Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Part 5a: The European Holocaust

The European Holocaust

Part 5a

The New Crusaders


R.E. Prindle

Dwight D. Eisenhower

It is interesting that Supreme Allied Commander Dwight Eisenhower titled his war memoirs Crusade In Europe.  Crusade is a religious term to describe war against infidels.  I have no doubt that in Roosevelt’s mind the two wars- Germany and Japan- were directed against infidels rejecting his Communist program.  Eisenhower probably didn’t think of that consciously but he did have that understanding at least subliminally.  Why a crusade?  Because the German war especially was a crusade against the infidel Nazis.  Infidels to Roosevelt, the Jews and the Soviets.  I don’t think it is generally recognized but Ike says that he sat at the feet of that very wise man, Bernard Baruch, for twenty-six years.  In fact, Ike, as he was universally affectionately known, was a protégé of Baruch.

It is thought that through Baruch’s influence he was promoted over a list of a couple dozen generals ahead of him as Supreme Commander.  Did Baruch have that kind of influence?  It is said that he had sixty congressmen in his pocket, that  he owned them.  That’s a mighty club to wield over a president when you want a small favor like putting what turned out to be a competent and politically trustworthy general in command.
Good Advice Bernie, I'll Take It

Ike rewarded his sponsor post-victory by continuing the Jewish genocide against the Germans and Europe.  After all the crusade was directed at the Germans.  Roosevelt had designated the title ‘aggressor nations’ that the ‘peace loving democracies’ had to exterminate to bring ‘peace’ into the world.  According to Hitler Roosevelt was the warmonger blocking any peaceful solutions to the Europe created by the Versailles Treaty that was supposed to end all wars.  Given the history of the Socialist Revolution it would appear that Hitler was right about Roosevelt.  Roosevelt did not want to come to an accord.

The whole revolutionary movement that began in France in 1789 was founded on wholesale murder as in the Great Terror of 1793.  Post-war Germany was a replica of the Vendee of France in 1793, the year that Victory Hugo named after his fictional account of the Revolution.

The Vendee in the province of Brittany led the counter-revolution, those who rejected the efforts of that small band of revolutionaries who had seized control of France.  At that time the revolutionaries loaded the citizens on barges, taken out on the water and sunk drowning all.  As Hugo explained in his utopian fantasy, in order for the revolution to succeed the old order had to disappear completely so that only true believers were left alive.  Only then was ‘peace’ possible.  At that point the thousand year Reich called the Millennium couldn’t fail.  This was essentially Roosevelt’s attitude.

Roosevelt might as well have been the reincarnation of Robespierre.  He had the attitude.  If you exterminate the ‘aggressor’ nations the thousand year Millennium will appear.  That is also what Hitler thought.  I guess all great men think alike.
FDR- Off With Their Heads

FDR did seem to be an impediment.  As the horrors of the first world war were still fresh on everyone’s mind in 1933 when FDR began his crusade against the ‘aggressor nations’ it is difficult to understand the eagerness that members of his coterie exhibited for getting into another disastrous war in which civilization would be in danger; the war did seem suicidal yet blithely entered by FDR.

As FDR’s key aggressor nations were Germany and Japan the war would be truly global.  It was not only the massive destruction of the war but its continuing destruction, especially of human life, between the wars.  It was an orgy of killing for thirty plus years, rivalling the Thirty Years War of the seventeenth century, truly a European Holocaust that dwarfed anything of its kind in history.  All else was pushed to the margins and beyond.

Looking backward at the period it appears that only a few had a realistic grasp of the situation.  It should have been obvious to all that the scale of matters had changed from the pre-war balance of power beyond recognition.  Certainly by 1940 it should have been obvious that there were only two superpowers, the USA and the USSR that could sway world events.

England and France were both devastated by WWI and by the thirties were only beginning to recover if that.  Both countries had sacrificed a generation of young men while due to their debts to the US they were technically bankrupt unable and unwilling to meet their obligations.

England especially had every reason to come to terms with Germany remaining neutral if not friendly.  Their manpower losses had been horrendous while their worldwide empire even if they had stayed out was at risk.  While the Commons driven from the outside by Roosevelt to war with Germany, the crown while erroneously condemned for it, saw the utility of an accord with Germany.  It was the right attitude to take no matter how unpleasant.  From their vantage point as overlords of what was ‘their’ empire they could probably envision the end result which was the total prostration of England, the end of the country as it had been known.  It would no longer be a power except by the grace of the US.

Roosevelt was a special case.  Having divided the world into Good and Evil with the ‘peace loving democracies’ of the world against the ‘aggressor nations’ of Germany, Italy and Japan he thought that in the age old war between the Children of Light and the Children of Darkness the latter could be stamped flat, totally eliminated, and a golden age of ‘peace’ would be inaugurated under the aegis of his projected United Nations.  Never mind the cost.

Stalin from the Kremlin must have viewed Roosevelt as a wonder child, a Fantastic along the lines of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

A common thread running through all the participants  was the semi-autonomous nation of Jews.  They were an independent people pursuing their own goals against the welfare of all other participants.  During the Popular Front period of the mid-thirties they virtually directed a wall of hate against Germany from all other European and North American countries.  Thus ostensibly the West was ideologically Capitalist while the USSR was Communist and Judaism was a third ideology operating within the combatants of the USA and USSR.  Germany that had been  battling with them since 1918 suppressed them completely rounding them up and putting them in concentration camps.

As I have mentioned previously in this series the Jews were actively pursuing their Millennium.  The whole Jewish people acting as their Messiah were in all out revolution.  The period of revolution was designated as from 1913 to 1928.  The revolutionary period had kicked off with the The Great War in 1914 followed by the Russian and Bolshevik Revolutions of 1917.  The Jews had integrated themselves into the US government under Wilson although they were stalled during the Republican Interregnum of the twenties.  Still they managed to move ahead under the guise of being Americans.

In their age old strategy of gaining control of the food supply the ploy was perfectly executed in the USSR.  The Kulak slaughter of the twenties had eliminated the most competent farming opposition while the starvation of the farmers in the early thirties broke the back of resistance.  In the US and Canada the so-called co-op movement had been progressing well under the leadership of Aaron Sapiro and Bernard Baruch.  That had been endangered in 1924 when Henry Ford divining the direction Sapiro was taking began an expose of his methods.  Sapiro counter-attacked by bringing a lawsuit against Ford.
Uncle Joe Stalin

That action was converted into an attempt to outlaw anti-Semitism in the US.  When the Communists had taken power in the USSR one of the first things they did was to make anti-Semitism a crime.  Thus Sapiro attempted the same thing with the lawsuit that was tried in 1927.  Sapiro not only failed in that attempt but lost his credibility in the co-op movement.  He was no longer effective.

It may seem incredible that the Jews were attempting a food monopoly in the US and USSR.  But, if you have read your Bible you will find that Joseph in Egypt followed the exact same strategy to help Pharaoh break the back of Egyptian resistance to his authority.  In his prescription Joseph predicted that there would be seven fat years followed by seven lean years.  He advised Pharaoh to fill his warehouses during the fat years then compel obedience in the lean years by parceling out portions from his monopoly of grain to those who submitted to his tyranny.  Thus the strategy had been set millennia before.

As I say the strategy worked perfectly in the USSR where the government had a food monopoly compelling the people to wait hours in long lines merely in the hope of being able to buy their daily bread.

While Sapiro failed in the US, a mere six years later after Roosevelt’s election, led by Felix Frankfurter the Jews gained control of the Dept. of Agriculture organizing that agency along the lines of their ancient strategy.  Even as in Russia at the time it was claimed that millions of America were starving.

In revolutionary terms the outlawing of anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union was a great coup in the assault on the Russian people.  At the same time as Judaism was enshrined essentially as the State religion the Soviets banned the Christian religion turning the country topsy-turvy.  Jews were in control of the country’s mores.

This too was an ancient strategy.  The goal was to destroy the target country’s own mores hoping thereby to replace them with Jewish mores thus stripping the people of their past.  In Egypt, once again, during the ‘peaceful’ infiltration of Egypt by large colonies, much as was accomplished in the US the Jews disrespected all non-Jewish customs and mores.  The Egyptians had a whole cadre of sacred animals that they never killed.  The Jews first started slaughtering them claiming Egyptian reverence was stupid while the Jews of course were intelligent.  Needless to say tensions between the two populations were very high.

Unable to force a law against anti-Semitism through in the US, nevertheless by establishing the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation League they were able to make criticism of Jews socially unacceptable so that it had nearly the force of law.

Having gained a semi-legal status enforced by a brutal suppression of any sign of dissent the Jews were then in a position to make an attack on American mores and legal and religious practices.

This also was noticed by Henry Ford who decided to lead an expose of Jewish practices beginning in 1920, four years before the exposure of Sapiro’s shot at a food monopoly.  As in the Soviet Union where Christianity had been suppressed with churches either physically demolished or being expropriated of their treasures Christianity was the enemy to be destroyed.  Having then robbed the American people of their past they would become either morally adrift or adopt the new Jewish mores.  Conditions were different in the US requiring a different strategy.
The Great Henry Ford
Remember that you have two different psychologies in play.  The Jews were new invaders transferring from a European environment of an enmity that went back thousands of years while the Russian Jews had been at war with the Czars for over a hundred years.  The Czars looked at their departure as a Good Thing.  Thus the Jews arrived with the expectation of continuing the war while being tempered by it and also expecting the arrival of the thousand year Jewish Reich.

The Americans were easy marks.  With an open hearted generosity bordering on stupidity they expected the Jews as well as all immigrants to exclaim that here was paradise on earth so that they should throw off the old world mores and don the new American ones.  We’re all Americans here, you know.  Psychology doesn’t work that way.

So, while the war waged against the Czar found a successful conclusion in 1917 the Jews had every reason to be buoyant about success in the US.  The freedom and equality of the US had meshed well with their European plans.  The Jews in the US rapidly acquired great wealth.  In the numbers in which they arrived they were able to found compact cohesive colonies.  NYC was so populous that it formed the capital of worldwide Jewry; hands across the water and down to the US capital in Washington DC.

If you haven’t read in Eastern European Jewish history the following won’t make much sense to you but an effort to replicate Eastern European conditions by forming a governing body called the Kehillah of Russia, that is an autonomous Jewish theocracy was attempted but failed so that they were forced to adapt a sort of ecumenical approach adopting American customs, language, etc.  We’re all Americans here, you know.  The adaptation changed from the Russian culture to a more American one but the goals remained the same.  The Jewish culture assumed an American form.

The Jews formed many many organizations.  It may be said that the American Jewish Committee replaced the East European Kehillah and the Western European Alliance Israelite Universelle.  At the same time the Ancient Order of B’nai B’rith founded in the US in 1843 had gone international.  It had a lodge in Vienna, the home of Sigmund Freud.  Sigmund Freud became a member himself in 1895 finding himself in the company of likeminded men.  He remained a faithful member all his life

Freud as we all know was a psychological genius.  And those who understand human psychology are in a position to rule the world.  With the B’nai B’rith Freud had an international political organization in addition to his Psycho-analytical Order to influence and/or manage the direction of world affairs.

It can’t be a coincidence that anti-Semitic propaganda developed rapidly after 1900 as Freud and his B’nai B’rith hatched their plans.  In 1913  B’nai B’rith launched its Anti-Defamation League in the US.  Quite frankly the Anti-Defamation League is a terrorist and vigilante outfit.  People accept the ADL as part of the social geography today but it remains a terrorist and vigilante group now joined and extended by the SPLC in a powerful one-two punch.

It quickly became effective.  As print comprised the whole media at the time, movies coming on, any paper or magazine publishing a comment or even a hint of a comment critical of the Jews was visited by a vigilante committee and terrorized for criticizing the Jews.  If they heeded the threats from the vigilantes, fine, if not sanctions were applied.  A whisper campaign, print, paper and other supplies were interrupted, lawsuits would be filed.  Since the ADL had access to unlimited funds and some hapless editor was living hand to mouth it was easier to give in and go on living than not.  Society had already been conditioned to condemn the accused.

Besides the Jews controlled the two powerful psychological weapons- defamation and its sub-heading ridicule.  No one can stand up to a campaign of defamation and ridicule.  At the same time to defend itself against these powerful psychological weapons Jews had formed their Anti-Defamation League claiming innocence and victimhood.  To defame them was anti-Semitism and anti-Semitism was already a quasi-crime.  The Jews were already semi-autonomous.

And then, along came the unexpected- Henry Ford.  Henry Ford took up the challenge in the year of 1920.  By 1920 Ford had legitimate resentments against the Jews and he would soon be gifted with a lot more.

Ford was a fine man; as fine as any man who ever lived and that is saying a lot.  He was one of the truly great men of the twentieth century.  He has been cruelly defamed and ridiculed.  His entire relationship to his times has been misrepresented, lied about.  And it was all about the Jews.

As all know Ford created the Ford marque of cars.  In 1909 his star was rising and by 1914 he had come into his own.  He had made a fabulous fortune and he knew what to do with it.  In 1914 the European war quickly escalated into a world war.  The US was not involved and should never have become involved except possibly in an emotional way.  Ford easily perceived that the US should let the Europeans fight it out by themselves.  They had to settle their own hash.  Perhaps out of the struggle, a European civil war, might come the birth of a nation.

Hot heads like Teddy Roosevelt who was always trying to prove he was a real man, were demanding that the US go in on the side of the allies, Russia, France and England to which the East Coast Anglos had a sentimental attachment. 

Preparedness became the burning issue, that is, the US should begin arming in preparation for our entry.  Ford was opposed to preparedness as there was absolutely no way that the Central Powers, Germany and Austria, could ever attack the US if they had wanted to which they didn’t.  Ford, who was already perhaps the best known and respected man in America, decided to use his influence so he spent big money taking out full page ads in newspapers in NYC and elsewhere propagandizing against preparedness.

Ford was perceived as an ignorant hick by the business classes even though his Model T was ubiquitous and he was one of if not the wealthiest man in the US and the world, he had no political background or connections so his ads were taken derisively.  At that point in 1916 Ford knew nothing of the Jews.  The Jews however had been watching him.  As a wealthy man not committed to them he was a potential threat to be controlled.

Up to 1916 the Jews had taken a neutral position not siding with the Allies because one the Allies was their arch bete-noir, the Czar.  However the Jews of Russia were not inactive.  A movement to unseat the Czar was nearing completion; the trap would be sprung a few months on in February of 1917.  The new ruler would be Kerensky, a Jew.  So, the Jews had won their war with Russia.  Within weeks of the deposition of the Czar the Jews would align themselves with the Allies against Germany.  They were in the war, now against Germany.  As a reward for opting with the Allies the Balfour Declaration would promise them Palestine.

Ford’s rather bumptious display of his emotions called him to their attention.  They decided to humiliate him by a clever appeal to his psychology.  As the Jews directly involved with Ford were associated with the AJC –American Jewish Committee- it is safe to say that men like Jacob Schiff and Louis Marshall were involved.

A woman named Rosika Schwimmer approached Ford filling his mind with the fancies that a man of his stature could go to Europe and talk the principles into ending the conflict.  She said that he could rent a ship, take along a load of peaceniks and sail to Europe.  She knew just the ship; it was called the Oscar II.

At that time Ford was approaching fifty, convinced that he had found the magic formula to bring prosperity to the world and giddy with his spectacular success.  All characteristics of the new made man to indulge those fantasies.  Nowadays with men of a few tens of billions the ability to do harm is virtually unlimited. Viz Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.

Ford bought in to the limit, advertising what he was going to do while inviting scores of prominent men to go along all at his own expense, a mere trifle to the newly minted billionaire.  The country was incredulous, considered Henry a buffoon and the prominent men all declined his invitation.  Clara sat home wringing her hands.  Ford’s attempt in those days wasn’t as preposterous as it sounds as other prominent men also thought that they could talk some sense to the battling nations.  But, the idea was ridiculous.

It was on this voyage that Ford’s reputation as an anti-Semite had its genesis.  An AJC operative who had his own reasons for hitching a free ride was the propagandist Herman Bernstein.  He accompanied Miss Schwimmer and they told Ford that he was foolish to think he could stop the war, that the Jews had started it and only they could end it.   Naturally they denied ever having said such a thing so that Ford was further defamed and ridiculed when he reported what they said.  He had been cut down to size although his reputation as a benefactor of mankind was so great that he wasn’t destroyed.  In fact there were not a few who applauded the attempt.

At any rate by April of 1917 the US was in the war; the incredible barrage of propaganda to standardize opinion and strip Americans of their liberties had begun.  Regimentation was de riguer; that included bringing industry and industrialists under the direction of the government.  This was achieved by the creation of the WIB- War Industries Board.  The director of the WIB was Bernard Baruch, a Jew.

Baruch and the WIB began to subordinate industry and direct its efforts essentially through coercion.  The WIB was largely staffed by Jews who collected detailed information financially and otherwise of the various companies.  Ford and others objected to this because they believed the Jews would use the information for their own advantage.  Of course it is denied that Jews were that numerous in the Wilson administration, however Ford and the others were there and saw what they saw, so, who are you going to believe.  Just on mere say so I’m backing Henry Ford.  The facts speak for themselves.

The third was in 1919 when the AJC, feeling its oats, sent out a questionnaire  to the prominent men and women of the US demanding their opinion on what they called The Jewish Bill Of Rights.  They were adapting well to the mores and coloration of the US.

By this time the Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917 which followed the Menshevik Revolution of February was creating havoc in the Western World by fomenting universal revolution.  Universal also includes the US but even back then the ‘youts’ were rioting.  The Jews were clearly identified with revolutionary activity and rightly so although it is denied.

This was a very serious problem that Communist and Jewish historians have down played.  Ford in 1920 decided to tackle the problem and solve it just as he had solved the problem of mass production and created the modern world.  Except solving mass production was the easier problem.  Mass production involved the rational; the Jewish problem concerned the irrational.  A different methodology was needed.

Ford had the ways and means.

Offended by the way the Jews had managed the WIB while running into difficulties with the Investment Bankers when circumstances caused him to borrow money much against his principles causing him distress Ford had undertaken to ‘solve’ the Jewish problem.  He thought he could attack the problem with impunity.

Ford had purchased a newspaper, The Dearborn Independent, so that he had a platform and through his sales agencies a distribution network.  He had more than enough money to run at a deficit while his Service Department while not on a par with the AJC or ADL nevertheless was a serious investigative organization.  Suddenly the Jews found themselves facing a formidable foe.

Changing the name of his paper to The International Dearborn Independent he attempted to counter the Jews worldwide.  Ford already had plants throughout Europe and England.  He amassed a huge library, since disappeared, of every book he could find, periodical or whatever, that concerned the Jews.  This was a spectacular topical library.  In charge of it he placed his newspaper editor William Cameron to research and write articles exposing Jewish activities and machinations.  These would later be collected in the four volumes of The International Jew.

Cameron was more than competent.  He wrote about ninety articles for the weekly issues before Ford gave it up.  The four volumes are a remarkable compendium covering Jewish activities in every field of their involvement in American society.  Ford through Cameron even takes a crack at mocking Benedict Arnold as a creature of the Jews.  Especially satisfying as during his lawsuit with the Chicago Tribune in 1919 he flubbed a question on the stand confusing Benedict Arnold with the English novelist Arnold Bennett.  Why the question was allowed by the judge isn’t clear because it had nothing to do with the charge, but at least Henry was up enough on current literature to know who Arnold Bennett was.  Henry got his back with that article.

Rather than respond to the content of the articles the Jews naturally began a defamation campaign couple with vigilante action.  Now, the socialist program had been derailed in 1920 when Warren G. Harding as the Republican candidate won the presidential election.

The Democrat combo of James Cox and Franklin D. Roosevelt running on a Wilson/League of Nations platform were slaughtered in a landslide of votes against them.  Harding promised a return to Normalcy that presumably meant a resumption of the McKinley and Taft administrations.  This meant that the Jews were expelled from Washington and the Communists were first outlawed, then under pressure reinstated, then severely harassed.  The twenties would be lean years for the Revolution in the US.

Ford further aggravated the Jews when he attacked their Farm Program led by one Aaron Sapiro, an insignificant San Francisco lawyer, and the infamous and ubiquitous Bernard Baruch, the Grey Eminence of the Roosevelt administration.

Ford began a new series of articles in 1924 exposing the nature of the co-op program Sapiro and Baruch were trying to impose on the farmers of North America.  Sapiro took exception and sued Ford for, of all things, defamation of character.  The trial begun in 1927 dragged on in search of a conclusion that couldn’t be found so Sapiro tampered with the jury and a mistrial was called.

Rather than go through another trial Ford gave Sapiro the million he was suing for but the trial trashed his reputation so that the rest of the organizer’s life was a failure.

According to Victoria Saker Woeste in her 2010 account of the contest, Henry Ford’s War On Jews And The Legal Battle Against Hate Speech the trial was actually intended to outlaw anti-Semitism thus replicating their Soviet triumph in the United States.  Had they succeeded combined with their anti-Christian campaigns their worldwide situation would have been much as they wished.

With powerful organizations such as the AJC and B’nai B’rith pushing their campaigns, appearances would be that Jews were in control East and West of the two emerging powerhouses with a congeries of small European States firmly in the jaws of the vice ready to be filed down.

It was necessary then to recapture the government they had lost with the Democrat defeat of 1920.  The Republican Interregnum has been defamed as a do nothing period when in fact the groundwork for the Roosevelt programs had been laid but were paralyzed by Democrat inaction.

The Republican presidents in response to Soviet Communism developed what they called the American Plan.  The Plan was based on individualism rather than collectivism.  Thus the Tennessee Valley Authority for which Roosevelt took credit was actually developed in the twenties by the Individualists, in another word, the Republicans.   Remember now that Henry Ford and the Jews were mortal enemies.  Hoover was in the government for the entire twelve years of the Interregnum, eight years as Secretary of Commerce and four years as president.  He was individualist and staunchly opposed to collectivism under any name whether Stalinist or Rooseveltian.  Thus he wanted to develop the Tennessee Valley as private industry.  The man he and his presidents wanted to develop the project was Henry Ford.  Ford was going to be blocked in any way the Jews could do it.

Hoover was an engineer and as such could not but admire the astonishing engineering feats Ford had accomplished with the assembly line.  Ford promised cheap fertilizer (from nitrogen) and electricity and it is likely he would have done so but the collectivists opposed any individualistic private effort.  They then stalled the project, much to the country’s detriment for twelve long years until with the Roosevelt and collectivist triumph Roosevelt put through the TVA as a governmental collectivist project taking full credit for the work.

The same was true with the three great dams, the Hoover on the Colorado (changed to Boulder and then back to Hoover) and the Grand Coulee and Bonneville dams on the Columbia.  Roosevelt who was no engineer borrowed freely from Hoover without credit while mocking him as ‘the Great Engineer.’

The huge Jewish slander machine then was directed at the three Interregnum presidents belittling them and depicting them as do nothing incompetents.  In fact they presided over one of the most prosperous decades in American history under the difficult conditions of Prohibition and insurgent Communism.  Working hard against the presidents Congress thwarted presidential plans to push through productive legislation while sabotaging the economy to create disaster conditions that would defeat the successful Republican decade.  That happened in the engineered debacle of the stock market in ’29.

Accounts will differ of Hoover’s efforts to quickly, even instantaneously, solve the business downturn.  The Judeo-Communists who controlled the press and the newly formed radio networks were able to depict Hoover as a do nothing incompetent who stood around wringing his hands and they have been able to maintain that version until the present.  That Roosevelt failed to solve the problem in eight years doesn’t seem to disturb them.

At that time they prepared to rush back into Washington and indeed the Roosevelt Administration was dominated by Jews and/or Communists.  You don’t need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows.

As Hoover made very clear during the 1932 election the real issue was one of a change in the direction of ideology.  Americans had always been individualist or private initiative, what he called the American Plan.  What Roosevelt embraced was Jewish collectivity or group think.  Communism in a word although Hoover did not use it.

Hoover in his writings says that he had the country on the road to recovery twice but that the recoveries were sabotaged both domestically and internationally. Remember that the Jews were dominant in the Soviet Union while having a pronounced influence in all other European countries except Germany, Italy and Spain.  Japan was anti-Communist although out of the picture here.

There can be no doubt that, wanting to capture the government of the US Jews of both the US and USSR as well as other European countries would do and did everything in their power to prevent the reelection of Hoover putting their puppet Roosevelt in office.  I will go into details in others essays but for here I want to establish the basic groundwork.  Although not a quick victory Jewish collectivism won out.  Today, in the US, the Jews have succeeded in making White males (Aryans) second class citizens living under civil disabilities called hate laws.  White males are thus placed beneath all others. The others are termed ‘protected.’

Thus the American Plan of Hoover was defeated in 1932 while Jewish collectivism triumphed through Roosevelt although they had to start over again after Roosevelt’s death in 1945.

Part 5b will cover the thirties.

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