Thursday, June 23, 2016

Do House Republicans

Have A Better Idea?

Let’s see it.


R.E. Prindle


The effort to destroy Trump not by his Democratic opponents but by his own Republican Party continues.  The Party is laughable in its attempt.  Karl Rove does his stand-up comedy routine in the 6/23/16 WSJ.

In two opening paragraphs he contrasts what he considers the ineptness of Trump with the loose draft of what the Party Regulars propose that they will do but haven’t done for the last twenty years or so.

Regardless of what the Regulars say, according to Rove’s article it appears that they are going to propose the inept buffoon Paul Ryan as their Party candidate at Cleveland.  While Trump is well on his way to election the Regulars persist in saying he is not, but one thing is certain, if they negate Trump’s great primary victory in favor of a toad like Ryan  he is unelectable and Clinton is in.

Rove opens his diatribe denouncing Trump:
Donald Trump has already squandered six weeks by insulting a “Mexican” judge born in Indiana, offering conspiracy theories, and needlessly attacking defeated rivals.  His fund raising is dismal and his staffing inadequate.  All this comes at the expense of focused attention on his democratic opponent.  Now the presumptive Republican nominee has fired his campaign manager- a wise decision, but very late.


One need only mention that the disaster in Orlando took up at least one week of the six and it showed up the ultimate ineptness of Obama’s immigration policies that, by the way, have always been seconded by Boehner and Ryan as House Republican leaders.  So the party Regulars are as guilty as Obama and Clinton.  Trump has been vindicated on his immigration views that have proved more realistic and accurate although at a needless cost.

Rove then goes on to tell what the Regulars propose to do but have never done, always acceding to Obama:
Meanwhile, the Republican House is methodically laying out a comprehensive agenda to spread prosperity, protect the nation, uphold the Constitution, reform health care, and- with its presentation Friday of a comprehensive tax-reform plan- create jobs, grow paychecks and boost the economy.

If Mr. Rove will excuse the observation the above is all hot air.  I read not one mention of immigration, the hottest topic of this election along with the China trade that the Regulars also refuse to address while Trump has made them central as do all concerned Americans- White, Black, or any other hue.

And then comes Rove’s pitch for Ryan:

This agenda, dubbed “A Better Way for a Confident America” is Speaker Paul Ryan’s brain-child, but the work of the entire Republican conference.

Paul Ryan and his predecessor Boehner might best employ the sobriquet Mr. Hot Air to match Mr. Rove.  Boehner and Ryan have given us eight years of knuckling under to Obama and the CFR agenda.  What is likely to change in the future?

How exactly does Mr. Ryan and the entire Republican conference propose to ‘spread prosperity?’  Mr. Rove, that’s a question.  How is prosperity spread?

Reform health care?  In eight years you panicked and approved he CFR’s health plan without reading it.  What was so urgent in the medical situation that required such a neglect of detail?  And, Ryan and the entire Republican conference are going to reform it?  Do they have the CFR’s permission?  They’ve had eight years to present an alternative.  Let’s see it now.  Today.  Not in some distant future.

Tax reform- create jobs.  Why now?  Why not eight years ago?  You know what we knuckle draggers who you so despise call this drivel don’t you Mr. Rove?  In the vulgar terms so characteristic of us- horse puckey.  In even more vulgar terms Mr. Rove- bull shit.

Trump doesn’t need to spend a billion dollars to get elected.  We’re for him.  This is not an ordinary election.  Karl, we the disaffected, will elect him if he spends not a single dollar nor utters a further word.

Yes, he should be building his organization.  His first priority should be a first class propaganda department.  But since it would probably consist of idiotic East Coasters playing the insiders game it would be ineffective.

Trump is going to have to do a fast shuffle in January but hopefully people who really want to resolve the country’s dilemma will rush to his aid.  Trump has the right ideas, the right approach, he is ‘our’ only hope, change ‘we’ can believe in.  Ryan and the entire Republican conference can hop a fast freight to Doomsville.  We don’t need you anymore.

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