Wednesday, April 5, 2017

WSJ- Wooing China To Drop Tariffs.

A Review:

WSJ-Wooing China To Drop Tariffs


R.E. Prindle


Today (4/5/17) we learn in the Journal that China places tariffs of double digits on US goods.  President Trump has been cursed for not being a Free Trader and the quaking shaking Libs wobble around in circles at the mention of the word tariff.  But now, according to Bill Lane, of Caterpillar, who wrote the article, the Pres. Is going to entertain Chinese bigwigs at Mar-a-Lago and ‘woo’ them to drop their tariffs.

So, now we belatedly learn what has been concealed, the Chinese have never been Free Traders, just free loaders exploiting the US and Europe.  The story goes further than Bill and the WSJ do as they don’t delve any deeper.  As Niall Ferguson pointed out in an article the Chinese threw up a firewall against US technology companies so that they wouldn’t dominate China while the Chinese studied the internet and stole whatever information they needed to create their own search engine, Baidu, and mimic and master the social media.  That done you and I can now download Baidu but the Chinese are unable to ‘Google it’.  Rah, rah, rah, Free Trade.

So, now that Bill and the WSJ realize they’ve been walking around with something stiff and yellow up their backsides for years they’re beginning to feel the discomfort.  After decades of that they’re going to attempt to solve the problem bass ackwards.  They’re encouraging the Pres. To ‘woo’, understand the word woo, China into dropping its tariffs rather than doing the muscular thing and impose tariffs on the Chinese and kick their asses in line.

Ah, but the Libs say that will wreck the Global Free Trade system, but, there isn’t a Free Trade system as China has amply demonstrated.  So, what did China achieve by imposing double digit tariffs?  They built up their economy quickly and at the expense of a Global Free Trade system.  We in effect paid them to do business with them.

So, what will happen if the US imposes double digit tariffs on Chinese goods?  China will be forced to develop their own internal economy while the US will quickly rebuild its own economy.   Will that mean goods will no longer be cheap?  Why?  As the Libs never tire of saying, robots are doing the work so there won’t be any jobs.

Well, if the Chinese are turning to robots because robots are the cheapest to run even more cheaply than cheap Chinese labor then goods can be made as cheaply here at the same cost that is as in China.  Imagine the transportation costs that will be saved making our domestic goods even cheaper.

Mr. Bill concludes his argument thusly:  Maybe this is the right time for the two leaders to cut a deal to slash Chinese trade barriers.

Chinese trade barriers?  Why weren’t Chinese trade barriers a major topic during the election?  Why are we only hearing of Chinese trade barriers now?  Maybe Chinese trade barriers didn’t and don’t fit the so-called Free Trade system?  Then we have nothing to lose.

Face it Libs:  We’ve been had since that dolt Nixon opened to China.  It is time for China to play by the same rules the Free Traders are playing by to get a little of our own back.

I just hope the Pres. turns aggressive and stops the defensive cowtowing to those East Coast Libs and pays more attention to the people who elected him.  Figure it out Mr. Pres. they would have loved to have burned you at the stake back then and it would gratify them much to see you in flames now.  Stop trying to placate them and kick them into place.


  1. Woodrow Wilson and FDR were elected on anti-war tickets yet each took America into a World War sold to the American people as self defence.Both these wars pushed America to the left and increased the of power of the US government over its citizens Will Donald Trump take America into a Third World War ?.

  2. That depends on how much power the people who organized the two world wars have today. It appears to be considerable and they are still out trying to remove 'Whiteness' from the planet. 'Only then will we have peace.' Trump is beholden to them but we don't really know what he thinks. Even slaves revolt sometimes.

    Just remember Roy at the back of everything is the wish for 'Whiteness to disappear from the earth.'
