success seemed inevitable.  The country had been impoverished both high and low.

Continue in Part 2b-9

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