Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Review: Night Will Fall, The TV Documentary

A Review:  The TV Documentary

Night Will Fall


R.E. Prindle

The Dachau Blues

Dachau blues, those poor jews

Dachau blues, those poor jews

Dachau, Dachau blues

Down in Dachau blues

Still cryin’ ‘bout the burnin’

Back in world war two’s

Don Van Vliet- Captain Beefheart

And His Magic Band


The time is over for the hysteria of the discovery of the Nazi death camps in the aftermath of WWII.  As shocking as their discovery was, seventy years after we have had time to reflect and come to a sounder understanding.  The death camps were only one of a whole series of astounding catastrophes post 1917.  Thus the import of the Army films exhibited under the title Night Will Fall last night (1/26/15) had more of a historical relevance than the horrific shock value of seventy years past.  You can only milk the cow until it’s dry.

Yes, the slaughter of the Jews was horrific but no more horrific than the slaughter of the German people by the allies in the closing days of the war and its aftermath.  Remember the Germans were supposed to be the children of darkness while the Western allies and the Holy Soviets were supposed to be the children of light.  We were not supposed to do things like that.  We can see clearly now.

Not only were the Soviets criminally at fault but the Western allies equally so.  France has nothing to be proud of while Jewish and American reprisals were no less reprehensible.   Let us be sensible.

If there were only one book to read concerning the horrors the German population had to endure at the hands of the ‘humane’ allies that book would be Hellstorm: The Death Of Nazi Germany, 1944-47, Aberdeen Books, 2010.

For those who enjoy accounts of sadism as well as for those of us who would know to better understand:  Hellstorm, p. 4-5.

Thus it was, that on the night of October 26, as Nemmersdorf and other communities nearest the front slept in imagined security, the unthinkable occurred.  After punching a hole through the German lines, the Red Army suddenly burst into the Reich.  Within hours, the Soviets widened the gap and swarmed over the countryside.  After several days of desperate fighting the Wehrmacht regrouped, launched a furious counterattack, then eventually drove the [Soviets] back across the border.  What German troops found upon reclaiming the lost ground, however, was staggering.


“[T]hey tortured civilians in many villages…’ reported one German officer, “nailed some on barn doors and shot many others.”  Along the road “treks” of fleeing refugees  had been overtaken by the communists, the people pulled from their carts, then raped and murdered on the spot.  It was at Nemmersdorf, though, where stunned soldiers first viewed hell on earth.  Recorded a physician with the army, Lt. Heinrich Amberger:  On the road through Nemmersdorf, over the bridge…I saw where a whole trek of refugees had been rolled over by [Soviet] tanks; not only the wagons and teams, but also a goodly number of civilians, mostly women and children…[T]hey had been squashed flat by the tanks.  At the edge of the road and in the farm yards lay quantities of corpses of civilians who evidently had been murdered systematically.”

Added another horrified witness:

In the farmyard further down the road stood a cart, to which four naked women were nailed through their hands in a cruciform position.  Beyond it stood a barn and to each of the two doors a naked woman was nailed through the hands in a crucified posture.  In the dwellings we found a total of seventy-two woman, including children, and one old man, 74, all dead, all murdered in a bestial manner, except only a few who had bullet holes in their necks.  Some babies had their heads bashed in.

Every female including girls as young as eight, had been raped.”

And that’s only page 4, it goes on for another three hundred pages.  Well, you might say, the German had it coming; the Nazis employed slave labor etc., etc. etc.

This may be true but then I suppose one has heard of the Soviet gulags where millions and millions, whole nations, were worked to death under the most miserable conditions, supervised by Jewish commandants and guards.  But, perhaps they were only following orders.  There is no Nazi atrocity that could not have been learned from the Soviet Union from 1917 to the end of the war.  Millions were murdered in the years immediately following the Soviet takeover in 1917 in the Soviet Union, Hungary and even Germany.  Had the Revolution succeeded in Central Europe as it had in Eastern Europe tens of millions more would have been slaughtered and that largely at the hands of the Jews.
Europe After The Scrubbing Of Germany

It should always be remembered that Weimar Germany was a battlefield between the Judaeo-Communists and the various German volkist parties that coalesced into the NSDAP.  The Stormtroopers fought Judaeo-Communists in the streets for over a decade before the Nazis assumed control of the government in 1933 and suppressed the Reds.  The invasion of the Soviet Union was merely a continuance of that war.

Nor did the Jewish war against the Germans end in 1933, it had just begun.  The international Jews outside Germany declared war on Germany.  This war was carried on most effectively from the United States of the Roosevelt dictatorship; he was given war powers on assuming office.

The Jews accused the Germans as being savage beasts?  But how innocent were the Jews?  Ans. They weren’t.

Jewish atrocities in Russia, Hungary, Germany and other places after 1917 to, say, 1921 have all been suppressed.  If holocaust deniers are supposed to be bad they are nothing to Jewish deniers of their atrocities.  I have no doubt that the books concerning the horrible atrocities committed by Bela Kun and Tibor Szmuelly have been removed from the Library of Congress.  One sometimes reads veiled references to the crimes against humanity (a big phrase thirty or forty years ago) but the grimness of that horrible period would dwarf anything that happened at Dachau.  Even today the Jews are calling for the genocide of the entire Aryan race.

In Russia Jewish abattoirs were busy all day long as Russians were pushed in one door hacked to pieces and the gore shoved off that gruesome assembly line out the door at the other end.  Russians were crucified in one giant pogrom on endless miles of telegraph poles, the blackened skin of their hands flapping in the breeze because the skin had been loosed by chemicals.

No, no, you won’t find it easy to read about their atrocities but some few books are out there if you look hard enough.  Of course, the Jews say that those are all lies.  Yes, the Nazi atrocities did occur but in many ways they were payback, maybe even in emulation of what had gone before.

As indicated, the Jews were at war with the Germans all through the Weimar years finally declaring war in 1933 when under Roosevelt’s aegis they flowed back into power in DC.  Brandeis, Frankfurter, Baruch, Untermyer and the rest.  They ran Roosevelt.  They demanded and did get sanctions against Germany.  Roosevelt famously called for quarantining the aggressors.  He just neglected to identify the true aggressors.

Congress frantically tried to hamstring Roosevelt and the Jews by passing very strict neutrality legislation.  Roosevelt just ignored it, inventing excuses for his aggressions.

Listen to the German indignation at FDR.  That’s not just balderdash.  They were constantly provoked from DC.  Whether we are willing to acknowledge it or not the Germans were under constant assault from 1917 to the end of 1945.  It wasn’t just the Nazis, the Jews led a chorus of hate against not only the Nazis but the whole German people, both before and after the war.

In Part IV of my review of Wendell Wilkie’s One World, Chumps Playing Stud, I begin assembling the various steps of Jewish propaganda during the thirties and forties as they jockeyed for a position for the control of Roosevelt and through him the United States while whipping up German hatred for the ‘just’ war.  FDR was their dupe.

A key document in their Germanophobia was a book, pamphlet really, issued under the name of Theodore Nathan Kaufman entitled ‘Germany Must Perish!’  Kaufman was a petty criminal from Newark, New Jersey.  Newark- New-Ark- was a leading Jewish colony at the time fully insulated from the United States.  There is no way Kaufman could have written Germany Must Perish.  The scope and range of knowledge would have been quite beyond his limited education.

Just as the composition of Undercover in 1943 supposedly written by an Armenian immigrant Arthur Derounian and assigned to a corporate name, John Roy Carlson, Germany Must Perish must have been written by AJC writers and sent up as a trial balloon to see how Americans would react to the idea of the extermination of all Germans.

The book, or pamphlet, it is only forty pages, called for the eradication of Germany from the map and the genocide of all Germans though sterilization so that the entire German nation would disappear from the earth forever within one generation.  Something like the extermination the Amalekites of old.  Old habits die hard.

That the ideas were being bruited around in Jewish councils is evident from post-war efforts to implement the plan by the Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau Jr.  Between the Soviet atrocities committed by Russians and Jews in the East and Allied criminality in the West also centered around Jewish wishes Germans were fortunate to survive.  As I indicated the crimes are fully documented in Goodrich’s book Hellstorm.  The hellstorm was just as horrible as the so-called holocaust if not moreso.

Kaufman’s Germany Must Perish, now denigrated as the work of an eccentric with no effect is a complete misrepresentation of the facts.  Germany Must Perish received national exposure via Time Magazine and numerous city newspapers.

German intelligence picked up on the book and a reply was issued by Joseph Goebbels agency titled The War Goal Of World Plutocracy.   Note the enemy identified.  Wolfgang Diewerge to whom Plutocracy is attributed says this:

At almost the same time that the two chief warmongers Roosevelt and Churchill were meeting on the president’s luxury yacht “Potomac”, singing pious songs and praying for the victory of Bolshevism, leading personages in the United States and England received a small long package that contained a miniature black coffin.

Upon opening it, they found a card telling them:  “Read the pamphlet ‘Germany Must Perish!’”

The day after this announcement they received a 104-page booklet with a red cover, with “Germany Must Perish!” in gold lettering.

The coffin might be interpreted as a warning to the recipient while the red cover gives away the political position of the sender.  So this was a very serious campaign by master propagandists not a nitwit criminal like Kaufman.  The Jews had not a few very capable propagandists including the Grand Master of Propagandists the recently deceased Sigmund Freud, his nephew Edward Bernays, Albert Lasker, Gustavus Myers, and others.

The Kaufman campaign began in 1941 when the US was not at war with anyone and supposedly neutral.  Did the Germans sit up and take notice?  Why shouldn’t they?  As Goebbels said, If Germans must die then Jews must die.  It became of a question of who would act first.  The Germans did.

If they were to be exterminated then they would exterminate the exterminators.  How smart was it of the Jews to provoke the Germans?  Yes, the scenes in Night Must Fall were horrendous but no less so than the Soviet Jewish abattoirs in Russia in the wake of 1917.  No less so than the post-war crimes planned by international Jewry at war’s end.  No less so than the current Jewish campaign for the genocide of Whiteness.

Henry Morgenthau was rabid and actually tried to implement the Kaufman plan.  Power shifted to the Jews after the Nazi defeat.  Fortunately Roosevelt died just after being elected to his fourth term.  Harry Truman, his successor was compelled to replace the rabid Morgenthau in 1946 in order to get some sanity into postwar plans.

While we viewers were warned to be prepared for outrageous gruesomeness in this propaganda piece, ‘suppressed’ for seventy years, the film was quite mild.  Of course over the last seventy years we have been conditioned to much worse.  Much more horrific was the 1958 exposure when the Jews commandeered all three networks to show a really horrible exposure of Auschwitz.  As the time slot was appropriated on all three networks there was no escaping it other than turning off the TV which few did.  Yes, I, we, were shown what it was unnecessary for us to see.  I don’t know about others but I was hardened by the film resenting the people who gave me no escape, the intellectual Jewish Nazis.

As if that were not horrible enough a stream of movies was released including 1964’s holocaust porn flick The Pawnbroker.  That foul movie drove the ice pick deeper into our skulls.  Starring Rod Steiger in a great if offensive performance this slimy film was meant to sicken and crush our resistance and nearly did me in.  My resentment deepened while it elicited no sympathy for the Jews in me.  I found their obsession evil.  My resentment only grew.

Then the incredible sadistic brutality of movies since then propagated by these same Jews has succeeded in desensitizing one for whatever horrors were intended to be shown last night.  Actually it wasn’t clear what the movie intended to show.  Mostly filmed in Bergen-Belsen all that was shown was massive starvation.  Starving people to death is a slow process.  Actually American and German soldiers were miraculously thin themselves indicating that no one was eating too well while being very active and under great stress.  Even in their great coats the Germans had flat stomachs and prominent waists.  Not round at all.  Apparently food was scarce.

Many of the scenes seemed staged so a certain sense of falseness crept in,  it quite obviously was intended as a propaganda piece.  The movie seemed more to celebrate the introduction of hand held movie technology more than anything else.  One long scene was a movie of a cameraman filming whatever.  Originally filmed in black and white it was breathlessly announced that color film came later.

Fairly tame stuff for myself having been indoctrinated with the real/reel thing all my life.  At this point, who really cares?  I’m sated.


  1. It is a sad fact that like the similar media obsession with child abuse that some people obviously get off on this stuff.They are given permission to wallow in sadistic torture porn while at the same time claiming that somehow this will stop anything similar from happening again.

  2. Roy: The human mind is a marvelous and wonderful thing. It can turn night into day and day into one you've never conceived before. Always good to hear from you.
