Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Part Three: The European Holocaust



Part Three

The European Holocaust


R.E. Prindle


The year 1900 may be said to have ushered in the New World Order.  Science and technology had broken through the knowledge ceiling to a new level.  It would be tedious to list all the breakthroughs that occurred almost at once, suffice it to say that movies, the internal combustion engine and airplanes shocked the senses, overturning many established ‘facts.’  Man could fly, could go over a mile a minute and could record a living image of historical figures.  With X-rays the human body became transparent.

Nineteen hundred was only a hint of the future.  Developments over the next fifty to a hundred years would be so rapid and astonishing that few if any minds could keep up and grasp the full significance of the changes.  The present and future seemed so unlimited while the average mind was inversely limited.

Unimaginable riches were about to be in the grasp of millions.  Within a century multi-millionaires would be as common as stones while billionaires would be in abundance.  The hundred million dollar fortunes that so terrified the minds of the nineteenth century are today more common than most believe.

Nor are these inherited fortunes, but money earned by the holders on their own merit.  Many minds collapsed under the strains of being able to gratify material desires while psychological hopes remained unrealized and unrealizable.

Intellectually the discovery of the past opened many minds.  While knowledge has moved ahead rapidly and loosened the impact of these early intellectual adventurers the future nevertheless was built on the backs of men like the anthropologist James G. Frazer and his amazing work The Golden Bough.  Frazer was only one of hundreds.

Nowhere was the future plotted more closely than in the field of Psychology.  Who controls the mind controls society.  The twentieth century would see the development of mind control.  Aldous Huxley laid out the model in his 1932 novel Brave New World.  It was a brave new world but the sneaky old world was dragging behind like a collective unconscious, to play on an idea of the psychologist C.G. Jung.

Jung at one time teamed up with Sigmund Freud in the development of psycho-analysis.  As noted in Part Two Freud was instrumental in the implementation of the Jewish Dream to be, in the words of a Jewish spokesperson Samuel Untermyer, the aristocrats of the world.

If the Jews are a separate people, and they do claim to be that, then the Jews as a people must have to be engaged in some kind of activity to realize their dream.  Psychologically that dream is a post hypnotic suggestion and as is well known post-hypnotic suggestions will be acted upon.  While the Protocols of Zion are not necessary to prove anything the text does accurately plot out Jewish intentions.

A modern Jewish writer, the US rabbi Abba Hillel Silver expressed those plans in his book A History Of Messianic Speculation In Israel.  The last big effort to overthrow Europeans occurred in 1666.  The 666 is the number of the Beast, thus maintaining the Satanic connection to Freud.  At that time a messianic candidate named Sabbatai Zevi was active in the Ottoman empire of present day Turkey.  He was called before the Sultan at which time the Jews expected him to declare the Millennium.  Don’t take this lightly, Jews sold all their possessions for a song for a grand fling as money would not be needed in the Millennium.  Across Europe Jews prepared to begin the slaughter of Europeans with Zevi’s pronouncement.  Disappointingly Zevi when confronted by the power of the Sultan opted for conversion to Moslemism rather than announcing the Millennium.

This was a cruel disappointment to the Jews sending them off the rails for a couple hundred years, perhaps even to the present.  The Learned Elders then determined to never rely on an individual messiah again.  Apparently they realized that the Messiah would never appear, something like waiting for the Godeau of Balzac.

According to Silver then, the only way to realize the Redemption was for the whole people to work for the revolution that would realize the Millennium.  As Silver says, the years 1913-28 were designated as the revolutionary period that would usher in the Millennium.  Thus one must believe that as the great years neared the Jewish people became frenzied as they were in 1666 immersed in hopes of the success of the European Holocaust that would bring them into their own.

It nearly succeeded in 1903-05 but a little extra effort was needed to put it over the top in 1917.  The extermination of the European peoples was part and parcel of the revolution.  The Jews certainly must have realized that they would have failed in the slaughter of the Europeans in 1666 so more indirect methods would be required in this latest attempt.  Perhaps they could get the Europeans to shoot each other while in the resulting desolation perhaps enough could be made to starve to death making finishing them off easier.

Yes, I know that sounds farfetched, doesn’t it?  But, look at how it all came down.


It would be absurd to say that the Jews were not politically involved in European and American affairs, directing things to their benefit, but so they apparently would have us believe.  They said that Henry Ford was absurd, that he ‘invented’ an international Jewish conspiracy and ought to be punished not only for saying but thinking it.  He was a hateful anti-Semite, so they said.

Let’s look at the situation.  As the century turned the Jews were a semi-autonomous people from Russia to North America; that is around the world actually as Russia and North America are narrowly separated by the Bering Straits in the Arctic.

So the Jews in 1900 were influential in Russia, the Baltic States, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, the Balkans, Germany, France, England, the whole of Europe as well as having burgeoning populations in the US and Canada.  That’s an international presence.

There were numerous purely Jewish organization in all those States.  The avowed purpose of all these organizations was to look after Jewish interests worldwide.  Wherever an act occurred anywhere in the world that affected Jewish interests, the whole world’s attention was focused on the incident while ‘justice’ was demanded.

Certainly one can say the Jews were ‘breathing together’ which is what the word conspire means and gives the meaning to ‘conspiracy.’


As this is the turn of the twentieth century the great emigration from Europe to North America was reaching full flood.  Fully half of European Jewry would be transferred to the US and Canada from 1870 to 1914.

The great gathering place for the beginning of the Jewish trek across Europe was the city of Brody on the Austro-Hungarian border with Russia.  Brody was 88% Jewish, described by the Jews as a city where wisdom and wealth, Torah understanding, commerce and faith were united.  For forty some years streams of migrating Jews began the trek to the North German ports where they embarked for North America.  Thus just as the immiserization of the US South began in what is described as Reconstruction the Jews set out for the New Promised Land.

The great Jewish money lords of Europe and North America pitched in to organize the flow.  While this was in violation of the regulations governing immigration to the US, as usual, the Jews flaunted all the rules conspiring together.

For nearly fifty years the roads leading Northwest to Germany were clogged with penniless Jews leading toward what they thought was salvation.  Crowds passed by or through Vienna making that city the eye of the storm.  Young Adolf Hitler must have witnessed the phenomenon.

While the Jews were in movement in Europe, in the wake of the US Civil War and the building of the railroads, armies of hobos shattered by the war or unable to adjust to rapidly changing conditions roamed restlessly back and forth, North and South seeking a redemption of their own no less despised than the Jews.

A considerable body of literature of that phenomenon also developed well portrayed in a few of the stories of Jack London and Edgar Rice Burroughs.

As the body of Jews in the US grew, perhaps in anticipation of the coming European Holocaust the Jewish world government was transferred from France to New York City.  The history of revolution in Europe was pointing to a mega attempt in Germany but it finally occurred in Russia then rebounding West after the First European Holocaust of 1914-18.

Thus, with 1913, the first year of the Jewish Revolution’s approach the Jews were scrambling to get into position.  As noted, Teddy Roosevelt gave the Jews as a nation a seat the bargaining table that ended the Russo-Japanese war in 1905.  Using that as a basis for harassing the Russians the Jews demanded a break in US Russian political relations.  Using that strength as a basis for harassing the Russians Jews demanded a break in US-Russian diplomatic relations.  Using the excuse of being American citizens the Jews were entering Russia to manage anti-Russian activities then scooting back across the Russian border.  The Russians saw them as Jews no different than their own thus refusing to honor their US passports.  Using this as an excuse the Jews caused President Taft to break diplomatic relations.

Then with the capture of the presidency in 1913 by Woodrow Wilson the Jews who had backed him flooded into Washington where they began to establish themselves as a semi-autonomous people in the US.  They were well on their way until the Republicans regained the presidency from 1921-1933 ousting them from Washington DC and upsetting their plans temporarily.


The Propaganda War

Now that I’ve softened up the psychological situation a little we can go into it in a little more detail.  The early decades of the twentieth century laid the groundwork for the manipulation of the citizen’s mind.  Some might call it the mass mind but all great mind manipulation is aimed directly at the individual as a unit of a body.  Advertising is meant to move the individual personally one at a time.  Thus good mind manipulation is aimed directly at you.

As the Jews existed only as a miniscule percentage of the total Euroamerican population with no central base of operations and no military the only method available to them was mind control.  They availed themselves of it, hence the concentration of the media in their hands or under the control of themselves.  The idea being to get the Jewish view across to the exclusion of any other.  Jewish good, Other bad.

This means that the Protocols are an authentic expression of Jewish goals.  The Protocols were obsolete as they were written since the modern media that have displaced the newspaper as a vehicle of dissemination were developing rapidly- that is, the movies, radio, the magazines and color photography, telephones, telegraphy and all related media.  These too fell under the ownership and management of the Jews.  I entertain no denials; the facts are the facts.

At the same time as the rise of Psychology and psycho-analysis, advertising and public relations dependent on psychological ideas and methods also began tremendous propagandistic assaults on the citizen’s mind.  Advertising and public relations are the epitome of propaganda.  The terms are inter-changeable.

Sigmund Freud was a master propagandist, it’s a bit of a stretcher, but psycho-analysis as conceived by Freud is propaganda of the most effective sort.  Freud had a nephew working out of the US who is said to have been one of the founders of public relations by the name of Edward Bernays.  Bernays was related to Freud’s wife.

He and Freud were in relatively close contact; Freud allowed Bernays to publish his writings.  The goal of Judaism as ‘the aristocrats of the world’ as Untermyer claimed is to assume the position of authority which is the place of the aristocrat over the hoi polloi or, in other words, the rest of us.

Not quite as blatant as Untermyer Feud and Bernays expressed their desire in this way:  As people are in the control of their unconscious, which by Freud’s definition is affected by irrational impulses, they are unreliable and subject to error, that is irrational attempts to harm the world’s aristocrats, therefor their minds have to be manipulated by an elite group that knows what is best for them.

While Freud and Bernays don’t define who this group of superior guides is, since Freud and Bernays are chief guides it must be the Jews, aristocratic Jews directing the hoi polloi.

Thus while Freud masks himself as a scientific investigator of the psyche he is actually a propagandist furthering the ends of the Jewish Revolution.  I don’t mean to say that he didn’t introduce some valid psychological concepts, I myself take a Freudian approach, but that he used his knowledge for parochial ends and they were not benign.  Freud was all for the European Holocaust.

Freud was well read in psychological literature.  His chapter on previous research and speculation on the nature of dreams in his Interpretation Of Dreams is exhaustive and believe me, impressive.  Freud took from everyone then trashed their reputations taking credit for their discoveries for himself.  It was criminal the way he shouldered Pierre Janet aside while the attack on C.G. Jung was no less vicious.

As mentioned above the idea of the Unconscious was well established before Freud gave it his peculiar interpretation.  His idea of the Unconscious is just that, his idiosyncratic interpretation.  It is a creation of his imagination, a fiction.

In his configuration the Unconscious is a religious magical or spiritual entity that exists outside the mind and body while controlling it.  The Unconscious displaces the Conscious rational mind in the same way that Lucifer was ejected from heaven by God.  The unconscious becomes Satanic as a repository of evil impulses.  Any attempt to exercise conscious self-control in Freudian terms became Repression and Repression according to Freud’s scheme of things is harmful.  Thus all ignoble impulses are to be indulged less one damages one’s psyche.

This is not too far from Jacob Frank’s notion that before the Jews can become good they must first expel the evil in their hearts by committing all possible crimes until evil is exhausted and good can enter in.  Freud has successfully imposed these mistaken notions on the Western world.  He succeeded in slandering and defaming all other interpretations of the unconscious.

While the unconscious may seem real, in point of fact it merely is a legitimate function of the mind.  Like any other function it can be perverted.  Freud correctly noted that the dream material rehashed events of the day.  What the conscious mind had no time to notice the impressions still entered the mind thus the sleeping mind, the brain still functioning, recalls those impressions trying to make sense of them.  However this sense is distorted by fixations, or actually post-hypnotic suggestions, created by events of the past.  The fixations interpret events according to their faulty understanding.   A fixation may be compared to a computer virus in which an entry for one site is redirected to another.

Thus one has those fantastic dreams that are incomprehensible.  The true purpose of psycho-analysis is to find these fixations or viruses and exorcize them by enunciating them.  Locating the fixations is easy but the victim is terrified by them refusing to enunciate them.  If the analysand can enunciate the fixation it disappears as an influence on his behavior.

If the central fixation is removed the analysand has an integrated personality in which his conscious mind has control.  The brain functions as a coordinated unit rather than being distorted by fixations. This should be the goal of psycho-analysis.  With the conscious and unconscious mind unified into a whole the analysand is probably what Scientologists call a ‘clear.’

Instead of aiming for this goal Freud took the Satanic approach favoring the unconscious over the conscious mind.  Thus Freudian Satanism has triumphed in our time.

The Jews then combined Freudian psychology with Marxism producing such hybrids as the Da Da movement of the war years and subsequently the Critical Theory of the Frankfort School that emerged in the twenties in Germany then coming to the United States in the thirties raising havoc here.  By the early sixties non-Jews in the US had been completely demoralized not knowing who they were.

Using this species of mind control then the Jews released the fire storm of WWI that destroyed the best of the manhood of Europe in the worst holocaust the world had seen to that date.

The principle weapon of the Jews was not cannons but food, or the lack of it, as a weapon of mass destruction- starvation.  The period from 1914 to 1945 would be one of ravenous hunger.  The destruction of Europeans as bad as it was would have been even more phenomenal, much worse than it was, except for one thing- the US.  The US provided a bete noir for the Jews in the person of Herbert Hoover.  Hoover thwarted the famine caused by the war by bringing food to the Europeans.   He would be rewarded for this after 1933 by one of the worst slander campaigns ever directed at a single human being.  It would not be until after the death of Roosevelt in 1945 and the lessening of Jewish influence in Washington that the defamation would let up.

Hoover’s first effort was in Belgium in the opening period of the war.  He single handedly directed the Belgian relief that saved millions of lives.  After the Armistice, Wilson’s great betrayal of the German people, the allies prevented food stuffs from being sent to the Germans in what appears to have been a genocidal attempt to destroy the German people.  Once again Hoover came to the rescue bringing relief to the starving Germans.

The war ravaged Eastern Europe preventing any substantial harvests for the four years so that by 1921 starvation raged from Poland East through Russia.  Millions  died and millions more were dying.  Once again Hoover led the rescue mission earning the undying hatred of the Jews whose genocidal holocaust was to some extent thwarted.

With the Jewish world government out of harm’s way in the US the bodies hit the ground in Europe.  Let the European Holocaust begin.  Now, in 1916 Henry Ford’s testimony is that the American Jewish Committee’s Herman Bernstein and Rosa Schwimmer told him on his Peace Ship the Oscar II that the Jews had promulgated the war and only they could stop it.  Of course Bernstein and Schwimmer denied saying this but Ford affirmed they did.  Ford was denounced as an anti-Semite which is merely a convenient and irrefutable accusation so that between believing the AJC agents and Ford I’m going with Ford not to mention that subsequent facts bear him out.

Among the many organizations devoted to furthering Jewish interests one of the most important, still in existence and active today, was the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee that was organized in 1914 at the outbreak of the war.  The purpose of the Joint, alternatively the JDC, was to aid Eastern European Jews in the aftermath of the war.  The bulk of European Jewry lived in the Pale of Settlement, which was a large strip of land, larger than several US States between Poland and Russia, and this area was ravaged by the contending forces for four years with continuing warfare until 1921.

The JDC then collected money and supplies to go to the aid of the Jews exclusively after the war.  There was a virtual invasion of Russia, The Pale, by American Jewish welfare workers after the war.  As the famine mounted, by 1921 Herbert Hoover, the bete noir of the Jews, organized a massive relief effort while heading the Dept. of Commerce in the Harding Administration.  His relief effort was not appreciated by the Jewish dominated Communist Party of the now Soviet Union.

All was not peace, love and happiness in the nascent Soviet Union.  Remember the Communist Soviet Union supplanted the Czars and Russia.  After the revolution the name Russia was erased from the map by the Jews being replaced by the Soviet Union.  There were very few Russians running the Soviet government.  Stalin himself was a Georgian while the Jews formed a majority of the upper levels while nearly owning the bureaucracy.

As Dostoievsky had prophesied, given the opportunity the Jews would have exterminated the Russians.  This was their opportunity and they set about it with a vengeance.  In Russia abattoirs were set up in which the Russians were pushed in one door, hacked to pieces and the remains shoved out the other door.  It is said that the butchers waded ankle deep through the blood and gore.

While this was going on numerous White, that is Czarist, armies were waging war against the Soviets on several fronts aided by the US, Japan and England.

The immiseration of the Russian people can hardly be imagined.  Hordes of feral orphans were roaming the streets of the cities.

The revolutionary cadres of Soviet operatives flowed back from Russia West into central Europe seriously endangering the German State.  Had the Communists triumphed there can be no doubt that many millions of Germans would have been murdered in a genocidal rage.  Hungary was seized by the Jew Bela Kun and his lieutenant the mad butcher Tibor Szmuelly who then murdered tens of thousands of Hungarians before the Communists were thrown out by the concerted efforts of the Western States and the Hungarians themselves.

In Germany the various Volkist Freikorps, of which Hitler was the leader of one, put down several revolutionary attempts to at least keep Germany out the Judaeo-Communist camp.

The postwar revolutionary battles were not forgotten by the Germans.  The fear of the Communists and Jews was on them.  The war between the Reds and Whites in the East did not end with the Armistice but continued for years.  Thus while the so-called Peace Conference was going on in Paris hostilities still raged throughout the East.

While the Jews claim to be loyal to the States in which they reside there was a national contingent of Jews working solely for Jewish interests at the Peace Conference.  Of course their influence on Wilson, more or less their tool, was enormous.

As noted above the Jews were distributed in every country throughout Europe and North America in each of which they were influential to varying degrees if not commanding.  In this sense then as an international people they had or were on the way to establishing a world government.  The First European Holocaust in which the flower of European manhood went to the grave enhanced Jewish penetration.  This influence or power increased in the twenties and thirties until combined with Communist Soviet Russia a loose Jewish Communist worldwide federation would have come into existence.

The twelve year Republican Interregnum in the US delayed the Jewish triumph until 1933 when having sabotaged the Republicans their tool Franklin Delano Roosevelt was installed.  However their success in Europe in 1933 was spoiled by the election of a Volkist president in Germany, Adolf Hitler of the German National Socialist Party, commonly known as the Nazis.

Hitler and the Nazis had taken the measure of the Judaeo-Communists and meant to eradicate their influence.  The Nazis outlawed the Communist Party and the Jews were disenfranchised within Germany having severe civil disabilities imposed on them.  The conspiratorial Jews, the Critical Theorists of the Frankfort School, Psychoanalysts and others removed themselves to the security of the US under Roosevelt.  In 1941 Hitler moved against the rats nest invading the Soviet Union.

To back track.  The Judaeo-Communist method was the system of the future.  As a man of the past Woodrow Wilson was ardent to establish a parliamentary system called the League of Nations.  The League set up as a supranational State with its capital in Geneva.  The various members sent delegates to Geneva who then chattered endlessly as parliamentarians do.

The newly established Soviet Union however followed the Jewish model.  The USSR as the successor State of Russia established the Communist International- the Commintern.  The central Communist government in Moscow then established subversive stations in key capitals- Berlin, Paris, London and New York City.  The Commintern was aided and abetted by the pinks, liberals and fellow travelers throughout the West as well as the Jews in all countries.  The various national Communist Parties were all over fifty percent Jewish so that the two organizational systems meshed creating very large and effective subversive organizations more effective than the League Of Nations.

When Wilson tried to impose his vision of a League Of Nations on the US he met intense resistance.  The opposition was powerful enough to thwart his design and rightly so.  Nevertheless the Judaeo-Communists ruled the propaganda media.  Defamation was the method of the propagandists.  Each and every person who opposed them, such as Henry Ford, Warren G. Harding and Herbert Hoover was vilified insufferably until their reputations and entire lives past, present and future were tarnished.

On the other hand the mantle of sainthood was promoted for people such as Wilson, Brandeis, and FDR.   One can tell how the lines were drawn by whose reputation was trashed and whose wasn’t.

Thus, when Hitler announced an independent course for Germany free from Judaeo-Communists and, equally as important if not moreso, International Finance Banking, he and Germany were surrounded by enemies bent on their destruction.  German hatred reached a frenzy.  Calls for the Final Solution for German’s appeared before any German retaliation.

To return to the situation in the United States.  The key to Jewish strategy was to control the food supply.  Thus in Europe the famines in Belgium, Germany, Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union between 1914 and 1933-34 were all part of the European Holocaust engineered by the Jews.  The immiseration of Europeans was such as had never been seen in the world before while tens of millions of Europeans ceased to exist.  The European Holocaust was on.

The Soviets having gained control of the Russian food supply by the collectivization of farming, the murder of the successful farmers known as Kulaks and the re-Serfing of the unsuccessful plus the brutally engineered famines of 1933-34 put food in the control of the State.  Food was doled out in small amounts while requiring long waits in longer lines.


Food In North America

The attempt to control the North American food supplies began in an inconspicuous way just after the turn of the century.  While I may incorporate a divagation or two this section covers the food coops, Henry Ford and Aaron Sapiro.  The story has never been adequately treated.  The most ambitious  attempt has been Victoria Saker Woeste’s  badly flawed Henry Ford’s War On Jews And The Legal Battle Against Hate Speech published in 2012.

One can’t say the Jewish history in the United States has been distorted out of all recognition but it has been distorted while it is forbidden to objectively incorporate Jewish political activities into the context of American history.  One can read volumes that provide no indication of Jewish involvement in American affairs or its extent.  To do so, of course, would leave the author open to charges of anti-Semitism and hence the end of his career and perpetual blacklisting.

Thus few are aware of the various important Jewish individuals who have shaped and directed our politics and history.  Many of the names to be mentioned will be unfamiliar or unknown to the reader.  I will try to give some background.

Aaron Sapiro a central figure in the Ford story would be completely unknown today except for his million dollar lawsuit against Henry Ford.  That suit involved his financial misuse of farm coops to which Ford called attention.

Miss Woeste in her Henry Ford’s War On Jews creates the impression that Aaron Sapiro and his so-called California Plan was some sort of innovator.  In fact farm coops were already common enough mid-nineteenth century without any Jewish involvement.  Sapiro himself under the tutelage of one David Lubin stepped into an already existing orange grower’s coop based in Southern California although Lubin and Sapiro began their operations among a group of Jewish orange growers around Sacramento.

At the time the two orange growing regions in the US were Florida and California.  The California acreage was immense.  The State was nearly one large orange grove.  Florida had the advantage of better and more direct rail transportation to the large Eastern markets than California, thus California growers had to overcome disadvantages.  Originally it took over a month to move oranges to Eastern markets.  In the natural evolution of marketing practices then it would seem that Rubin and Sapiro took too much credit on themselves.  Something like Freud appropriating all psychology as his own.

What Ford objected to in Sapiro’s coop efforts was that Sapiro set up an intermediary company of middlemen between the farmers, growers and end users that benefited financially better than the producers.  There can be no doubt that this was one of the intents of Lubin/Sapiro’s California Plan.  The other was to gain control of the commodity in question.

Thus Sapiro’s plan was to include all producers in a coop with very long contracts of up to fifteen years.  The coop and administrators would take possession of each farmer’s total crop storing the crop themselves.  The farmers would be paid one third of the crop on delivery, the rest being distributed as the overall crop sold.  Thus payments would trickle in over time leaving the producers dependent on the coop managers for income. They essentially became slaves of the coop.

As can be readily seen the coops’ administrators would siphon off a considerable portion of the proceeds as wages and expenses while the producers would have no recourse as the managers were in possession and the producers were under a ‘sacred’ contract for a long period of time.  There was no escaping.  Sapiro himself was making a fortune of up to 80K a year before Ford caught on to him.

In addition, if all the producers of a commodity could be signed on, a coop would have control of the entire annual production.  The stated plan being to keep the crop off the market until the coop got the price it wanted.  Thus a consequence, rather intended or not, was that the population could be starved into submission.

Ford objected to this exploitation of the producers and public so that he began an expose of Sapiro using his very influential newspaper the International Dearborn Independent.  He began a twenty part series condemning Sapiro.  Sapiro took offense at having his activities exposed and brought charges against Ford.  One wonders what his defense would have been as his method was obvious.

Perhaps for that reason he adopted two tactics.  One was to require Ford to take the stand.  Ford had had a bad experience in a previous lawsuit against the Chicago Tribune in 1919 not wishing to have to endure irrelevant and humiliating questioning again especially as Sapiro’s questions would center on anti-Semitism rather than his own coop activities.  The second approach of Sapiro, indeed, was to introduce the irrelevant charge of anti-Semitism, hence the subtitle of Miss Woeste’s book, And The Legal Battle Against Hate Speech.  Thus Sapiro tried to make the trial one that would outlaw criticism of Jewish activities or ‘hate speech’ thus imposing civil disabilities on non-Jews while violating the Constitutional right of free speech.

As it was Sapiro interfered with the jury causing a mistrial.  Thus while nothing was resolved in the first trial Sapiro supported by the entire Jewish establishment of ‘international’ Jews was prepared to refile even though the first trial had exhausted his resources.  Ford himself was in the middle of his first model change from the T to the A and could ill afford to divert his attention.

Rather than pursue a trial that was no longer concerned with the facts of the Coop Movement but had degenerated into some kind of Jewish fantasy Ford gave Sapiro his million and threw in the towel.

However he had been right about Sapiro.  Sapiro mentor David Lubin who had migrated to Sacramento from New York State came up with the plan of the coop’s managers essentially buying the grower members entire crop on credit and then wholesaling it themselves sending the change to the growers on resale.  Sort of a consignment deal.  Lubin left the job of organizing to Sapiro going off to Italy where after conning the King of Italy he died of influenza in 1919.

Sapiro offering his legal services for a very high fee as Ford said then began organizing any commodity that was handy mainly trying to create coop monopolies in wheat that would give the Jews control of the most important food stuff after which one presumes they would demand extortionate prices.

Nor was Sapiro operating alone against Ford.  He had the support of the major Jewish organizations including Untermyer and Louis Marshall of the American Jewish Committee.  There were many important Jews who worked behind the scenes almost anonymously to achieve Jewish objectives.  Perhaps most prominent among these was the Supreme Court justice Louis Brandeis and his acolyte the Harvard law professor Felix Frankfurter who would be increasingly influential through the FDR administration.

Equally if not more important was the Wall Street bear Bernard Baruch.  He gave up speculation under the Wilson administration to enter ‘public service.’  He was named as a collaborator of Sapiro along with Albert Lasker and Eugene Meyer.  Meyer was a banker and Lasker was a propagandist.  Once again Ford was correct.

Ford and his good friend Edison had worked out an alternative farm plan that Edison took to Baruch who was also viewed as a commodity expert to get his opinion.  Whether he knew of Baruch’s involvement in Sapiro’s Plan isn’t clear but Baruch dismissed the Ford/Edison plan out of hand. 

The Kentucky tobacco growers sought counsel with Baruch and he referred them to Sapiro and his famous California Plan.  We also know what that plan was.  By this time Sapiro was sucking 80K a year out of the various coops he’d set up.

Then after 1920 Ford got wind of Sapiro and the California Plan deciding to expose Sapiro.  The rest you know.

The consequence of the trial was however disastrous for Sapiro.  He lost his reputation and was forced out of the coop movement.  So for the moment the Jews were frustrated which is to say they had to take a change of direction.  They went full out to defeat Herbert Hoover who was elected president shortly after the trial ended and they succeeded in getting their man FDR elected in 1933.  Brandeis and Frankfurter triumphed.  The two had been working together politically from 1916 on.

Frankfurter had developed a loyal coterie of radical ex-students.  Roosevelt depended on Frankfurter for nominations to posts so that when the AAA was formed- the Agricultural Adjustment Administration- Frankfurter filled the agency with his own men promoting essentially the same agenda as Sapiro although taking a different even more effective form.  By the time of Roosevelt’s death the administration was telling farmers what they could and couldn’t grow and how much.

Ford had already made himself the center of the storm in 1920-22 when he set about to resolve the Jewish problem that arose from the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 that essentially was a Jewish plot of the nature of the First Russian Revolution of 1903-05.  Ford was not alone, there was a worldwide reaction.  It was at this time the Jews pulled out the Protocols as a diversionary red herring.  From out of obscurity the Protocols took center stage as the Jews vehemently denied their authorship blaming them instead on ‘the one armed shaggy man’ otherwise known as the anti-Semites.

The Jewish damage controllers got to work.

Ford was not alone in his campaign to expose Jewish machinations.  In England the Manchester Guardian waged an even more intense campaign highlighting Jewish domination of the Bolshevist Soviet Union accentuating that it was part of the plan of the Protocols.  Unfortunately the Guardian relied too heavily on that publication.

The Jewish response was to claim that the Protocols were a forgery, the work of anti-Semites, while the Protocols were based on an illusory Dialogues Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu In Hell that was not only unheard of but something that no one had ever seen and hence couldn’t have been read and if unread how did anyone know the content.  This fact seemed to pass unnoticed. 

At the same time applying political and probably pecuniary pressure to the prestigious London Times newspaper to have ‘experts’ proclaim that the Protocols were indeed a forgery they succeeded although the Times opinion was just that, an opinion.  The Times proclamation took the wind out of the sails of their adversaries who accepted the Times verdict without demur thus defusing the battle.

Ford continued the fight until 1922 when under a terrific barrage of abuse he too ceased publishing.  The 1924 expose of Sapiro that the Jews took personally had nothing to do with Jews per se but the diddling of the farmers by Sapiro and his buddies.


Part Four dealing with twenties and thirties follows.

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