Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Homosexual Revolutionary Attempt

The Homosexual Revolutionary Attempt: Sneak Attack
R.E. Prindle

As the homosexuals will not let Kim Davis be but are intent on making an example of her by extreme punishment merely for obeying the law, that is Kentucky's law, rather than the opinion of a few corrupt Justices who have no understanding of homosexuals or what the homosexuals are doing and if they do the Justices are evil indeed.

What the homosexuals are attempting has little to do with issues like homosexual weddings; what the homosexuals are doing is no less than a revolutionary attempt in which they will replace heterosexuals as arbiters of mores.  The contest has nothing to do with any notion of equality but is one of establishing homosexual superiority.  When the dust has cleared if the homosexuals are successful they will control the sexual direction of society and heterosexuality will be against the law just as homosexuality was formerly.

Heads up!  Homosexuals have already made heterosexuals second class citizens.  The so-called hate laws have given them preference over heterosexuals while placing the latter under civil disabilities against the law.  This seems to have escaped the lynx eyed Justices of the Supreme Court.  Our Faggot-in-Chief, Barack Obama, has made homosexuality the overriding qualification for appointments since he had made an 'open' homosexual the head of the US Army.

Wake up!  This is no small thing.  the army is being slowly homosexualized.  Fags will always favor fags.  Fags will always pressure straight men in the attempt to turn them; this always includes force, that is rape.   You are foolish, foolish people if you don't understand this.

I served on a Navy ship under homosexual control from 1957 to 1959 and many were the ruses and attempts to turn we straights.  These people crippled straight sailors for life putting them through excruciating pain.  They were quite ready to murder in their psychotic delusions.  Do not let your sons join the services unless you want to see a faggot return.

The Kim Davis battle is crucial.  We should not be sitting on our hands but at the very least lending our voices to her aid while resisting the takeover of our mores and government by these psychotic criminals.

Beware!  These are trying times indeed.

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