Wednesday, December 16, 2015

CNN- America's Embarrassment

CNN - America's Embarrassment
R.E. Prindle

The fifth debate by CNN merely displayed their incapability, their incomptence.  Gone are days of the seemingly omniscient and benign Walter Cronkheit.  All the debates have been based on two male talking heads sandwiching a beautiful but dimwitted bimbo.  Lovely blonde women.  The intellectual difference between the heads and the bimbos is difficult to perceive.
All the debates might have been subtitled:  Get the Donald.  Nor in this instance was it masked in any way.  The head head from something called Salem Radio absolutely went after Trump in dog fight style to force him to concede that he would not launch an independent campaign if the party dumped him in a brokered convention.  Obviously the Insiders have read the writing on the wall.
In this context the clown Reince Priebus the RNC head who was obviously in collusion with both Insider elites and the Insider tool CNN to humiliate Trump, refused to reject the notion that the Party would not broker Trump out of his near certain victory in the polls.  That alone frees Trump from any obligation to honor his under distress pledge.
The talking heads at this debate were unrestrained.  They aggressively sought a cage fight, a battle royale between the candidates.  In the battle their designated candidates Bush and Rubio were mauled, pushed out of the race.  Trump trounced Bush while Cruz absolutely manhandled the Party pimp, Rubio, and threw him into the dumpster.  Both were no contest situations.
Many embarrassing revelations about the Obama Insider government were revealed.  Carly Fiorino exposed the complete incompetence of the Insider Obama administration by pointing out that the issue is not their homosexual bickering but an obliviousness to tech essentials.  She directly pointed out Obama's failure to efficiently launch his Obamacare was tech incompetence, even inability, and that resulted from his failure to seek expert help outside his own entourage.  Her mini-tirade was startling.

This coincided with Obama's indifference to China's cyber attacks on governmental records  in which they steal the information for psychological profiles of all key figures and lesser ones too.  Obama refuses to defend the country.  Trump to his credit said he would launch a cyber counterattack that would shut China down.  We need somebody who won't roll over.

The next war doesn't even have to involve weapons; disable a country's electronics and they are immobilized, unable to act.  These revelations were also startling.  It is easy to see why the Insiders truly fear these Outsider candidates.  Trump has them quaking however as Obama has very acutely proven the presidency is more than a one man show.  It does take at team, that is a president, vice president and cabinet to function as one man.

After watching this really big show last night I began thinking that a Trump presidency coupled with a Cruz vice presidency would be a powerful combination.

While the Insiders are saying that Trump doesn't have the qualities of a president, not presidential timber, they are quite mistaken.  Trump runs a giant corporation not dissimilar in structure from the US government with many departments that have to be coordinated.  The right men have to be found and hired.  He has had to deal with all kinds of government agencies usually staffed by idiots who have to be cajoled; he has had to deal with dangerous extra governmental groups like the Mafia and the Jews while maintaining his independence from them; the reality is that he has successfully and this is no different than administering the government.  Obama was elected and he had no experience in even tying his shoelaces.  With Cruz by his side with his insiders knowledge of Congress the two would be an unbeatable combination.  I would advise Trump and Cruz to join and run as a team. I mean combine now.   I would advise Trump to start forming a cabinet as part of his presidential campaign.  Carson and Fiorino should have places.  They would both be loyal to the interests of the people of the US and I mean all the people, not just Negroes and immigrants.

While I now think Trump and Cruz are reliable as well as Carson and Fiorino and possibly Christie, who showed his experience well on the Fifth, may be reliable too.

I favor Trump but as I say one man alone cannot possibly take on the huge tasks.  The idea of the imperial president is past.  Assemble a prospective cabinet now so that we can see what the government will look like.  Can we trust the appointees.  No more bigoted Attorney Generals such as Eric Holder.

And be aware that Priebus and the Party will do everything to keep the Outsiders out.  Trump need a brain trust.  A prospective cabinet would give him the support of some very able minds to plan strategy.  And for Christ's sake get some able speech writers and researchers.

Dirty tricks are stock in trade to the Insider haters.  Note the trick question about the Triad that closed the show.  What a silly concept.  I hadn't heard of it till then and obviously neither had Trump probably because the Insiders had made it up for the show.  The heads immediately went to their darling boy Rubio who had obviously been coached and spewed out more details than we needed.  My god, some of them may have been classified information.

Barring any disaster Trump and his Cabinet are a shoo in for the Republican convention.  Trump has eighty percent of America behind him.  At this point he is the Republican Party, the Insiders haven't yet gotten the message.

If the Insiders decide to broker the convention they have left the Party.  Trump can expel them.  Theirs would be the third party candidate.  Trump has the people.  The Republican and Democrat Partys at that moment will become one.

Ably conducted Trump will be able to defeat Hillary if she is the Democrat candidate.  As the Insiders will undoubtedly choose that twit Rubio, I mean, be serious, he will be stomped.  That guy is a non-candidate.  The Insiders might as well run Rover the Dog.

Vote Trump and get the show on the road.

Toss CNN into the trash can.  God, what an embarrassment.

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